The full moon in Cancer arrives with this year’s winter solstice. As humanity races recklessly toward bad shit happening, Saturn solemnly reveals our faulty foundations, unstable structures, and horrible habits. The time has come to balance our personal and collective heads and hearts. Every thought, choice, and action has consequences. It’s time to let go of fear and begin loving and nourishing each other and our planet.
Outer planets symbolize massive transformations in both personal and collective psyches as they change signs. While Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto transited Capricorn in the 20th Century, outdated paradigms and patterns of political institutions and social structures were shifted. Uranus in Capricorn revolutionized politics and business from 1989 to 1996. The Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall were ripped down. Germany was reunited on October 3, 1990. The political demarcation between East and West vanished. In 1991, the Soviet Union disintegrated into fifteen republics. The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibited discriminating against the disabled. Why have we regressed to Nationalism, Fear, and discrimination? Do we really need to build another wall that we’ll eventually tear down between the US and Mexico?
NASA successfully observed and recorded Uranus orbiting the outer limits of our solar system, thanks to our Voyager space probe. Nelson Mandela was released after 27 years behind bars and successfully galvanized Anti-Apartheid across the globe. Jean Bertrand Aristide, radical priest, became Haiti’s first freely elected president. Ten months after his election, the military seized control of government. After his USA asylum, Aristide returned to office in 1994, accompanied by 20,000 American troops. Operation Desert Storm liberated Kuwait from Iraqi invaders. Bosnia declared independence from Yugoslavia resulting in a religious civil war that pitted Serbs and Croats against Muslims. Why are we allowing genocide in Yemen, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, and so many other countries? Why are we supporting and promoting hatred around the world? Why are we wasting money on irrelevant outer space programs?
Johnny Carson retired after 30 years (Saturn return) of the TONITE show. Representatives from over 100 countries met in Rio de Janeiro in June of 1992 to discuss how to preserve the earth. Good intentions were no longer enough. The USA and UN brokered a prickly cease-fire to end ethnic cleansing. Why have we chosen leaders who ignore humanitarian and environmental values and instead worship greed? Why have we abandoned our good health and the good health of our planet?
Expect the unexpected. PLO leader Yassar Arafat shook hands with Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin to end hatred. The Irish Republican Army agreed to lay down its arms in exchange for a role in Northern Ireland’s political future. Smoking was banned in New York City restaurants. Women began smoking cigars. The Brady Bill for gun control was signed into law thirteen years after Brady was shot and paralyzed. Why are more semi-automatic weapons than ever being sold to crazy people and then being used in mass shootings in schools, religious institutions, and shopping malls, etc.?
When Neptune transited Capricorn from 1984-1998, lines between chemical industries and moral responsibilities dissolved. A gas leak at a Union Carbide plant in India killed over 3,000 people. British scientists pinpointed a hole in the earth’s ozone layer. Two years later in 1987, after seeing the hand writing on the wall, fifty-three nations signed a treaty pledging to reduce the number of CFCs in the atmosphere. The most serious nuclear accident in history occurred at Chernobyl, killing thirty-one people instantly. Later, 40,000 were diagnosed with cancer from too much exposure to radiation. The Exxon Valdez shipwreck was the worst oil spill in history. It contaminated hundreds of miles of Alaska shoreline and killed many thousands of creatures. Why are we still choosing to promote fossil fuels and environmental pollution over clean energy and sustainability?
Monsanto, creator of Agent Orange, PCB, DDT, and Dioxins, launched “Round-up Ready” GMO soybeans, approved by the FDA in 1994. “Frankenfood” was born. Environmental activists fought back while FDA folly was parodied by late night pundits on TV. Mad Cow disease mysteriously appeared in the UK in 1996. The slim line between science fiction and reality was crossed when the first sheep was cloned in Scotland in 1997. The FDA approved a drug called AZT, designed to treat AIDS. El Nino was named and blamed for bizarre bad weather conditions in 1997 and 1998. Why are we ignoring science and climate change? Why haven’t we banned ‘Roundup’, knowing that it’s a carcinogen?
Neptune transformed our illusion of fatherhood. Convicted pussy grabber Bill Cosby was the most popular father in 1984. What a hypocrite he turned out to be. While Saturn transited Scorpio, Bill was clearly not practicing what he was preaching. Sadly, he had no awareness of his karma until Saturn returned to Scorpio in 2014. Racial bigots Archie Bunker and Homer Simpson were wildly popular fathers. ‘Married with Children’ warped our visions of fatherhood. Disney produced a powerful father and son story, ‘The Lion King’. Murphy Brown revealed a powerful animus to a national anima, hopefully teaching women not to give away their power. Why are we electing and appointing pussy grabbers and rapists to leadership roles in public office?
Ivan Boesky preached virtuosity and honesty while practicing insider trading. Frenzies of mergers, acquisitions, and takeovers began in 1980, destabilizing financial institutions. General Electric purchased media giants NBC and RCA. Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) collapsed. Regulators from 69 countries seized assets and charged officers who hid substantial losses from investors. Congress closed the House of Representatives Bank in the wake of scandal. Why are we gifting billionaires with our hard earned taxes?
Neptune dissolves political and financial structures. Mikhail Gorbachev reformed controls to keep the Soviet Union together. Growing concerns over growing federal deficit catalyzed the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act. Congress failed to control its spending, and rather than assume the massive mandatory cuts specified, it was scrapped in 1990. Reagan deficits soared to two trillion dollars (2X 1981). Black Monday suffered a stock market mini-crash with sudden steeply dropping stock prices. Texaco filed the largest bankruptcy in history. Why are our deficits greater than ever and our middle class and have-nots poorer and more desperate than ever?
History repeats itself. Power corrupts. The top 1% is above the law and beyond scrutiny. The 99% are well aware of the greed of the 1%. Deceptive business practices, dark conspiracies, devious plutocrats and capitalists are dark manifestations of Pluto. Partisan politics, greed, hypocrisy, and selfishness must be replaced by healthy values, ethics, morality, and spirituality.
Nostradamus predicted the time of Pluto in Capricorn would destabilize major financial structures and burst the bubbles created by the illusion of social security. How can we reform broken social systems when greed owns our Congress and Senate? What happens when the Federal Reserve Bank (Capricorn) destabilizes? How do we prepare for fluctuating interest rates and inflation?
We need to recreate and refurbish our infrastructure and find revolutionary ways to manage our energy and environment. Fossil fuels must be utilized to create sustainable products and not be squandered. Recycling and reuse must be implemented on a massive scale to become practical and cost effective. Cyber-Terrorism is capable of reaching into any computer, cell phone, or electronic device. The list of necessities to be transformed is endless and eternal. We must build bridges, not walls.
The Declaration of Independence was signed July 4 1776. Among astrologers, there’s a dispute whether Gemini or Sagittarius is rising. No matter what, the USA Sun, Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury are still in Cancer. As Pluto opposes those archetypes, we’ll try harder to control everyone and everything and be challenged for economic power and status as world leader. We’re smart-assed short-sighted little children who take what’s most valuable for granted.
NYC’s charter was signed January 1 1898 at 12:01 am. Pluto reached the degree of NYC’s Sun in Capricorn in 2013 and catalyzed chaos around physical and financial infrastructures, public transportation, and political corruption. Worldwide challenges have included hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, earthquakes, droughts, wildfires, and unnatural anomalies due to environmental abuse. Capricorn rises in the USSR for a constitution that promises political and economic upheaval. Pluto teaches us where responsibility begins and accountability ends. Bottom lines do not justify the means. What gives Donaldemort and his Dementors the right to take us for granted, squander our planet’s natural resources, ignore science, and abuse our respiratory and circulatory systems, bodies, minds, and spirits? How can we allow them to deny responsibility and not expect serious karmic consequences? Why can’t we see the handwriting on our walls? We must wean ourselves from hate, fear, and terror, and choose loving leaders.
Bravo, Mark! Excellent read!!!
Good piece that links the relationships between international events and astrology.
We really need a leader that is full of love. He/she can make a real contribution to our world.
Wonderful, flowing prose; vivid images; fascinating references to history recent and less so….an engaging and insightful read!!!
Thank you, Mark!
Wonderful, flowing prose; vivid images; fascinating references to history recent and less so….an engaging and insightful read!!!