There are lots of Geminis out there, but few are aware of their potentials. My mom and I were born under the sign of Gemini, ruled by Hermes. Mom was a cultivated Gemini and poster child for the geriatric crowd at seventy-seven. I remember mom saying she had “healthy neuroses”. Being her healthiest and happiest self was the only thing that made sense to her. She maximized her best qualities and minimized her worst.

The luckiest thing mom ever did was to marry my dad. They met at a bus stop. He had just returned from WW2 as a hero. It was love at first sight. She was a twenty-one year old virgin princess. He was a twenty-five year old former bad boy turning good. She played Eurydice to his Orpheus and Persephone to his Pluto. I was conceived on their wedding night and born nine months and one day later. Mom wanted to have a natural childbirth, but after thirty-six hours in labor, I was cut out. She came within inches of dying and spent weeks convalescing. When I first discovered astrology, I sought an eminent astrologer for my first reading. “This is a death chart” she told me. “Your life is about transformation.” A person’s horoscope is also their mother’s transits at birth.

Mom once said to me, “Most parents make most of their mistakes on their first child”. That certainly was true in my case. It wasn’t easy being her son. If the definition of a genius is an average kid with a Jewish mother, ours was father, but that’s this story. It wasn’t that I didn’t feel loved by my mother, but I felt more loved when I was making her look good. Being my freedom loving mischievous self, interfered with mom being her very carefully cultivated self. My brother, Gary (four years younger), and sister, Jennifer (seven years younger), were spared mom’s inexperience and impatience. They don’t believe me when I tell them tales of my childhood trials and tribulations with their mom.

Mom considered raising her children one of her greatest accomplishments in life. I certainly did my best as a young child to make her proud of me. When I turned twenty, I confronted mom to tell her that we weren’t perfect and that she had made plenty of mistakes during my formative years. She replied, “Well son, I’m sorry for anything I did which caused you any harm. My mistakes were not intentional. I tried my best to be a good parent. You’ll understand when you’re a parent. You’re an adult now. You must grow up. Let go of what holds you back. You need to be as healthy as you can be.”

What could I say? She was right. Apology accepted. In the final analysis, my siblings and I turned out well in ways that matter most. Mom’s optimism and idealism, relentless frankness, and loving encouragement compelled all of us to be true to ourselves.

Although mom stayed at home during my childhood, she also stayed busy. Mom supplemented dad’s income by writing from home. One year, she won twenty-five contests by saying something in fifty words or less, finishing a sentence, writing jingles, or winning crossword puzzles. She published articles in consumer magazines like Redbook and Ladies Home Journal. Mom was a ghost writer for syndicated cartoons. The Flintstones, Yogi Bear, and Family Circus were clients who frequently purchased her gags. She worked with a local artist. Our family was the source of her materials. That’s me below and this actually happened…

One of Gemini’s notable qualities is true friendship. Mom attributed her ability to make friends quickly to moving frequently in her childhood. With so many changes involving multiple schools, mom learned to adapt and develop social skills to make new friends. If you examine the balls of thumb on her very Thinking hands (square palms with long fingers), you’ll see many long lines parallel to her lifeline. Mom maintained lifelong bonds from early childhood. She and her friends loved each other through Heart Attacks, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Diabetes, Cancer, and other diseases of old age. Mom’s friends were her riches. I too, cherish my friendships.

Gemini remains forever young. Hermes reputedly lived over three hundred years in the flesh. That means I’m an adolescent at 71. I do feel like it. Mom stopped aging at 39. Everyone joked, but no one questioned her decision to remain young until she was on her deathbed. In her last few days of life, mom’s intensive care doctor told us that in all his years, he’d never had a patient who was so sick and so determined not to look sick. Wheeling mom around the hospital, people thought I was her husband. She’d say “Thanks for the compliment, but he’s my father”. “Pleased to meet you”, they’d say. Even then, I was a potential embarrassment to mom. Some things never change.

Geminis are thinkers and communicators. Mom was one of the most well-read people I ever knew. She was interested in psychology. When I was ten years old, mom read Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl. It reinforced what she already knew and confirmed her most significant value in her life, which was the knowledge and understanding that while you can’t always control what happens to you, you have the power to choose what you think, feel, and do about what happens to you. When I went to Carnegie Mellon University to study industrial design, mom went to graduate school at the University of Pittsburgh to get a master’s degree and become a psychiatric social worker at the Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh. She was an innovator who was famous for her crystal clear case notes, ultimately becoming a matriarch in the hospital system.

Geminis have a unique sense of humor. While mom was lying in her hospital bed with tubes going in and out of her, she said to me, “What worries me is how nice everyone is to me. Do they know something I don’t?” Jennifer warned, “You’re not allowed to die until you finish raising my (teenage) kids”. She joked about buying mom’s casket at Costco. Mom loved the idea. Gary told her, “I’ll start worrying when you stop putting on your makeup”. He believes he prolonged her life by threatening to taxidermy her and display her in a corner of his living room. If you want a real taste for mom’s humor, you’ve got to check out this exercise ball video she made in response to my extremely health conscious sister giving her the ball. For whatever it lacks in quality, it makes up for in laughter.

When mom turned 80, she wrote, “Eighty years of age does not seem old to me. Old is when one is again dependent as we were in infancy – needing help as a constant to feed and care for oneself. I may die from an illness before I ever get old, then on to the next adventure.”  I wholeheartedly concur. Mom was eighty-three when she passed. She continued to maintain her humor and to ponder the meaning of life until her final moments as she battled metastasized breast cancer. I promised her I’d ‘pull the plug’ if necessary. She let go on her own. I’m honoring our birthdays this year by asking anyone to contribute to her favorite charity ~ Southern Poverty Law Center


It’s virtually impossible to accurately foretell from a natal astrology chart how a person will embrace their symbolism and manifest their free will. Astrology reveals a person’s potentials. A Gemini sun, moon, stellium of planets, dominant signs, house placements, or powerful aspects between certain planets or points in a horoscope may or may not reflect what a person chooses to integrate into their character and behavior.

Meanwhile, hands are topographical maps that actually disclose a person’s character in past, present, and future. As we embrace our strengths and weaknesses and exercise our thinking and free will, our evolving characters, stories, and changing circumstances are reflected in the morphology and topography of our hands over time.

You don’t need a Gemini sun, moon, ascendant, planets, or house placements to be Gemini. No matter what your astrology says, pure type Gemini hands have widely spread long fingers, flexible tips, and supple thumbs. All thinking types have square palms with long fingers. As a mutable modality, Gemini is more mentally adaptable than (fixedAquarians and (cardinalLibrans. Geminis and Librans are dual air signs that frequently have split head lines resulting from always having too many choices and needing to make decisions. Cancer and Pisces are dual water signs whose ambiguous feelings are often embodied in split heart lines. Anyone can have any split line for many reasons.

Healthy Geminis have long straight strong pinkie fingers that symbolize logical thinking, honest communication, and good sense. Gemini hands feature firm pink elastic skin and long straight widely spread fingers with dominant first phalanges and loop prints. Long ring fingers with whorl prints add talent, attractiveness, irresistibility, salesmanship, and luck. Strong middle fingers with square tips and developed first knots add technical and scientific attributes. Powerful index fingers dramatically increase writing, oratory, and other professional skills. Geminis make great lawyers, bankers, doctors, orators, writers, engineers, teachers, salesmen, accountants, and shopkeepers. I work at special events with amazing magicians who have dominant pinkie fingers. They surprise and astound audiences by deceiving the eye and mind of the beholder. Dominant pinkie people prefer small musical instruments that require a lot of dexterity. Music makes sense because hearing is Gemini’s physical sense.

The pinkie is the shortest finger. If the tip is longer than the crease between the first and second phalange of the ring finger, it’s long. If shorter, it’s short. Hermes (Mercury) was the shortest god. A dominant pinkie fingered person is often short in stature (Ed Harris) with a slender body and face. Pure types have animated hands, dark hair, and penetrating eyes with crow’s feet in the corners. Gemini is the most youthful of all types. They’re eternally childlike and love children. Men often have thin beards like Johnny Depp (Gemini). Michael Jackson, a Virgo (ruled by Mercury), and a genuine Peter Pan, actually lived in ‘Neverland’. In real life, Peter marries Wendy or a parental type. Someone’s got to be practical and responsible.

Our pinkie finger shows our ability to communicate. It also indicates truthfulness. Our early family dynamic may be observed in the way the pinkie is set on the hands. If it is very short or low set, trust is a major issue. Some women who have very low set pinkies have told me that they have trouble having orgasms. Their real challenge is in trusting someone enough to have real intimacy. The length and proportions of our pinkie finger symbolizes technical, language, family, and sexual potentials.

Gemini rules hands and governs our nervous and respiratory systems. Gemini health issues revolve around the nervous and bronchial systems. Geminis have potential problems with headaches, thyroid glands, memory loss, and speech impediments. I’m very Gemini and have been coping with Tinnitus (ringing in my ears) for several years.

Gold and diamond rings are often found on the pinkie finger of acquisitive people. Pinkie rings can symbolize the sublimation of sexual energies in order to accomplish something requiring a lot of libido. I once examined a group of fifty young men and women who were born into very wealthy families in the 80’s. Considering the prosperity of the period, it seemed paradoxical that every one of them had an obviously short phalange on the bottom segment of the little finger of his or her dominant hand.  Money will never be a motivation for their career choices. Family and personal values will drive these individuals.

Would you buy a used car from this Gemini? I wouldn’t.  Gemini’s liabilities are deceitfulness, trickiness, fickleness, nervousness, restlessness, and shallowness. People preaching on soapboxes, pickpockets, and most con artists have dominant pinkies (most inwardly curving). When there’s a telltale yellow coloration in the palms, there’s nastiness somewhere. The trickster is a master at hiding his dark side. There are many wonderful people with curved pinkies who learned as children to ‘act nice’ and are still doing their best to avoid confrontation.

Cultivated Geminis are consummate communicators, social and intuitive geniuses, and great judges of character. Most social of all types, they’re frequently accused of being impractical dreamers because they love ideas so much. They can detach themselves from mundane realities and be objective about anything. They overvalue their intellect and undervalue emotion (everyone’s). They’re threatened when their opinions are ignored. They accept your viewpoint, even when they disagree with you. They get mad when their ideas are challenged without good reason. They’re easily distracted and don’t like being responsible for their decisions. They resist focus, discipline, and structure. They long for freedom and love to be unrestricted.

Geminis are androgynous. In Greek mythology, Hermes and Aphrodite had a fling that resulted in Hermaphrodite. Dominant Hermes (whether he or she knows or admits it) is often bi-sexual. David Bowie was a Capricorn with powerful Hermes. Mick Jagger is a very Mercurial Leo. Kate Blanchett is a Mercurial Taurus. Boy George is a Gemini. At 70, Grace Jones is still an exotic Taurus with her Mercury conjunct Uranus in Gemini.

Aries and Hands

You don’t need an Aries sun, moon, ascendant, planets, aspects, or houses to be Arian. Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo, are Intuitive types with rectangular palms and short fingers. If you have an Aries sun and Aries hands, you’re Super Aries. Aries hands differ from Leo and Sag hands. Leo hands tend to be harder and stiffer while Sagittarian hands tend to be softer and more flexible than Aries hands. Aries percussions (passive Mars under pinkie) are fullest and firmest. Resilient elastic skin quickly springs back to normal when poked, pushed, or pulled.


Pink color energizes. Red pressurizes, especially when plump red puffy bumps bulge (aggressive Mars) where the thumb meets the hand. Red hands embody too much energy, anger, and passion. Aries normally has a rosy full ball of thumb (Venus).The quarterback (Mars) and the cheerleader (Venus) are always hot for each other.

Head and life lines separated on pure types reveal initiative and a need to be oneself. Wider gaps symbolize more independence, freedom, and rebellion. Head and life lines that intertwine at their beginnings reveal inertia. That person needs to be appreciated and must never be taken for granted. Strong Leo types have entwined head and life lines. They often procrastinate and take everything personally, even when it’s not.

As the most courageous and adventurous of all twelve types, Aries is a natural hero and inspired risk taker. His passion is contagious and optimism eternal. She never runs out of doors to knock on because (unlike Leo) she doesn’t take rejection personally. He’s ready and willing to compete with anyone at any time and place. An autonomous freedom lover, she hates criticism and abhors bureaucrats.

Pure Aries types tend to have low set thumbs. No matter what your type, low set thumbs were designed to quest for Holy Grails and for helping underdogs. Aries crusades relentlessly and persists untiringly until their objectives are realized. Worthy causes bring deep satisfaction and fulfillment.


Aries is not detail oriented. When they’re bogged down with paperwork or bookkeeping, they quickly become bored, restless, and frustrated. It’s best to stay out of their way if you can’t help them. In intimate relationships, physical chemistry is very important, but freedom is essential. Aries must stay far away from controlling, possessive, and jealous types. They must take care not to be too impulsive or in a hurry to ‘fall in love’ as an unhappy marriage often follows accidental pregnancy. Aries most important challenges are being patient, trusting their intuition, setting sensible goals, and building sound structures on solid foundations. Aries enjoys working with sharp tools. They’re unafraid of blood and make great butchers, surgeons, and soldiers. Mars also rules executives, military leaders, policemen, firemen, salesmen, barbers, sports, and everything fiery.

Aries rules War. Ancient warrior cultures practiced their lustiest mating rituals from late June to late July to seed future generations of Aries warriors. Aries rules Germany, England, and Japan. Hitler manufactured an Aryan race. The British barbarized and then colonized the globe. Japan was atom bombed in World War II. Modern Japanese warriors wage wars of commerce, communications, transportation, and electronics.

Aries is Greek. Mars is Roman. Everyone has Aries and Mars in his or her symbolism. Aries rises at the Spring Equinox. An invincible warrior and lusty lover, the god of war is symbolized by an erect penis. Built physically to match with a strong athletic body, dominant chest, and rock hard head, he’s not called ‘Ram’ for nothing.  My life partner, Joanna, is Aries with Venus in Taurus rising. I call her ‘Rambull’. Believe me, she can be obstinate and that’s grounding for me. I’m Gemini with Scorpio rising. You can believe her when she calls me a ‘piece of work in progress’.

Aries are amazingly resilient. They innately bounce back, always landing on their feet. Their strong sense of inner strength, courage, and persistence make them formidable foes. Aries conquers procrastination, overcomes inertia, takes action, and rules physical energy. Health issues are inflammations, fevers, headaches, and high blood pressure.

Our Aries ancestors are heroes like King Theseus of Athens, Jason and his Argonauts, Joan of Arc, Xena, Mulan, Robin Hood, and his popular eastern cousin, Aladdin, orphaned son of the king of thieves, handsome adolescent street rat, and diamond in the rough, destined to become a prince. The hand above belongs to a real life Aladdin. Click here for his story.

Al Gore’s rectangular palms and short fingers reveal a link between his intuitive personality and his Aries Sun. Al’s Mars, Saturn, and Pluto are in Leo and his Jupiter is in Sagittarius. That’s a lot of fire. Inspiration motivated Al as he passionately informed the masses of environmental truths. Al and his Argonauts bagged the coveted Nobel Peace Prize while opening masses of minds to the hazards of Global Warming.


As a conceptual thinker, Al loves the idea part of his process. Al’s greatest asset is his ability to see the big picture. With no time and little aptitude or patience for details, Al is a salesman who can sell anything he truly believes in. Al’s long index finger enhances his egocentricity and ambition. Al knows what he wants and gets the facts he needs to make the case for his cause. Armed with a lightning bolt from Zeus, Al is a human of great influence, privilege, and wealth. It’s vital that Al remain vigilant of the size and quality of his personal footprint and practice what he preaches.

U.S. ex-Secretary of State, ex-General Colin Powell is an Aries with Sun and Mercury in Aries (April 5, 1937). Rectangular palms, short fingers, and widely separated life and headline are the embodiment of King Theseus of Athens. Theseus escorted Jason on his quest for the Golden Fleece. He defeated the dreaded Minotaur (Saddam Hussein, a Taurus) and united the warring Greek factions under his rule.

Secretary Powell’s powerful practical personality persuaded Americans to keep the faith while we invaded Iraq. He believed he would make a difference, but ended up being goldenly fleeced by the Bush administration. Our Emperor pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes as he proudly wore Powell’s noble charisma, flawless credibility, and ethical principles on the front lines of international diplomacy. Colin’s greatest battles are yet to come as he approaches the end of his life and wages war with his personal loyalties, honesty, integrity, dignity, and truth. An evil empire that can take revenge on Powell’s family keeps his truths secret. If Colin Powell is a true hero, he must cleanse his karma by shining the light of absolute truth on the many shades of gray in his life.

Largest of energy giants, XX is an Aries with first trade March 25 1920. This predatory power broker must shift its greedy paradigms to embrace philosophical and spiritual laws of nature and humanity. Our mother’s creative juices were created equal to be shared by all. XX pumps mom’s blood from natural reservoirs into pipelines, artificial tanks, and finally to our personal storage tanks through our umbilical cords. Our planetary good health is at risk. X-Secretary of State and X-CEO of XX, Rex Tillerson, could have made a positive difference, but didn’t. XX must be a guardian for, not a Seller of our Souls. XX has become XXX by choosing $$$ over us. ‘Haves’ need not be Emperors. ‘Have nots’ need not be servants and slaves of haves.

Pisces and Hands

You don’t need a Pisces sun, moon, planets, planetary aspects, or house placements in your natal astrology to be Piscean. Feeling types have long slender rectangular palms and long fingers. Pure Pisceans have dominant top phalanges on long slender fingers, smooth joints, conical tips, and loop prints, especially on index fingers. They have medium set mildly flexible shapely thumbs, sensitive looking fingers, a combo of round and conical fingertips, long narrow nails, and head and life lines interwoven at their beginnings. Pinkies with tiny bottom and middle phalanges and no knots symbolize having little need for physical order or material wealth. Pisceans with inwardly curving pinkie fingers avoid emotional confrontation (even more than other curved pinkie types).

In my experience, Pisces tend to have more flexible hands and fingers, more peripheral shallow lines, and less deeply etched basic heart, head, life, and fate lines than Scorpio and Cancer. Pisces is the epitome of spiritual truth. Astrologically, Neptune (Poseidon, King Triton), rules the seas, and personifies emotion, feelings, instinct, and collective unconscious. Neptune can be a calming or destructive force in nature. Neptune rules substances like prescription and recreational drugs, nicotine, alcohol, caffeine. Anything that alters consciousness, fuels visions, inspires illusions, and promotes delusions is Neptunian. Its mundane correspondence is religion. Spirituality is its esoteric foundation. Religion without spirituality is blind.

As the most sensitive, least acquisitive, and most introverted of all types, Pisces is often misunderstood because feminine intent communicates through a lens of feeling. The most practical Pisces have strong earth with a good backup of air and fire. When head and heart are balanced, deep clear basic lines, large stiff thumbs, square fingertips, developed knots, broad nails, arch, and whorl fingerprints empower Pisces spiritually.

George Washington (2/22) was Pisces. CEOs of Citigroup, IBM, Merck, DuPont, and Bank One were Pisces. One mysterious Pisces is Michael Dell, Chairman and CEO of Dell Computer, world’s largest privately controlled High-Tech company. Michael prophesied, “We are at the dawn of the next industrial revolution. Our world is becoming more intelligent and more connected by the minute, and ultimately will become intertwined with a vast Internet of Things, paving the way for our customers to do incredible things. This is why we created Dell Technologies. We have the products, services, talent and global scale to be a catalyst for change and guide customers, large and small, on their digital journey.” Like Ariel, daughter of King Triton, ruler of the Seas and our unconscious, Michael imagines whatever he wants while swimming through our collective unconscious. He intuitively knows what we want and need and hones in on that. Michael must keep a watchful eye on Ursula the Octopus (conglomerate) who lusts for control of his empire.

Pisces is well suited to teaching, human resources, and helping professions. Many are at home in visual arts and music. Hand qualities vary depending on natural talents and abilities, decisions, and actions. Piscean strengths include compassion, humility, and faith. Not known for mental or emotional decisiveness, Pisces tend to be private, and spiritual. You must earn their trust and intimacy. Impressionable and easily influenced, many attempt to escape reality when their circumstances get too hard. Some become substance abusers like Johnny Cash, Jerry Lewis, and Liza Minelli.

Pisces is my most and least favorite sign. My father, brother, and daughter are my three all-time favorite Pisces. Today is dad and George Washington’s Birthday.

Dad was born 2/22/22. His Sun, Venus, Uranus, and ascendant were in Pisces. My brother, Gary (Pisces), sister, Jennifer (Taurus), and I (Gemini) were blessed with dad. Conceived on my parents wedding night, I was born nine months and one day later. If the definition of a genius is an average kid with a Jewish Mother, ours was father. My biggest fan, dad frequently embarrassed me. When I was seven, I played a Chopin Prelude on the radio. Dad distributed radios to every class in my grade school. He made sure everyone listened. Despite my mortification when I found out, I quickly became a celebrity in our little community. Though his pride in me was hard to live up to, it was more fun than I had imagined.

I never got to read dad’s hands, nor did I ever find a decent photo of them. I remember loving his warm, strong, and capable hands as a child. Dad had a firm hand shake, a grip of steel, and an energetic touch that was gentle and loving. Perhaps his Capricorn moon grounded and made him more practical on the outside. Dad died suddenly and unexpected 42 years ago of a massive heart attack at age 54. That started my interest in metaphysics and personal transformation. I miss and think of dad often, especially when I’m happiest and having a fulfilling life and lots of good times to share.

Dad was an incredible storyteller. Scarcely a night passed in early childhood that my brother, sister, and I didn’t go off on an exciting imaginary adventure at bedtime. “BoBo”, the gorilla and “Squeaky”, the mouse were our lifelong friends and magical creatures whose characters dad physically embodied to fully engage us.

Let’s face it, most home movies are incredibly boring ~ everyone waves at the camera and smiles all the time. Our family dreaded invitations to watch other people’s home movies. Every so often, we acted and created roles for ourselves in our movies. Dad created commercials and strategically placed them at transitions between scenes to make the experience more fun. I edited my favorites from our archives and made this short video. Click here to see my childhood hero in action. The quality isn’t great (8mm), but the content is terrific.

Scorpio Hands

You don’t need a Scorpio Sun, Moon, houses, aspects, planets, or planetary placements to be a Scorpion. Scorpio is a fixed feeling type with long rectangular palms and long fingers. In my experience, pure Scorpions have stiffer fingers and thumbs, denser palms, and less elastic skin than Cancer and Pisces. When head and life lines closely intertwine at their start, Scorpions procrastinate at beginnings and endings and care too much what others think (no matter what they say or how they act). With long broad nails and straight pinky fingers, they tend to be almost ruthlessly open and frank. I’ve observed a lot of Scorpions with dominant first and third phalanges, rounded and conical tips, loop prints, developed knots on second joints, and very few vertical lines within the lifeline. Scorpios with no vertical lines are untrusting and untrustworthy. Scorpio has many wonderful qualities. I’m focusing on the dark side today.

Author’s note: I’ve used Donald Trump to illustrate this post, though he has nothing in Scorpio except his I.C. If you’re curious about my symbolic take on D.T. – click here.

Hands share the same mythology as astrology and tarot. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, lord of darkness. As the Roman god of sex, death, and transformation, Pluto is master of the sexual orgasm (little death). In ancient Greece, Hades was god of the underworld. In tarot, Death, High Priestess, and the Queen of Cups are Scorpio ruled. Voldemort, Darth Vader, The Mummy, and The Big Bad Wolf are modern versions. Religious extremism is the Devil’s playground.

Scorpio is black, controlling, compulsive, jealous, possessive, fearful, resentful, obstinate, secretive, suspicious, manipulative, and subversive. Scorpio seduces, covets, and betrays your sacred trust. Seduction turns him on, while betrayal gets him off. Pluto tantalizes terrorists, rewards rapists, and reassures religious predators. An eternity in hell excites, terrifies, and beckons them. A path of many dark secrets leads to the palace of sociopathy. From your first breath to your final exit, Pluto awaits your arrival. Executioners, coroners, undertakers, and morticians are ruled by Pluto.

Scorpions make manipulative bosses, mean spirited jailers, abusive parents, and jealous partners who hide their true feelings, especially the shadowy unstable side of their emotions. Your friendly neighbor, a model citizen, devoted husband, loving father, loyal friend, and faithful parishioner dies. His family finds hidden pornographic literature, secret love letters, sado-masochistic sexual supplies, illegal drugs, and concealed money in his possession. The truth becomes transparent in hindsight.

False tweets and fake facts create more opaqueness and distract us from real secrets about sex, money, and greed. A troll rationalizes the most bizarre behaviors, believing he will get away with them. His deepest and darkest fears and desires propel him towards mental, emotional, and spiritual bankruptcy and perversion. Like an evil Priest, he feigns love and compassion while physically and spiritually raping the innocent souls he has been entrusted to protect. Guilt, Shame, Remorse, and Fear faithfully guard his evil secrets.

Scorpio rules my unconscious. Gemini rules my sun, hands, and corresponding behavior. Scorpio rises in my natal chart conjunct the asteroid, Chiron (hand). Jupiter in Scorpio in my first house is a singleton in that hemisphere of my natal chart. Pluto in Leo is in my tenth house closely conjunct Saturn in Leo in my ninth. Sun Uranus and Venus Node conjunctions are in Gemini in my 8th house, along with Vulcanus, my Vertex, and a few asteroids.

When Saturn in Scorpio transited my ascendant in November of 2012, it also squared my Midheaven and natal Saturn and compelled me to deepen my foundation, build a stronger structure, and commit my life to less distraction and more discipline and focus. Saturn forced me to achieve realistic goals and challenged me to let go of everything and everyone that wasn’t working for me. I did. Thinking critically, listening carefully, and seeing clearly enabled me to rise like a phoenix from my ashes.

Jupiter is in and will remain in Scorpio until Nov. 2018. It’s transiting exactly conjunct my ascendant at this moment and will be transiting its natal position in my horoscope for much of 2018. Having spent the past seventy years with Jupiter in Scorpio, I want to share my take on the subject. Jupiter in Scorpio has been both a blessing and a jinx for me. My natal Jupiter is within minutes of opposing my stubborn 7th house Mars in Taurus and trine my sensitive ninth house Mercury in Cancer. Looking for shortcuts and finding easy paths to success has been my nemesis. Always coming out the shithouse smelling like a rose has been my blessing. William Blake said, “The path of excess leads to the palace of wisdom”. I tend to learn the hard way.

                                   Before                                                             After

I was the hand reader at Harvey Weinstein’s wedding celebration. It was mind boggling to observe an old stale bagel and a fresh young pastry as a couple. Harvey must have spent millions creating an unforgettable extravaganza packed with famous people. I’ve read many celebrities, but none on that day. In hindsight, I wish I’d convinced the event planner to let me stroll instead of parking myself in a corner. Famous people frequently avoid me because they fear I may see what they want no one to see. Many of my favorite actors and actresses were within inches of me and yet so far away. I’m sure I’d have enchanted a few if I had been free to approach them. I sat at my station for four hours as many celebrities walked by. I mostly read the hands of their curious friends and family who lined up for miles.

Harvey Weinstein is a Pisces. Harvey’s time of birth is unknown; however, according to his day of birth (3/19/52), Mars is in Scorpio closely square Pluto in Leo. One interpretation of that combo is being a ‘sexual predator’. Harvey’s hands are Taurus with broad square palms, short plump fingers, and large fleshy pink balls of thumb revealing an acquisitive and pleasure loving nature.



I expect to see much more sexism, philandering, insider trading, evangelical hypocrisy, and partisan political power plays by November 2018.  Here is my biased Scorpio perspective on our political landscape. I’m unhappy with both political parties. Republican politicians are spiritually bankrupt sadists who only smile when they’re hurting us. Democratic leaders are poverty conscious masochists, who desperately beg for a dollar or three as you sign their petitions, fill out their surveys, and pledge loyalty to their urgent causes. I sign plenty of petitions and have given a lot of $ (for me) to my favorite causes such as the ACLU, SPLC, NRDC, Sierra Club, etc., but as the saying goes, “Money talks and bullshit walks”.

Sadly, money truly is power in our world. Plutocrats are devaluing our democracy by betting on their present and ignoring our future and the future of our planet. Our entire world, society, and culture has been corrupted by a handful of greedy moguls who own our raw materials, energy, communications, transportation, food, healthcare, finance, religion, and politics. There are over 1,500 billionaires.

Many of life’s most painful lessons are a result of choosing money over values. It’s easy to rationalize the blackest behavior when your head rules your heart. I never intended to hurt anyone. No one did anything they didn’t want to do. I may not have told the whole truth, but I didn’t lie. I’m sorry for my part. It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt.

Libran Hands

You don’t need a Libra sun, moon, planets, aspects, or houses to be Libran. All Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius hands have square palms and long fingers. I’ve read many Libran hands with long deep clear gently curving unobstructed headlines that fork at the end. Librans see every side of a situation. Straight strong pinkie fingers communicate clearly, effectively, and frankly (with full broad nails). Strong index fingers are pervasive on ambitious hardworking managers and powerful leaders. Dominant bottom and middle phalanges are well suited to banking, real estate, and food businesses. Dominant top phalanges make great public speakers, lawyers, directors, journalists, educators, and religious leaders. Librans are idealistic, romantic, aesthetic, and refined. You’ll see Librans in chic designer clothing taking clients to trendy restaurants. Thinking types dominate political, PR, publishing, marketing, sales, and entertainment fields.

Wielding logic, diplomacy, and tact like Samurai swordsmen, Librans analyze, rationalize, and compartmentalize their thoughts and feelings until they fulfill their desires. A wide space between head and life lines reveals initiative and spontaneity. Wide spaces care less what others think of them. Changing a Libran’s mind is a game of mental monopoly. You must be direct and make good sense. Don’t get emotional. You’ll regret it.

Healthy Librans have sincere handshakes. Firm pink elastic skin with a long graceful heart line flowing from the pinkie to the base of the index finger symbolizes a romantic and sentimental nature. A branch at the end of the heart line that reaches down to touch the head line means the person can think their feelings to oblivion. Black and white and hard and soft are the same, only different by degree. Librans with vertical lines within their life lines are very lucky.  Anyone with long vertical lines parallel to their life lines has intimate family ties and friendships. They’re wealthy in love and spirituality.

Libra is the 7th sign of the zodiac, the 7th house of marriage in western astrology, and the autumn equinox, time for partnership, sharing, and giving. Librans strive for balance, idolize harmony, dislike discord, and despise confrontation. As negotiators, they’re very decisive when it really matters, although they’re notoriously indecisive when it doesn’t really matter like what to eat, what to wear, and where to go. Librans can be aggressive and vague at the same time. Many prefer being frank and direct, but then they can’t figure out why some people don’t like them.

Athena is a Libran archetype with Aquarius and Gemini backup. Greek for Wisdom and Justice, Athena rules the strategic thinking required in combat. Scales of justice and an owl on her shoulder symbolize balance and wisdom. Odysseus (Libra) and Achilles (Aries) worshiped Athena. Pictured as a handsome Goddess in battle armor, she holds a shield of Intuition in one hand, and a sword of Thinking in the other. Athena’s mighty sword is applied with icy detachment. She discards emotion for clarity and cuts to the quick.



We all have Libra, Venus, and 7th houses in our symbolism. We know what’s honest, true, and fair, and must set ethical and moral values and boundaries in order to know right from wrong and see truth. It’s easy to compartmentalize, rationalize, and analyze the ideas, thoughts, and actions of ourselves and others. Some Libran aphorisms are: “Laws keep honest people honest.” “Locks keep honest people out” “Contracts are as good as the people who sign them”. Laws protect us only after the reason for those laws has been severely abused. Why must we lose what we value in order not to take it for granted?

Truman Capote understood the truth behind the insanity. “Even an attorney of moderate talent can postpone doomsday year after year, for the system of appeals that pervades American jurisprudence amounts to a legalistic wheel of fortune, a game of chance, somewhat fixed in favor of the criminal, that the participants play interminably.” Legal power enables players to shirk social responsibility, manipulate others, and justify whatever personal and social behavior and actions. Librans need to balance ethics and honesty. Maybe a Libran knows something that would change everything, but fails to mention it. Did Philip Morris know cigarette smoke is unhealthy? Does Monsanto know that ‘Roundup’ causes cancer? Do Republicans know they do not care about the masses? Mountains of money have been amassed by self-appointed Emperors who have deceived, exploited, and manipulated the huddled masses. Cream rises to the top. Poor folk will forever scrape for pennies at the bottom of the barrel.

Many years ago, an Athena type of questionable ethics came for a private consultation. As a corporate strategist and master business plan writer, he seemed totally out of place in my east village tenement apartment, dressed in his expensive designer suit and power tie and me in my “Since I gave up hope, I feel much better” t-shirt and worn jeans. His friend had been to one of my palmistry talks and encouraged him to see me.

Athena rules arts and crafts, especially weaving. My client’s specialty was weaving tailored cloaks of investment opportunity for himself and his clients by threading a weft of his finest illusion through a warp of potential profit. He’d revive floundering companies by creating innovative new products and services that pointed them toward prosperity. An emperor of crystal clear vision, Athena would charge a substantial fee and generous stock options in exchange for a first class business plan and assistance in executing it. Athena would revive companies who’d been competing for pennies forever. He shifted their paradigm by changing their thinking. As Athena’s plans came to fruition, his stock would become more valuable. He guided management through the churning rapids of dramatic change within company structure. When the project could survive on its own, Athena sold large chunks of stock and invested in his next project. Although his visions sometimes failed, Athena always prospered.

Athena had been indicted in a $150,000,000+ securities fraud. Insider trading is much more common than you know and extremely discreet. Knowing something secret can be very powerful, but getting caught is bad for everyone. The IRS was a monkey on his back. He desperately needed a strategy for what to do next. He wanted to take a symbolic look at his situation. Despite our totally opposite worlds, we hit it off.  Thinking types can bounce ideas off each other for hours. Athena was Pinocchio. I was Jiminy Cricket, there to be his conscience. Brilliant, but surprisingly naïve, Athena easily rationalized being legal, unethical, and immoral at the same time. He got his nose pruned by sticking it in the wrong place at the wrong time. Athena offered me a generous retainer to be his “Jiminy Cricket”. I declined, but accepted occasional gifts and payments for my time and advice.

Athena’s hands revealed a healthy Libran type. He was charming, calming, and curious. Astrology described his behavioral patterns, life cycles, and timing. Tarot cards provided insight into business relationships, but no matter how many times we spread the cards, tact and diplomacy could not save the King of Swords from being tortured by the eight of swords, judgement, and the Tower. Athena needed to learn his lesson the hard way.

Athena’s square palms, long fingers, strong pinkies and well-balanced phalanges are great for commerce. His long unobstructed straight headline is innately practical, honest, and reliable. Ambitious strong index fingers embody a strategic hardworking nature. His strong stiff thumbs show determination and persistence. Separation between his head and life lines reveals initiative, impatience, and independence. I would never have seen his problem in foresight.


I had no idea how to help Athena with his problem. Blinded by desire for power and wealth, Athena had unwittingly compromised his morals and ethics. His natal chart appeared to be healthy and well balanced, but his astrological transits weren’t promising. There seemed to be no positive outcome unless it was spiritual. I knew I needed to be direct and make good sense. The horizontal lines crossing Athena’s dominant vertical lines showed he was no stranger to challenges and obstacles. He was very good at bouncing back and landing on his feet. Jiminy Cricket guided Pinocchio to find his truth and become a real boy. Athena and I never got that chance.

Athena lost everything. Too late for hindsight, there was little I could do. I appealed to his future. “Does the world really need another greasy French fry, addictive beverage, or pornographic violent video game?” Why not design and market healthy products like Paul Newman? Why not give profits to charitable causes? I suggested ‘Vita-Fries’, the world’s first truly healthy French fry. Why can’t the same resources be used to create healthy products and services? A graceful heart lines extends to Athena’s index finger, revealing a romantic and sentimental nature. Check out the long gracefully curving vertical lines within his ball of thumb, Athena has a healthy and loving support system.

“Why not make products more expensive and exploit less people on the way?” I asked. Athena loved the idea, but rationalized needing more personal financial stability before giving money away. “More expensive means more grease”, he told me. Higher prices mean more time and money spent romanticizing and glamorizing products and services. More for less is a great concept, but doesn’t come cheap. “It’s the grease”, Athena said. Why pay more for caffeine at $tar Buck$?  Why buy expensive designer brand names when you can get the same generic item for much less? Revolutionary new products and services do happen ~ like when Kleenex became generic for tissues, ubiquitous in the marketplace, and highly profitable. Most products are variations on a theme.

In Libran style, Athena started over again with fresh enthusiasm, new ideas, and a dollop of grease. Last time I heard, he was offering virtual alternatives to utilitarian products that make good economic sense. Pinocchio is wheeling and dealing and mastering his Libran nature. He and Jiminy are friends, but no longer consult for $.

The most challenging task in reading hands is learning to judge hands. One person’s long is another’s short. Your firm might be my soft, depending on the person. Rigorous practice is necessary to truly observe and judge hands.

Few of us are pure types. Many behave contrary to our sun signs. My brother, Gary, is Pisces, a mutable feeling type. He’s Neptunian, but his Libran hands reveal a cardinal thinking type. Gary is a geriatric psychiatrist. Lucky for him, I used to threaten I’d go completely crazy with age, but then as a Gemini, I decided not to get old. Gary’s Libran temperament graciously emerges and gracefully merges with his Pisces sun to sooth the most stressful clients and situations. Pisces gives Gary natural empathy and the intuition that many Librans lack. He’s an awesome psychiatrist, partner, father, brother, son, friend, and human being.


“The most difficult job in the world is not being president. It’s being a parent.”

Bill Clinton is a Leo. Born three months after his real father died in 1946, Bill was raised by an abusive alcoholic stepfather. Like so many Leos, Bill spent much of his life searching for approval from father figures. His was mentally and emotionally absent during Bill’s formative years. Bill’s quest is a hero’s journey to conquer his fears of failure, abandonment, and disapproval and become a devoted parent who loves unconditionally and without expectation. Bill’s Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto are in Leo. Like many Apollonian types, Bill’s hands sport strong ring fingers. Bill adores music, women, and politics. Even though Bill has a bachelor like attitude, he enjoys being married. Bill has very high expectations of Hillary, in spite of his own personal shortcomings.

People judge Bill for his character, but Bill is his character. Apollo and Zeus are a powerful blend of charismatic forces in the real world. Zeus was infamous for his seductions and philandering in ancient Greece. Apollo was irresistible. It was impossible to say no to him. It’s hard to find healthy creative outlets for so much libido. The world is strewn with Leosterone. Powerful men and women throughout history were and still are philanderers with sexual addictions. Bill might have graciously and gracefully fulfilled his job as a national role model had he not tempted fate and lost his way. Hubris along with a powerful solar eclipse like the one coming up on August 21, 2017 was his Waterloo!

Bill loved being boss. His greatest challenge was not being too slick to believe that he wouldn’t always come out of the shithouse smelling like a rose. Zeus could have any female mortal he wanted. Unfortunately, his conquests and their offspring were cursed by Hera, who punished Zeus for his philandering. Defiance of fundamentalist values undermined Bill’s power. You can bet Hillary booted Bill’s behind when he was caught shtooping his intern. I’m glad he escaped impeachment. Resisting temptation is challenging when you’re a celebrity, a mortal, and a President.


Four US Presidents were born under the sign of Cancer. They were all were deeply wounded and flawed, the vilest of all being (in my opinion) George W Bush. His Leo hands synchronize with his Leo ascendant to reveal the worst qualities of Cancer and Leo in his intentions and actions. George has Mercury and Pluto in Leo conjunct his ascendant and Venus in Leo in his first house. Hopefully, Prescott’s dark karma and the Bush dynasty have finally ended.

When our daughter was in fifth grade, fifteen years ago, George W Bush was President. Cass was so concerned about what was going on in the world that she wrote a letter to the editor of a local East Village newspaper (who published it). She also sent a copy to the President.

Dear Editor,

I’m a 5th grader at the earth school in the east village of Manhattan. A lot has been happening in the world and this is a paragraph to explain my point of view. I wrote it at home this afternoon and it is unedited and done completely by myself. I was wondering if you would be interested in publishing it in your newspaper.    Sincerely,

We are deeply worrying about Saddam’s toxic and chemical weapons but what we are not realizing is that we are using just if not more as dangerous toxicants in our everyday life. Eventually at the rate we are going and the life style we are living we will kill ourselves off. The only difference with Saddam’s weapons is it will happen faster. Really all it takes to turn the world evil is one bad mind. We can easily find excuses to do certain uncalled for horrible things. What we need to do is think positive and constructive for our own benefit. We have to also be cautious about who we elect for president because that one bad mind could be his and make all the difference. We are being so concerned with Saddam Hussein, but you should think about it like Saddam Hussein is one ant in a whole anthill. The only reason ants survive is because they work as a team to carry food and build that huge hill. Even without war we are still heading towards a bad future. If we continue to pollute our earth we are going to have nothing left. If we get good ideas and stop polluting right now we will still have a chance to save our earth and the people on it.

At the end of her letter, Cass asked George not to send her a signed picture of his head. I altered what she got back as my contribution to exposing the true nature of a beast that has no clue how beastly he is. Truly no child should be left behind. We must all be more loving, helpful, and attentive to all children at all times.



Barack Obama is a Leo. Born August 4, 1961, Barack’s Sun, Mercury, Uranus, and North Node are in Leo. With a warm heart and a smile, Barack practiced healthier Leo merits than his predecessors while setting new precedents for future Leo ruled presidents. Despite the constant barrage of partisan prejudicial politics, Barack served with nobility, integrity, and dignity. His intuitive hands reveal an Arian personality. His narrow less meaty hands reveal a warrior of ideas and ideals. Barack is independent, freedom loving, energetic, enthusiastic, takes calculated risks when inspired, and can accomplish anything with enough inspiration. Passion is contagious and optimism eternal. Barack does his best at what he chooses and doesn’t take rejection personally. As a naturally rebellious type, he detests bullies and bureaucrats. Barack’s Holy Grail was taking responsibility for a damaged bureaucracy aimlessly racing towards bad shit happening.

Barack is a natural hero and great crusader for good causes. He campaigns tirelessly until he realizes his aspirations. Barack’s head and life lines are separate at their beginnings where the thumb meets the hand. Combined with the little crook in the top phalange of his strong middle finger, he needs plenty of personal space to sort out his thoughts and feelings. Because of Barack’s highly developed sense of responsibility and obligation, he always chooses objectivity and practicality over freedom. Barack’s pinky’s smallest phalanx is the bottom. Barack is motivated by freedom, family, and good causes, not money.

Barack is a naturally healthy type. The clear and unfettered quality of his basic lines reveals a healthy clarity in his thinking and feelings. Barack’s heart line swings up from the percussion of his hand to the space between his index and middle fingers. He’s passionate and practical about his feelings. Barack’s headline gracefully arcs downward toward the heel of his hand, revealing balance between creativity and objectivity. He can blend creative imagination with clarity of vision. Barack’s fate line travels all the way from the bottom of his palm to the base of his middle finger. He has worked hard and remained focused on his personal goals since he was a small child. The lines in the ball of Barack’s thumb parallel his lifeline revealing a true friend to those who have earned his trust over time. Despite rampant unpopularity with Republicans, Barack served our country to the best of his ability with dignity, integrity, and nobility.

Donald Trump is a Gemini with Leo rising. His small Leo hands with their rectangular palms, short fingers, and head and life lines closely entwined at their beginnings confirm his Leo nature. Donald has embraced the worst traits of Leo and will forever be notorious as the worst President in history.


A lot has been said about Donald’s tiny hands. Small handed people are big picture people. They hate detail and love grand ideas. Despite his callous behavior, Donald secretly craves your approval, wants you to love him, and cares a lot about what you think of him, although he doesn’t care about you. Look at how Donald’s attitude and behavior pathologically embodies shameless grandiosity along with other negative attributes of Leo’s character. He’s narcissistic, self-centered, self-indulgent, superficial, ostentatious, egotistical, ruthless, greedy, bossy, seductive, and lousy role model.

Why do we prostrate ourselves before an opaque self-appointed emperor on a polished brass pedestal? How many gilded towers, glitzy gambling casinos, graven images, beauty queens, shark tanks, and celebrity idols do we need? It is mind boggling to see how a person with so much potential to create a positive difference for all of humanity instead chooses a path of spiritual bankruptcy for all.

Donald’s Mercury square Neptune and corresponding curved pinkie fingers confirm his pathological dishonesty. Mercury’s dark side is a trickster, magician, con-artist, and pick-pocket. The court jester was supposed to remind the king to keep his ego in check. Jiminy Cricket was Pinocchio’s conscience. Donald’s north node in Gemini is Mercurial. The North node in Gemini is a karmic invitation to join society in order to share higher consciousness and lend a helping hand by exercising higher mind. It’s plain to see how Bill Clinton (Leo) and George Bush (Leo rising) blew their Gemini north node potentials. Donald Trump has done more than his share of damage. Perhaps he is fulfilling his karmic obligation by clearly exposing the dark underbelly of politics, democracy, and capitalism. We’ll certainly never take our health and the health of our world for granted.

Donald’s day of reckoning is coming. During 2016, Uranus in Aries squared Donald’s Saturn Venus conjunction in Cancer.  It continues to be square in 2017. At the same time, transiting Saturn opposes Donald’s Sun and conjuncts his Moon. If you want to speed up his meltdown, millions of people can tweet: “YOU’RE FIRED” on these dates in 2017 – August 7, 12, 20, and 30, October 11, November 8 and 17. Anytime is good, but these dates will be most effective. It’s time for Donald to get a hearty spanking from Saturn. Donald’s hubris will take him down when the critical mass of horrors he has perpetrated will no longer be acceptable to the masses… the sooner the better.

Author’s note: many people have curved pinky fingers. They are not pathological liars. A majority of people with curved pinkies are just trying to avoid confrontation. They’re peace makers because they learned as children to ‘be nice’ and ‘not make waves’. Many too often end up choosing safe over satisfying in their lives.

Gemini Mom & Son

On my 65th birthday, I asked my friend to shoot a series of senior photos of me in my birthday suit. At the time, I felt like 40 and on top of the world. Today, I’m 70 going on 35. I become younger and happier on the inside each day. I attribute much of that to my Gemini mom. Despite living in an insane world where humanity is marching forward toward more and worse bad shit happening by the moment, I feel more joyful and healthier than ever.

Geminis remain forever young. Hermes lived over three hundred years in the flesh. My mom stopped aging at 39. Many people never questioned that until she was in her late fifties. In her last few days of her life, mom’s intensive care doctor told us that in all his years, he had never had a patient who was so sick and so determined not to look like it. While wheeling mom around the hospital, people thought I was her husband. She’d say “Thanks for the compliment, but he’s my father”. “Pleased to meet you”, they’d say to me. At sixty, I was still a potential embarrassment to my mom. Some things never change.

Mom was a consummate Gemini and a poster child for the geriatric crowd at seventy-seven. She maximized her best and minimized her worst qualities. Mom used to say she had “healthy neuroses”. Being her healthiest and happiest self was the only thing that made sense to her. Mom once said to me, “Most parents make most of their mistakes on their first kid”. That was true in my case. My brother who was four years younger and sister who was seven years younger were spared mom’s inexperience.



Mom considered raising her children her greatest accomplishment in life. I certainly did my best as a young child to make her proud of me. When I turned twenty, I confronted mom to tell her that I wasn’t perfect and that she had made plenty of mistakes. She replied, “Well son, I’m sorry for anything I did which caused you any harm. My mistakes were not intentional. I tried my best to be a good parent. You’ll understand when you’re a parent. You’re an adult now. You must grow up and get past whatever holds you back. You need to be as healthy as you can be.” What could I say? She was right. In the final analysis, my siblings and I all turned out well in ways that matter most. Mom’s optimism, relentless frankness, and loving encouragement compelled all of us to be true to ourselves.


Geminis have a unique sense of humor. While mom was lying in her hospital bed with tubes going in and out of her, she said to me, “What worries me is how nice everyone is to me. Do they know something I don’t?” My sister Jennifer warned, “You’re not allowed to die until you finish raising my (teenage) kids”. She joked about buying mom’s casket at Costco and mom loved the idea. My brother Gary said, “I’ll start worrying when you stop putting on your makeup”. He threatened to taxidermy and install her in a corner of his living room. If you want to get a real taste for mom’s humor, you’ve got to check out this exercise ball video that she made as a response to my extremely health conscious sister sending her the ball. For whatever it lacks in quality, it makes up for in laughter.

One of Gemini’s notable qualities is true friendship. Mom attributed her ability to make friends quickly to moving frequently in her childhood. With so many changes involving multiple schools, mom learned to adapt and develop social skills to make new friends. If you examine her balls of thumb, you’ll see many long lines parallel to her lifeline. Mom maintained lifelong bonds from her early childhood. She and her friends loved each other through Heart Attacks, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Diabetes, Cancer, and other diseases of old age. Mom’s friends were her riches. I too, cherish my friendships.

The luckiest thing mom ever did was to marry my dad. They met at a bus stop. It was love at first sight. She was a twenty-one year old virgin princess. He was a twenty-five year old former bad boy in the process of turning good. She played Eurydice to his Orpheus and Persephone to his Pluto. I was conceived on their wedding night and born nine months to the day later. Mom wanted to have a natural childbirth, however after thirty-six hours in labor, I was cut out. She came within inches of dying and spent weeks convalescing. When I first discovered astrology, I sought an eminent astrologer for my first reading. “This is a death chart” she told me. A person’s horoscope is also their mother’s transits at birth.

Geminis are thinkers and communicators. Mom was one of the most well-read people I ever knew. She was interested in psychology. When I was about ten years old, mom read Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl. It reinforced what she already knew and confirmed her most significant value in her life, which was the knowledge and understanding that while you can’t always control what happens to you, you have the power to choose what you think, feel, and do about what happens to you. When I went to Carnegie Mellon University to study industrial design, mom went back to college to get her master’s degree at the University of Pittsburgh and become a psychiatric social worker at the Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh. She was an innovator who was famous for her case notes and ultimately became a matriarch in the hospital system.

Although mom stayed at home during my childhood, she also stayed busy. Mom supplemented dad’s income by writing from home. One year, she won twenty-five contests by saying something in twenty-five words or less, finishing a sentence, writing jingles, or winning crossword puzzles. She sometimes published articles in consumer magazines like Redbook and Ladies Home Journal. I never shared this, but mom was a ghost writer for syndicated cartoons. The Flintstones, Yogi Bear, and Family Circus were clients who frequently purchased her gags. She worked with a local artist. Of course, our family was the source of her materials. That’s mom and me below.

When mom turned 80, she wrote, “Eighty years of age does not seem old to me. Old is when one is again dependent as we were in infancy – needing help as a constant to feed and care for oneself. I may die from an illness before I ever get old, then on to the next adventure.”  I wholeheartedly concur. Mom was eighty-three when she passed away. She continued to ponder the meaning of life until her final moments while battling metastasized breast cancer. I promised her I’d ‘pull the plug’ if it became necessary. Fortunately, she let go on her own.

Depending on my circumstances, I may employ my “Doctor Death Do It Yourself Kit”. Rather than anyone habitually wiping my dribbling face and disgusting butt, I’ll spare my family and friends the hassle and mess and instead leave them with positive memories! In my Gemini mind, it’s not tragic to expedite letting go when it’s your time.

Gemini Karma

Millions of new Geminis are born each year from May 20 to June 21. New Gemini generations are also born each century with karmic missions based on their age regardless of their sun signs.

The only outer planet to transit the sign of Gemini in the 20th Century was Uranus. When Uranus transited the sign of Gemini from 1942 to 1949 the emphasis in this country shifted to education. The U.S. Supreme Court abolished religion in public schools. The GI Bill enabled thousands of people to go to college. Occupations in communications fields like radio and television became more prevalent. In 1946, the first computer calculation began at the University of Pennsylvania.  It was called ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer). Columbia Records introduced the 33 1/3 rpm “long playing record”. The Atomic Energy Commission was created. The United Nations held its first session in London. The United States joined NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). People born between 1942 and 1949 are the Uranus in Gemini generation. They have restless temperaments and minds that grasp new ideas quickly.

In the 20th Century, people born between December 24 1945 ~ August 11 1947 (70-72), August 6 1964 ~ February 21 1966 (50–52) and March 15 1983 ~ Nov 1 1984 (32–33) share the same karmic invitation and responsibility to join society to share higher consciousness and lend humanity a helping hand. North nodes in Gemini generations are created to teach us all to exercise higher mind. Let’s observe the oldest living group (my generation) through the lens of politics. George W Bush, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump all share a Gemini lunar north node and Uranus in Gemini. Bill Clinton and George Bush wrecked their opportunities to positively raise public consciousness. Unfortunately, history repeats itself. Donald Trump has already done more than his share of damage. How many gilded towers, glitzy gambling casinos, graven images, brass pedestals, beauty queens, shark tanks, and celebrity idols do we need? Bill (Leo), George (Leo rising), and Donald (Leo rising) all have damaged egos and corresponding hubris. The dark side of the force is alive and well in each of them. Perhaps Donald Trump has already accomplished his karmic mission by teaching us how not to be and what not to do. Since hindsight is 20/20, you’d think we’d learn from our mistakes. We’ll find out when Uranus transits through Gemini again beginning at the end of 2025.

Celebrities born 1946 with North Node and Uranus in Gemini

ENIAC has come a long way since 1946. The Internet is the electronic version of Hermes principle of mentalism. As the most efficient and effective communication tool of all time, it instantly enables anyone to communicate with anyone and everyone at any place and at any time. The Internet represents an opportunity to create value out of thin air. Healthy content is essential to healthy communication.

Consider this paradox. E-business produces E-contamination. E-Pollution is a result of creating, collecting, and cultivating, but not properly disposing of E-garbage. We can close landfills, but what do we do with cyber-fills and digital-spills?  How do we recycle, reuse, and recreate cyber-toxins and hazardous dot-coms? How can we best employ Hermes ‘Law of Polarity’ to help transform these ten negative qualities of Gemini?

  • Superficiality: Creating and implementing products without a healthy vision, foresight, well thought out marketing plans, or adequate financial framework
  • Deceitfulness: Having no purpose – the IPO is the product
  • Dilettante: Technology for the sake of technology
  • Commercialism: Inability to integrate content and advertising
  • Detachment: Banner Syndrome: creating consumer numbness to advertising
  • Too Clever: too many sugar coated widgets
  • Sneakiness: Invasion of privacy / Spam / Viruses
  • Fickleness: User characterized into a statistic for some mailing list
  • Anything is better than nothing: Boring graphics – poor bandwidth
  • Babbling: Too much hype

Humanity needs to wake up and smell the psychic garbage. It’s time to get real!


As the first planet in our solar system, Mercury rules Gemini. Mercury was messenger for the Roman gods. His Egyptian version was Thoth, scribe of the gods. In Greek myth, Hermes was the god of Wisdom. Hermes told his disciples, “The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding.” In tarot, Hermes is a magician at a crossroads with the resources and tools to go anywhere and do anything at any time. Gemini’s secrets are only secrets to the uninitiated. Gemini (social) and Virgo (technical) are Hermes homes. As a real person in ancient Egypt, Hermes refused to grow old and reputedly lived with grace for three hundred years in the flesh. A 20th Century manifestation of Hermes adolescence is Peter Pan, who never grows old. Being a Gemini explains my youthfulness at 70, but for the mirror.


Hermes was the mystic teacher of Abraham. As the father of wireless communication, Hermes taught his disciples that our brains are our cell communication hardware while our minds transmit and receive messages. Long before Moses, while other alchemists were still trying to turn lead into Gold, Hermes realized that relationships between cells cause energy and matter to vibrate on different planes at the same time. He labeled these ever blending planes as physical, mental, and spiritual. Hermetic philosophy says everyone and everything is made of individual cells; physically, mentally, and spiritually connected to all other cells on all other planes at the same time. We can connect with anyone or anything at any time once we learn to establish and tune our links.

Hermetic alchemy is the mastery of mental forces, transmuting one mental vibration into another. Hermes describes the unknowable and indefinable spirit as “The ALL”. Hermes taught “While ALL is in The ALL, it is equally true that The ALL is in ALL. To him who truly understands this truth hath come great knowledge”. The inner nature of The ALL is unknowable. That’s why we have anthropomorphic gods and institutionalized religion. Spirit is the essence that glues and forms the whole. Our spiritual development depends on our recognition, realization, and manifestation of the Great Spirit within and without.

Real alchemy hasn’t much to do with turning lead (Saturn) into gold (Sun). It’s a set of magical formulas, tools, and esoteric instruction for being healthy, happy, and fulfilled. Alchemy is about cultivating vision, nurturing relationships, making healthy decisions, embracing right choices, having faith, cultivating healthy attitudes, building sound structures on solid foundations, and facing the future with courage, strength, wisdom, and grace. Accomplished alchemists are structured, disciplined, focused, mentally, emotionally, and philosophically balanced, and spiritually connected. Alchemy is a kind of spiritual magnetism. The law of attraction works best when you know what you desire and your intentions are clear. It’s nearly impossible to transform negative thinking and circumstances into positive results without taking a leap of faith and letting go of fear.

Everyone is familiar with at least one of Hermes secrets. “The Secret” has been a very profitable PR crusade for Hermes “Law of Polarity”. “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.” Hermes verified seven basic metaphysical and philosophical principles.

Hermes other six ‘secrets’ are Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Rhythm, Cause and Effect, and Gender. Applying these principles enabled Hermes to explore, examine, and explain just about everything. Hermes describes opposites as two extremes of the same thing with many varying degrees between. Where does heat end and cold begin? Where does darkness leave off and light begin?  What about hard and soft, sharp and dull, noisy and quiet, high and low, positive and negative? The same principle operates on the mental plane. Love and hate are simply degrees of the same thing. Somewhere in the middle are shades of like and dislike. The vibrations of hate can be changed to the vibrations of love through applying the art of polarization, a phase of mental alchemy known and practiced by ancient and modern Hermetic masters.

Hermetic masters possessed knowledge of transcendental astronomy called astrology, transcendental chemistry called alchemy, and transcendental psychology called mystic psychology. They cultivated inner as well as outer wisdom. Critical thinkers throughout history have unlocked the mysteries of nature using symbolism. Galileo, Pythagoras, Confucius, Plato, Aristotle, Nostradamus, Leonardo Da Vinci, George Washington, Carl Jung, and Joseph Campbell, were all Grand Masters of symbolic thought.

Hermes used astrology to unlock the ancient mysteries. As a symbolic system, it compares and contrasts our heavens with the affairs of mankind on earth. Astrologers espouse Hermes second principle of correspondence “As above, so below, as below, so above”. A diversity of astrological symbols and their relationships comprise one big dysfunctional family we call humanity. The human race has become a race against bad shit happening. It doesn’t have to be that way. Every relationship changes every other relationship on a cellular level by raising or diminishing vibration, polarity, and rhythm.

Hermes asks us to know ourselves, to allow our minds and willpower to choose the most positive aspects of who we are. As we embrace our healthiest qualities, we attract nourishing relationships and find meaningful roles for ourselves. We can turn lead into gold by choosing to be happy, healthy, whole, centered, and peaceful, and then do the corresponding work. The rest is detail. The true secrets are in the work.