“We reap what we sow”

“And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come.” Bible Book of Joel, Chapter 3:3-4

As a participant in and observer of humanity’s insanity for over ¾ Century, I’m here to share my point of view of what has happened, is happening, and will happen through social, political, personal, and metaphysical lenses and constructs. View on the largest screen possible. The subtlety is in my artwork. Take what works. Leave what doesn’t.

I’m focusing my attention on one rare celestial event. Super Blue Blood Moons occur when a full lunar eclipse, super-moon, and blue moon all happen at the same time. The alchemy between Earth’s atmosphere and sunlight create the Blood-like hue. About 25 percent of all full moons are super-moons. Only 3 percent of full moons are blue moons. The time between super blue moons is irregular. It can be as much as 20 years, in general, 10 years is average. The next super blue moons will occur in January and March of 2037. The Super Blue Blood Moon of 1866 symbolized the end of Slavery. That’s also when seeds of MAGA were sown. Social viruses, corporate greed, and political trolls infected humanity with illusion, delusion, fear, hate, and hopelessness.

“The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding” Hermes

Tens of millions of people read their horoscopes daily in newspapers and magazines without realizing the true value of astrology. Astrology is an ancient wisdom, science, and art that examines relationships between cycles of celestial bodies and life on earth. Every moment in time and space has an exclusive signature. Horoscopes are unique maps of positions of planets in the heavens at specific times and places. Astronomical patterns symbolize life’s experiences and synchronize with human personality patterns. Presidents, Emperors, Kings, Dictators, Philosophers, Mystics, and Scholars have used astrology (and still do) to observe, make sense of, manage, and influence world events.

Astrology embodies Hermes law of Polarity, “As Above, So Below”. Our night sky gives context to our lives by revealing archetypal patterns, embodying cycles, picking timing, habits, and understanding behavior and mass mindset in a generational context. Astrology symbolizes past, present, and future as reflected in planetary transits, progressions, and natal relationships with symbolic mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, cousins (asteroids), and ancestral stars through signs, aspects, and houses. Western humanity shares the same old dysfunctional genes as our Greek and Roman ancestors. Our permutations, combinations, possibilities, and probabilities are infinite.

Let’s look at politics through the lens of astrology. If hindsight is 20/20 and history does repeat itself, why not choose to embrace and manifest the most positive attributes of our symbolism? George W Bush, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump all share Gemini North Nodes (December 24 1945 ~ August 11 1947). Anyone born August 6 1964, February 21 1966 (60–62), or March 15 1983 ~ Nov 1 1984 (40–41), shares that same karma. Gemini north node is an invitation and responsibility to join society to share higher consciousness and lend humanity a helping hand so we can all exercise higher mind.

It’s easy to see how Bill Clinton and George Bush screwed up. Bill (Leo), and George (Leo rising) have epic egos and corresponding hubris. George was born with too much unearned power and entitlement. Bill earned his reward, but learned humility the hard way through public embarrassment and shame. Innately gifted, smart, handsome, and charismatic, Bill was tempted by his wounded ego and seduced by false pride. Rest assured, Hillary kicked his sorry butt.

Donald Trump (Leo rising) has brought higher consciousness to humanity through the back trap door. Many people have become politically proactive due to Donald’s horrible behavior and terrible example as a role model. A closeted loser inflicted more than his fair share of damage on humanity. How many gilded towers, glitzy gambling casinos, golden pedestals, graven images, beauty queens, pageants, shark tanks, apprentices, and celebrity idols do we need? Why do so many MAGA followers wear red caps and golden sneakers? Have they purchased one way tickets to Trumplandia?

The dark side of the force is alive and well. An Evil Emperor rules while Darth Vader controls the Evil Empire. Yoda, Jedi knights, Luke Skywalker, and all heroes and heroines must search to find a quest, choose what’s right, and act accordingly.

Barack Obama’s Sun, Mercury, Uranus, and North Node are in Leo. Barack, a Hero, was not entitled. He worked, grew, flourished, blossomed, earned humility early, and sacrificed freedom to be present when many people needed a helping hand. Barack Obama is a real person, loves his family and friends, and cares about everyone else.

Genes of past solar eclipses are seeds for future eclipses. Solar and lunar eclipses gave us President Trump who gave us permission to be our worst, short-sighted, petty selves, overflowing with secret prejudices, private perversions, pervasive fear, and horrible hatred that divides and corrupts everyone and everything. Pandemic passivity, epidemic complacency, and persistent procrastination prevent positive thinking and rob personal and collective agency. Choice matters. As does everyone and everything else.

Everyone is talking about the 14th amendment these days. The Fourteenth Amendment is a direct result of our Civil War. Both proponents and opponents of Donald Trump are attempting to redefine the wording of Section 3, hoping that a reasonable interpretation of the Law either qualifies or disqualifies Donald from running for President due to his insurrectionist rhetoric and ongoing increasingly horrible behavior. A function of the 14th amendment is social and political management. That’s not its purpose.

Fourteenth Amendment

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the states wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

In 1866, the Party of Lincoln attempted to govern through equity, equality, and equanimity. Reconstruction became law. That law is still nebulous, abused, wrapped in false pride, shrouded in secrecy, disguised in deceit, and enveloped in darkness for nearly two centuries. It’s time to face the truth of who and what we’ve become.


Government by the least suitable or competent citizens of a State

“A concerted, extremely well-funded crusade is underway among elements of the MAGA party, who gleefully desecrate the ideas of its founders, effectively eroding and destroying the vital essences of Reconstruction’s greatest achievement—birthright citizenship and equality before the law.” The Atlantic ~ 10 / 2018

The same celestial genes that propelled Donald Trump into power in 2016 also created the state of Israel in January of 1948. Doomed from the get-go, the Jewish People were given a barren, arid, but holy slice of desert surrounded by masses of Arabs who hated their guts historically, socially, and religiously. Paths of permissions and denials lead to palaces of persecution, victimization, and extinction. Pogroms unified the Jewish Race in the past. The rest of the world is wondering whether the victims have become the persecutors. Can you picture Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu below?

Blood of past Super Blood Wolf Moons is DNA for present and future moons. Super Lunar Eclipse brings more than exotic auras around full moons. January 2018 Super Blue Blood Moon impelled a government shutdown as Republicans failed to reach agreement on a bill that would keep federal agencies funded. January 21, 2019, May 26, 2021, and January 6, 2021 total lunar eclipses had predictable results. Donald Trump refused to concede an election while inciting an insurrection.

Despite Trump’s pleas and denials, Joe Biden was President, inaugurated January 20, 2021. Concern has been expressed over Biden’s age. An elder statesman who dedicated his life to politics is trying to make a positive difference for humanity. We should support, nourish, and practice Joe’s best intentions.

What has happened? Healthcare became our #1 priority. Covid 19 reformed political and social landscapes. China decoupled from the West. Too many wildfires and tropical storms reminded us how humans are affecting climate change. The killing of George Floyd highlighted hypocrisy in black human rights issues. Televising violent incidents breathed new life into Black Lives Matter Movements and caused protests over racial violence across our country. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) recognized Israel in return for Israel’s pledge to forgo annexing territory in the West Bank. The Abraham Accords were signed. Oil production and prices plummeted due to Covid 19 repressing demand. Our relationship with Iran worsened. Belarus was captured by a dictator who discounted everyone’s votes. Donald Trump was acquitted of impeachment charges.


TRUMP will Unravel ~ MAGA will Crumble ~ JUSTICE will Prevail.


Republicans feign competence. Selfishly, heartlessly, ignorantly, and for personal gain, they create and enforce unfair partisan laws, rules, regulations, codes, and doctrines over obedient, organized, apathetic, and clueless flocks of followers. As they loot our personal and collective coffers, they squander our precious natural resources, and create stagnant swamps of toxic waste that ooze from our faucets, orifices and pores, into streams, rivers, and oceans of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual worlds. Meanwhile, MAGA members angrily threaten non-believers with retribution. ‘Resistance is futile’.

Earth, water, and sky are metaphors for our bodies, feelings, and thinking. We must examine our physical, mental, emotional, ideological, philosophical, and psychological footprints. Our Souls and the Spirit of our planet are infected with pervasive doubt and fear that needs to be exorcised and reborn through acts of love, faith, and hope.



Democrats feign incompetence. ‘Meaning well’, they meander clueless, aimless, and mindlessly across bleak and barren wastelands, begging for handouts, seeking aid, and frantically prodding feckless followers toward endless mazes of filling out more surveys, forms, petitions, and final requests for money disguised in guilt, shame, blame, urgency, and panic. Democrats throw $$$ at distressing symptoms without addressing root causes. Mesmerizing us with synthesized voices and targeting us with algorithmic bots is not a healthy direction for Democracy. Democracy is personal.

Sacred cows, golden calves, best of intentions, and unwitting, insensitive, naive, and cruel behaviors must be sacrificed on the altars of truth, faith, and love. Right to Life vs Right to Choose is Religion vs Politics. Let’s separate Religion from Politics, retire the old stale white bread in charge of Patriarchy and give Matriarchy a fresh and fertile chance at managing humanity.

We need to redefine self, family, friends, home, and community. There are too many unwanted, unhealthy, and unhappy people who don’t know the difference between unconditional love, tough love, and no love. How white, black, and gray are we? are you? am I?


Common sense without good sense is nonsense. Pious philosophies, pointless partisan political paradigms, and pestilential pecuniary practices pollute higher purpose and poison our psyches. Faulty families feast frenziedly on flawed feelings, vague values, and toxic thinking, copiously spiced with needless fear, desperation, and hatred. As we compartmentalize, rationalize, and analyze our insane ideologies and beliefs, we sacrifice our dignity, integrity, nobility, and virtue on the altars of nonsense.

Vengeance is not a solution to violence. Fear, hatred, and rage grow exponentially. When frantic, fearful, fateful shit happens, we focus on insane ideas like “Apocalypse” or “Armageddon”. Choosing pathological social and political ideologies and embracing hypocritical religious fundamentalist doctrine darkly and magically transforms our blackest most fatalistic beliefs into self-fulfilling prophecies. Extinction is nearing.

Remember, it’s not what you do, but what you get away with that matters!

A full wolf moon manifested on January 25, 2024. Dark storm clouds continue to gather as ravenous wolves devour innocent, gullible, and naive soon-to-be-voters who cower fearfully until the right hero gives them back their power and convinces them to vote for good. As humanity races frantically, desperately, and simultaneously toward and away from bad shit happening, worse shit happens. Wolf embodies intuition, cunning, and self-reflection. Leo inspires courage, strength, and leadership. Why choose darkness?

What is our Cosmos telling us? Our world is everyone’s oasis, stage, and toilet by degree. We’re all producers, directors, actors, and observers. We must examine our rigid headsets and create a revolution that transforms our apathetic, untruthful, and fearful thoughts and actions into choosing, embracing, and nourishing healthy and happy mindsets.

Don’t expect to be saved by partisan politicians. It’s our responsibility to make our full lunar eclipses more meaningful or we’ll still be putting up with the same old bullshit hundreds of years from now. How can we become more self-aware? Can we actually make healthy choices and take healthy actions? Will we finally choose good health for ourselves, each other, and our planet? Is it too late?

Evil emperors weave wardrobes of secrecy, darkness, and deceit. Bullshit trickles down. Partisan politicians, pathological prosecutors, and punishing persecutors poison our psyches. We must shift our malignant spiritual and philosophical paradigms from surviving in a scary and fearful world to thriving on a healthier and happier planet.

Haves will never willingly give their freedom or power away. Nor should they if they use their freedom, power, and desire to help the rest of us to have healthier lives, more meaningful experiences, realistic expectations, better relationships, more sustainable environments, healthier histories, realized hopes, and fulfilled dreams. Exercising good sense and acting with courage, strength, dignity, wisdom, and grace ensure healthy intentions, thoughts, feelings, and actions have healthy consequences. When love and respect rule, the rest is detail. Nothing makes better sense. Giving is God’s work.

HAVES must give as much as they can, fully, consciously, and generously to any and all valuable causes that are helpful to humanity and the ongoing health of our planet. Taxes are necessary. All money and all resources are here to nourish everyone and everything. Government is here to help us, not themselves, and their wealthy patrons.

Our good health and health of our world depends on our ability to share healthy thoughts and loving feelings. We can no longer substitute money for values, religion for spirituality, and collective illusion and delusion for reality. As humanity meanders hopelessly through time, space, and eternity, a Messiah awaits in a Mirror.

My fearless prediction. Our next Blue (Democracy) Moon occurs August 19, 2024. Waves of previous non-voters will choose to vote Blue. After the November election, a Democratic President, House, and Senate will transform politics. Every vote will count. Citizen’s United will be seen for what it is and dealt with. The Electoral College will become extinct. The Supreme Court will become balanced. Food will be healthier. Guns will become more sensibly managed and controlled. Our planet will begin to heal. We’ll each be more conscious of our part in being a member of our world.

Reflect~ VOTE BLUE!

The rest of this artwork was originally woven into the fabric of what you’ve already read. A writer friend suggested I eliminate my most vitriolic dark parody from my content as she felt it was distracting and interfering with my message. I’ve separated it. My ideas and artwork parody other writer’s and artist’s ideas and artwork. They’re my muses. I’ve left their names when there. Forgive and enjoy my alterations, alliterations, and aberrations.

Profit vs Prophet

A spiritually bankrupt society worships idols from amateur hours and applauds scripted survivors. Masses of meek minds, mesmerized by meaningless media, are captivated by TV courtroom melodramas. Critical and judgmental of the pettiest of behaviors, our psyches are ruled by malignant narcissists, warped exhibitionists, and pious perverts who perniciously parade their sleaziest selves before a desperate and depraved public. WINNERS and losers live in a world of HAVES with MORE, & have-nots with less than ever

This tiny speck in time and space we call earth, and our collective psyche are immune deficient. We preach love and sympathy and practice hate and fear. Appalling apparent apathy produces pandemic pathological paradigms. We fixate on sex, death, violence, and disease while fear, greed, mistrust, and shortsightedness rule our personal and collective psyche. Mistaking ‘no love’ for ‘tough love’ is so easy because not enough healthy role models are helping us to see ourselves and others clearly.

We prostrate ourselves before self-appointed emperors on polished brass plated tin pedestals. We patronize political prostitutes, follow fanatical terrorists, admire terrible tyrants, and worship god-fearing fundamentalists. We’re fascinated by werewolves, fake vampires, and crazed zombies, while real werewolves, vampires, and zombies suck our vital essences, grab our pussies, control our personal choices, and silence our voices.

Must we lose what we have to value what we had?

Is it possible to remain sane in an insane world?

Evil acts are symptoms. Evil intents are causes. Wealth and power are conjoined twins. Why do we believe we’re better than others? Why harm others when we can help them? All humans can assume responsibility for everyone’s good health by knowing, honoring, and loving ourselves and practicing good intentions for everyone and everything else.

Donald Trump is a Gemini with Leo rising. His Leo hands embody the most negative attributes of Leo’s behavioral patterns that include being self-centered, self-indulgent, superficial, ostentatious, egotistical, ruthless, greedy, bossy, seductive, and a lousy role model. What happened to Donald’s humanity? It’s mind boggling to witness how a person can have so much externally and be so spiritually bankrupt at the same time.

Mercury is the court jester who reveals folly though humor. Mercury’s dark side is the trickster, con-artist, and pickpocket. Donald Trump’s north node in Gemini conjunct his Sun Uranus in Gemini, natal Mercury is square Neptune, and his corresponding curved pinkie fingers confirm Donald’s pathological dishonesty. His head and life lines intertwined at their beginnings symbolize Donnie’s aloof and defiant behavior. He craves our approval and cares about what we think of him, though he acts like he doesn’t. He certainly doesn’t care about us. Donald’s day of reckoning is coming. Hubris has taken down every despot in history and will take down Donald when the horrible things that he has done are no longer acceptable because they violate basic healthy human standards and requirements. Donald will become extinct.

Soon to be no longer useful idiot

Author’s note: many people have curved pinkie fingers. They are not pathological liars. A majority of people with curved pinkies are trying to avoid confrontation. They’re peace makers because they learned as children to ‘act nice’ and ‘make the peace’. If you’re ‘too nice’, ‘please too much’, or ‘can’t say no’ you’ve likely chosen safe over satisfying. Do you have a long strong index finger and curved pinkie? You give your power away.

Gemini & Hands

Self Portrait

You don’t need a Gemini sun, moon, ascendant, planets, or house placements to be Gemini. Thinking Types have square palms and long fingers. No matter what your  astrology says, pure Geminis have square palms, widely spread long fingers, flexible joints, supple thumbs, and dominant first phalanges on slightly knotty first phalanges with rounded tips. Gemini (mutable) is mentally and socially adaptable. Aquarius  (fixed) is unique, eccentric, and innovative. Libra (cardinal) is strategic, balanced, and fair. Of course, there are dark sides…

When major lines in thinking hands split at their ends, that person is able to see many possibilities and outcomes. They often think or feel they have too many choices and decisions to make in order to get whatever done or go wherever they’re going. Mutable types are the most indecisive of the three modalities, especially air and water.

Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are water signs. Feelings must be balanced with Thinking. Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini are the opposing forces. Ambivalent feelings are incarnate in chains and islands on heart lines. Branches of feelings appear to be magnetically drawn to thinking. Parents who aren’t physically or emotionally present and / or don’t talk about their feelings are teaching their children to analyze, compartmentalize, and rationalize feelings. Rationalizing is safer than verbalizing feelings. A physically or emotionally absent parent as role model in the formative years is a recipe for struggling to learn to value ones’ thinking, feelings, and being. A short index finger often goes with a head ruled heart. Split lines are split for many reasons. Most people have challenging journeys.

Astrology reveals potentials. It’s impossible to accurately foretell a future. It’s hard to predict what we’ll do with potentials in our natal horoscope. Symbols may or may not reflect what you choose to integrate into your character and behavior.

Hands are topographical maps of character in past, present, and future. It’s easy to see the person’s corresponding strengths and weaknesses. While exercising our free will, changing our thinking, modifying our behavior, and re-scripting our story, we can observe the results, clearly etched and reflected in the morphology and topography of our hands over time.

Healthy Geminis have long straight pinkie fingers. They’re master bullshit detectors, acutely aware of their own bullshit, like knowingly being tactful and diplomatic when they’re much better off being frank and direct. Critical thinking, careful decision making, and crystal clear communication make good sense out of nonsense. What you see is what you get!

Dominant Gemini has square palms and long fingers, firm pink elastic skin with loop fingerprints. Long ring fingers with whorl prints add attractiveness, talent, salesmanship, risk taking, and luck. Knowing when to stop is the challenge. Gambling is a bad habit and horrible addiction. Dominant  middle fingers, square tips, and developed first knots add technical, scientific, and pragmatic attributes. Powerful index fingers increase leadership potentials, speaking abilities, career potentials, partnerships, friendships, and goals.

Geminis make great lawyers, bankers, doctors, orators, writers, engineers, teachers, salesmen, accountants, and shopkeepers. Dominant pinkie types play small musical instruments that require physical and mental dexterity. Music makes great sense since hearing is Gemini’s physical sense. I’ve worked at special events with top magicians with dominant pinkies. They astound their audiences while deceiving their eyes and minds.

Cultivated Geminis are consummate communicators, social magnets, intuitive geniuses, and great judges of character. Most social of all signs, Gemini is often accused of being an impractical dreamer because he loves ideas so much. He can detach himself from mundane reality, still remaining objective about everyone and everything. He overvalues intellect and undervalues emotion. He feels threatened when his ideas and opinions are ignored without good reason. He can accept your viewpoint, even though he disagrees with you. He’s easily distracted and doesn’t want responsibility for making decisions that have consequences. Longing to be free and unrestricted, he actually needs most to stay focused, disciplined, and structured. Earning rewards requires doing whatever needs to be done with courage, strength, wisdom, and grace.

Hermes (Mercury) was the shortest god. The pinkie is the shortest finger. If the tip is longer than the crease between the first and second phalanx of the ring finger, it’s long. If shorter, it’s short. Dominant pinkie folk are often short in stature like Ed Harris (Sag) with slender body and face. Pure types are animated, with dark hair and penetrating eyes with crow’s feet in the corners. Gemini is the most youthful of all types, eternally childlike, they love children. Men often sport thin beards like Johnny Depp (Gemini). Michael Jackson (Virgo, ruled by Mercury) was a real life Peter Pan. He actually lived in ‘Neverland’. Brooke, Liza, and Liz were Michael’s Wendy’s.

Gemini is androgynous. In Greek myth, Hermes & Aphrodite (siblings) had an incestuous relationship that spawned Hermaphrodite. Dominance of Hermes in one’s psyche (known or unknown) creates bi-sexual tendencies. David Bowie was Capricorn with dominant Hermes. Mick Jagger is Hermes with strong Leo. Cate Blanchett is Hermes with a powerful Taurus sun. She played Bob Dylan, who is Gemini. Boy George is Gemini. Grace Jones, Taurus, has Mercury conjunct Uranus in Gemini. That’s a lot of uniqueness and eccentricity.

Our pinkie finger reveals our ability to communicate. It indicates truthfulness. Early family dynamic can be observed in how the pinkie is set and held. Very short or low set pinkies reveal lack of trust as a major issue. Many women with low set pinkies have told me they have trouble having orgasms. Their real challenge is in trusting someone enough to have real intimacy. Lengths and proportions of pinkie fingers symbolizes technical, language, sexual, financial, and family potentials.

Gemini rules hands and governs our nervous and respiratory systems. Health issues revolve around nervous and bronchial systems. Geminis have potential problems with headaches, thyroid glands, memory loss, and speech impediments. I’m Gemini. I’ve coped with Tinnitus (ringing in my head) for many years. It’s the worm in my apple.

Gold and diamond rings are normally found on the ring (marriage) finger. You’ll see rings on pinkie fingers of acquisitive people. Pinkie rings can symbolize sublimation of sexual energies to accomplish something that requires a lot of libido. I once examined a group of fifty young people born into powerful families in the 80’s. Considering the prosperity of the period, it seemed a paradox that every person I read had short phalanges on the bottom segment of their little fingers. Money will never be the motivation for their career choices. In the final analysis, their families, personal matters, and values will drive these individuals.

Would you buy a used car from this Gemini? Gemini’s liabilities are deceitfulness, trickiness, fickleness, nervousness, restlessness, and shallowness. People preaching on soapboxes, pickpockets, and most con artists have powerful pinkies (inwardly curving). Donald’s curve inward, confirmed in his natal astrology by a close Mercury Neptune square. It’s not what you do, but what you get away with that matters. Our trickster is not hiding his dark side. The streets are littered with conned contractors, jilted beauty queens, and fired apprentices. The Emperor grabs our pussies as he tortures our mother. If you believe mom (GAIA) is happy about her body, respiratory, circulatory systems, and spirit, we’re all in serious trouble!

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Many wonderful people have curved pinkies. They learned the hard way as little children to ‘act nice’. Their job was to avoid confrontation and keep the peace. Learning to say ‘NO’ is a lifelong challenge for them (especially with a large ball of thumb). It’s hard to straighten a curved pinkie, but it can be done. The person must stop trying to please and be whatever everyone else wants and needs them to be. If you’re pretending whatever is OK and it isn’t, check your pinkies.


You don’t need a Libra sun, moon, planets, aspects, or houses to be Libra. Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are ‘thinking’ types with square palms and long fingers. Dominant Libra has low set thumbs, widely spread fingers, round and square fingertips, and loop fingerprints. Many Libras have judiciously engraved long unobstructed headlines that fork at the end. Thinking and Intuitive types dominate political, publishing, public speaking, public relations, education, legal, marketing, sales, and entertainment fields.

Note: I’m basing my generalizations on over 40 years of reading hands of every age, race, religion, education, career, politics, and long term clients. My observations are subject to other possible interpretations, which may all be right or wrong by degree.

It’s not easy for Libras to make up their minds. They see every side of an idea or situation and it’s hard to limit options. Dominant pinkie fingered folk with large broad nails communicate clearly and frankly. Strong  index fingers embody ambitious managers, powerful directors, and courageous leaders. Dominant bottom and middle finger phalanges work best in banking, real estate, and restaurants. Dominant first phalanges make the best public speakers, lawyers, directors, journalists, educators, and religious leaders. Libra can be idealistic, romantic, aesthetic, refined, manipulative, controlling, selfish, and unethical.

Widely spaced head and life lines embody spontaneity, love of freedom, need for action and personal space, and not caring what others think. Like a Samurai swordsman, Libra wields logic, tact, and diplomacy. They compartmentalize, analyze, and rationalize feelings until they achieve their desired goals. Changing a Libra’s mind is like playing mental monopoly. Be direct. Make good sense. Don’t get emotional. You’ll regret it otherwise.

Libra handshakes are firm and sincere. Pink elastic skin and long graceful heart lines flow from the pinkie to index finger, combining grace and romance. Firm elastic hands add energy and practicality to balance a sentimental nature. Branches from the heart line that touch the head line reveal one or both parents withheld emotions early in life. The child learns to rationalize, analyze, and compartmentalize difficult feelings that they are unable to verbalize. Stiff thumbs with a firm percussion under a pinkie reveal strong will, dogged determination, and unrelenting persistence. Gently curving lines following along inside life lines are lucky because they have real intimate family ties and true friends. Lines parallel within the lifeline are blessed with quality time and intimacy!

Athena, Greek archetype of Wisdom and Justice, is one of a trifecta with Aquarius and Gemini. Athena holds the ‘Scales of justice’ in one hand and a sword of thinking in the other. She balances ethics with action. Aries wins battles, while Athena rules the strategic thinking required to win wars. Odysseus (Libra), Achilles (Aries), and Theseus (Gemini) were heroes who worshiped Athena. Sometimes pictured as a handsome Goddess dressed in battle armor, Athena sports a shield of Intuition with an owl of Wisdom on her shoulder. Athena’s sword is applied with icy detachment as she cuts to the quick as she discards emotions in favor of clarity of thought.

Libra is the Autumn Equinox, 7th sign of the zodiac, and 7th house of marriage. October offers an opportunity for real partnership, sharing, and giving without expectation. Libra strives for balance, idolizes harmony, hates discord, despises confrontation, but faces conflict honestly when it’s unavoidable. Decisive when it matters, Libra is notoriously indecisive when it doesn’t matter. Questions like what and where to eat and what to wear are challenging. Libra can be aggressive and passive at the same time. Being frank and direct doesn’t understand acting and pretending. ‘Nice’ is easy. ‘Safe’ is unsatisfying. Honesty is the best policy…

Everyone has Libra in their symbolism and psyche. Twelve different characters rule our character. As ruler of our 7th and 2nd houses, Venus knows our truths, values, boundaries, and the difference between right and wrong. Two popular Libra aphorisms are “Locks keep honest people honest” and “Contracts are as good as those who make them”. 

“Even an attorney of moderate talent can postpone doomsday year after year, for the system of appeals that pervades American jurisprudence amounts to a legalistic wheel of fortune, a game of chance, somewhat fixed in favor of the criminal, that the participants play interminably.” Truman Capote…

A wealthy lawyer friend reminds me that rich people are innocent until proven guilty while poor folk are guilty until proven innocent. Wealth encourages players to shirk social responsibility, justify awful personal and social behaviors and actions, and manipulate the law. Poor folk are cursed to an eternity of scraping for pennies at the bottom of the barrel while HAVES have privilege and a birthright of those who can afford to have. Why must we lose what we value to value what we had?

Libra knows something could change an outcome, and fails to mention it. Philip Morris knew cigarette smoke was toxic. Monsanto knows ‘Roundup’ causes cancer. Bayer knows they’re murdering bees and butterflies. Politicians in Flint, Michigan, knew they were poisoning people who were depending on them for protection. GE was aware it was polluting the Hudson River. Giant companies choose profit over the health of our people and planet. Trump knows the potential of the Corona Virus, of Climate Change, and of promoting hatred. Partisan politicians rule public health. Donald deceives and exploits us by preaching poisonous political propaganda, empowering spiritually bankrupt religious fanatics, encouraging morally and ethically bankrupt business behavior, and enraging hordes of clueless gun lovers. Greta is an Athena/Artemis.


Learning to judge hands is the most challenging aspect of palmistry. Long and firm may appear short and soft, based on context and by degree. Rigorous practice and learning to ask the right questions is key to understanding and interpreting human character as reflected in the morphology and topography of our hands. Few of us are pure types. Many of us behave contrary to our sun signs. No matter what hands say about a person, it’s not what you see, but what you say and how you say it that matters.

My brother Gary is a Pisces, a mutable feeling type. Gary may be Neptunian on the inside, but his hands reveal he’s ruled by Libra. His behavior is rooted in cardinal thinking. Supported by practical firm thumbs, healthy, smooth textured, elastic skin, and pink coloring, Gary’s analytical and logical thinking merge gracefully with his compassionate feelings and intuition. His commitment to working with frustrating clients and stressful situations reveals a natural empathy many Libras lack. They analyze, rationalize, and compartmentalize feelings rather than trust them. Gary is a loving husband and father, devoted son, generous brother, compassionate friend, and healthy human being. Gary is also an adventurous geriatric psychiatrist, practical philosopher, and prankster. I used to tease Gary that I was going to go completely crazy with age. I conjured and shared scary fantasies of how he’d be stuck with me. Lucky for both of us, as a Gemini, I decided not to get old.

Andrea, Gary’s middle daughter and my niece, is a Libra with Libra hands. Independent. likable, and easy to be with, Andrea is a giver. I read Andrea’s hands when she was young, but old enough to understand me. I mentioned how she likes getting her way and usually does. She giggled as if I had discovered her secret. Matching Sun Signs and hands can be good or bad, depending on what a person does with them. There’s no substitute for noble intent, clear choice, critical thinking, and right use of free will.

Cousin Richie, Libra extraordinaire, philosopher, sculptor, and inventor, is father of Tangle, the infinite sculpture (series of interactive interlocking elbows). Our mothers were sisters. We share the ancestral “happiness” and “seeker” genes, and we have similar existential queries. I once suggested to Richie, “If you put the same religious fervor into saving the world as you put into plastic elbows, we’d be saved”. “I am saving the world”, he replied, “one Tangle at a time.” He meant it.

My cousin has sold tens of millions of Tangles worldwide. A mutual friend from NYC visited a monastery in Tibet and saw a poster of the Dalai Lama playing with with a chrome Tangle. “Nothing surprises me”, I told him. When I visited Richie at the annual gift show at the Javits Center in NYC. He was selling Tangles to a conservative buyer from Wal-Mart. I leaned closer and heard him say, “Let me show you the only product in this show worth more than money”. He meant it.

Blending astrology and hands is how I view character. Few of us are pure types. Most are mutts. Richie’s fingers may seem short for a thinking type. He’s got dominant air and fixity, and very strong Aquarian energy. Richie loves new ideas and enjoys sharing his opinions with incorrigible tenacity. I might see Richie’s hands differently if I didn’t know him. Libra opposes Aries as Autumn opposes Spring. A Libra and Aries opposition is a quest for higher awareness and a journey from light to darkness and back. Odysseus fanned the flames of Jason’s inspiration on his quest for the Golden Fleece. Richie quests to untangle truth, maintain inspiration, channel passion, and harness desire. Healthy intent, right thinking, careful actions, and a handful of good luck wins the fleece.


You don’t need an Aquarius sun, moon, planets, house placements, or aspects to be Aquarian. Hands with square palms and long moderately spread fingers embody ‘Thinking’ types. I’m generalizing, but in my palmistry practice, many dominant Aquarian types have medium to low set stiff thumbs, inflexible fingers, prominent first phalanges, developed first knots, mixed round and square fingertips, broad nails. Head and life lines closely intertwine at their beginnings. Topographically, clear fine lines merge with busy heart lines that dip to touch logical and pragmatic head lines at their beginnings. It’s easy to analyze, compartmentalize, and rationalize feelings when head rules heart.

I’ve known many successful Aquarian business types with long straight pinkies, dominant first and second finger phalanges, and mildly developed knots. Notable analytical, technical, and scientific types have long first phalanges with prominent first knots on middle fingers. Inventors and designers are often supported by long second phalanges, prominent second knots, whorl fingerprints, spatulate finger tips, and square tipped thumbs. I’ve seen plenty of practical tradesmen with square index fingers and loop and arch fingerprints. Aquarius has less peripheral lines than Gemini  and less islands and forks on the heart, head, life, and fate lines than Libra. All hands have their own unique and specific morphological, topographical, tactile, and visual qualities that define human character and correspond to the twelve signs of the zodiac. Astrology offers keys to shedding light and reflecting on the eternal mysteries of self and other.

Many people think Aquarius is a water sign. They see a water bearer and a symbol that looks like waves. Water embodies feeling and symbolizes our personal and collective unconscious. Air waves are geometric, sharp, and precise. Aquarius is fixed thinking. The Water bearer is discarding Feelings in favor of Thinking by pouring them from a jug.

Everyone has thirty degrees of Aquarius in their allegory. Wherever Aquarius is in your symbolism and psyche, you may be very fixed and highly sociable, and private, cool, and detached when necessary. It’s easy to avoid intimacy while spending a lot of time in a world of one’s own ideas and inventions. Thinking is masculine in gender. Aquarians need to become more aware of their Leo opposition to obtain real objectivity and clarity in their thinking. Most Aquarians have no clue how bogged down they can get in their own bullshit. They need mutable Gemini friends like me who can call them on their bullshit and walk away unscathed. Aquarius believes he can solve problems better than others, and many times he can, but his ego gets in the way. He values free speech, but overvalues his opinions that may be brilliant, constructive, helpful, and hopeful, or at the other end of the spectrum, extreme, obsessive, conceited, and obnoxious!

Uranus rules Aquarius and symbolizes sudden unexpected change. Aquarius can be erratic and unpredictable. Ruler of Sky and Father of Titans in Greek myth, Uranus, was first son of Gaea and Chaos. My Sun Uranus conjunction in Gemini in my 8th house is a tale of 72 years of internal and external revolution. I’m always striving to get out of my own way. My favorite Aquarians are: Jules Verne ~ Buzz Aldrin ~ Helen Gurley Brown ~ James Dean ~ Charles Dickens ~ Michael Jordan ~ Franklin Roosevelt ~ Charles Lindbergh ~ Bill Maher ~ Mozart ~ and Paul Newman. I also have close friends who are personal heroes.

Uranus takes 84 years to return to its birthplace. Betty Friedan completed her Uranus cycle before she died on her 85th birthday (2/4/06). Betty authored ‘The Feminine Mystique’ in 1963. She catalyzed a women’s movement and revolutionized women’s rights. Founder of National Organization for Women (NOW), Betty planned the first International Feminist Congress in 1973. She summarized most women’s existential quandary when she described their situation, “It is easier to live through someone else than to become complete yourself.” Betty’s Aquarian war cry, “Make policy not coffee”. Meanwhile, chauvinistic partisan old white men still control women’s rights. Hmm…

Aquarians relish a revolution when the cause is right. They’re independent progressive thinkers who pride themselves on their originality. Sometimes they flaunt eccentricities. Aquarians must learn to value their uniqueness for what it is and not for the sake of being different. They enjoy attracting other unconventional, unusual, and free spirited people. They’re a magnet for me. If you want to influence an Aquarian, you must remain extremely calm, be logical, and make good sense. Encourage others to participate, innovate, be more caring, and creative, and we’ll all be happier.

My Fearless Aquarian Vision for our Future

Our Future is in Our Hands

New Moon in Aquarius

1 / 24 / 2020

Personal and planetary inequities will clash as have nots realize they’ve been had. By the time Pluto enters Aquarius in 2024, the time of false prophets and false profits will have come to an end. We will philosophically and spiritually shift our poisonous paradigms into a new Age of Aquarius, Love, and Brotherhood, where Humanity sees, hears, and knows what’s fake and what’s real and proactively chooses to embrace what’s real. We can no longer take others, ourselves, and this tiny speck in time and space we call our planet for granted. Priceless information and insights about our own and each others natures, values, thinking, feelings, will power, health, relationships, creativity, purpose, philosophy, hopes, fears, and spirituality lay waiting to be seen and heard at the ends of our arms.


No matter what your astrology says about you, flat square palms, short stiff fingers, square fingertips, developed first knots, and a combo of loop and arch finger prints embodies Capricorn. A Capricorn sun, moon, rising sign, planets, houses, or aspects will enhance pragmatism and other Capricornian traits. Firm hand consistency, coarse skin ridges, and self-assured handshakes embody practicality, responsibility, and reliability. When the middle finger crooks toward the ring finger, discipline, seriousness, and responsibility rule the person.

Middle fingers with dominant first and middle phalanges make Capricorn more practical and pragmatic than his cardinal brothers and sisters, AriesLibra, and Cancer. He’s more motivated and aggressive than his fixed cousin Taurus and a better manager than his mutable cousin Virgo. Every thought and action must be rooted in rational reason and clear purpose. Capricorn leaders and successful managers embrace responsibility with commitment and perseverance, carrying out the most mundane of tasks while maintaining a long-range vision of their goals. Structured, focused, disciplined, and dependable, Saturn expects you to be on time and do as you say. He has little patience for excuses. As a natural skeptic, he doesn’t trust slick and flashy types. A workaholic, he doesn’t question coming early or staying late to finish a task. He patiently awaits the right conditions, cultivates right relationships, and plans right timing before taking action.

Our middle fingers should always be longest. Short middle fingers represent a life out of balance. Lack of structure, discipline, and focus is a formula for failure. The qualities of the middle finger reveal how serious and reliable we are and how we deal with our frustrations, obstructions, obligations, shame, and guilt.

Saturn is well organized, efficient, patient, dependable, and faithful. Obsessive order, minute methodology, persistent punctuality, and unrelenting perfectionism are embodied in stiff knotty joints, crooked middle fingers, long middle phalanges, square fingertips, and short broad nails. Self-critical types must learn to “lighten up and smell the roses”. Traditional music and dry humor soothes the saturnine soul. Saturn has a cynical or sarcastic sense of humor peppered with a pessimism that can sometimes be offensive and defensive at the same time. The funniest comedians often hide their pain behind humor. Practical, prudent, and persistent, Saturn becomes frustrated when his strategies don’t go according to plan. Rigid ideologies and an overdeveloped sense of obligation and responsibility makes Saturn feel depression, guilt, and shame. While they pride themselves on their ingenuity, it’s ironic they rarely stray from traditional and conventional careers.

Dominant middle-finger types tend to be tall and slender in appearance. Dark hair, large bones, stern features, and bland complexions are common. Saturn needs solitary time including family, friends, and partners. Saturn’s physical sense is smell. Pure types love string instruments and classical music tinged with sadness.

Abraham Lincoln was saturnine. Daniel Day-Lewis (Taurus with strong Saturn) masterfully played Abraham Lincoln. Clint Eastwood is a Gemini with strong Saturn. Elvis Presley, a Capricorn, was King of Rock ‘n Roll. Tiger Woods was Prince of Golf. Muhammad Ali was King of Boxing. David Bowie was a musical master. Paul Cezanne and Henri Matisse fathered Post-Impressionism. Albert Schweitzer‘s ‘reverence for life’ was his gift to humanity. Louis Pasteur pasteurized.

“If a man hasn’t discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Capricorn (1/15/1929) with Capricorn hands. King was martyred for his fervent beliefs. As a Baptist Minister and Social Rights Activist, Dr. King was destined to lead the black civil rights movement in the United States from the mid 1950’s until his brutal assassination in Aries (4/4/1968). Dr. King’s mission was the pursuit of truth, peace, justice, and equality for all. His dream became his legacy as well as a legal holiday.

Saturn rules physical structure. Capricorn weaknesses include skin, teeth, knees, and ligaments. Maladies like rheumatism, hardening of the arteries, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and deafness in the left ear are Saturnine. Middle fingers that lean towards ring fingers symbolize perfectionism and a strong need for personal space. I’ll bet that Donald Rumsfeld is frequently cranky, irritable, and annoyed. Just look at his left middle finger and face. Saturn thrives in conservative types. Most scientists, researchers, mathematicians, technical specialists, and businessmen are saturnine. Writers, craftsmen, therapists, night watchmen, undertakers, morticians, and derelicts frequently have dominant middle fingers.

On Christmas, humanity celebrates Jesus Christ, Jewish guru, and not for profit prophet. God spoke through Jesus, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). Jesus would have reformed religion had he stuck around. Who needs dogmas, doctrines, codes, rules, and regulations when you’ve got spirituality? Loving unconditionally and without expectation can have a dire outcome. Jesus was crucified for loving too much!

Mel Gibson (Capricorn) embraced his dark side when he created ‘The Passion of the Christ’. Jesus’s spirit writhes in heaven as Mel irreverently punishes and blames the Jews for torturing Jesus to death. You can see all of Jesus’s suffering and none of his revelations and victories in Mel’s 30 million dollar abomination.

Perhaps Mel can capitalize on Dr. King’s final moments and create another sequel called LETHAL WEAPON 666 ~ even more reasons to feel and spread hate, shame, guilt, fear, and terror. Mel should stick to acting. He’d make a great used Hummer salesman, specializing in ‘already been road-warriored’ models like worn jeans or distressed furniture.

Scrooge is our darkest, greediest, and stingiest side. Relationships are important only as they relate to profit. Master criminals are ruled by Saturn. They have no need for cleverness like Gemini, spontaneity like Aries, or grandiosity like Sagittarians. They strategize, wait, and act when the timing is right.

Ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future haunt Capricorn Bernard Ebbers, former CEO of WorldCom. Ebbers made telecommunications competitive. He achieved his goal of power and wealth, but compromised his ethical principles in favor of profit. Preaching one thing and practicing another has a gloomy prognosis that can end one in the slammer. Evangelical Christians had better get real soon or risk extinction with Saturn and Pluto still conjunct in Capricorn!

Janet is a Capricorn. Her crooked middle fingers along with head and life lines that separate on her dominant hand at their beginnings embody a freedom loving, independent, perfectionist with a highly developed sense of responsibility, guilt, and obligation. Too many “should’s’ and ‘supposed to’s” get in the way of that adventure Janet craves.

“Do the work or suffer the consequences”. “ Father Time” is about quality, not quantity. The lone hermit is not lonely. Saturn is present where discipline, focus, and structure are required. Saturn can be prosperous, happy, wise, and compassionate. He can also become easily frustrated, compulsively controlling, greedy, and self-destructive. Transforming lead into gold is a metaphor for transforming Saturn into the Sun.


You don’t need a Libra sun, moon, planets, aspects, or houses to be Libran. Pure Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius character types have thinking hands with square palms and long fingers. Many Libran hands have carefully engraved gently curving unobstructed headlines that fork near or at their end.

Libra sees every side of an idea or situation. That’s why it’s notoriously hard for them to make up their minds. They hate limiting their options. Librans with straight and strong dominant pinkie fingers and large broad nails communicate clearly, effectively, and frankly. Strong index fingers rule ambitious managers, creative directors, and natural leaders. Dominant bottom and middle finger phalanges are designed for banking, real estate, and food businesses. Prevailing top phalanges make great public speakers, lawyers, directors, journalists, educators, and religious leaders. Librans can be idealistic, romantic, aesthetic, and refined. Thinking types in general dominate political, publishing, public speaking, public relations, marketing, sales, and entertainment fields.

Wide spacing between head and life lines reflect spontaneity, love of freedom, and a need to act. Wide spaces don’t care what others think and do what they want. Librans wield logic, tact, and diplomacy like a Samurai swordsman. They can analyze, rationalize, and compartmentalize their feelings until they achieve their desired goals. Changing a Libran mind is like playing mental monopoly. Be direct. Make good sense. Don’t get emotional or you’ll regret it.

Healthy Librans have firm sincere handshakes, pink elastic skin, and long graceful heart lines that flow from the pinkie to the index finger.  Graceful hands embody a romantic and sentimental nature. Branches at the end of the heart line that reach down to touch the head line means that person probably had a parent who withheld emotions during their formative years. It’s easier for them to rationalize, analyze, and compartmentalize difficult feelings than it is to verbalize them. Black and white, love and hate, good sense and nonsense are threads in the weft and warp of the same cloth, differing only by degree. Strong stiff thumbs and firm percussions beneath the pinkie finger reveal strong will, dogged determination, and relentless persistence. Librans with gently curving vertical lines inside their life lines are lucky because they have intimate family ties and close friendships. Actually, anyone with lines running parallel to and inside the lifeline is blessed with potential to have real intimacy!

Athena is a powerful Libran and Greek archetype of Wisdom and Justice. Backed up by Aquarius and Gemini, Athena clasps the ‘Scales of justice’ in one hand and the sword of thinking in the other. She balances ethics and action. Athena rules the strategic thinking required to win wars. Odysseus (Libra), Achilles (Aries), and Theseus (Gemini) worshiped Athena. Sometimes pictured as a handsome Goddess dressed in battle armor, she sports a shield of Intuition and wears an owl of Wisdom on her shoulder. Athena’s sword is applied with icy detachment as she discards emotion in favor of clarity of thought and cuts to the quick.

Fall Equinox, Libra, 7th sign of the zodiac, 7th house of marriage, offer us an opportunity for partnership, sharing, and charitable giving without any expectation. Librans strive for balance and idolize harmony. They hate discord and despise confrontation. They’re decisive when it matters, and notoriously indecisive when it doesn’t matter. Where to eat, what to wear, and when to go is challenging. Librans can be aggressive and vague at the same time. Many prefer frank and direct and don’t understand why others don’t. ‘Nice’ is easy. ‘Safe’ is not satisfying. Dishonesty is easy. Honesty is hard.

Everyone has Libra in their psyche. As one of twelve equal, but different characters, Venus / Aphrodite rules our 7th and 2nd houses. We know our truths and have ethical values and moral boundaries of right and wrong. That’s how we get aphorisms like “Laws and locks keep honest people honest.” “Contracts are only as good as those who sign them”. 

Librans must balance ethics with honesty.  A lawyer friend often reminds me that rich people are innocent until proven guilty while poor folk are guilty until proven innocent. Great wealth empowers players to shirk social responsibility, manipulate laws, and justify personal and social behaviors and actions that are selfish, greedy, and clearly hurt have-nots. Poor folk will forever be scraping for pennies at the bottom of the barrel. American Dreams entitle the bearer an opportunity to earn a privilege that is a birthright of those who can afford it. Why must we always lose what we value to value what we had?

‘Where’s Greta?’

“Even an attorney of moderate talent can postpone doomsday year after year, for the system of appeals that pervades American jurisprudence amounts to a legalistic wheel of fortune, a game of chance, somewhat fixed in favor of the criminal, that the participants play interminably.” Truman Capote…

The Libran part of you knows something would change an outcome, and yet fails to mention it. Philip Morris knew cigarette smoking was toxic. Monsanto knows ‘Roundup’ causes cancer. Bayer knows they’re killing bees and butterflies. Politicians in Flint, Michigan knew they were poisoning the people who were depending on them for protection. They chose partisanship over public health. Profit is more important than poor people. Donaldemort deceives and exploits us by preaching poisonous political propaganda, empowering spiritually bankrupt religious fanatics, encouraging morally and ethically bankrupt behavior, and enraging hordes of clueless bigots and gun lovers.  

The most challenging task in reading hands is learning to judge hands. One person’s long may be another’s short. Firm can feel soft, compared to hard. Rigorous practice (examining many thousands of hands) and asking the right questions is key to seeing, understanding, and interpreting human character as reflected in the topography of our hands. Even so, it’s not what you see, but what you say and how you say it that matters.

Few of us are pure types. Many people behave contrary to their sun signs. It’s hard to see my brother Gary as a Pisces, a mutable feeling type. He may be Neptunian on the inside, but Gary’s hands reveal Libran behavior rooted in cardinal thinking and supported by a very practical firm thumb, healthy elastic skin, smooth texture, and pink coloring.

Gary is a geriatric psychiatrist, practical philosopher, and prankster with an adventurous spirit. I used to tease Gary that I’d go completely nuts with age and he’d be stuck with me, but then (luckily for both of us), as a Gemini, I decided not to get old. Gary’s analytical and logical thinking merge gracefully with his innate feelings, intuition, and compassion. Gary’s commitment to working with stressful and frustrated clients and situations reveals a natural empathy that many Librans lack because they’re too busy analyzing, rationalizing, and compartmentalizing their feelings to trust them. Gary’s an amazing psychiatrist, devoted husband, father, son, brother, friend, and human being.

Andrea is Gary’s middle daughter, my niece, and a healthy Libran. Independent, likeable, and easy to be with, Andrea is a great mother, care taker, and loving person. When sun signs and hands match, that can vary from very good to very bad, depending on the person’s choice, critical thinking, and right use of free will.

Cousin Richie, Libra extraordinaire, philosopher, sculptor, and inventor; is father of Tangle, the Infinite Sculpture (a series of interactive, interlocking elbows). Our mothers were sisters. We share the ancestral “happiness”, and “seeker” genes, and have similar existential queries. I once confronted Richie, “If you put the same religious fervor into saving the world as you put into plastic elbows, we’d be saved”. Richie replied, “I am saving the world, one Tangle at a time.” He meant it.

Richie has sold tens of millions of Tangles worldwide. I ran into a mutual friend on the streets of NYC who had visited a monastery in Tibet and saw a poster of the Dalai Lama with a chrome Tangle in his lap. I wasn’t surprised. When I visited Richie at his annual gift show booth in NYC, he was selling Tangles to a very conservative buyer from Wal-Mart. I leaned closer to hear what he was saying, “Let me show you the only product in this show worth more than money”. He meant it.

Blending astrology with behavior affects how I view hands. Few of us are pure types. Most of us are mutts. You might see Richie’s fingers as a bit short for a thinking type. They are, but he still has dominant air and lots of fixity in his astrology. Shorter fingers makes him more conceptual and less detail oriented. His Aquarian side is strong, confirmed by his love of new ideas, strong opinions, and incorrigible mental tenacity. I might have viewed Richie’s hands differently if I didn’t know him.

A Libra and Aries opposition is a quest for higher awareness. Libra opposes Aries as autumn opposes spring. Life is a journey from light into darkness and back into light. Odysseus’s wise counsel fanned the flames of Jason’s inspiration on his quest for the Golden Fleece. Richie’s quest is to untangle truth from inspiration, passion, and desire. Right thinking and careful planning will win the fleece.  


2019 ~ Fall Equinox ~ massive paradigm shifts are causing huge transformations in personal and collective psyches. Outer planets, symbolizing our inner and outer worlds are transmuting us through cardinal, fixed, and mutable modalities. As Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto transited through 20th Century Libra, forces of good and evil clashed. Unable to balance optimism with pessimism, tolerance with intolerance, justice with injustice, and progress with regress we had little social and political stability.

Uranus transited Aries (opposing Libra), to Taurus in 2018 and enters Gemini in 2026. Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn point toward poisonous partisan politics and calculating politicians who deceive voters with empty promises, fueled by hubris, hatred, greed, gluttony, and a morally and spiritually bankrupt leader.

While Neptune (Pisces) transited Libra from 1942 to 1957, nuclear weapons boomed. The Atomic Bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. President Truman ordered The Atomic Energy Commission to produce an even bigger `Hydrogen Bomb’. Neptune in Pisces has given us a deluded Emperor with his finger on the button. Why can’t we see we’re in this together? Our obligation is to all of humanity. We must nourish future generations and cultivate healthy behaviors, values, ethics, thinking, feelings, will power, physical habits, relationships, creativity, philosophies, purpose, dreams, and spirituality.

Where does fear stop and accountability begin? When do we take charge of our own destiny? Can humanity prevent ‘bad shit from happening’ instead of always racing towards it?  

The United Nations was born on October 24 1945. Their Charter was ratified by China, France, Soviet Union, United Kingdom, and the United States. International cartels firmly established themselves. The European Common Market was recognized. Civil Rights Movements flourished. Group Psychology became popular.  World Council of Churches was established. Mother Francis Xavier Cabrini, founder of Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, became the first American Citizen to be canonized by the Roman Catholic Church.

The Devil is hard at work in our churches. An eternity in hell awaits confused and corrupt priests, who are tempted with erotic desires that encourage them to misuse their power and spiritually abuse the sacred souls they were entrusted to protect. No matter what your religion, humanity is one huge dysfunctional family.

‘As Above, So Below’

When Neptune exited Libra in 1957, bestselling novel, Peyton Place, focused on sexual intrigue in a small town. Allen Ginsberg, a popular poet wrote, “I have seen the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness”. People born 1942 ~ 1957 tend to over idealize relationships, seeing them as they want them to be instead of how they really are. A majority of our political leaders fall within these birthdates and are utterly blind.

Uranus (Aquarius) transited Libra from 1968 to 1975. The spirit of nationalism shifted from optimism to pessimism. Faith in progress turned into disillusionment in national institutions and world progress. The period was marked by useless popular inventions like a pet rock, giant platform shoes, and shag haircuts. Punk Rock, Primal Therapy, and Streaking became popular. The Supreme Court Legalized Abortions in the first trimester of pregnancy (Roe vs. Wade). Patriarchy certainly isn’t working for most of us. Isn’t it time for Matriarchy?

Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn have gathered ultra-conservative forces to bias a Supreme Court that curtails Women’s Rights. Bumbling bureaucrats choose money over values, promote religion over spirituality, embrace greed over good health, and offer us a heaping helping of fear, hate, confusion, and delusion. Where has our honesty, integrity, dignity, courage, strength, grace, virtue, and wisdom gone. Our personal and planetary health is controlled by too many pussy grabbers, fearful haters, and gluttonous shitholes. We must take responsibility for our own well-being and happiness.

In 1968, Governor George Wallace, a racial bigot from Alabama, announced he’d be running for President on a newly formed American Independent Party ticket. He threatened to repeal the “so called civil rights laws”. In 1971, an assassination attempt left candidate Wallace paralyzed from the waist down. Will history repeat itself? Diplomat Henry Kissinger approved the financing of clandestine CIA activities in Chile aimed at preventing the election and inauguration of Salvador Allende as Marxist President.

Patty Hearst popularized ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ after she was kidnapped and brain-washed by the Symbionese Liberation Army. A military junta deposed Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie. The most popular show on TV was a comic satire about a racist named Archie Bunker. Racism is a topic of pundits these days, but much less funny.

In Taurus, Uranus has brought us a naked Emperor who has chosen to build walls between us and our closest neighbors as he builds ideological, philosophical, and spiritual walls between us and the rest of civilization. While preaching Christian Values, he practices the seven deadly sins: lust, greed, envy, wrath, pride, gluttony, and sloth.

Pluto (Scorpio) transited Libra from 1971 to 1983. That period marked the launch of the environmental movement   RRR ~ Reuse, Recycle, and Recreate. Growers and pickers reached a settlement that ended nearly ten years of grape boycotts (led by Cesar Chavez). Farm workers finally had bargaining power. They strived together to accept, compromise, and sacrifice to achieve their goals.

In 1954, Neptune was in Libra and Pluto was in Leo. In the case of Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruled racial segregation of schools was unconstitutional. On April 20, 1971, United States Supreme Court upheld the use of busing to achieve racial desegregation in schools. Unfortunately, making something law, doesn’t erase hatred. ‘Haves’ must learn to understand what ‘Have Nots’ have not.

An arm of the Palestine Liberation Organization terrorized the 1972 summer Olympics in Munich. Prime Minister Idi Amin slaughtered over 300,000 Ugandans and alienated his country from the rest of the world. Violence in Ireland forced Britain to seize control of Northern Ireland and suspend the Protestant controlled parliament. In 1975 South Vietnam crumbled, bringing an end to the Vietnam War. Because of the Karen Ann Quinlan case, `right to die’ rulings were enacted all across the USA. The serial killer “Son of Sam” was put away after terrorizing both males and females in NYC. Religious extremist Jim Jones’s followers drank the cool aid and died.

“The Lips of Wisdom are closed, except to the Ears of Understanding” ~ Hermes

John Lennon was murdered.

“Imagine there’s no country,

It isn’t hard to do.

Nothing to kill or die for,

And no religion, too.

Imagine all the people.

Living life in peace”


“Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.”  Stephen King (Virgo ~ 9/21/47)

You don’t need a Virgo Sun, Moon, planets, aspects, or planetary placements to be a Virgo. Strong middle finger phalanges with square tips dominate square palms with short fingers. Virgo hands are less meaty and more flexible than Taurus  and more elastic than Capricorn, with pinkish flat palms, well- developed first knots, and very lean fingers. Virgo is the most adaptable of all three practical types.


Virgo is known for their methodical ‘hands on’ approach to being natural. No matter the type, square fingertips, large second knots, and short fingernails add order and practicality. Strong crooked middle fingers that lean toward ring fingers at first joints strive for perfection and need personal space. Virgo is known for being critical. Many are mainly self-critical. Fire rising or a watery moon gives them inspiration, passion, and empathy. People who chew their nails are self-critical or critical of others (many lines crisscrossing beneath the middle finger). Nails bitten to the quick are contrary and will choose the other side of an argument, just to make a point, even if they agree with you.

Virgo is happiest where discriminating, reliable, modest, and orderly service is required. Famous for cleaning up everyone else’s messes, Virgo can obsess on details while being overly thorough and meticulous. Contrary to popular belief, Virgo doesn’t like details. Short fingered people (Practical & Intuitive) dislike details and prefer to see the whole picture. Details are a nuisance; something others should do, but few can do them better than Virgo, who selflessly rationalizes their distaste and drive themselves to do whatever needs to be done. They often ask too little for themselves. Ironically, they know their value, but are reticent to ask for it. Ego gratification is not their motivation. Virgos work hard to feel useful. Never take a Virgo for granted. They cherish every molecule of what they truly earn, but must be valued and appreciated. Accounting, medical, nursing, social work, maintenance, cleaning, and health food are career magnets for Virgo.

Some Virgos have worked hard and been rewarded for their efforts. Writers like Agatha Christie & Leonard Cohen; Lawyers Alan Dershowitz & Marcia Clark; Financiers J.P. Morgan & Warren Buffet; Actors Sean Connery, Ingrid Bergman, Sophia Loren, Paul Walker, Keanu Reeves, and Cameron Diaz; Singers Michael Jackson & Beyonce’; Political figures Margaret Trudeau, Lyndon Johnson, George Wallace, Yasser Arafat, & John McCain (who’s hands are Taurus). McCain’s stubborn short index finger, slightly crooked pinky, and intuitive tips say ‘what you see is not what you get’. Few have truly known his truths.


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Mercury, the winged messenger, holds a caduceus (medicine), ruled by Virgo (healthcare). Gemini rules communications and wit. Virgo is earthy and practical. She represents more scientific, technical, and empathetic aspects of thinking and feeling. Virgo is feminine in gender, logical and healthy. Gemini is masculine, intellectual, and cleverer. Imagination is more compatible with Gemini than practicality.


While I was practicing palmistry in my early thirties, a virile young man showed up one day, asking “When will I die?” He was a Virgo, healthy looking, well proportioned, energetic, smart, and multi-talented craftsman. He appeared to have excellent health. Well-balanced square palms were pink and firm with short straight fingers. Pink elastic skin, resilient palms, flexible wrists, and mildly flexible finger joints revealed a healthy balance between determination and adaptability. His basic lines were clear and deeply engraved. How lucky he is, I thought, but fate had sealed a different future for him because he had AIDS.

AIDS was a death sentence at the time. I couldn’t see his illness. Nothing stood out. I also lacked experience to counsel him. I said, “I’m sorry, only god knows the answer to your question. You’re a naturally healthy person. If anyone can beat this disease, you can.” Awkwardly, I grasped at his positive qualities, but he didn’t want to hear them. We chatted about what he planned to do. He wanted to be proactive. I helped him decide to build a regimen of healthy diet, aerobic exercise, peaceful sleep, more meaningful relationships, and more quality time management.

My curiosity about AIDS and desire to make a difference inspired me to volunteer weekly at Bailey House, AIDS housing organization. I showed up twice weekly for two years to read hands, astrology, and tarot cards for clients and staff. I used metaphysics as a lens to view their issues and challenges in a symbolic way to help them choose what’s next.

I printed hands from the AIDS community monthly to monitor the progress or regress of the disease. I began noticing changes in skin ridge patterns on the percussion of hands. Lack of adequate funding, limited time, and not enough statistical data made it difficult for me to be thorough or scientific. Most people with AIDS suppress their potentials because they obsess on the harsh realities of a very fragile impending mortality. I affirmed their talents and strengths and inspired them to continue making positive choices and taking meaningful actions. We looked forward to our weekly sessions.

Your health is in your hands. In the days before computerized medical diagnosis, doctors used their intuition, tasted a patient’s urine, looked into their eyes, and examined their tongue, skin, and especially their hands to diagnose illness. Hands reflect a person’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. I encourage seekers to examine and reflect on their own hands and the hands of people they care about. Hands are a mirror of a person.

Fingernails are windows to a person’s health. Illnesses can be seen in fingernails. Anemia, thyroid disease, malnutrition, carpal tunnel syndrome, psoriasis, eczema, liver disease, heart, lungs, colon, chronic respiratory disease, lymph system problems, diabetes, Raynaud’s disease, high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcers, Hodgkin’s disease, and sickle-cell anemia are some of them.

Dozens of stress related problems and types of cancer can be seen in skin ridge patterns (dermatoglyphics). Conditions of lines indicate conditions of heart, brain, kidneys, liver, and stomach in male and female systems. Palmistry is prescriptive, but should never be used to diagnose or prescribe. When I observe a potential health problem in a person’s hands, I let them know I’m not a medical palmist and suggest they see a specialist.

Many health problems are natural predispositions to specific character types. Know the type and understand the corresponding potential health problems. Here’s a generalized list of health issues that correspond to a person’s dominant astrological signs and hand features. Click links to learn when and how a finger is dominant and what other qualities in addition to health are represented. The Good News is that forewarned is forearmed! Despite a person’s genetics, free will rules over fate.

Sagittarius ~ Dominant index finger ~ blood disorders, liver trouble, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, and problems with hips, thighs, and throat. A huge challenge and temptation for Sagittarians is refraining from overindulging in rich food and drink.

Capricorn ~ Dominant middle finger ~ skin problems, teeth with age, knees, ligaments, secretion of bile, skeletal, left ear deafness, paralysis, rheumatism, gout, hardening of the arteries, hemorrhoids, and varicose veins.

Leo ~ Dominant ring finger ~ eyesight, heart, and blood circulation.

Gemini ~ Virgo Dominant pinkie ~ nervous system, bronchial, and respiratory systems, thyroid gland, headaches, memory loss, and speech impediments.

Taurus ~ Libra Dominant ball of thumb ~ throat, lymphatic system, venereal diseases, heart, circulation, and nervousness.

Cancer ~ Dominant heel of hand ~ bodily fluids, stomach, tumors, female disorders, epilepsy, mucous membranes, gout, rheumatism, kidney, bladder, and mental illness.

Aries ~ Dominant tip of thumb and percussion of hand ~ inflammations, acute fevers, infections, muscular disorders, blood diseases, hemorrhage, infectious and contagious diseases, throat and chest trouble, and high blood pressure.

Scorpio ~ Peripheral lines on heel of hand ~ reproductive system, ruptures, hemorrhoids, ulcers, venereal diseases, and problems with prostate or urethra.

Aquarius ~ Nails and qualities of lines ~ ankle weakness, anemia, cramps, heart weaknesses, nervous diseases, varicose veins, and sensitive skin.

Pisces ~ pointed finger tips / yellowish skin / islanded line of health~ feet and toes including bunions and gout, colds, mucous discharges, tumors, drug addictions, and liver troubles.


You don’t need a Gemini sun, moon, ascendant, planets, or house placements to be a Gemini. Thinking types have square palms with long fingers. No matter what your astrology says, pure Gemini hands have widely spread long fingers, flexible joints, and supple thumbs and fingertips. I’m a pure type. That’s my hand above. As a mutable modality, Gemini is more mentally adaptable than (cardinalLibrans and (fixed) Aquarians. Gemini and Libra are air signs that often have head lines split at their ends, resulting in having too many choices and needing to make too many decisions. Cancer and Pisces are water signs whose ambiguous feelings are embodied in split heart lines.

Author’s note: I’m generalizing based on my personal palmistry experience. Anyone can have any split line for many reasons.

It’s impossible to accurately foretell from a natal astrology chart what a person will choose to do with their symbolism and free will. Astrology reveals a person’s potentials. Your sun, moon, a stellium of planets, dominant signs, house placements, or powerful aspects between planets or points in a horoscope may or may not reflect what you choose to integrate into your character and behavior. Hands are topographical maps that disclose our true character in past, present, and future. As we embrace our strengths and address our weaknesses, we can exercise our thinking and free will, change our behaviors, re-write our stories, and the resulting thinking and circumstances will be reflected in the changing morphology and topography of our hands over time.

Healthy Geminis generally have long straight strong pinkie fingers that symbolize logical thinking, honest communication, and good sense. Gemini hands feature firm pink elastic skin with long straight widely spread fingers, dominant first phalanges, and loop finger prints. Long ring fingers with whorl prints add talent, attractiveness, irresistibility, salesmanship, and good luck (along with more risk taking). Strong middle fingers with square tips and developed first knots add technical and scientific attributes. Powerful index fingers dramatically increase writing, oratory, and professional skills. Geminis make great lawyers, bankers, doctors, orators, writers, engineers, teachers, salesmen, accountants, and shopkeepers. I work special events with many magicians who have dominant pinkie fingers. They surprise and astound audiences while deceiving the eye and mind of the beholder. Dominant pinkies prefer small musical instruments that require dexterity. Music makes sense as hearing is Gemini’s physical sense.

The pinkie is the shortest finger. If the tip is longer than the crease between the first and second phalange of the ring finger, it’s long. If shorter, it’s short. Hermes (Mercury) was the shortest god. A dominant pinkie fingered person is often short in stature like Ed Harris (Sag) with slender body and face. Pure types have animated hands, dark hair, and penetrating eyes with crow’s feet in the corners. Gemini remains most youthful of all types. They’re eternally childlike and love children. Many men have thin beards like Johnny Depp (Gemini). Michael Jackson, Virgo (ruled by Mercury), a real Peter Pan, actually lived in ‘Neverland’. Peter frequently needs a Wendy or parental type around. Someone’s got to be practical and responsible.

Our pinkie finger shows our ability to communicate. It indicates truthfulness. Early family dynamic can be observed in how the pinkie is set and held. Very short or low set pinkies reveal lack of trust as a major issue. Women with very low set pinkies have told me they have trouble having orgasms. Their real challenge is in trusting someone enough to have real intimacy. Lengths and proportions of pinkie fingers symbolize technical, language, sexual, and family potentials.

Gemini rules hands and governs our nervous and respiratory systems. Health issues revolve around nervous and bronchial systems. Geminis have potential problems with headaches, thyroid glands, memory loss, and speech impediments. I’m very Gemini and have been coping with Tinnitus (ringing in my ears) for an eternity of several years.

Gold and diamond rings are often found on the pinkie fingers of acquisitive people. Pinkie rings can symbolize the sublimation of sexual energies to accomplish something requiring libido. I once examined a group of fifty young men and women who were born into very powerful wealthy families in the 80’s. Considering the prosperity of that period, it seemed a paradox that everyone had short phalanges on the bottom segment of their little fingers on their dominant hands. Money will never be their motivation for career choices. Family and personal values will drive these individuals to make healthier choices.

Would you buy a used car from this Gemini? I wouldn’t. Gemini’s liabilities are deceitfulness, trickiness, fickleness, nervousness, restlessness, and shallowness. People preaching on soapboxes, pickpockets, and most con artists have dominant pinkies (most inwardly curving). Yellow coloration added to the palms reveals nastiness somewhere. The trickster is masterful at hiding his dark side. Many wonderful people with curved pinkies learned as children to ‘act nice’ and avoid confrontation. Their challenge is to stop trying to please everyone.

Cultivated Geminis are consummate communicators, social magnets, intuitive geniuses, and great judges of character. Most social of all types, they’re frequently accused of being impractical dreamers because they love ideas so much. They can detach themselves from mundane reality and still remain objective about everything and anything. They overvalue intellect and undervalue emotion. They’re threatened when their opinions are ignored. They can accept your viewpoint, even though they disagree with you. They get mad when their ideas are challenged without good reason. They’re easily distracted and don’t like being responsible for making decisions before they’re clear. They fight focus, discipline, and structure, and long for freedom, love, and being unrestricted. The hardest choice is often the only choice that makes the best sense.

Geminis are androgynous. In Greek myth, Hermes and Aphrodite’s incestuous fling birthed Hermaphrodite. Dominant Hermes (whether known or admitted to) is often bi-sexual. David Bowie was a Capricorn with strong Hermes. Mick Jagger is a Hermes type with a Leo sun. Kate Blanchett is a Mercurial Taurus. Bob Dylan is a Gemini. Boy George is a Gemini. Grace Jones (71) is a Taurus with Mercury conjunct Uranus in Gemini.


You don’t need a Libra sun, moon, planets, aspects, or houses to be Libran. As Thinking Types, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius hands have square palms and long fingers. Libran hands frequently have long clear downwardly curving unobstructed headlines that fork at the end. Librans can see every side of an idea or situation. That’s one reason they’re notorious for resisting making up their minds. Anyone who has long straight strong dominant pinkie fingers and large broad nails communicates clearly, frankly, and effectively. Strong index fingers are common on ambitious hardworking managers, directors, and leaders. Dominant bottom and middle phalanges are well designed for banking, real estate, and food businesses. Dominant top phalanges make great public speakers, lawyers, directors, journalists, educators, and religious leaders. Librans tend to be idealistic, romantic, aesthetic, and refined. Thinking types in general dominate PR, political, publishing, marketing, sales, and entertainment fields.

Wielding logic, tact, and diplomacy like Samurai swordsmen, Librans compartmentalize, analyze, and rationalize their thoughts and feelings until they achieve their desires. Having wide spacing between head and life lines reveals spontaneity, love of freedom, and a desire to initiate. The wider the space, the less the person cares what others think. Changing a Libran’s mind is like mental monopoly. Be direct and make good sense. Don’t get emotional. You’ll regret it.

Healthy Librans have firm sincere handshakes. Pink elastic skin with long graceful heart lines flow from the pinkie to the base of the index finger and embody a romantic and sentimental nature. A branch at the end of the heart line that reaches down to touch the head line means that the person may rationalize, analyze, and compartmentalize their feelings. Black and white and love and hate are cut from the same cloth, opposite only by degree. Librans with gently curving vertical lines within their life lines are lucky in love. Anyone with long vertical lines parallel to their life lines has intimate family ties and friendships. They’re wealthy in relationships.

Athena is a strong Libran archetype with powerful Aquarius and Gemini backup. She’s the Greek archetype for Wisdom and Justice. Clasping the ‘Scales of justice’ in one hand and the sword of thinking in the other, she balances ethics with action. Athena rules the strategic thinking required to win in war. Great warriors like Odysseus (Libra), Achilles (Aries), and Theseus (Gemini) worshiped Athena. Often pictured as a handsome Goddess in battle armor, she sports the shield of Intuition and supports the owl of Wisdom on her shoulder. Athena’s mighty sword is applied with icy detachment. She discards emotion for clarity of thought and cuts to the quick.


Libra is the Autumn Equinox, 7th sign of the zodiac, 7th house of marriage, a time for partnership, sharing, and giving. Librans strive for balance, idolize harmony, dislike discord, and despise unnecessary confrontation. As negotiators, they’re very decisive when it really matters. They’re notoriously indecisive when it doesn’t matter… where to eat, what to wear, and when to go… Librans can be annoyingly aggressive and vague at the same time. Most Librans prefer being frank and direct, but then they can’t figure out why some people don’t like them. ‘Nice’ is easy, but safe is not satisfying. It isn’t easy to be honest, but honesty is what makes good sense in the final analysis.

All of us have Libra, Venus, and 7th houses in our symbolism. Deep down, we know what’s true and fair. We must set ethical and moral values and boundaries in order to know right from wrong and see truth. It’s too easy to compartmentalize, rationalize, and analyze our feelings, thoughts, and actions. Some Libran aphorisms are: “Laws keep honest people honest.” “Locks keep honest people out” “Contracts are as good as the people who sign them”.  Why must we lose what we value to not take it for granted?

“Even an attorney of moderate talent can postpone doomsday year after year, for the system of appeals that pervades American jurisprudence amounts to a legalistic wheel of fortune, a game of chance, somewhat fixed in favor of the criminal, that the participants play interminably.” Truman Capote understood the truth behind the folly. It’s ironic that Libra rules our Laws and their execution. Legal power enables rich players to shirk social responsibility, manipulate laws, and justify personal and social behaviors and actions. Haves are innocent until proven guilty. Have nots are guilty until proven innocent. The American Dream is a birthright only for folk who can afford it. Poor folk will forever be scraping for pennies at the bottom of the barrel.

Librans must find a balance between ethics and honesty. Maybe a Libran knows something that would change an outcome, but fails to mention it. Philip Morris always knew cigarette smoking was unhealthy. Monsanto knows that ‘Roundup’ causes cancer. Bayer knows they’re killing butterflies. The powers-that-be in Flint knew they were poisoning the people who depend on their protection. Short-sighted Republicans care more for themselves than democracy. Our self-appointed Emperor has deceived, exploited, and manipulated the huddled masses with mountains of alternative facts, hordes of toxic pussy grabbers, and a limitless supply of poisonous propaganda.

Libras with square palms, long fingers, strong pinkies and well-balanced phalanges are well-suited for commerce. You’ll see them in chic designer clothing taking clients to trendy restaurants. Long unobstructed straight headlines are innately practical, honest, and dependable. Strong index fingers embody an ambitious strategic hardworking nature. Strong stiff thumbs along with a firm percussion under the pinkie finger reveal strong will power, dogged determination, and relentless persistence. A wide gap between head and life lines at their beginnings exposes an impatient, independent, freedom loving individual with plenty of initiative and corresponding need to take action.

The most challenging task in reading hands is learning to judge hands. One person’s long is another’s short. Your firm may be my soft, depending on the particular person. Rigorous practice (reading thousands of hands) and asking the right questions is essential to observing and interpreting human character as reflected in the topographical maps of our hands. The counseling part is another story.

Many of us behave contrary to our sun signs. Few of us are pure types. My brother, Gary is a Pisces, a mutable feeling type. Neptunian on the inside, Gary’s hands reveal a Libran character. His behavior is rooted in cardinal thinking.

Gary is a psychiatrist who specializes in geriatric clients. He’s a practical philosopher with an adventurous spirit. I used to threaten that I’d go completely nuts with age, but then (luckily for both of us), as a Gemini, I decided not to get old. Gary’s analytical and logical thinking graciously and gracefully merges with his intuition and compassion, enabling him to nourish and heal the most stressful of clients and situations. Pisces gives Gary a natural empathy that many Librans lack. They’re too busy analyzing, rationalizing, and compartmentalizing their feelings to trust them. Gary is a devoted husband, father, son, brother, friend, human being, and an awesome psychiatrist.

The first two hand illustrations in this post belong to Gary’s daughter, Andrea, my niece, a healthy Libra and person. When the sun sign and hands match, that can be very good or very bad or both depending on what the person chooses to do with their choices and free will.