



The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding.”

Alchemy is not transforming lead into gold. Hermes turned Saturn (Lead) into Sun (Gold) by building stable structures on solid foundations, being disciplined, and focusing on his metaphysical quest to prepare mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to connect to any and all others at any and all times. Alchemy is a set of magical formulas, tools, and esoteric instruction for becoming healthier, happier, and more fulfilled in life. Alchemy is the mastery of mental forces by transmuting one mental vibration into another. Our Sun passing through Gemini ~ May 21st to June 21st is a perfect time to share our selves on a soul level with anyone and everyone who is able!

Every thought is made up of individual cells; physically, mentally, and spiritually connected to all other cells on all other planes at the same time. Our brains are our cell communication hardware while our minds transmit and receive messages. Relationships between cells cause energy and matter to vibrate on different planes of reality at different times and places. Combining physical, mental, and spiritual planes, enables us to connect any with any and every being at any and every time and place. We can achieve wholeness by letting go of fear, taking a leap of faith, making connections, tuning our links, and creating nourishing environments.

“While ALL is in “The ALL”, it is equally true that “The ALL” is in ALL. “To him who truly understands this truth hath come great knowledge”. The inner nature of “The ALL” is unknowable and indefinable. That’s why humanity needs anthropomorphic gods and institutionalized religion. Spirit is the essence that embodies “ALL”. Spirituality requires the recognition, realization, and manifestation of Great Spirit within and without.

Hermes Seven Laws

Law of Polarity”: “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”

“The Secret” is only a secret to the uninitiated. The ‘Laws of Attraction’ work best when you know what you desire, and your intentions are clear. Polarity is spiritual magnetism.

Anyone can turn negative thinking into positive circumstances by letting go of fear, having clear intent, choosing a worthy quest, and doing the work. See how the ‘Law of Polarity’ transformed trash into treasure!

GURU of GARBAGE (Click for short video ~ Good Day NY)

Opposites are extremes of the same basic substance with varying degrees between. Where does heat end and cold begin? Where does darkness leave off and light begin? What about positive and negative, hard and soft, sharp and dull, noisy and quiet, high and low? The same principle operates on a mental plane. Love and hate are simply degrees of the same thing. In the middle are shades of like and dislike. Vibrations of hate can be transmuted into vibrations of love through the art of polarization, a phase of alchemy known and practiced by ancient and modern masters.

Hermes other Six ‘Secrets’

Correspondence, Mentalism, Vibration, Rhythm, Cause, Effect, and Gender are Hermes other six Laws. Practicing metaphysical principles enabled Hermes and enables anyone to explore, examine, and explain the unexplained, and to execute any and all thoughts, ideas, and visions.

Having inner and outer wisdom has helped critical thinkers throughout history to unlock mysteries using Hermetic thought and principles. Hermetic masters possess knowledge of transcendental astronomy called astrology, transcendental chemistry called alchemy, and transcendental psychology called mystic psychology. Confucius, Galileo, Plato, Pythagoras, Aristotle, Nostradamus, Leonardo Da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and Joseph Campbell were all Grand Masters of Hermetic thought and principles.

Astrology is a symbolic system that compares and contrasts our heavens with affairs of man on earth. Astrology unlocks ancient and modern mysteries using Hermes second principle of correspondence “As Above, So Below, as below, so above”.

An infinite variety of characters, plots, and archetypal tales are mirrored in lots of dysfunctional humans, unable to see the forests from the trees. Too many lost souls are Idolizing gold-plated Calves on brass-plated pedestals and Worshiping Sacred Cows on the Altars of Nonsense. The human race has become a race against self-created bad shit happening. Our planet’s sixth extinction is nearing more quickly than we think.

Hermes was Greek god of wisdom, wealth, trade, luck, fertility, language, animal husbandry, thieves, travelers, sleep, and providing safe passage to death. Mercury was Hermes’ Roman version, messenger of gods and ruler of Gemini. Thoth, in ancient Egypt, was a lunar god and patron of science, literature, wisdom, and invention. Loki was the Norse god of mischief. In Tarot, Hermes, a Magician at a crossroads has crucial decisions to make and critical actions to take. Merlin, Gondolf, Harry Potter, and Dumbledore are modern Hermes. Having metaphysical tools and mystical knowledge enabled Hemes and enables ALL of us to choose our thoughts, feelings, what to do, and who to be.

Hermes was reputedly a real person who lived for 350 years in the flesh in ancient Egypt. Refusing to age, Hermes misspent much of his adolescence as a trickster and petty thief. He was ‘Puck’ in ‘Midsummer Night’s Dream’. He’s Peter Pan, a Gemini, who never grows old.

A 76 year old Hermes, I’m no longer adolescent. Peter needs and depends on Wendy. My Wendy is Joanna, Aries with Taurus rising. She strongly disagrees with my assessment. I call her ‘Rambull’. I’m a Gemini with Scorpio rising. She calls me ‘a piece of work in progress’. Being born twelve years apart makes us ‘the bores’ at Chinese New Year’s parties. I’m a Pig on a Mountain. She’s a Pig in a Monastery.

Wendy is a Virgo type, a practical and responsible friend who darns Peter’s socks, sews his shadow back on, and patiently awaits his return as he flies away to Neverland whenever he chooses. Wendy brings an awareness that balances Peter’s ambiguous and ambivalent thoughts and feelings with clarity and good sense.

Michael Jackson actually lived in Neverland. Priscilla and Liz were his Wendys. Johnny Depp is Peter Pan who played Edward Scissorhands, Alice in Wonderland, Pirates of the Carribean, Charlie in the Chocolate Factory, and many other child centered characters. Hermes & Aphrodite gave birth to Hermaphrodite. David Bowie has flourished and blossomed in musical creativity, originality, and androgynous performance art.

Know thyself. Common sense without good sense is nonsense. Cultivate clear vision. Make wise choices. Nourish real relationships. Choose right uses of will power. Act decisively. Maintain positive attitudes. Balance courage, strength, wisdom, and grace with critical thinking, real feelings, and right actions. Having solid faith creates strong structures on sound foundations. We can change our destiny and the destiny of our planet on a cellular level by raising our vibration, polarity, and rhythm.

Capricorn & Psyche


Zodiacal sign changes and geometric relationships between outer planets catalyze massive personal and collective transformations of psyche. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto transited Capricorn in the 20th Century. Paradigms for political institutions and social structures shifted. Uranus in Capricorn revolutionized world relations, politics, religion, and business from 1989 to 1996. The Iron Curtain and Berlin Wall were ripped down. Germany was reunited on Libra 3, 1990. Sociopolitical demarcations between East and West vanished. The Soviet Union disintegrated into fifteen republics in 1991. The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibited discriminating against disabled people. We applied rules, regulations, reforms, and reformations, but continued the trumped-up patriotism, pious philosophies, partisan social discrimination, and fabricated fears.

With Neptune in Capricorn in 1985, NASA’s Voyager space probe recorded Uranus orbiting the outer limits of our solar system. In 2018 with Saturn (government) and Pluto (Power Elite) in Capricorn, Uranus (sudden changes in values and money) in Taurus, and Neptune (vision, illusion, and delusion) in Pisces, Donald Trump announced a 6th branch of our military services that organized, trained, and equipped space forces to protect the USA and allied interests in space and provide space capabilities to the joint force.

Politics in outer space is a waste of time and money. One better idea is to distribute available funds wisely in the here and now. Choose healthy ideas, plans, and actions for all living things. It’s time to address the fundamental conflicts, issues, and beliefs in our society such as ‘Money vs Values’, ‘Money & Morality’, and ‘Haves vs Have~nots’. Religion is losing its purpose for humanity as spirituality becomes more scarce.

Nelson Mandela was released after 27 years behind bars. Anti-Apartheid movements galvanized across the globe in 1990. Jean Bertrand Aristide, penniless radical priest, became Haiti’s first freely elected president. Ten months later, armed rebels seized control of his government and ousted him for ‘meddling in army affairs’. After Asylum in the USA, Aristide returned to office in 1994 with 20,000 American troops. Operation Desert Storm liberated Kuwait from Iraqi invaders. Bosnia declared independence from Yugoslavia, resulting in a religious civil war that pitted Serbs and Croats against Muslims. Genocide in Yemen, Syria, Sudan, and Somalia promoted fear, prejudice, and hatred across the globe! OY!

Johnny Carson retired after 30 years of hosting the ‘Tonite Show’ in May 1992. Representatives from over 100 countries met in Rio de Janeiro /June to figure out how to save the earth. It became obvious to all that common sense needed good sense because too many of us are out of our conscious minds and hearts!

My faces on original art & signature

November 1993, thirteen years after Brady was shot and paralyzed, the Brady Bill for gun control was finally signed into law. Republican leaders continued worshipping greed, coveting power, ignoring human values, abusing planetary well-being, and abandoning the future of our world. Too many lethal weapons of mass destruction are still being sold to too many psychotic males who will eventually use them for mass shootings in malls, schools, and churches.

In October 1995, the USA and UN brokered a prickly cease-fire to end ethnic cleansing. PLO leader Yassar Arafat shook hands with Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin to end hatred. The Irish Republican Army agreed to lay down its arms in exchange for a role in Northern Ireland’s political future. Smoking was banned in restaurants in New York City. More women began smoking cigars.

Neptune began its journey through Capricorn in 1984. Clear lines between chemical industries and moral responsibilities dissolved. A gas leak from a Union Carbide plant in India killed over 3,000 people. British scientists pinpointed a hole in the earth’s ozone layer. In 1987, having seen the dark handwriting on the walls, fifty-three nations signed a treaty pledging to reduce the number of CFCs in our atmosphere. November 1996, 55 parties signed the Paris Accord, agreeing to save the climate. 194 countries, including the European Union, have agreed to work on climate change. Businessmen, Politicians, and Priests have to agree to agree to their degree of greed!

Expect the unexpected. Suspect the unsuspected. Correct the uncorrected.

Forever toxic! The most Neptune accident in history occurred at Chernobyl in April 1986. Thirty-one people were killed instantly. 40,000 were later diagnosed with Cancer from too much exposure to nuclear radiation. In March 1989, the Exxon Valdez shipwreck became the worst oil spill in history, contaminating hundreds of miles of Alaska shoreline, and killing tens of thousands of innocent creatures. It’s time to correct and deselect fossil fuels and environmental degradation. Select clean energy, sustainability, nature, and nurture.

Ignore science? Everyone knows ‘Roundup’ is carcinogenic. Monsanto, creator of Agent Orange, PCBs, DDTs, and Dioxins, launched “Round-up Ready” GMO soybeans in 1994, approved by the FDA. ‘Frankenfood’ was born. Environmental activists fought while FDA folly was parodied on late night TV. Mad Cow disease appeared in the UK in 1996. A slim line between science fiction and reality was crossed when the first sheep was cloned in Scotland in 1997. The FDA approved a drug called AZT, designed to treat AIDS. El Nino was blamed for bizarre weather conditions 1997~1998.

Neptune transformed illusions of fatherhood. Bill Cosby was most popular father in 1984. Bill wasn’t practicing what he was preaching. He had zero awareness of how Karma would reward him when Saturn would return to Scorpio in 2014. Bill was ridiculed by hordes of ex-fans when ‘me too’ appeared on his doorstep. With Saturn in Capricorn in 2018, Bill was thrown into state prison for drugging and sexually assaulting a variety of women.

Racial bigots, Archie Bunker, and Homer Simpson were popular patriarchal parodies. ‘Married with Children’ flaunted twisted fantasies of fatherhood. Disney studios produced the ultimate LEO father and son story, ‘Lion King’. Murphy Brown revealed her Animus to a Collective Psyche’s repressed and vulnerable Anima. She encouraged all females not to give away their power. Sadly, we’re still choosing to appoint rapists and elect pussy grabbers to leadership roles in public office, commerce, and society.

Ivan Boesky preached virtuosity and honesty while practicing insider trading. Frenzied mergers, acquisitions, and takeovers began in 1980, destabilizing financial institutions. General Electric purchased media giants NBC and RCA. Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) collapsed. Regulators from 69 countries seized assets and charged officers who hid substantial losses from investors. Congress closed the House of Representatives Bank in the wake of scandal.

On Jan 6, 2021, Sun and Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, Donald Trump incited an insurrection on our Capitol that catalyzed the Jan 6 committee and the beginning of the end for CHUMPENOMICS!

Neptune dissolves political and financial structures. Mikhail Gorbachev reformed controls to keep the Soviet Union together. Growing concerns over growing federal deficit catalyzed the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act in 1974 to balance the budget and stabilize the deficit. Congress failed to control its spending rather than assume the massive mandatory cuts specified.

It was transformed in 1990 to the Budget Enforcement Act. As Reagan deficits soared to two trillion dollars (2X 1981), Reagan taxed Social Security to gather more from the poor and middle class. Black Monday crashed the stock market with unexpected steeply dropping stock prices. Texaco filed the largest bankruptcy in history. National deficits grew greater as the middle class grew smaller and poorer. Haves have. Have-nots have not! Time for HAVES to share generously, practically, and reasonably with all!

Pluto corrupts. Money without morality is bankrupt. Religion without Spirituality is blind. The top 1/10th of 1% are above the law and beyond scrutiny. The other 99.9% are clueless what to do with laws or themselves. Covetous capitalists, deceptive business practices, devious plans, and dark conspiracies dwell in Pluto’s domain. Partisan politics, greed, and hypocrisy must be confronted and transmuted into healthy behaviors, values, thinking, feelings, use of will power, relationships, creativity, philosophy, purpose, dreams, fears, and spirituality.

Expecto Patronum”

Donaldemort, a gluttonous grifter, science denier, and squanderer of natural resources rules Dementors who grift our pocketbooks, poison our principles, and pollute our planet’s body, respiratory, and circulatory systems. They punish and abuse us physically, and try to incapacitate and imprison our minds & psyches.

Nostradamus predicted Pluto in Capricorn would destabilize major financial structures. Bubbles created by illusions like social security and financial stability would burst. Congress would become infected with jealousy, lies, and greed!

Have we prepared for erratic interest rates and inflation? Can we reform our broken social systems? What happens in 2025 when the Federal Reserve Bank, founded Dec. 23, 1913 (Capricorn) destabilizes as transiting Neptune in Aries squares our Fed’s natal Sun Pluto opposition? Can we figure out what that means or might or could mean ahead of time?

If Hindsight truly is 2020, looking backward to 12/23/2022 finds Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Pluto transiting through Capricorn. It’s time to reveal faulty foundations, shaky structures, and horrible habits. Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn then pass him. It’s time to balance personal and collective heads and hearts. Every thought, choice, and action has consequences. The human race has become a race against bad shit happening.

Forward to 1/6/2023. Full moon in Cancer. Time to let go of fear and hatred and transmute our thoughts, choices, and actions for ourselves, others, and our planet. It’s a perfect time to choose supportive, caring, and nurturing foundations and structures for natural and human systems and cultures.

We must reuse, recycle, and recreate our world by revolutionizing our infrastructure and energy needs and nourishing ourselves and our environment. Fossil fuels can be useful as sustainable products and not squandered on herds of racehorses under our hoods.

Recycling, Reusing, and Reducing need to be reinforced on a massive scale to become practical and cost effective. We need to build bridges instead of walls, repair highways, and design and implement healthy solutions to cost effective public transportation systems that offer comfort, accessibility, and affordability for all.

The Declaration of Independence was signed July 4, 1776. Some astrologers dispute whether Gemini or Sagittarius is rising. Regardless, natal Sun, Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury are in Cancer. Transiting Pluto in Capricorn has returned to his natal position to transform our human and planetary mythology into a new reality for everyone and everything. If Gemini is rising, it’s not a great time for too many smug short-sighted children to take what’s valuable for granted. As Pluto in Capricorn reaches into our cell phones, computers, e-devices, minds, hearts, and souls, he influences more than elections. Pluto can help our nation heal or he can cause a loss of status as a positive role model for the world!

God rules. Laws enforce. Reputation regulates!

Must we lose what we value to learn to truly value it?

New York City’s charter was signed on January 1 1898 at 12:01 am. On Xmas 2013, transiting Pluto, Sun, and Mercury in Capricorn were conjunct New York City’s natal Sun. Physical, financial, and social infrastructures, transportation, and politics were transformed. Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced sweeping new gun control. Newtown marked one year since the Sandy Hook shootings. The July 13 verdict of Trayvon Martin sparked heated discussion about race relations and garnered strong reactions from people across the country. A Metro-North train derailed, killing 4. Anthony Weiner’s weiner was caught in another sexting scandal. New York City Public Advocate Bill De Blasio defeated former MTA chairman Joe Lhota in a race for mayor with a landslide win on Nov. 5. Bill De Blasio championed the middle class, raising salaries for city workers, supporting minimum wage, implementing universal pre-K, and making affordable housing available.

Worldwide challenges included ice and snow storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, earthquakes, droughts, wildfires, and other unnatural anomalies created by human environmental abuse. Capricorn rises in the USSR constitution. Saturn and Pluto promise political and economic upheaval. Putin embodies Pluto in his quest to destroy, conquer, and rape the Ukrainian spirit. In the final analysis, Pluto teaches where responsibility begins and accountability ends. The seduction turns Pluto on, but the betrayal gets him off! Bottom lines don’t justify the means.

Best thing ve can do for no longer useful idiots is not be one of ‘em!

Gemini & Hands

Self Portrait

You don’t need a Gemini sun, moon, ascendant, planets, or house placements to be Gemini. Thinking Types have square palms and long fingers. No matter what your  astrology says, pure Geminis have square palms, widely spread long fingers, flexible joints, supple thumbs, and dominant first phalanges on slightly knotty first phalanges with rounded tips. Gemini (mutable) is mentally and socially adaptable. Aquarius  (fixed) is unique, eccentric, and innovative. Libra (cardinal) is strategic, balanced, and fair. Of course, there are dark sides…

When major lines in thinking hands split at their ends, that person is able to see many possibilities and outcomes. They often think or feel they have too many choices and decisions to make in order to get whatever done or go wherever they’re going. Mutable types are the most indecisive of the three modalities, especially air and water.

Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are water signs. Feelings must be balanced with Thinking. Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini are the opposing forces. Ambivalent feelings are incarnate in chains and islands on heart lines. Branches of feelings appear to be magnetically drawn to thinking. Parents who aren’t physically or emotionally present and / or don’t talk about their feelings are teaching their children to analyze, compartmentalize, and rationalize feelings. Rationalizing is safer than verbalizing feelings. A physically or emotionally absent parent as role model in the formative years is a recipe for struggling to learn to value ones’ thinking, feelings, and being. A short index finger often goes with a head ruled heart. Split lines are split for many reasons. Most people have challenging journeys.

Astrology reveals potentials. It’s impossible to accurately foretell a future. It’s hard to predict what we’ll do with potentials in our natal horoscope. Symbols may or may not reflect what you choose to integrate into your character and behavior.

Hands are topographical maps of character in past, present, and future. It’s easy to see the person’s corresponding strengths and weaknesses. While exercising our free will, changing our thinking, modifying our behavior, and re-scripting our story, we can observe the results, clearly etched and reflected in the morphology and topography of our hands over time.

Healthy Geminis have long straight pinkie fingers. They’re master bullshit detectors, acutely aware of their own bullshit, like knowingly being tactful and diplomatic when they’re much better off being frank and direct. Critical thinking, careful decision making, and crystal clear communication make good sense out of nonsense. What you see is what you get!

Dominant Gemini has square palms and long fingers, firm pink elastic skin with loop fingerprints. Long ring fingers with whorl prints add attractiveness, talent, salesmanship, risk taking, and luck. Knowing when to stop is the challenge. Gambling is a bad habit and horrible addiction. Dominant  middle fingers, square tips, and developed first knots add technical, scientific, and pragmatic attributes. Powerful index fingers increase leadership potentials, speaking abilities, career potentials, partnerships, friendships, and goals.

Geminis make great lawyers, bankers, doctors, orators, writers, engineers, teachers, salesmen, accountants, and shopkeepers. Dominant pinkie types play small musical instruments that require physical and mental dexterity. Music makes great sense since hearing is Gemini’s physical sense. I’ve worked at special events with top magicians with dominant pinkies. They astound their audiences while deceiving their eyes and minds.

Cultivated Geminis are consummate communicators, social magnets, intuitive geniuses, and great judges of character. Most social of all signs, Gemini is often accused of being an impractical dreamer because he loves ideas so much. He can detach himself from mundane reality, still remaining objective about everyone and everything. He overvalues intellect and undervalues emotion. He feels threatened when his ideas and opinions are ignored without good reason. He can accept your viewpoint, even though he disagrees with you. He’s easily distracted and doesn’t want responsibility for making decisions that have consequences. Longing to be free and unrestricted, he actually needs most to stay focused, disciplined, and structured. Earning rewards requires doing whatever needs to be done with courage, strength, wisdom, and grace.

Hermes (Mercury) was the shortest god. The pinkie is the shortest finger. If the tip is longer than the crease between the first and second phalanx of the ring finger, it’s long. If shorter, it’s short. Dominant pinkie folk are often short in stature like Ed Harris (Sag) with slender body and face. Pure types are animated, with dark hair and penetrating eyes with crow’s feet in the corners. Gemini is the most youthful of all types, eternally childlike, they love children. Men often sport thin beards like Johnny Depp (Gemini). Michael Jackson (Virgo, ruled by Mercury) was a real life Peter Pan. He actually lived in ‘Neverland’. Brooke, Liza, and Liz were Michael’s Wendy’s.

Gemini is androgynous. In Greek myth, Hermes & Aphrodite (siblings) had an incestuous relationship that spawned Hermaphrodite. Dominance of Hermes in one’s psyche (known or unknown) creates bi-sexual tendencies. David Bowie was Capricorn with dominant Hermes. Mick Jagger is Hermes with strong Leo. Cate Blanchett is Hermes with a powerful Taurus sun. She played Bob Dylan, who is Gemini. Boy George is Gemini. Grace Jones, Taurus, has Mercury conjunct Uranus in Gemini. That’s a lot of uniqueness and eccentricity.

Our pinkie finger reveals our ability to communicate. It indicates truthfulness. Early family dynamic can be observed in how the pinkie is set and held. Very short or low set pinkies reveal lack of trust as a major issue. Many women with low set pinkies have told me they have trouble having orgasms. Their real challenge is in trusting someone enough to have real intimacy. Lengths and proportions of pinkie fingers symbolizes technical, language, sexual, financial, and family potentials.

Gemini rules hands and governs our nervous and respiratory systems. Health issues revolve around nervous and bronchial systems. Geminis have potential problems with headaches, thyroid glands, memory loss, and speech impediments. I’m Gemini. I’ve coped with Tinnitus (ringing in my head) for many years. It’s the worm in my apple.

Gold and diamond rings are normally found on the ring (marriage) finger. You’ll see rings on pinkie fingers of acquisitive people. Pinkie rings can symbolize sublimation of sexual energies to accomplish something that requires a lot of libido. I once examined a group of fifty young people born into powerful families in the 80’s. Considering the prosperity of the period, it seemed a paradox that every person I read had short phalanges on the bottom segment of their little fingers. Money will never be the motivation for their career choices. In the final analysis, their families, personal matters, and values will drive these individuals.

Would you buy a used car from this Gemini? Gemini’s liabilities are deceitfulness, trickiness, fickleness, nervousness, restlessness, and shallowness. People preaching on soapboxes, pickpockets, and most con artists have powerful pinkies (inwardly curving). Donald’s curve inward, confirmed in his natal astrology by a close Mercury Neptune square. It’s not what you do, but what you get away with that matters. Our trickster is not hiding his dark side. The streets are littered with conned contractors, jilted beauty queens, and fired apprentices. The Emperor grabs our pussies as he tortures our mother. If you believe mom (GAIA) is happy about her body, respiratory, circulatory systems, and spirit, we’re all in serious trouble!

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Many wonderful people have curved pinkies. They learned the hard way as little children to ‘act nice’. Their job was to avoid confrontation and keep the peace. Learning to say ‘NO’ is a lifelong challenge for them (especially with a large ball of thumb). It’s hard to straighten a curved pinkie, but it can be done. The person must stop trying to please and be whatever everyone else wants and needs them to be. If you’re pretending whatever is OK and it isn’t, check your pinkies.


“Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.”  Stephen King (Virgo ~ 9/21/47)

You don’t need a Virgo Sun, Moon, planets, aspects, or planetary placements to be Virgo. Practical types (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo) have square palms and short fingers. Virgo is a mutable modality and the most adaptable of all three types. Virgo often has strong middle and pinkie fingers, dominant middle phalanges, and square fingertips. Virgo hands are much more flexible than Taurus hands. Their skin is more pink and elastic than Capricorn with whitish flat palms and developed first knots on lean stiff closely held fingers, embodying a frugal and pragmatic character.


Virgos are frequently accused of being critical. They can be, but they can also be their own worst critics. Their methodical approach and need for natural order is embodied in their square palms and fingertips. Large second knots and short fingernails add order, preciseness, utility, and purpose. Middle fingers that lean or crook toward ring fingers strive for perfection and need personal space. Fire rising or watery moon have less knotty and crooked fingers. Intuition and feeling adds passion, inspiration, and empathy to practicality. Chewed nails are self-critical and critical of others. Nails bitten to the quick embody a contrary person who chooses another side of an argument, just to make a point, even if they agree with you. Grilled lines beneath middle fingers confirm frustration and lack of satisfaction.

Famous for cleaning up everyone else’s messes, Virgo obsesses on details. Contrary to popular belief, Virgo doesn’t like details. They’re thorough and meticulous, but need to see the whole picture. Virgo is happiest and most desirable where reliable, modest, orderly, and discriminating service is required.

Short fingered folk (Practical & Intuitive) generally dislike details. Details are a nuisance. Others can do them better, but who can do them better than Virgo? Virgo selflessly rationalizes and wills herself to do what must be done. She knows her value, but asks too much of or too little for herself. Others must value and appreciate her. Virgo works hard to be useful. Never take a Virgo for granted. Virgo is symbolic of the harvest time.

Virgos who have worked hard and have been rewarded for their efforts are Agatha Christie, Leonard Cohen, Alan Dershowitz, Marcia Clark, J.P. Morgan, Warren Buffet, Sean Connery, Ingrid Bergman, Sophia Loren, Paul Walker, Keanu Reeves, Cameron Diaz, Michael Jackson, Beyonce’, Margaret Trudeau, Lyndon Johnson, George Wallace, Yasser Arafat, and John McCain (Taurus hands). John’s short index finger, conical tip, prominent knots between phalanges, and a thick 3rd phalanx made him a bundle of contradictions. His slightly crooked pinky with intuitive tip says ‘what you see is not what you get’. Few knew John’s secret truths.

“The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding” Hermes


Mercury, (Hermes) winged messenger, holds a caduceus (medicine). Virgo rules healthcare. Virgo is earthy, practical, and represents the technical aspects of thinking. Feminine in gender, Virgo is empathetic, logical, healthy, and helpful. Gemini is masculine, intellectual, and clever. Gemini rules communications, thinking, and wit. Imagination and thinking must be balanced through practical action. This Gemini needs Virgo friends, city, and country homes to maintain his sanity and create the balance and harmony needed now and always to overcome darkness.

You can see everything in hands! This is true and not true. A hand is a small space for a large life. A seasoned palmist can see many things, but it’s not what you see, but what you say and how you say it that matters. When you’re focusing on something specific, combinations of qualities and markings will confirm your search. I began practicing palmistry in my early thirties. A young man showed up one day asking “When am I going to die?” He was a Virgo, healthy, well proportioned, energetic, smart, and multi-talented. He appeared in perfect health. His well-balanced square palms were pink and firm with short straight fingers. Pink elastic skin, resilient palms, flexible wrists, and mildly flexible finger joints revealed a healthy balance between purpose, determination, and adaptability. Basic lines were clear and deeply engraved. What a lucky man, I thought, but fate had chosen a different future for him with AIDS as his life focus.

AIDS was a death sentence at the time. I hadn’t a clue how to see the dis-ease. Nothing stood out. I lacked the experience to counsel him. “I’m sorry, only god can answer your question”, I awkwardly replied. “You’re a naturally healthy person. If anyone can beat this, you can.” I lauded his positive qualities, but he didn’t want to hear that. We chatted, like friends, about what he planned to do. He wanted to be proactive. I helped him plan a future of healthy food, exercise, sleep, honesty, meaningful relationships, and quality time management.

My curiosity and desire to make a difference inspired me to volunteer at Bailey House, an AIDS housing organization. I showed up 2X weekly for 2 years to examine hands, share astrology, and interpret tarot cards for clients and staff. Metaphysics was my lens for viewing their issues and challenges. My job was to help them choose what’s next. In the final analysis, I entertained, listened, and cared for whoever was there at the time.

I printed hands in the AIDS community monthly to monitor the progress and regress of the disease. Lack of adequate funding, limited time, and not enough statistical data made it impossible for me to be thorough or scientific. I did notice changes in skin ridge patterns on the percussion of the hand. Ridges got smoother and began to disappear as a person got sicker. People with AIDS suppress their potentials because they obsess on the harsh realities of their impending mortality. I supported their talents and strengths and inspired some to continue making positive choices and taking meaningful actions.

Anyone can learn to examine and reflect on their hands and the hands of others. Hands are mirrors that empower us be true to ourselves and each other. Once you’re good at interpreting hands, you can be your own best friend and bullshit detector. Hands are morphological and topographical maps of character. Hands reveal our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. In the days before computerized medical diagnosis, doctors combined knowledge, experience, and intuition to diagnose illness as they tasted a patient’s urine, looked into their eyes, examined their tongue, skin, and especially scrutinized their hands.

Fingernails are windows to a person’s health. Anemia, thyroid disease, malnutrition, carpal tunnel syndrome, psoriasis, eczema, liver disease, heart, lungs, colon, chronic respiratory disease, lymph system problems, diabetes, Raynaud’s disease, high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcers, Hodgkin’s disease, and sickle-cell anemia can be seen in nails.

Few palmists actually diagnose illness. Most of us observe symptoms. When I see a potential health problem, I let the person know I’m not a medical palmist and suggest they see a specialist. Dozens of stress related illnesses and several types of cancer can be seen in the ‘dermatoglyphics’ (skin ridge patterns) of hands. Conditions of lines can indicate conditions of heart, brain, kidneys, liver, and stomach in males and females.

Health challenges are natural predispositions to specific character types. Know the type and understand the corresponding potential health challenge. The following list of health issues are gross generalizations that correspond to a person’s dominant astrological sign and hand features. You can click on links to learn more about how a finger is dominant, what that means, and about other features and qualities embodied in hands.

Dominant index finger ~ Sagittarius ~ blood disorders, liver trouble, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, problems with hips, thighs, throat, and temptations to overindulge in rich foods and drinks.

Dominant middle finger ~ Capricorn ~ skin problems, teeth with age, knees, ligaments, secretion of bile, skeletal wear, tear, and misalignment, left ear deafness, paralysis, rheumatism, gout, hardening of the arteries, hemorrhoids, and varicose veins.

Dominant ring finger ~ Leo ~ eyesight, heart, and blood circulation.

Dominant pinkie ~ Gemini ~ nervous system, bronchial, and respiratory systems, thyroid gland, headaches, memory loss, and speech impediments.

Dominant ball of thumb ~ Taurus ~ throat, lymphatic system, venereal diseases, heart, circulation, and worry.

Dominant heel of hand ~ Cancer ~ bodily fluids, stomach, tumors, female disorders, epilepsy, mucous membranes, gout, rheumatism, kidney, bladder, and mental illness.

Dominant thumb and percussion of hand ~ Aries ~ inflammations, acute fevers, blood diseases, infections, muscular disorders, hemorrhage, infectious and contagious diseases, throat and chest trouble, and high blood pressure.

Peripheral lines on heel of hand ~ Scorpio ~ reproductive system, ruptures, hemorrhoids, ulcers, venereal diseases, and problems with prostate or urethra.

Nails and qualities of lines ~ Aquarius ~ ankle weakness, anemia, cramps, heart weaknesses, nervous diseases, varicose veins, and sensitive skin.

Pointed finger tips / yellow skin / islands on health line ~ Pisces ~ problems with feet, toes, bunions, gout, colds, mucous discharges, tumors, addictions, and liver trouble.


Outer planets symbolize transformations in personal and collective psyche as they pass through the twelve signs of our Zodiac. As Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto transited Virgo in the 20th Century, preconceived ideas and paradigms were shifted.

Born between 1962 and 1968? Uranus and Pluto in Virgo symbolize your need to analyze, rationalize, organize, and compartmentalize your decisions and actions. You’ll be more free, healthier, and happier when you combine your need for practicality and purpose with your highly developed sense of responsibility and do the work.

Neptune entered Virgo in 1929. Neptune’s dark and nebulous side manifested when Wall Street crashed, catalyzing the great depression. Neptune left Virgo in 1943. Submerged in confusion from the Second World War, propaganda and deception poisoned the rationality of Germany. Millions had been exterminated in the name of racial purity.

Humanitarians and labor unions were born. Plutocratic institutions tried (and are still trying) to crush them. New concepts in medicine such as psychosomatic illness were practiced. Neurotics, terrified of reality, dropped out and ran from responsibility. “We Want Beer” marches were held in cities across the country to protest prohibition, which was repealed. The time has come for Cannabis to be legalized.

As Donald Trump has taught us, it’s not what you do, but what you get away with that matters. Fake news, fake politicians, and real plutocrats are poisoning us. Transiting Neptune in Pisces is opposing Virgo as Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus are transiting our Zodiac. It’s no surprise we’re experiencing negative karma as we ignore history and abuse our physical, psychological, and spiritual climates.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was the top money making movie of 1938. Walt Disney animated a castle, woodland settings, a wicked Queen, a huntsman, a handsome prince, and seven devoted dwarfs. The Prince and Princess lived happily-ever-after.

Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind was the best-selling book of 1936 and the highest grossing film of all time. “African-Americans have protested against it from the start, even if white America didn’t want to hear it.” “When HBO Max announced… that it was temporarily removing “Gone With the Wind” from its streaming service, it seemed as if another Confederate monument was coming down.”(NY Times)

Charlie Chaplin’s Modern Times was released. Silk stockings became nylon stockings. DuPont was unable to satisfy the demand for nylon. Gasoline rationing was put into effect in 1942. A new mold discovered on cantaloupe yielded ten times as much penicillin as previous sources and reduced shortages. Born 1929 ~ 1943? The Neptune in Virgo generation was destined to “serve or suffer”.

When Pluto entered Virgo in 1957, we realized how easily we were enslaved to scientific and technological trends. Awareness of dangers of chemical pollutants affecting our environment entered mass consciousness. Environmental special interest groups formed. Geneva nuclear test ban talks reconvened. Official school prayers became unconstitutional. People born 1957 ~ 1971 were thirsty for bottled water and hungry for health foods. Organic growing and eating transformed into huge businesses.

As Pluto left Virgo in 1971, Daniel Ellsberg, former Deputy Secretary of Defense, leaked the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times. Ellsberg was indicted for espionage and conspiracy. The Times published government documents about the Vietnam War that revealed that the American public had been consistently lied to. Anti-war demonstrators protested in Washington where two thousand Vietnam veterans rallied. Many threw their combat medals on the steps of the capitol. The 26th amendment giving eighteen year olds the right to vote became law. If hindsight is 2020, we’d better claim our right to vote because the lying is worse than ever.

Uranus transited Virgo from 1962 to 1968. As natural and organic foods entered mass consciousness, the “Good Health” revolution began. Rachel Carson’s bestselling book Silent Spring highlighted ecology and inspired concern for widespread chronic damage caused by pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and other hazards of technological progress. Holistic healers began appearing. Cigarette companies were forced to print health warnings on packaging and advertising.

There are more Virgo doctors, nurses, and social workers than other signs. Healthcare is a major mundane correspondence for Virgo. Good health is our birthright. Corrupt politicians, priests, partisan governments, acquisitive plutocrats, and greedy purveyors of health insurance have negatively transformed our healthcare system by extorting those who are unable to afford insurance or advocate for themselves. Pharmaceutical drug lords care more for profit than people. Healthcare providers and partisan politicians are paving golden paths to their own prosperity. Greedy money managers and powerful plutocrats prosper while doctors are forced to ignore root causes, treat symptoms, and prescribe medications. Saturn was in Virgo from 9/2007 – 10/2009. Seeds for structural healthcare change were sown as the Affordable Care Act was born. Balancing physical, mental, emotional, and psychological health is primarily a spiritual challenge.

President Johnson signed the civil rights act on July 2 1964, integrating all public accommodations and prohibiting job discrimination. Civil rights were turbulent. Voter registration drives and segregation protests increased. Several thousand black and white supporters were arrested. A black church in Birmingham Alabama was bombed, killing four girls. Two blacks died in riots following that bombing. Martin Luther King had a dream, but legislating equality doesn’t eliminate prejudice.

Reconstructionism had been imposed. Malcolm X was assassinated while speaking in NYC in 1965. Thurgood Marshall was the first black Supreme Court justice in 1967. Martin Luther King was assassinated in Memphis while supporting a sanitation worker’s strike in 1968. Riots in 125 cities after his death resulted in 46 more deaths. In 2020, ‘Black Lives Matter’. Peaceful demonstrators should not be protesting about things that matter to them in danger and fear for their lives!

Senator Robert Kennedy was assassinated in Los Angeles after becoming the Democratic front-runner for the presidential nomination. Anti-Vietnam war rallies were held in major cities and universities across the country.

Bob Dylan became a superstar while singing about the hypocrisy of American values and culture. The worst earthquake in modern history leveled Anchorage Alaska. Jonas Salk discovered the polio vaccine and inoculated the masses. The first televised presidential debates were broadcast. The first transatlantic TV broadcast was made via Telstar, AT&T’s privately owned satellite. Russians crash landed the first spacecraft on the moon. Pop Art had its first exhibition. Rock & Roll became popular. The Beatles skyrocketed to musical fame and fortune. As we seek remedies for symptoms like Donald Trump and Covid 19, the human race races toward bad shit happening!

Common sense without good sense is nonsense. Money without values is worthless. Religion without Spirituality is blind. We must reexamine history and make healthier choices for a healthier future. Greedy liars, bigoted hypocrites, and fanatical leaders promote hate and fear. We must transform ourselves by clearly seeing their and our own secret desires, needs, and truths. We’ve strayed too far from our humanity and Constitution.


“Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.”  Stephen King (Virgo ~ 9/21/47)

You don’t need a Virgo Sun, Moon, planets, aspects, or planetary placements to be a Virgo. Strong middle finger phalanges with square tips dominate square palms with short fingers. Virgo hands are less meaty and more flexible than Taurus  and more elastic than Capricorn, with pinkish flat palms, well- developed first knots, and very lean fingers. Virgo is the most adaptable of all three practical types.


Virgo is known for their methodical ‘hands on’ approach to being natural. No matter the type, square fingertips, large second knots, and short fingernails add order and practicality. Strong crooked middle fingers that lean toward ring fingers at first joints strive for perfection and need personal space. Virgo is known for being critical. Many are mainly self-critical. Fire rising or a watery moon gives them inspiration, passion, and empathy. People who chew their nails are self-critical or critical of others (many lines crisscrossing beneath the middle finger). Nails bitten to the quick are contrary and will choose the other side of an argument, just to make a point, even if they agree with you.

Virgo is happiest where discriminating, reliable, modest, and orderly service is required. Famous for cleaning up everyone else’s messes, Virgo can obsess on details while being overly thorough and meticulous. Contrary to popular belief, Virgo doesn’t like details. Short fingered people (Practical & Intuitive) dislike details and prefer to see the whole picture. Details are a nuisance; something others should do, but few can do them better than Virgo, who selflessly rationalizes their distaste and drive themselves to do whatever needs to be done. They often ask too little for themselves. Ironically, they know their value, but are reticent to ask for it. Ego gratification is not their motivation. Virgos work hard to feel useful. Never take a Virgo for granted. They cherish every molecule of what they truly earn, but must be valued and appreciated. Accounting, medical, nursing, social work, maintenance, cleaning, and health food are career magnets for Virgo.

Some Virgos have worked hard and been rewarded for their efforts. Writers like Agatha Christie & Leonard Cohen; Lawyers Alan Dershowitz & Marcia Clark; Financiers J.P. Morgan & Warren Buffet; Actors Sean Connery, Ingrid Bergman, Sophia Loren, Paul Walker, Keanu Reeves, and Cameron Diaz; Singers Michael Jackson & Beyonce’; Political figures Margaret Trudeau, Lyndon Johnson, George Wallace, Yasser Arafat, & John McCain (who’s hands are Taurus). McCain’s stubborn short index finger, slightly crooked pinky, and intuitive tips say ‘what you see is not what you get’. Few have truly known his truths.


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Mercury, the winged messenger, holds a caduceus (medicine), ruled by Virgo (healthcare). Gemini rules communications and wit. Virgo is earthy and practical. She represents more scientific, technical, and empathetic aspects of thinking and feeling. Virgo is feminine in gender, logical and healthy. Gemini is masculine, intellectual, and cleverer. Imagination is more compatible with Gemini than practicality.


While I was practicing palmistry in my early thirties, a virile young man showed up one day, asking “When will I die?” He was a Virgo, healthy looking, well proportioned, energetic, smart, and multi-talented craftsman. He appeared to have excellent health. Well-balanced square palms were pink and firm with short straight fingers. Pink elastic skin, resilient palms, flexible wrists, and mildly flexible finger joints revealed a healthy balance between determination and adaptability. His basic lines were clear and deeply engraved. How lucky he is, I thought, but fate had sealed a different future for him because he had AIDS.

AIDS was a death sentence at the time. I couldn’t see his illness. Nothing stood out. I also lacked experience to counsel him. I said, “I’m sorry, only god knows the answer to your question. You’re a naturally healthy person. If anyone can beat this disease, you can.” Awkwardly, I grasped at his positive qualities, but he didn’t want to hear them. We chatted about what he planned to do. He wanted to be proactive. I helped him decide to build a regimen of healthy diet, aerobic exercise, peaceful sleep, more meaningful relationships, and more quality time management.

My curiosity about AIDS and desire to make a difference inspired me to volunteer weekly at Bailey House, AIDS housing organization. I showed up twice weekly for two years to read hands, astrology, and tarot cards for clients and staff. I used metaphysics as a lens to view their issues and challenges in a symbolic way to help them choose what’s next.

I printed hands from the AIDS community monthly to monitor the progress or regress of the disease. I began noticing changes in skin ridge patterns on the percussion of hands. Lack of adequate funding, limited time, and not enough statistical data made it difficult for me to be thorough or scientific. Most people with AIDS suppress their potentials because they obsess on the harsh realities of a very fragile impending mortality. I affirmed their talents and strengths and inspired them to continue making positive choices and taking meaningful actions. We looked forward to our weekly sessions.

Your health is in your hands. In the days before computerized medical diagnosis, doctors used their intuition, tasted a patient’s urine, looked into their eyes, and examined their tongue, skin, and especially their hands to diagnose illness. Hands reflect a person’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. I encourage seekers to examine and reflect on their own hands and the hands of people they care about. Hands are a mirror of a person.

Fingernails are windows to a person’s health. Illnesses can be seen in fingernails. Anemia, thyroid disease, malnutrition, carpal tunnel syndrome, psoriasis, eczema, liver disease, heart, lungs, colon, chronic respiratory disease, lymph system problems, diabetes, Raynaud’s disease, high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcers, Hodgkin’s disease, and sickle-cell anemia are some of them.

Dozens of stress related problems and types of cancer can be seen in skin ridge patterns (dermatoglyphics). Conditions of lines indicate conditions of heart, brain, kidneys, liver, and stomach in male and female systems. Palmistry is prescriptive, but should never be used to diagnose or prescribe. When I observe a potential health problem in a person’s hands, I let them know I’m not a medical palmist and suggest they see a specialist.

Many health problems are natural predispositions to specific character types. Know the type and understand the corresponding potential health problems. Here’s a generalized list of health issues that correspond to a person’s dominant astrological signs and hand features. Click links to learn when and how a finger is dominant and what other qualities in addition to health are represented. The Good News is that forewarned is forearmed! Despite a person’s genetics, free will rules over fate.

Sagittarius ~ Dominant index finger ~ blood disorders, liver trouble, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, and problems with hips, thighs, and throat. A huge challenge and temptation for Sagittarians is refraining from overindulging in rich food and drink.

Capricorn ~ Dominant middle finger ~ skin problems, teeth with age, knees, ligaments, secretion of bile, skeletal, left ear deafness, paralysis, rheumatism, gout, hardening of the arteries, hemorrhoids, and varicose veins.

Leo ~ Dominant ring finger ~ eyesight, heart, and blood circulation.

Gemini ~ Virgo Dominant pinkie ~ nervous system, bronchial, and respiratory systems, thyroid gland, headaches, memory loss, and speech impediments.

Taurus ~ Libra Dominant ball of thumb ~ throat, lymphatic system, venereal diseases, heart, circulation, and nervousness.

Cancer ~ Dominant heel of hand ~ bodily fluids, stomach, tumors, female disorders, epilepsy, mucous membranes, gout, rheumatism, kidney, bladder, and mental illness.

Aries ~ Dominant tip of thumb and percussion of hand ~ inflammations, acute fevers, infections, muscular disorders, blood diseases, hemorrhage, infectious and contagious diseases, throat and chest trouble, and high blood pressure.

Scorpio ~ Peripheral lines on heel of hand ~ reproductive system, ruptures, hemorrhoids, ulcers, venereal diseases, and problems with prostate or urethra.

Aquarius ~ Nails and qualities of lines ~ ankle weakness, anemia, cramps, heart weaknesses, nervous diseases, varicose veins, and sensitive skin.

Pisces ~ pointed finger tips / yellowish skin / islanded line of health~ feet and toes including bunions and gout, colds, mucous discharges, tumors, drug addictions, and liver troubles.


Outer planetary transits influence our personal psyche and symbolize transformations in our collective psyche as they change sign. While Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto transited Virgo in the 20th Century, preconceived paradigms were revolutionized, dissolved, and transformed. It’s no surprise we’re reaping the consequences of ignoring history as our physical and psychological climate decline. Virgo is transforming us again through its current opposition from Neptune in Pisces, along with transits of Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto in earth signs. People born 1962 – 1968 with Uranus and Pluto in Virgo, analyze, compartmentalize, organize, and rationalize their lives. Their greatest challenge is to balance practicality with spirituality.

When Neptune entered Virgo in 1929, her dark and nebulous side manifested as Wall Street crashed and catalyzed the great depression. When Neptune left Virgo in 1943, we were submerged in confusion over the Second World War. Mass propaganda and deception had poisoned the rationality of Germany as it poisons us now. Millions of innocent people were exterminated in the name of racial purity. Humanitarians and labor unions were born during this period. Both are dying these days. New concepts in medicine such as psychosomatic illness were presented. Neurotics who were terrified of reality ran from responsibility. “We Want Beer” marches were held in cities across the country to protest prohibition, which was soon to be successfully repealed.

Modern Times, Charlie Chaplin’s motion picture, was released. The top money making movie of 1938 was Walt Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, complete with wicked stepmother; handsome prince; woodland setting; huntsman, seven doting dwarves; and a happy ending. The best-selling book of 1936 was Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind. Silk stockings transformed into nylon stockings. DuPont was unable to satisfy the demand. Gasoline rationing was put into effect in 1942. A new mold discovered on cantaloupe yielded ten times the penicillin as previous sources to reduce shortages. Neptune in Virgo people born 1929 ~ 1943 were destined to “serve or suffer”.

When transformational Pluto entered the sign of Virgo in 1957, we realized how easily we’d become slaves to scientific and technological trends. Awareness of the dangers of chemical pollutants affecting our environment entered our mass consciousness. Environmental special interest groups were formed. Geneva nuclear test ban talks reconvened. Official school prayers became unconstitutional. People born from 1957 to 1971 were avid consumers of bottled water and health foods which have become huge businesses, consumers of fossil fuels, and planetary polluters.

When Pluto left Virgo in 1971, Daniel Ellsberg, former Deputy Secretary of Defense, leaked the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times. The Times also published government documents about the history of the Vietnam War that revealed that the American public had been consistently lied to. Anti-war demonstrators protested in Washington where two thousand Vietnam veterans rallied. Many threw their combat medals on the steps of the capitol. Daniel Ellsberg was indicted for espionage and conspiracy. The 26th amendment giving eighteen year olds the right to vote became law.

Uranus transited the sign of Virgo from 1962 to 1968. A `good health’ revolution in consciousness began with natural and organic foods. Rachel Carson’s bestselling book Silent Spring highlighted ecology and stimulated concern for widespread damage caused by pesticides and technological progress. Holistic healers appeared. Cigarette companies were forced to print health warnings on packaging and advertising.

Health is a mundane correspondence for Virgo. Good health is a birthright that we all deserve. Everyone has physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual challenges. Corrupt politicians, partisan government, acquisitive pharmaceutical companies, and greedy brokers of healthcare insurance have negatively transformed our healthcare system by extorting people who can’t afford health insurance and refusing to help those unable to help themselves. Avaricious drug companies care more for profit than people. Megalomaniacal managed care providers bribe prejudiced partisan politicians to enforce their rules. Materialistic money managers along with egotistical plutocrats prosper while dedicated doctors are forced to ignore root causes and treat symptoms with overpriced medications. Saturn transited Virgo from 9/2007 – 10/2009. Seeds for structural change were sown and the Affordable Care Act was born.

Civil rights became turbulent. Voter registration drives and segregation protests increased. Several thousand black and white supporters were arrested. A black church in Birmingham Alabama was bombed killing four girls. Two more blacks died in riots following that bombing. President Johnson signed the most important civil rights act in US history on July 2 1964, integrating all public accommodations and prohibiting job discrimination. Sadly, legislating equality doesn’t eliminate prejudice. Malcolm X was assassinated while speaking in NYC in 1965. Thurgood Marshall was sworn in as the first black Supreme Court justice in 1967. Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated in Memphis while supporting a sanitation worker’s strike in 1968. Riots in 125 cities after his death resulted in 46 more deaths.

Senator Robert Kennedy was assassinated in Los Angeles shortly after becoming the Democratic front-runner for the presidential nomination. Anti-Vietnam war rallies were being held in major cities and universities across the country. 

The worst earthquake in modern history leveled Anchorage Alaska. Jonas Salk discovered the polio vaccine and inoculated the masses. The first transatlantic TV broadcast was made via AT&T’s privately owned satellite Telstar. The first televised presidential debates were broadcast. Russians crash landed the first spacecraft on the moon. Pop Art had its first exhibition. Rock & Roll became popular. The Beatles skyrocketed to musical fame and fortune. Bob Dylan became a superstar while singing about the hypocrisy of American values and culture.

The handwriting is on the wall. When will we honestly examine our past and make healthier choices for a healthier future? Must history repeat no sense and nonsense? Gluttonous liars govern western culture without reason, evidence, science, statistics, or heart. Our soulless, heartless, and clueless Emperor has no clothes. Any sane person can see him themselves. Hate and fear must be changed into love and courage!


“Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.”  Stephen King (Virgo ~ 9/21/47)

You don’t need a Virgo Sun, Moon, planets, aspects, or planetary placements to be a Virgo. Virgo has square palms and short fingers. Dominant middle phalanges and square fingertips are less meaty and more flexible than Taurus types and pinker and more elastic than Capricorn types who have whitish flat palms, well-developed first knots, and lean fingers. Virgo is the most adaptable of three practical types.

Virgo is well-known for their methodical hands-on natures and for being critical. No matter what your type, square fingertips, enlarged second knots, and short fingernails add physical and mental order, practicality, and responsibility.

Individuals with strong middle fingers that crook or lean toward ring fingers at the first joints strive for perfection and need personal  space. Depending on what element is rising, or moonsign, or balances and imbalances of elements they manifest certain gifts and curses. People who chew their nails are self-critical and critical of others (many lines crisscrossing under middle finger enhances that). Compulsively bitten nails belong to contrary people who choose the other side of an argument to make a point, even if they agree with you.

Virgo is best where discriminating, reliable, modest, and orderly service is required. Famous for cleaning up everyone else’s messes, Virgo sometimes obsess on details while being overly thorough and meticulous. Contrary to popular belief, Virgo doesn’t really like details. Short fingered people in general (Practical and Intuitive) dislike details and prefer to see the whole picture. Details are a nuisance; something others should do, but few can do them better than Virgo who selflessly reasons and wills themselves to do what needs to be done. Virgo must be valued and appreciated. Virgo asks too little for themselves. They know their value, but reticent to ask for it. Ego gratification is not a motivation. Never ever take Virgo for granted. Virgo works hard to feel useful, but must be valued and appreciated for hard work. Virgo must learn to cherish every molecule of what they earn. Careers like accounting, medical, nursing, social work, maintenance, cleaning, and health food are magnets for Virgo.

Virgos who have worked hard and been rewarded for their efforts: Writers Agatha Christie & Leonard Cohen; Lawyers Alan Dershowitz & Marcia Clark; Financiers J.P. Morgan & Warren Buffet; Actors Sean Connery, Ingrid Bergman, Sophia Loren, Paul Walker, Keanu Reeves, and Cameron Diaz; Singers Michael Jackson & Beyonce’; Political figures Margaret Trudeau, Lyndon Johnson, George Wallace, Yasser Arafat, & John McCain. McCain’s hands are more Taurus than Virgo. His short index finger, slightly crooked pinky, and intuitive tips say what you see is not necessarily what you get.


Mercury, winged foot messenger, holds a caduceus (medicine) ruled by Virgo (healthcare). Gemini rules communications. Virgo is earthy and practical. She represents more scientific and technical aspects of thinking and empathy. Virgo is feminine in gender, logical, and healthier than Gemini, more masculine, intellectual, and cleverer. Imagination is more important to Gemini than practicality. I’m very Gemini.




I was practicing palmistry in my early thirties. One day, a young man showed up and asked “When will I die?” He was a healthy looking Virgo, very well built, energetic, handsome, smart, and a multi-talented craftsman. He appeared in excellent health. His well-balanced square palms were pink and firm with short straight fingers. Pink elastic skin, resilient palms, flexible wrists, and mildly flexible finger joints revealed a healthy balance between determination and adaptability. His basic lines were clear and deeply engraved. How lucky he is, I thought, but fate had sealed his future when he got AIDS.

AIDS was a death sentence at that time. I couldn’t see his illness in his hands. Nothing stood out. I lacked experience to counsel him. Instead, I said, “I’m sorry, only god has the answer to your question. You’re a naturally healthy type. If anyone can beat this disease, you can.” Awkwardly, I talked about his positive qualities, but he wasn’t interested in hearing about them. We chatted about what he planned to do about his situation. He wanted to be proactive. I helped him to decide to begin a regimen of healthy diet, exercise, sleep, more meaningful relationships, and quality time management. There was no charge for his session.

My curiosity about AIDS and desire to make a difference motivated me to volunteer weekly at Bailey House, an AIDS housing organization. I showed up twice weekly for two years to read hands, astrology, and cards for clients and staff. I use metaphysics as a lens to view issues and challenges in a symbolic way to help choose what’s next.

I printed hands of AIDS victims monthly to monitor the progress of the disease. I began noticing changes in skin ridge patterns on the percussion of hands. Lack of adequate funding, limited time, and not enough statistical data made it difficult for me to be thorough or scientific. Most people with AIDS suppress their potentials because they obsess on the harsh realities of their fragile impending mortality. I affirmed their talents and strengths and tried to inspire as many as possible to continue making positive choices and taking positive actions. We all looked forward to our weekly sessions.

Your health is in your hands. In the days before computerized medical diagnosis, doctors used their intuition, tasted a patient’s urine, looked into their eyes, and examined their tongue, skin, and especially their hands to diagnose illness. Hands reflect a person’s physical, mental, emotional, philosophical, and spiritual health. I encourage seekers to examine and reflect on their hands and the hands of people they care about. There’s so much more to see in a mirror than a reflection.

Fingernails are windows to a person’s health. Some illnesses seen in nails are anemia, thyroid disease, malnutrition, carpal tunnel syndrome, psoriasis, eczema, liver disease, heart, lungs, colon, chronic respiratory disease, lymph system problems, diabetes, Raynaud’s disease, high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcers, Hodgkin’s disease, and sickle-cell anemia. Whew…

Dozens of stress related problems and types of cancer can be seen in skin ridge patterns (dermatoglyphics). Conditions of lines indicate conditions of heart, brain, kidneys, liver, and stomach in male and female systems. Palmistry is prescriptive, but I never diagnose or prescribe. When I observe a potential health problem in hands, I let my clients know I’m not a health expert and suggest they see a specialist.

Many health problems are natural predispositions to specific character types. Know the type and understand the corresponding potential health problems. Here’s a generalized list of health issues that correspond to particular fingers. Click links to learn when and how a finger is dominant and what other qualities in addition to health are represented. No health problems are easy. Good News ~ forewarned is forearmed! Free Will Rules.

Dominant index finger ~ blood disorders, liver trouble, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, and problems with hips, thighs, and throat. A huge challenge and temptation is refraining from overindulging in rich food and drink.

Dominant middle finger ~ skin problems, teeth with age, knees, ligaments, secretion of bile, skeletal, left ear deafness, paralysis, rheumatism, gout, hardening of the arteries, hemorrhoids, and varicose veins.

Dominant ring finger ~ eyesight, heart, and blood circulation.

Dominant pinkie ~ nervous system, bronchial, and respiratory systems, thyroid gland, headaches, memory loss, and speech impediments.

Dominant ball of thumb ~ throat, lymphatic system, venereal diseases, heart, circulation, and nervousness.

Dominant heel of hand ~ bodily fluids, stomach, tumors, female disorders, epilepsy, mucous membranes, gout, rheumatism, kidney, bladder, and mental illness.

Dominant thumb and percussion of hand ~ inflammations, acute fevers, infections, muscular disorders, blood diseases, hemorrhage, infectious and contagious diseases, throat and chest trouble, and high blood pressure.

Scorpio ~ reproductive system, ruptures, hemorrhoids, ulcers, venereal diseases, and problems with prostate or urethra.

Aquarius ~ ankle weakness, anemia, cramps, heart weaknesses, nervous diseases, varicose veins, and sensitive skin.

Pisces ~ feet and toes including bunions and gout, colds, mucous discharges, tumors, drug addictions, and liver troubles.

Virgo Psyche

Outer planets have a powerful influence on our personal psyche and symbolize massive transformations in our collective psyche as they change sign. When Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto transited the sign of Virgo in the 20th Century, preconceived ideologies about ways of being were revolutionized and transformed. It’s no surprise we’re experiencing the consequences of ignoring history as Virgo reminds us again through the current opposition of Neptune in Pisces and transits of Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto in earth signs.

When Neptune entered Virgo in 1929, her dark and nebulous side manifested as Wall Street crashed and catalyzed a great depression. When Neptune left Virgo in 1943, we were submerged in confusion over the Second World War. Mass propaganda and deception poisoned the rationality of Germany. Millions of people were exterminated in the name of racial purity. Humanitarians and labor unions were born during this period. New concepts in medicine such as psychosomatic illness were presented. Neurotics feared reality and ran from responsibility. “We Want Beer” marches were held in cities across the country to protest prohibition, which was soon successfully repealed.

Charlie Chaplin’s motion picture, Modern Times, was released. The top money making movie of 1938 was Walt Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, complete with wicked stepmother; handsome prince; woodland setting; huntsman, seven doting dwarves; and a happy ending. The best-selling book of 1936 was Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind. Silk stockings transformed into nylon stockings.  Dupont was unable to satisfy the demand for them. Gasoline rationing was put into effect in 1942. A new mold discovered on cantaloupe yielded ten times the penicillin as previous sources to reduce shortages. People born between 1929 and 1943 with Neptune in Virgo were destined to “serve or suffer”.

When transformational Pluto entered the sign of Virgo in 1957, we realized how we’d become slaves to scientific and technological trends. Awareness of the dangers of chemical pollutants affecting our environment entered our mass consciousness. Environmental special interest groups were formed. Geneva nuclear test ban talks reconvened. Official school prayers became unconstitutional. People born from 1957 to 1971 were consumers of bottled water and health foods which became huge business successes.

When Pluto left Virgo in 1971, Daniel Ellsberg, former Deputy Secretary of Defense, leaked the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times. The Times published government documents about the history of the Vietnam War that revealed that the American public had been consistently lied to. Anti-war demonstrators protested in Washington where two thousand Vietnam veterans rallied. Many threw their combat medals on the steps of the capitol. Daniel Ellsberg was indicted for espionage and conspiracy. The 26th amendment giving eighteen year olds the right to vote became law.

Uranus transited the sign of Virgo from early 1962 to late 1968. Revolutionary `good health’ consciousness began with natural and organic foods. Rachel Carson’s bestselling book Silent Spring highlighted ecology and stimulated concern for widespread damage caused by pesticides and technological progress. Holistic healers appeared. Cigarette companies were forced to print health warnings on packaging and advertising.

Health is a mundane correspondence for Virgo. Good health is a birthright we all deserve. Everyone has physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and other challenges. Partisan government, acquisitive pharmaceutical companies, and purveyors of health insurance have greedily transformed our healthcare system to extort people who can’t afford health insurance or advocate for themselves. Gluttonous insurers care more for profit than people. Materialistic money managers and megalomaniacal managed care providers bribe prejudiced politicians to embed their strategies and enforce us to play by the rules of their game. Selfish money managers prosper while dedicated doctors are forced to ignore root causes and treat symptoms with overpriced medications. When Saturn was in Virgo from 9/2007 – 10/2009, seeds for structural change were sown and the Affordable Care Act sprouted.

Civil rights became turbulent. Voter registration drives and segregation protests increased. Several thousand black and white supporters were arrested. A black church in Birmingham Alabama was bombed killing four girls. Two more blacks died in riots following the bombing. President Johnson signed the most important civil rights act in US history on July 2 1964, integrating all public accommodations and prohibiting job discrimination. Malcolm X was assassinated while speaking in NYC in 1965. Thurgood Marshall was sworn in as the first black Supreme Court justice in 1967. Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated in Memphis while supporting a sanitation worker’s strike in 1968. Riots in 125 cities after his death resulted in 46 more deaths.

Senator Robert Kennedy was assassinated in Los Angeles shortly after becoming the Democratic front-runner for the presidential nomination. Anti-Vietnam war rallies were being held in major cities and universities across the country.


The worst earthquake in modern history leveled Anchorage Alaska. Jonas Salk discovered the polio vaccine and inoculated the masses. The first transatlantic TV broadcast was made via AT&T’s privately owned satellite Telstar. The first televised presidential debates were broadcast. Russians crash landed the first spacecraft on the moon. Pop Art had its first exhibition. Rock & Roll became popular. The Beatles skyrocketed to musical fame and fortune. Bob Dylan became a star while singing about the hypocrisy of American values and culture. People born 1962 – 1968 have abundant ability to analyze, organize, and compartmentalize their lives.

When will we honestly examine history and choose to live in a healthier world? Can we actually see the handwriting on the wall? Must history repeat itself? The Emperor and his cronies are wearing very dirty clothes. Alternative facts only work without evidence and statistics.



Cancer is a feeling type… instinctual, empathic, emotionally complex, and hard to comprehend. Pry into their private lives and watch them retreat into their shells. Cancers hide their most vulnerable selves beneath a facade of nurturing actions. Cautious and vulnerable, Cancers avoid emotional confrontation wherever and whenever possible, although, they prefer being frank and direct over tactful and diplomatic. Their feelings can swing from loving, devoted, and nurturing, to secretive, obsessive, and fearful of the future. Their smartest option is always choosing satisfying over safe. Cancers can become dark and moody when they feel controlled or confined. They must feel protected and secure before they can fully trust. Once trust is earned, loyalties run deep. Cancer needs to cultivate intimacy wherever and whenever they can. Healthy families, close friendships, and satisfying work nourish and support them. Creating structure, organization, and detail also helps them feel stable and secure.

Healthy Cancers are loving, compassionate, and devoted. They’re compatible with other feeling types (Scorpio & Pisces). They feel safe with practical types (Taurus ~ Virgo ~ Capricorn) who are reliable, responsible, and dependable. They’re challenged by thinking types (Gemini ~ Libra ~ Aquarius) who compartmentalize, rationalize, and analyze their feelings. They’re cautious around intuitive types (Aries ~ Leo ~ Sagittarius) who are passionate, spontaneous, and impatient, and afraid they’ll be left holding the psychic garbage bag (they are) and scared of dealing with the collateral damage when idealism, optimism, enthusiasm, and logic wane (and they do). Cancers are acutely consciousness of everyone else’s emotional needs. When they feel insecure, they can become internally secretive and externally aggressive at the same time. Cancer works hardest when income matches output. Motivated by good food, emotional security, and cozy surroundings, their mission is to nurture family, home, and creative imagination.

The impudent young guy on the left in this picture is me, captured forty-four years ago in a photo booth at Kennywood Amusement Park in Pittsburgh, Pa. Lloyd and I met while working part time at a model making shop where we fabricated preschool children’s learning devices for the University of Pittsburgh’s Learning, Research, and Development Center. We made toys for ourselves and our loved ones on our own time. About to graduate from different colleges, I was to become an industrial designer. Lloyd would continue being an artist. We were a couple of Peter Pans on our way to Neverland.

Lloyd didn’t get much nurturing as a child. He developed his quick wit and sense of humor while trying to avoid extreme physical abuse. When his mother was happy, Lloyd was safe. When she was unhappy, she’d incite Lloyd’s rage filled father to beat him up. Lloyd tried hard to fix his broken parents, but they were too sick to support his efforts. Instead, they judged, criticized, and abused him. Lloyd’s mother finally abandoned him by killing herself; his father was committed to a mental institution, and years later, his lovely sister who I had met in Florida (two beautiful children, great husband, and an apparently idyllic life), suddenly and unexpectedly blew her head off with a shotgun.

Lloyd’s slender rectangular palms and long fingers embody his Cancer sun, which is conjunct my Mercury. His Gemini ascendant and my Gemini sun harmonize with one another. Lloyd’s head and life lines tightly intertwine at their beginnings. That reveals his need to feel appreciated and his tendency to take things too personally, even when they aren’t. A sensitive child, Lloyd desperately craved love and support, but didn’t get any.

Lloyd survived childhood without much approval. Meanwhile, he thrives on love and appreciation. Lloyd will give you the shirt off his back if you need it, but you had better never take him for granted. I know because Lloyd has literally given me the shirt off his back in my moment of need. I was on my way to an important meeting and got a nasty stain on the front of my shirt. Before I could blink, Lloyd took off his shirt and traded with me. What I love about him is that it never occurred to him not to do that.

Cancers are collectors. Some stockpile food in case of shortage or emergency. Lloyd collects art books, literature (most well-read person I know), religious art, art supplies, tools, raw materials, and clothing. When wealthy people die, their families donate their wardrobe to Goodwill or the Salvation Army. Lloyd has a keen eye for the finest designer clothing. He skillfully sorts through the merchandise for great finds. I call him my personal dresser. We wear the same sizes. Lloyd chooses suits, coats, and jackets with me in mind and has gifted me with outfits worth thousands of dollars that he paid ten or fifteen dollars for. Many had never been worn. He’s a master bargain hunter.

Lloyd’s very flexible thumbs symbolize his ability to adapt to the most horrible of circumstances. They also embody his frequent generosity of heart and spirit. It’s very hard for Lloyd to say “NO”. The gold ring on the bottom phalange of his middle (Saturn) finger on his unconscious hand symbolizes his need to have clear boundaries, be frugal, and learn how to be less available so that he won’t be taken for granted. Of course, Lloyd knows that, but it’s still fun to see his character, motivations, and challenges embodied in the morphology and topography of his hands.

Lloyd would say to me, “People who tell the truth don’t need to have good memories”. I’d reply, “We may be bastards, but at least we’re honest”. Over fifty years of friendship have witnessed many challenging lessons in humility for us. We delayed finding balance between our outer and inner worlds by always choosing to learn the hard way. We had to let go of our need to be more than we were. We learned there are no shortcuts.

Lloyd Wilson is Pittsburgh’s best kept secret because he loves his anonymity. His artwork reveals a magical spirit, but few will truly get to know it. Lloyd personifies Cancer’s best qualities. He’s supportive, sympathetic, receptive, reflective, intuitive, imaginative, extremely devoted to friends and family, and my best friend (male).