Gemini & Hands

Self Portrait

You don’t need a Gemini sun, moon, ascendant, planets, or house placements to be Gemini. Thinking Types have square palms and long fingers. No matter what your  astrology says, pure Geminis have square palms, widely spread long fingers, flexible joints, supple thumbs, and dominant first phalanges on slightly knotty first phalanges with rounded tips. Gemini (mutable) is mentally and socially adaptable. Aquarius  (fixed) is unique, eccentric, and innovative. Libra (cardinal) is strategic, balanced, and fair. Of course, there are dark sides…

When major lines in thinking hands split at their ends, that person is able to see many possibilities and outcomes. They often think or feel they have too many choices and decisions to make in order to get whatever done or go wherever they’re going. Mutable types are the most indecisive of the three modalities, especially air and water.

Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are water signs. Feelings must be balanced with Thinking. Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini are the opposing forces. Ambivalent feelings are incarnate in chains and islands on heart lines. Branches of feelings appear to be magnetically drawn to thinking. Parents who aren’t physically or emotionally present and / or don’t talk about their feelings are teaching their children to analyze, compartmentalize, and rationalize feelings. Rationalizing is safer than verbalizing feelings. A physically or emotionally absent parent as role model in the formative years is a recipe for struggling to learn to value ones’ thinking, feelings, and being. A short index finger often goes with a head ruled heart. Split lines are split for many reasons. Most people have challenging journeys.

Astrology reveals potentials. It’s impossible to accurately foretell a future. It’s hard to predict what we’ll do with potentials in our natal horoscope. Symbols may or may not reflect what you choose to integrate into your character and behavior.

Hands are topographical maps of character in past, present, and future. It’s easy to see the person’s corresponding strengths and weaknesses. While exercising our free will, changing our thinking, modifying our behavior, and re-scripting our story, we can observe the results, clearly etched and reflected in the morphology and topography of our hands over time.

Healthy Geminis have long straight pinkie fingers. They’re master bullshit detectors, acutely aware of their own bullshit, like knowingly being tactful and diplomatic when they’re much better off being frank and direct. Critical thinking, careful decision making, and crystal clear communication make good sense out of nonsense. What you see is what you get!

Dominant Gemini has square palms and long fingers, firm pink elastic skin with loop fingerprints. Long ring fingers with whorl prints add attractiveness, talent, salesmanship, risk taking, and luck. Knowing when to stop is the challenge. Gambling is a bad habit and horrible addiction. Dominant  middle fingers, square tips, and developed first knots add technical, scientific, and pragmatic attributes. Powerful index fingers increase leadership potentials, speaking abilities, career potentials, partnerships, friendships, and goals.

Geminis make great lawyers, bankers, doctors, orators, writers, engineers, teachers, salesmen, accountants, and shopkeepers. Dominant pinkie types play small musical instruments that require physical and mental dexterity. Music makes great sense since hearing is Gemini’s physical sense. I’ve worked at special events with top magicians with dominant pinkies. They astound their audiences while deceiving their eyes and minds.

Cultivated Geminis are consummate communicators, social magnets, intuitive geniuses, and great judges of character. Most social of all signs, Gemini is often accused of being an impractical dreamer because he loves ideas so much. He can detach himself from mundane reality, still remaining objective about everyone and everything. He overvalues intellect and undervalues emotion. He feels threatened when his ideas and opinions are ignored without good reason. He can accept your viewpoint, even though he disagrees with you. He’s easily distracted and doesn’t want responsibility for making decisions that have consequences. Longing to be free and unrestricted, he actually needs most to stay focused, disciplined, and structured. Earning rewards requires doing whatever needs to be done with courage, strength, wisdom, and grace.

Hermes (Mercury) was the shortest god. The pinkie is the shortest finger. If the tip is longer than the crease between the first and second phalanx of the ring finger, it’s long. If shorter, it’s short. Dominant pinkie folk are often short in stature like Ed Harris (Sag) with slender body and face. Pure types are animated, with dark hair and penetrating eyes with crow’s feet in the corners. Gemini is the most youthful of all types, eternally childlike, they love children. Men often sport thin beards like Johnny Depp (Gemini). Michael Jackson (Virgo, ruled by Mercury) was a real life Peter Pan. He actually lived in ‘Neverland’. Brooke, Liza, and Liz were Michael’s Wendy’s.

Gemini is androgynous. In Greek myth, Hermes & Aphrodite (siblings) had an incestuous relationship that spawned Hermaphrodite. Dominance of Hermes in one’s psyche (known or unknown) creates bi-sexual tendencies. David Bowie was Capricorn with dominant Hermes. Mick Jagger is Hermes with strong Leo. Cate Blanchett is Hermes with a powerful Taurus sun. She played Bob Dylan, who is Gemini. Boy George is Gemini. Grace Jones, Taurus, has Mercury conjunct Uranus in Gemini. That’s a lot of uniqueness and eccentricity.

Our pinkie finger reveals our ability to communicate. It indicates truthfulness. Early family dynamic can be observed in how the pinkie is set and held. Very short or low set pinkies reveal lack of trust as a major issue. Many women with low set pinkies have told me they have trouble having orgasms. Their real challenge is in trusting someone enough to have real intimacy. Lengths and proportions of pinkie fingers symbolizes technical, language, sexual, financial, and family potentials.

Gemini rules hands and governs our nervous and respiratory systems. Health issues revolve around nervous and bronchial systems. Geminis have potential problems with headaches, thyroid glands, memory loss, and speech impediments. I’m Gemini. I’ve coped with Tinnitus (ringing in my head) for many years. It’s the worm in my apple.

Gold and diamond rings are normally found on the ring (marriage) finger. You’ll see rings on pinkie fingers of acquisitive people. Pinkie rings can symbolize sublimation of sexual energies to accomplish something that requires a lot of libido. I once examined a group of fifty young people born into powerful families in the 80’s. Considering the prosperity of the period, it seemed a paradox that every person I read had short phalanges on the bottom segment of their little fingers. Money will never be the motivation for their career choices. In the final analysis, their families, personal matters, and values will drive these individuals.

Would you buy a used car from this Gemini? Gemini’s liabilities are deceitfulness, trickiness, fickleness, nervousness, restlessness, and shallowness. People preaching on soapboxes, pickpockets, and most con artists have powerful pinkies (inwardly curving). Donald’s curve inward, confirmed in his natal astrology by a close Mercury Neptune square. It’s not what you do, but what you get away with that matters. Our trickster is not hiding his dark side. The streets are littered with conned contractors, jilted beauty queens, and fired apprentices. The Emperor grabs our pussies as he tortures our mother. If you believe mom (GAIA) is happy about her body, respiratory, circulatory systems, and spirit, we’re all in serious trouble!

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Many wonderful people have curved pinkies. They learned the hard way as little children to ‘act nice’. Their job was to avoid confrontation and keep the peace. Learning to say ‘NO’ is a lifelong challenge for them (especially with a large ball of thumb). It’s hard to straighten a curved pinkie, but it can be done. The person must stop trying to please and be whatever everyone else wants and needs them to be. If you’re pretending whatever is OK and it isn’t, check your pinkies.





In ancient Greece, Hermes was the god of wisdom, trade, wealth, luck, fertility, language, animal husbandry, sleep, thieves, and travel. Hermes was also the liaison to death and messenger for all gods. Hermes’ Roman version is Mercury, ruler of Gemini. Thoth is the Egyptian archetype, scribe of the gods. Loki was the Norse god of mischief. In Tarot, Hermes is a Magician at a crossroads with important choices to be made and critical actions to be taken, along with the necessary tools to make them happen. Having physical and metaphysical resources and tools enabled Hermes to go anywhere and do anything.

Hermes was reputedly a real person in ancient Egypt. Hermes allegedly lived to 350 years old in the flesh. Refusing to grow old, he spent much of his youth as a petty thief and mischievous trickster. ‘Puck’ was Hermes adolescence in ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’. The 20th Century version is Peter Pan. Peter never grows old. As a 74 year old Gemini, I’m leaving adolescence on a quest to transform common sense into good sense.

Wendy is a Virgo. She’s the part of Mercury that’s practical and responsible. Peter needs Wendy to darn his socks, sew his shadow back on, let him fly away whenever and wherever he wants and be there when he gets back. Wendy balances Peter by changing Gemini’s ambiguous and ambivalent thoughts and feelings into clarity and good sense. Gemini (social) and  Virgo (technical) are Hermes City & Country homes as he transits our Zodiac.

Hermes was the mystic teacher of Abraham and real father of wireless communication. Hermes realized our brains are the cell communication hardware while our minds transmit and receive messages. He understood relationships between cells cause energy and matter to vibrate on different planes at the same time. Hermes described three separate and forever blending planes as physical, mental, and spiritual.

Long before Moses, while other alchemists were still attempting to turn Lead into Gold, Hermes taught disciples that every thought is made up of individual cells; physically, mentally, and spiritually connected to all other cells on all other planes at the same time. We can connect with anyone or anything at any time by first taking a leap of faith, establishing our connections, and then tuning our links.

Alchemy is not about turning lead into gold. Alchemy is a set of magical formulas, tools, and esoteric instruction for becoming healthy, happy, and fulfilled. Alchemy is choosing to nourish clear vision, making wise decisions, cultivating real relationships, and acting appropriately. Positive attitudes, right uses of will, and rock solid faith will create sound structures on solid foundations. By balancing courage, strength, wisdom, and grace with critical thinking, healthy feelings, and right action, Saturn (Lead) can turn into Sun (Gold). Through structure, discipline, and focus, alchemy helps us to be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually connected to ourselves, each other, and our planet.

Hermetic alchemy is a mastery of mental forces by transmuting one mental vibration into another. Hermes describes an unknowable and indefinable spirit as “The ALL”. “While ALL is in “The ALL”, it is equally true that “The ALL” is in ALL. “To him who truly understands this truth hath come great knowledge”. The inner nature of The ALL is unknowable. That’s why we have anthropomorphic gods and institutionalized religion.

Spirit is the essence that forms the whole. Spiritual development depends on the recognition, realization, and manifestation of the Great Spirit within and without.

Hermes taught seven basic metaphysical and philosophical principles.

The Secret”, a popular and profitable self-help campaign, is Hermes “Law of Polarity”. “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different by degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.” Polarity is spiritual magnetism. Laws of attraction work best when you know what you want and your intention is clear. You can transform negative thinking into positive circumstances by deciding what you want, taking a leap of faith, letting go of fear, and doing the work.

Hermes ‘Law of Polarity’ can turn trash into treasure

GURU of GARBAGE (Click for Good Day NY)

Opposites are extremes of the same thing with varying degrees between. Where does heat end and cold begin? Where does darkness leave off and light begin?  What about positive and negative, hard and soft, sharp and dull, noisy and quiet, high and low? This same principle operates on a mental plane. Love and hate are simply degrees of the same thing. Somewhere in the middle are shades of like and dislike. The vibrations of hate can be transformed into the vibrations of love through the art of polarization, a phase of alchemy known and practiced by ancient and modern masters.

Hermes other six ‘Secrets’ are Correspondence, Mentalism, Vibration, Rhythm, Cause and Effect, and Gender. Knowing these principles enabled Hermes to explore, examine, and explain everything and to execute his thoughts and ideas.

Hermetic masters possessed knowledge of transcendental astronomy called astrology, transcendental chemistry called alchemy, and transcendental psychology called mystic psychology. They cultivated inner and outer wisdom. Critical thinkers throughout history have unlocked mysteries using hermetic thought and principles. Confucius, Galileo, Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Nostradamus, Leonardo Da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and Joseph Campbell were Grand Masters of hermetic thought.

Hermes used astrology to unlock ancient mysteries. Astrologers espouse Hermes second principle of correspondence “As above, so below, as below, so above”. Astrology is a symbolic system that compares and contrasts our heavens with the affairs of man on earth. Every relationship changes every other relationship on a cellular level by raising or diminishing its vibration, polarity, and rhythm. Astrological symbols embody a variety of archetypal characters, plots, and tales of humans, heroic, but unable to see the forest from the trees while desperately racing against bad shit happening.

Author’s Alliteration: Pious philosophies, pointless partisan political paradigms, and pestilential pecuniary practices pollute higher purpose and poison our psyches. Faulty families feast frenzily on flawed feelings, vague values, and toxic thinking, copiously spiced with needless fear, desperation, and hatred. As we compartmentalize, rationalize, and analyze our insane ideologies and beliefs, we sacrifice our dignity, integrity, nobility, and virtue on the altars of nonsense.

Hermes asks us to know ourselves; to think critically, to be motivated, to make healthy choices, nourish positive attitudes, and embrace our best attributes. As we flourish and blossom, we can select more nourishing relationships and embrace more meaningful roles for ourselves. We can transform lead into gold by choosing wholeness, happiness, healthiness, peacefulness, and gracefully sharing our good fortune with the rest of us.

Summer Solstice 2020 ~ Honoring my Gemini Mother

Today is mom’s birthday. No longer in physical form, mom would be 95 years old. She passed from her body at 83 after living as gratefully and gracefully as possible with metastasized breast Cancer for many years. Before she left this plane, she assured me that if there’s another side, she’ll be in touch. I haven’t heard from her yet, but haven’t given up hope. Mom’s cultivated Gemini hands with her square palms and long fingers harmonize well with her Gemini sun, moon, mercury, and midheaven conjunction.

Even in the direst of circumstances, our family always kept their sense of humor. Mom was lying in her hospital bed with tubes sticking in and out of her. She said to me, “What worries me most is how nice everyone is. Do they know something I don’t?” My sister warned, “You’re not allowed to die until you finish raising my (teenage) kids”. Jennifer joked about buying mom’s casket at Costco and mom loved the idea. Gary quipped, “I’ll start worrying about you when you stop putting on your makeup”. He threatened to taxidermy her and stick her in a corner of his living room. Mom’s intensive care doctor said he had never had a patient so sick and so determined not to look like it. I wheeled mom around the hospital. People thought I was her husband. I’d say, “Thanks for the compliment, but I’m her father”. “Pleased to meet you”, they’d say. At sixty, I could still embarrass my mother. Some things never change.

Mom was a poster child for the geriatric crowd. Approaching 80. she knew her time was limited. To get a real taste of her, watch this exercise ball video. Mom made it as a response to Jennifer sending her the ball. We wanted to keep her around as long as we could. The quality isn’t great, but her humor and attitude are well worth the watch!


“The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding.” Gemini secrets are secret only to the uneducated and uninitiated. In ancient Greece, Hermes was god of trade, wealth, luck, fertility, animal husbandry, sleep, language, thieves, travel, and wisdom. The Roman version was Mercury, ruler of Gemini, liaison to death, and messenger for all gods. Thoth was the Egyptian archetype, scribe of gods. Loki was the Norse god of mischief. In Tarot, Hermes is a Magician at a crossroads with important choices and critical decisions to be made. Having both physical and metaphysical resources and tools, Hermes could go anywhere and do anything at anytime.

Hermes was reputedly a real person in ancient Egypt. Refusing to grow old, he spent much of his youth as a petty thief and mischievous trickster. Hermes allegedly lived 350 years in the flesh. In ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’, Puck was Hermes adolescence. The 20th Century version is Peter Pan. Peter never grows old. Wendy darns his socks, sews his shadow back on, and lets him fly away when he wants to. Wendy was likely a Virgo. Hermes has an innate ability to transform ambiguous and ambivalent thoughts and feelings into clarity and good sense. Gemini (social) and  Virgo (technical) are Hermes city and country homes as he passes through our Zodiac.

Hermes was the mystic teacher of Abraham and the father of wireless communication. Hermes realized our brains are cell communication hardware while our minds transmit and receive messages. Hermes understood that relationships between cells cause energy and matter to vibrate on different planes at the same time. He described three separate and forever blending planes as physical, mental, and spiritual. Long before Moses, while other alchemists were still attempting to turn lead into Gold, Hermes taught us that everyone and everything, including every thought are made up of individual cells; physically, mentally, and spiritually connected to all other cells on all other planes at the same time. We can connect with anyone or anything at any time once we take a leap of faith, see our truths, establish connections, and tune our links.

Alchemy is not turning lead into gold. Alchemy is metaphysical. Alchemy is a set of magical formulas, tools, and esoteric instruction for being healthy, happy, and fulfilled. In practice, alchemy is about nourishing healthy vision, making healthy decisions, and nourishing healthy relationships. Positive attitudes, right uses of will power, and rock solid faith builds sound structures on solid foundations. By embracing courage, strength, wisdom, and grace, we blend and balance Saturn (Lead) with the Sun (Gold). It’s a lot of work, but through structure, discipline, and focus, alchemy helps us be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually connected with ourselves, each other, and our planet.

Hermetic alchemy is the mastery of mental forces by transmuting one mental vibration into another. Hermes describes the unknowable and indefinable spirit as “The ALL”. “While ALL is in “The ALL”, it is equally true that “The ALL” is in ALL. “To him who truly understands this truth hath come great knowledge”. The inner nature of The ALL is unknowable. That’s why we have anthropomorphic gods and institutionalized religion. Spirit is the essence that forms and glues the whole. Spiritual development depends on the recognition, realization, and manifestation of the Great Spirit within and without.

Hermes taught seven basic metaphysical and philosophical principles.

The Secret”, was popular and a profitable PR campaign for Hermes “Law of Polarity”. “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.” Polarity is spiritual magnetism. The law of attraction works best when you know what you want and your intentions are clear. Anyone can transform negative thinking into positive circumstances by taking a leap of faith, letting go of fear, and doing the work.

Hermes ‘Law of Polarity’ enabled me to transform trash into treasure


Opposites are two extremes of the same thing with many varying degrees between. Where does heat end and cold begin? Where does darkness leave off and light begin?  What of positive and negative, hard and soft, sharp and dull, noisy and quiet, high and low? The same principle operates on the mental plane. Love and hate are simply degrees of the same thing. Somewhere in the middle are shades of like and dislike. The vibrations of hate can be transformed into the vibrations of love through the art of polarization, a phase of alchemy known and practiced by ancient and modern masters. Correspondence, Mentalism, Vibration, Rhythm, Cause and Effect, and Gender are Hermes other six ‘Secrets’. Knowing these secrets enabled Hermes to explore, examine, and explain everything.

Hermetic masters possessed knowledge of transcendental astronomy called astrology, transcendental chemistry called alchemy, and transcendental psychology called mystic psychology. They cultivated inner and outer wisdom. Critical thinkers throughout history have unlocked mysteries using hermetic thought and principles. Confucius, Galileo, Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Nostradamus, Leonardo Da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and Joseph Campbell were a few of our luminous Grand Masters of hermetic thought.

Hermes used astrology to unlock ancient mysteries. Astrologers espouse Hermes second principle of correspondence “As above, so below, as below, so above”. Astrology is a symbolic system that compares and contrasts our heavens with the affairs of man on earth. Every relationship changes every other relationship on a cellular level by raising or diminishing its vibration, polarity, and rhythm. A diversity of astrology symbols embodies the characters, plots, and stories of this eternally dysfunctional family we call humanity.

Hermes asks us to know ourselves; to think critically, to be motivated, to make healthy choices, to nourish positive attributes, and embrace our healthiest qualities. As we flourish, we choose nourishing relationships and embrace meaningful roles for ourselves. We can transform lead into gold by choosing wholeness, happiness, healthiness, peacefulness, and gracefully negotiating the rest.


You don’t need a Gemini sun, moon, ascendant, planets, or house placements to be Gemini. No matter what your astrology says about you, pure Gemini types have square palms, widely spread long fingers, flexible joints, supple thumbs, dominant first phalanges on slightly knotty fingers, and rounded and spatulate fingertips. Thinking types sport square palms and long fingers. More mentally adaptable than Aquarius  (fixed) and socially adaptable than Libra (cardinal), Gemini is mutable. Lines in thinking hands that split at their ends symbolize being able to see many outcomes and having many choices and decisions to make.

Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are water signs. Ambivalent feelings are embodied in chains and islands on heart lines, especially when they’re magnetically drawn toward head lines. When the end of the heart line reaches down to touch the beginning of the head line, analyzing, rationalizing, and compartmentalizing feelings is much easier than verbalizing them. Most people have challenging journeys. Having a physically or emotionally absent parent as a role model during the formative years is a recipe for a lifetime of questioning and struggling to learn to value oneself. Look for a short index finger to go with the head ruled heart. Most split lines are split for many reasons.

It’s impossible to accurately foretell your future or what you will do with your potentials from a natal horoscope. Astrology reveals potentials. Your astrological symbolism may or may not reflect what you choose to integrate into your character and behavior. Hands are topographical maps of character  in past, present, and future. When you embrace your strengths and acknowledge your weaknesses, you can exercise your free will, change your thinking, modify your behavior, re-script your story, and observe the results over time, clearly reflected in the ever changing morphology and topography of your hands.

Healthy Geminis have long straight pinkie fingers. Pragmatic minds, critical thinking, clear communication, and the ability to focus can make good sense out of nonsense. Common sense isn’t working well these days.

Gemini has firm pink elastic skin and long fingers with loop prints. Long ring fingers  with whorl prints add attractiveness, salesmanship, risk taking, talent, and good luck. Knowing when to stop is key to winning. Dominant  middle fingers with square tips and developed first knots add technical, scientific, and pragmatic attributes. Strong index fingers increase writing and oratory abilities, career opportunities, and ambitious goals.

I’ve worked at special events with magicians with dominant pinkie fingers. They astound audiences while deceiving the eyes and minds of their beholders. Geminis make great lawyers, bankers, doctors, orators, writers, engineers, teachers, salesmen, accountants, and shopkeepers. Dominant pinkies play small musical instruments that require physical and mental dexterity, which makes sense since hearing is Gemini’s physical sense.

Cultivated Geminis are consummate communicators, social magnets, intuitive geniuses, and great judges of character. Most social of all, Gemini is often accused of being an impractical dreamer because he loves ideas so much. He can detach himself from mundane reality while remaining objective about everyone and everything else. He overvalues intellect and undervalues emotion and feels threatened when his ideas and opinions are ignored without good reason. He can accept your viewpoint, even when he disagrees with you. He’s easily distracted and doesn’t like being responsible for making decisions before knowing the consequences. Longing to be free and unrestricted, he desperately needs to stay focused, disciplined, and structured. Being rewarded requires doing what needs to be done with courage, strength, wisdom, and grace.

Hermes (Mercury) was the shortest god. The pinkie is the shortest finger. When the tip is longer than the crease between the first and second phalanx of the ring finger, it’s long. If shorter, it’s short. Dominant pinkie people are often short in stature like Ed Harris (Sag) with a slender body and face. Pure types are animated, with dark hair and penetrating eyes with crow’s feet in the corners. Gemini is the most youthful of all types, forever childlike and loving children. Men sport thin beards like Johnny Depp (Gemini). Michael Jackson (Virgo, ruled by Mercury) was a Peter Pan who actually lived in ‘Neverland’. Peter needs Wendy. Someone must be practical and responsible. Peter had Brooke, Liza, and Liz.

Gemini is androgynous. In Greek myth, Hermes & Aphrodite (siblings) had an incestuous fling that created Hermaphrodite. Dominance of Hermes in a psyche (known or not) creates bi-sexual tendencies. David Bowie was Capricorn with strong Hermes. Mick Jagger is Hermes with Leo sun. Kate Blanchett is Mercury with a Taurus sun. Bob Dylan is Gemini. Boy George is Gemini. Grace Jones (71) is Taurus with Mercury conjunct Uranus in Gemini. She didn’t get eccentric from Taurus!

Our pinkie finger reveals our ability to communicate. It indicates truthfulness. Early family dynamic can be observed in how the pinkie is set and held. Very short or low set pinkies reveal lack of trust as a major issue. Many women with low set pinkies have told me they have trouble having orgasms. Their real challenge is in trusting someone enough to have real intimacy. Lengths and proportions of pinkie fingers symbolizes technical, language, sexual, and family potentials.

Gemini rules hands and governs our nervous and respiratory systems. Health issues revolve around nervous and bronchial systems. Geminis have potential problems with headaches, thyroid glands, memory loss, and speech impediments. I’m Gemini. I’ve coped with Tinnitus (ringing in my head) for many years. It’s the worm in my apple.

Gold and diamond rings are normally found on the ring finger. They’re often on the pinkie fingers of acquisitive people. Pinkie rings symbolize sublimation of sexual energies to accomplish something that requires libido. I once examined a group of fifty young people born into powerful families in the 80’s. Considering the prosperity of the period, it seemed paradoxical that every one of them had short phalanges on the bottom segment of their little fingers on their dominant hands. Money will never be their motivation for career choices. Family, personal matters, and values will drive these individuals.

Would you buy a used car from this Gemini? I wouldn’t. Gemini’s liabilities are deceitfulness, trickiness, fickleness, nervousness, restlessness, and shallowness. People preaching on soapboxes, pickpockets, and most con artists have powerful pinkies (mostly inwardly curving). Don’s curve inward, confirmed in his natal astrology by a close Mercury Neptune square. It’s not what you do, but what you can get away with that matters. Our trickster is not masterful at hiding his dark side. We’re the conned contractors, jilted beauty queens, and fired apprentices. Our Emperor is grabbing our pussies while abusing our mother. If you think mom is happy about what’s happening to her body, respiratory system, circulatory system, and spirit, you’re the crazy one!

NOTE: Many wonderful people have curved pinkies. They learned as children to ‘act nice’, avoid confrontation, and be peacemakers. A lifelong challenge is to learn to say ‘NO’ (especially with large ball of thumb). They must stop trying to please and being what everyone else wants and needs them to be. If you’re pretending everything is OK and it isn’t, check your pinkies.


Millions of Geminis are born each year between May 20 & June 21

Each century, three (2 year) north node in Gemini generations manifest specific karmic intentions and consequences in individual and collective psyche. The ‘Sixties’ Generation is the post WWII north node in Gemini generation. George W BushBill Clinton, Donald Trump, famous persons on the left, and I share the same basic karma, differing only by degrees, aspects, and house positions. People born from Dec 24,1945 ~ Aug 11,1947 (73-75), Aug 6,1964 ~ Feb 21,1966 (52–54), and March 15,1983 ~ Nov 1,1984 (35–37) share that same karmic mission to communicate higher consciousness to anyone and everyone who is willing and able to be fully present in the moment. We must all learn to give freely, gracefully, without expectation, and to help humanity whenever and wherever possible. Bill and George tried to raise public awareness through their different choices, but sabotaged themselves by indulging in very different temptations, thinking that was OK, and believing that their Presidency was all about them.

Donald Trump, one man obstacle course, and subhuman wrecking crew, is a lover of gilded towers, glitzy gambling casinos, golden pedestals, graven images, beauty queens, shark tanks, and celebrity idols. By mid 2020, our greedy glutton and feckless fool of a leader had already over-accomplished his karmic mission by teaching us to never take for granted what we value or have failed to value. Many are realizing that drinking the cool-aid guarantees certain loss, defeat, and death.

Donald (Gemini / Leo rising) doesn’t care about us. Bill Clinton (Leo / Libra rising) and George W. Bush (Cancer / Leo rising) cared, but sabotaged themselves by making unhealthy personal and political choices resulting in negative press and ineffective leadership. Bill and George both began life with wounded egos due to physically or mentally abusive, judgmental, and overcritical fathers. One entitled, the other not, they still both learned humility the hard way. Donald Trump had a lousy father and horrible role model. Donald and his family will be shamed, but not humbled. Their brand will be forever toxic, representing a dark and destructive pathological psychosis with viral consequences. Unless Donald’s symbolic role is Shiva or Hades, he’s fulfilled his nodal destiny while raising public awareness by teaching us what not to do. It’s mind boggling how many of his followers have mistaken no love for tough love and common sense for good sense. So many horrible role models, so little time. “The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding”.

Uranus was the only outer planet to transit Gemini in the 20th Century from 1942~1949. Social ideas and cultural paradigms simultaneously shifted towards education. The US. Supreme Court abolished religion in public schools. The GI Bill enabled thousands of people to go to college. Radio and television dominated media all over the world. The first computer calculation, ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), was born at the University of Pennsylvania in 1946. Columbia Records introduced the 33 1/3 rpm “long playing record”. The United Nations held its first session in London. The Atomic Energy Commission was created. The United States joined NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). Makes good sense to me! What happened?

The Uranus in Gemini generation was born 1942 ~ 1949. At 73, I’m still mentally restless, managing my nervous temperament, applying my mind to solving real and philosophical challenges, and coming up with new ideas and concepts.

Hermes was father of the cell phone. He taught his disciples that our brain is the hardware while our mind is the software. We can transmit and receive messages. As we connect and fine tune our links, we can communicate with anyone at any time and place. Modern science simulates Hermes Law of Mentalism with external hardware and software. ENIAC has come a long way since 1946.

Wake up and whiff the weirdness! The human race has become a race against bad shit happening. As we continue to short-shortsightedly substitute money for values, religion for spirituality, and bad ideas for good sense, we seal our fate by choosing not to be kind to ourselves, each other, our planet, and future. That’s nonsense. We must exorcise humanity’s hubris or suffer the consequences. Unhealthy spoiled children in adult bodies have political power, social influence, and wealth. Responsibility obligates them to be humanitarian. We must vote hindsight in 2020.



“The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding.”  Hermes seven secrets are only secret to the uneducated and uninitiated. In ancient Greece, Hermes, was the god of Wisdom. As a Roman god, Hermes was Mercury, ruler of Gemini and messenger of the the gods. Thoth, the Egyptian version, was scribe of the gods. Loki was the Norse god of mischief. The Magician in tarot is Hermes at a crossroads with important choices and critical decisions to be made, directions to be taken, and the metaphysical resources and tools necessary to go anywhere and do anything at any time.

Hermes was reputedly a real person. He refused to grow old, spending much of his youth as a petty thief and mischievous trickster. In ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’, Shakespeare’s Puck parodied Hermes youth. A 20th Century version is Peter Pan, an adolescent who never grows old and has Wendy to believe in him; darn his socks, and sew his shadow back on when he needs that. Hermes transformed his ambiguousness and ambivalence into courage, strength, dignity, grace, and wisdom and lived for 350 years in the flesh. Gemini (social) and Virgo (technical) are Hermes home bases and recharging stations as he passes through time, space, and Cosmos.

I’ll be 72 on 6/16, still an adolescent, but for the mirror

Hermes, mystic teacher of Abraham, was the real father of wireless communication. Hermes realized our brains are cell communication hardware while our minds transmit and receive messages. Hermes understood that relationships between cells cause energy and matter to vibrate on different planes at the same time. Hermes described three separate and forever blending planes as physical, mental, and spiritual. Long before Moses, while other alchemists were attempting to turn lead into Gold, Hermes taught us that everyone, everything, and every thought are made of individual cells; physically, mentally, and spiritually connected to all other cells on all other planes at the same time. We can connect with anyone or anything at any time once we take a leap of faith, recognize and see our truths, establish connections, listen, and tune our links.

Alchemy is not about turning lead into gold. Alchemy is metaphysical, not physical. Alchemy is a set of magical formulas, tools, and esoteric instruction for being healthy, happy, and fulfilled. In practice, alchemy nourishes healthy vision, encourages healthy relationships, and helps seekers make smart decisions. Right actions, positive attitudes, and rock solid faith builds sound structures on solid foundations. By choosing to embrace our courage, strength, wisdom, and grace, we blend and balance Saturn with the Sun. Through structure, discipline, focus, and healthy choices, alchemy helps us become more mentally, emotionally, and spiritually connected and balanced in life.

Hermetic alchemy is the mastery of mental forces by transmuting one mental vibration into another. Hermes describes the unknowable and indefinable spirit as “The ALL”. “While ALL is in “The ALL”, it is equally true that “The ALL” is in ALL. “To him who truly understands this truth hath come great knowledge”. The inner nature of The ALL is unknowable. That’s why we have anthropomorphic gods and institutionalized religion. Spirit is the essence that forms and glues the whole. Spiritual development depends on the recognition, realization, and manifestation of the Great Spirit within and without.

Hermes taught seven basic metaphysical and philosophical principles.

“The Secret”, Hermes ‘2.0’, was a popular and profitable PR campaign for Hermes “Law of Polarity”. “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.” Polarity is spiritual magnetism. The law of attraction works best when you know what you want and your intentions are clear. Anyone can transform negative thinking into positive circumstances by taking a leap of faith, letting go of fear, and doing the work.

Correspondence, Mentalism, Vibration, Rhythm, Cause and Effect, and Gender are Hermes other six ‘Secrets’. Knowing these secrets enabled Hermes to explore, examine, and explain everything. Opposites are two extremes of the same thing with many varying degrees between. Where does heat end and cold begin? Where does darkness leave off and light begin?  What of positive and negative, hard and soft, sharp and dull, noisy and quiet, high and low? The same principle operates on the mental plane. Love and hate are simply degrees of the same thing. Somewhere in the middle are shades of like and dislike. The vibrations of hate can be transformed into the vibrations of love through the art of polarization, a phase of alchemy known and practiced by ancient and modern Hermetic masters.

Hermetic masters possess knowledge of transcendental astronomy called astrology, transcendental chemistry called alchemy, and transcendental psychology called mystic psychology. They cultivate inner and outer wisdom. Critical thinkers throughout history have unlocked mysteries using hermetic thought and principles. Confucius, Galileo, Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Nostradamus, Leonardo Da Vinci, George Washington, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and Joseph Campbell are among the many ever-evolving Grand Masters of Critical Thought.  

Hermes used astrology to unlock ancient mysteries. Astrologers espouse Hermes second principle of correspondence “As above, so below, as below, so above”. Astrology is a symbolic system that compares and contrasts our heavens with the affairs of man on earth. Every relationship changes every other relationship on a cellular level by raising or diminishing its vibration, polarity, and rhythm. A diversity of astrology symbols embodies the characters, plots, and stories of this very dysfunctional family we call humanity. Sadly, the human race has become a race against bad shit happening.

Hermes asks us to know ourselves; to think critically, to be motivated, to make healthy choices, to nourish our positive attributes, and to embrace our healthiest qualities. As we flourish, we choose more nourishing relationships and embrace more meaningful roles for ourselves. We can transform lead into gold by choosing wholeness, happiness, healthiness, centeredness, peacefulness, and gracefully dealing with the rest.


You don’t need a Gemini sun, moon, ascendant, planets, or house placements to be a Gemini. Thinking types have square palms with long fingers. No matter what your astrology says, pure Gemini hands have widely spread long fingers, flexible joints, and supple thumbs and fingertips. I’m a pure type. That’s my hand above. As a mutable modality, Gemini is more mentally adaptable than (cardinalLibrans and (fixed) Aquarians. Gemini and Libra are air signs that often have head lines split at their ends, resulting in having too many choices and needing to make too many decisions. Cancer and Pisces are water signs whose ambiguous feelings are embodied in split heart lines.

Author’s note: I’m generalizing based on my personal palmistry experience. Anyone can have any split line for many reasons.

It’s impossible to accurately foretell from a natal astrology chart what a person will choose to do with their symbolism and free will. Astrology reveals a person’s potentials. Your sun, moon, a stellium of planets, dominant signs, house placements, or powerful aspects between planets or points in a horoscope may or may not reflect what you choose to integrate into your character and behavior. Hands are topographical maps that disclose our true character in past, present, and future. As we embrace our strengths and address our weaknesses, we can exercise our thinking and free will, change our behaviors, re-write our stories, and the resulting thinking and circumstances will be reflected in the changing morphology and topography of our hands over time.

Healthy Geminis generally have long straight strong pinkie fingers that symbolize logical thinking, honest communication, and good sense. Gemini hands feature firm pink elastic skin with long straight widely spread fingers, dominant first phalanges, and loop finger prints. Long ring fingers with whorl prints add talent, attractiveness, irresistibility, salesmanship, and good luck (along with more risk taking). Strong middle fingers with square tips and developed first knots add technical and scientific attributes. Powerful index fingers dramatically increase writing, oratory, and professional skills. Geminis make great lawyers, bankers, doctors, orators, writers, engineers, teachers, salesmen, accountants, and shopkeepers. I work special events with many magicians who have dominant pinkie fingers. They surprise and astound audiences while deceiving the eye and mind of the beholder. Dominant pinkies prefer small musical instruments that require dexterity. Music makes sense as hearing is Gemini’s physical sense.

The pinkie is the shortest finger. If the tip is longer than the crease between the first and second phalange of the ring finger, it’s long. If shorter, it’s short. Hermes (Mercury) was the shortest god. A dominant pinkie fingered person is often short in stature like Ed Harris (Sag) with slender body and face. Pure types have animated hands, dark hair, and penetrating eyes with crow’s feet in the corners. Gemini remains most youthful of all types. They’re eternally childlike and love children. Many men have thin beards like Johnny Depp (Gemini). Michael Jackson, Virgo (ruled by Mercury), a real Peter Pan, actually lived in ‘Neverland’. Peter frequently needs a Wendy or parental type around. Someone’s got to be practical and responsible.

Our pinkie finger shows our ability to communicate. It indicates truthfulness. Early family dynamic can be observed in how the pinkie is set and held. Very short or low set pinkies reveal lack of trust as a major issue. Women with very low set pinkies have told me they have trouble having orgasms. Their real challenge is in trusting someone enough to have real intimacy. Lengths and proportions of pinkie fingers symbolize technical, language, sexual, and family potentials.

Gemini rules hands and governs our nervous and respiratory systems. Health issues revolve around nervous and bronchial systems. Geminis have potential problems with headaches, thyroid glands, memory loss, and speech impediments. I’m very Gemini and have been coping with Tinnitus (ringing in my ears) for an eternity of several years.

Gold and diamond rings are often found on the pinkie fingers of acquisitive people. Pinkie rings can symbolize the sublimation of sexual energies to accomplish something requiring libido. I once examined a group of fifty young men and women who were born into very powerful wealthy families in the 80’s. Considering the prosperity of that period, it seemed a paradox that everyone had short phalanges on the bottom segment of their little fingers on their dominant hands. Money will never be their motivation for career choices. Family and personal values will drive these individuals to make healthier choices.

Would you buy a used car from this Gemini? I wouldn’t. Gemini’s liabilities are deceitfulness, trickiness, fickleness, nervousness, restlessness, and shallowness. People preaching on soapboxes, pickpockets, and most con artists have dominant pinkies (most inwardly curving). Yellow coloration added to the palms reveals nastiness somewhere. The trickster is masterful at hiding his dark side. Many wonderful people with curved pinkies learned as children to ‘act nice’ and avoid confrontation. Their challenge is to stop trying to please everyone.

Cultivated Geminis are consummate communicators, social magnets, intuitive geniuses, and great judges of character. Most social of all types, they’re frequently accused of being impractical dreamers because they love ideas so much. They can detach themselves from mundane reality and still remain objective about everything and anything. They overvalue intellect and undervalue emotion. They’re threatened when their opinions are ignored. They can accept your viewpoint, even though they disagree with you. They get mad when their ideas are challenged without good reason. They’re easily distracted and don’t like being responsible for making decisions before they’re clear. They fight focus, discipline, and structure, and long for freedom, love, and being unrestricted. The hardest choice is often the only choice that makes the best sense.

Geminis are androgynous. In Greek myth, Hermes and Aphrodite’s incestuous fling birthed Hermaphrodite. Dominant Hermes (whether known or admitted to) is often bi-sexual. David Bowie was a Capricorn with strong Hermes. Mick Jagger is a Hermes type with a Leo sun. Kate Blanchett is a Mercurial Taurus. Bob Dylan is a Gemini. Boy George is a Gemini. Grace Jones (71) is a Taurus with Mercury conjunct Uranus in Gemini.


Millions of Geminis are born each year from May 20 ~ June 21. Regardless of sun sign, three periods each century share Gemini psyche and psycho-social paradigms with corresponding karmic responsibilities, missions, and retributions. 

Born 12/24/1945 to 8/11/1947 (age 70-72), 8/6/1964 to 2/21/1966 (50–52), and 3/15/1983 to 11/1/1984 (32–33), share a karmic debt and responsibility to join society, embrace humanity, and share  higher consciousness. It’s time to give ourselves a helping hand; our own. Pictured on the left are members of the post WWII generation. George W BushBill Clinton, Donald Trump, and I share the same Gemini lunar north node. Uranus was also in Gemini at the time. Bill Clinton and George Bush had opportunities to raise public consciousness, but blew it by thinking their job was about them and indulging in their weaknesses. Sadly, history is repeating itself. Donald Trump, a Gemini, one man obstacle course, human wrecking crew, lover of gilded towers, collector of polished brass cages, glitzy gambling casinos, golden pedestals, graven images, beauty queens, shark tanks, and celebrity idols is a magnet for greedy gluttons and feckless fools.

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Donald (Leo rising) doesn’t care about us. His hubris is harming our world. Bill Clinton (Leo) and George Bush (Leo rising) cared, but made personal and political choices ending as lessons in hubris that radically altered their histories and destinies. Donald is raising public consciousness by teaching us what not to do, how not to be, and how not to lose what we have, to value what we had. Hindsight needs to vote and win in 20/20. Who we choose now will influence how Uranus will transit Gemini in 2025 and behave for the following seven years.

Our only outer planet to transit Gemini in the 20th Century was Uranus from 1942~1949. Social ideas and cultural paradigms shifted towards education. The U.S. Supreme Court abolished religion in public schools. The GI Bill enabled thousands of people to go to college. Radio and television dominated media all over the world. The first computer calculation, ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), was born at the University of Pennsylvania in 1946. Columbia Records introduced the 33 1/3 rpm “long playing record”. The United Nations held its first session in London. The Atomic Energy Commission was created. The United States joined NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). People born 1942 ~ 1949 with Uranus in Gemini are mentally restless, have nervous temperaments, and minds that grasp new ideas quickly. Unfortunately, common sense is no longer good sense. What happened to healthy and sane?

ENIAC has come a long way since 1946. Internet is a transmutation of Hermes principle of mentalism. Hermes knew how to connect with anyone at any place and time and transmit his ideas and images without external hardware and software. Hermes taught that our brain is our hardware and our mind is our software. Mind can be a powerful and effective communication tool that enables us to make good sense, connect with others , tune our links, and behave appropriately.

Wake up and whiff the weirdness!  The human race has become a race against bad shit happening. If we continue to substitute money for values, religion for spirituality, and bad ideas for good sense, we will seal our fate by not choosing ourselves, each other, our planet, and our destiny as equal and fair. Help Hermes ‘Law of Polarity’ transform ten negative character traits into ten positive character traits. You’re judge, jury, and executioner!

 ‘Imagine the Opposite’

Superficial ~ creating and implementing products without healthy vision, foresight, well thought out marketing plans, and/or adequate financial framework

Deceitful ~ selfish intent ~ perverted purpose ~ IPO as product

Dilettante ~ Technology for the sake of technology

Commercial ~ inability to integrate content and advertising

Detachment ~ Banner Syndrome creating consumer numbness to advertising

Cleverness ~ too many bright colorful sugar coated widgets

Sneakiness ~ invasion of privacy / Spam / Cookies / Viruses

Fickleness ~ user characterized as a statistic for future mailing lists

Babbling ~ too much hype, grease, bullshit, and too many alternate truths 

Anything is better than nothing ~ boring graphics / poor bandwidth

E-business produces e-contamination and creates e-Pollution. We can close landfills, but what do we do with toxic cyber-fills and hazardous digital spills?  E-garbage is created and collected and not properly disposed of. How do we recycle, reuse, and recreate cyber-toxins and poisonous dot-coms? Psychic garbage is the birthplace of all physical garbage. Perhaps we should encourage psychic abortions for hypocrites.  



Cancer is a feeling type… instinctual, empathic, emotionally complex, and hard to comprehend. Pry into their private lives and watch them retreat into their shells. Cancers hide their most vulnerable selves beneath a facade of nurturing actions. Cautious and vulnerable, Cancers avoid emotional confrontation wherever and whenever possible, although, they prefer being frank and direct over tactful and diplomatic. Their feelings can swing from loving, devoted, and nurturing, to secretive, obsessive, and fearful of the future. Their smartest option is always choosing satisfying over safe. Cancers can become dark and moody when they feel controlled or confined. They must feel protected and secure before they can fully trust. Once trust is earned, loyalties run deep. Cancer needs to cultivate intimacy wherever and whenever they can. Healthy families, close friendships, and satisfying work nourish and support them. Creating structure, organization, and detail also helps them feel stable and secure.

Healthy Cancers are loving, compassionate, and devoted. They’re compatible with other feeling types (Scorpio & Pisces). They feel safe with practical types (Taurus ~ Virgo ~ Capricorn) who are reliable, responsible, and dependable. They’re challenged by thinking types (Gemini ~ Libra ~ Aquarius) who compartmentalize, rationalize, and analyze their feelings. They’re cautious around intuitive types (Aries ~ Leo ~ Sagittarius) who are passionate, spontaneous, and impatient, and afraid they’ll be left holding the psychic garbage bag (they are) and scared of dealing with the collateral damage when idealism, optimism, enthusiasm, and logic wane (and they do). Cancers are acutely consciousness of everyone else’s emotional needs. When they feel insecure, they can become internally secretive and externally aggressive at the same time. Cancer works hardest when income matches output. Motivated by good food, emotional security, and cozy surroundings, their mission is to nurture family, home, and creative imagination.

The impudent young guy on the left in this picture is me, captured forty-four years ago in a photo booth at Kennywood Amusement Park in Pittsburgh, Pa. Lloyd and I met while working part time at a model making shop where we fabricated preschool children’s learning devices for the University of Pittsburgh’s Learning, Research, and Development Center. We made toys for ourselves and our loved ones on our own time. About to graduate from different colleges, I was to become an industrial designer. Lloyd would continue being an artist. We were a couple of Peter Pans on our way to Neverland.

Lloyd didn’t get much nurturing as a child. He developed his quick wit and sense of humor while trying to avoid extreme physical abuse. When his mother was happy, Lloyd was safe. When she was unhappy, she’d incite Lloyd’s rage filled father to beat him up. Lloyd tried hard to fix his broken parents, but they were too sick to support his efforts. Instead, they judged, criticized, and abused him. Lloyd’s mother finally abandoned him by killing herself; his father was committed to a mental institution, and years later, his lovely sister who I had met in Florida (two beautiful children, great husband, and an apparently idyllic life), suddenly and unexpectedly blew her head off with a shotgun.

Lloyd’s slender rectangular palms and long fingers embody his Cancer sun, which is conjunct my Mercury. His Gemini ascendant and my Gemini sun harmonize with one another. Lloyd’s head and life lines tightly intertwine at their beginnings. That reveals his need to feel appreciated and his tendency to take things too personally, even when they aren’t. A sensitive child, Lloyd desperately craved love and support, but didn’t get any.

Lloyd survived childhood without much approval. Meanwhile, he thrives on love and appreciation. Lloyd will give you the shirt off his back if you need it, but you had better never take him for granted. I know because Lloyd has literally given me the shirt off his back in my moment of need. I was on my way to an important meeting and got a nasty stain on the front of my shirt. Before I could blink, Lloyd took off his shirt and traded with me. What I love about him is that it never occurred to him not to do that.

Cancers are collectors. Some stockpile food in case of shortage or emergency. Lloyd collects art books, literature (most well-read person I know), religious art, art supplies, tools, raw materials, and clothing. When wealthy people die, their families donate their wardrobe to Goodwill or the Salvation Army. Lloyd has a keen eye for the finest designer clothing. He skillfully sorts through the merchandise for great finds. I call him my personal dresser. We wear the same sizes. Lloyd chooses suits, coats, and jackets with me in mind and has gifted me with outfits worth thousands of dollars that he paid ten or fifteen dollars for. Many had never been worn. He’s a master bargain hunter.

Lloyd’s very flexible thumbs symbolize his ability to adapt to the most horrible of circumstances. They also embody his frequent generosity of heart and spirit. It’s very hard for Lloyd to say “NO”. The gold ring on the bottom phalange of his middle (Saturn) finger on his unconscious hand symbolizes his need to have clear boundaries, be frugal, and learn how to be less available so that he won’t be taken for granted. Of course, Lloyd knows that, but it’s still fun to see his character, motivations, and challenges embodied in the morphology and topography of his hands.

Lloyd would say to me, “People who tell the truth don’t need to have good memories”. I’d reply, “We may be bastards, but at least we’re honest”. Over fifty years of friendship have witnessed many challenging lessons in humility for us. We delayed finding balance between our outer and inner worlds by always choosing to learn the hard way. We had to let go of our need to be more than we were. We learned there are no shortcuts.

Lloyd Wilson is Pittsburgh’s best kept secret because he loves his anonymity. His artwork reveals a magical spirit, but few will truly get to know it. Lloyd personifies Cancer’s best qualities. He’s supportive, sympathetic, receptive, reflective, intuitive, imaginative, extremely devoted to friends and family, and my best friend (male).