Millions of Geminis are born each year from May 20 ~ June 21. Regardless of sun sign, three periods each century share Gemini psyche and psycho-social paradigms with corresponding karmic responsibilities, missions, and retributions.
Born 12/24/1945 to 8/11/1947 (age 70-72), 8/6/1964 to 2/21/1966 (50–52), and 3/15/1983 to 11/1/1984 (32–33), share a karmic debt and responsibility to join society, embrace humanity, and share higher consciousness. It’s time to give ourselves a helping hand; our own. Pictured on the left are members of the post WWII generation. George W Bush, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, and I share the same Gemini lunar north node. Uranus was also in Gemini at the time. Bill Clinton and George Bush had opportunities to raise public consciousness, but blew it by thinking their job was about them and indulging in their weaknesses. Sadly, history is repeating itself. Donald Trump, a Gemini, one man obstacle course, human wrecking crew, lover of gilded towers, collector of polished brass cages, glitzy gambling casinos, golden pedestals, graven images, beauty queens, shark tanks, and celebrity idols is a magnet for greedy gluttons and feckless fools.
Donald (Leo rising) doesn’t care about us. His hubris is harming our world. Bill Clinton (Leo) and George Bush (Leo rising) cared, but made personal and political choices ending as lessons in hubris that radically altered their histories and destinies. Donald is raising public consciousness by teaching us what not to do, how not to be, and how not to lose what we have, to value what we had. Hindsight needs to vote and win in 20/20. Who we choose now will influence how Uranus will transit Gemini in 2025 and behave for the following seven years.
Our only outer planet to transit Gemini in the 20th Century was Uranus from 1942~1949. Social ideas and cultural paradigms shifted towards education. The U.S. Supreme Court abolished religion in public schools. The GI Bill enabled thousands of people to go to college. Radio and television dominated media all over the world. The first computer calculation, ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), was born at the University of Pennsylvania in 1946. Columbia Records introduced the 33 1/3 rpm “long playing record”. The United Nations held its first session in London. The Atomic Energy Commission was created. The United States joined NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). People born 1942 ~ 1949 with Uranus in Gemini are mentally restless, have nervous temperaments, and minds that grasp new ideas quickly. Unfortunately, common sense is no longer good sense. What happened to healthy and sane?
ENIAC has come a long way since 1946. Internet is a transmutation of Hermes principle of mentalism. Hermes knew how to connect with anyone at any place and time and transmit his ideas and images without external hardware and software. Hermes taught that our brain is our hardware and our mind is our software. Mind can be a powerful and effective communication tool that enables us to make good sense, connect with others , tune our links, and behave appropriately.
Wake up and whiff the weirdness! The human race has become a race against bad shit happening. If we continue to substitute money for values, religion for spirituality, and bad ideas for good sense, we will seal our fate by not choosing ourselves, each other, our planet, and our destiny as equal and fair. Help Hermes ‘Law of Polarity’ transform ten negative character traits into ten positive character traits. You’re judge, jury, and executioner!
‘Imagine the Opposite’
Superficial ~ creating and implementing products without healthy vision, foresight, well thought out marketing plans, and/or adequate financial framework
Deceitful ~ selfish intent ~ perverted purpose ~ IPO as product
Dilettante ~ Technology for the sake of technology
Commercial ~ inability to integrate content and advertising
Detachment ~ Banner Syndrome creating consumer numbness to advertising
Cleverness ~ too many bright colorful sugar coated widgets
Sneakiness ~ invasion of privacy / Spam / Cookies / Viruses
Fickleness ~ user characterized as a statistic for future mailing lists
Babbling ~ too much hype, grease, bullshit, and too many alternate truths
Anything is better than nothing ~ boring graphics / poor bandwidth
E-business produces e-contamination and creates e-Pollution. We can close landfills, but what do we do with toxic cyber-fills and hazardous digital spills? E-garbage is created and collected and not properly disposed of. How do we recycle, reuse, and recreate cyber-toxins and poisonous dot-coms? Psychic garbage is the birthplace of all physical garbage. Perhaps we should encourage psychic abortions for hypocrites.