“The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding” Hermes

Hermes was father of alchemy, god of wisdom, mentor of Abraham, Roman scribe, Mercury, messenger for gods and ruler of Gemini. As Loki, Norse god of mischief, Hermes transforms looking into seeing, listening into hearing, and believing into knowing. Hermes was reputedly a real person who lived for 350 years in the flesh in ancient Egypt. In Tarot, Hermes is a magician at a crossroads who must choose a correct path, clear vision, and pure intent. A pragmatic philosophy enabled Hermes to offer us the tools, knowledge, and wisdom to be healthier and happier and to better maintain and nourish everyone and everything.

Hermes was the real father of the Cell phone. He taught his disciples that thought is made up of individual cells, physically, mentally, and spiritually connected to all other cells on all other planes at the same time. Physical, Mental, and Spiritual planes merge to form a metaphysical Cell tower. Making Connections and tuning our links is our work. Our brains are our communication hardware while our minds transmit and receive messages.

“While ALL is inTHE ALL, it is equally true that THE ALL is in ALL. The inner nature of THE ALL is unknowable. Whoever understands this truth hath great knowledge”. An unknowable and indefinable spirit rules everyone and everything. Spirit is the essence that bonds body and soul with the whole.

Alchemy is not turning lead into gold. Alchemy is a set of magical formulas, tools, and esoteric instruction for becoming healthier, happier, and more fulfilled in life. By combining courage, strength, wisdom, and grace (gold) with patience, structure, discipline, and focus (lead), we can choose and have healthy goals, meaningful relationships, and fulfilling accomplishments. We can become more satisfied as our life choices and actions support our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance and growth. We can combine critical thinking, real feelings, and true faith to build sound structures on solid foundations.

Personal Spirit depends on the recognition, realization, and manifestation of Great Spirit. Focusing mental forces can transmute one mental vibration into another. Taking a leap of faith, establishing connections, and tuning our links enables us to be fully present in time and space. Focusing our minds on what we truly desire allows us to gather priceless value from thin air.


The law of attraction works best when you know what you want and your intentions are clear. Polarity is spiritual magnetism. Opposition creates awareness, which sets destiny in motion. Negative thinking may be transformed into right actions by letting go of fear and choosing love. Vibrations of hate can be transformed into vibrations of love through the science and art of ‘Polarization’, a phase of mental alchemy known and practiced by ancient masters.

The Secret” is Hermes “Law of Polarity”. “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different by degree; all extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled”.

Where does heat end and cold begin? When does darkness stop and light begin? What about positive and negative, hard and soft, sharp and dull, noisy and quiet, high and low? The same principle operates on mental and emotional planes. Hate is black. Love is white. All thoughts, ideologies, feelings, and beliefs are varying shades of gray.

Correspondence, Mentalism, Vibration, Rhythm, Cause, Effect, and Gender are the other six laws Hermes used to visualize clearly. Transcendental astronomy became Astrology. Transcendental chemistry was Alchemy. Transcendental psychology was mystic psychology. Having inner and outer wisdom enabled critical thinkers throughout history to unlock ancient mysteries by combining old practices with new principles. Confucius, Galileo, Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Nostradamus, Leonardo Da Vinci, George Washington, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and Joseph Campbell were all Grand Masters of Metaphysical Thought.

Astrologers practice Hermes second principle of correspondence “As above, so below, as below, so above”. Astrology is a symbolic system that compares and contrasts our heavens with the characters and affairs of humans on earth. Astrology unlocks ancient and modern mysteries that reveal how every relationship changes every other relationship on a cellular level by raising or diminishing its vibration, polarity, and rhythm. A horoscope is a script. A diversity of astrological symbols embodies the cast, plots, and stories of a very disorganized and dysfunctional family we call humanity. That’s why we have anthropomorphic gods and formalized religions. Religious doctrines, rules, commandments, and laws are supposed to keep us sane, but instead are making us insane. Is it possible to be sane in an insane world?

The human race is a race against bad shit happening! An immoral and spiritually bankrupt society worships idols from amateur hours and applauds scripted survivors. Masses of meek minds are mesmerized by meaningless media. Captivated by TV courtroom melodramas, we’ve become critical and judgmental of the pettiest of behaviors. Cunning narcissists, warped exhibitionists, and pious perverts perniciously present their sleaziest selves to a desperate and depraved demand. A culture of winners and losers has become a world of more haves with more and many more have nots with less than ever.

Appallingly apparent apathy produces pandemic pathological paradigms. Where are our healthiest role models? Why do we mistake no love for tough love? We preach love and sympathy and practice hate and fear. We fixate on sex, death, violence, and disease, while fear, greed, mistrust, and shortsightedness sabotage our personal and collective psyches.

Pious philosophies, pointless partisan political paradigms, and pestilential pecuniary practices pollute higher purpose and poison our psyches. Faulty families feast frenzily on flawed feelings, vague values, and toxic thinking, copiously spiced with needless fear, desperation, and hatred. As we analyze, rationalize, and compartmentalize our insane ideologies and beliefs, we sacrifice our dignity, integrity, nobility, and virtue on the altars of nonsense.

‘Psychic Pollution’ is Mother of All Pollution. We must wake up and whiff the weirdness. There’s a huge difference between common sense and good sense. Why do we consume massive amounts of highly toxic chemicals every day in our wars with insects, rodents, weeds, dirt, stains, odors, germs, bacteria, viruses and other invisible enemies? Why are we marinating in chemicals that heat and cool us; power our transportation; provide us with products; color, flavor, and preserve our foods; and enable us to communicate on a grand scale? Why do we fight senseless energy wars? Why do we choose fossil fuel guzzling vehicles that deplete natural resources and pollute our planet? Why do we breathe, drink, wash, and apply risky substances to scalps, mouths, armpits, fingers, toes, and crotches. Must everything be bright white, squeaky clean, and lemon fresh?

Puzzlers puzzle while guzzlers guzzle. Pollution and depletion are profitable. We value our health and the health of our planet in dollars while we short-shortsightedly debate CLIMATE CHANGE. Energy, communications, transportation, pharmaceutical, apparel, and cosmetics industries are busy creating chemicals that protect us from their past, present, and future chemicals. Why do we have to screen ourselves from harmful rays from our sun? How soon will we ‘All’ need air and water purifiers? How soon will oxygen canisters be marketed like bottled water? When will designer oxygen masks and lemon scented oxygen become popular? Will we be purchasing a “breath of fresh air” at oxygen bars?

Industrialization has transformed cities and towns into malignant melanomas that fester and ooze like open sores joining veins and arteries that bleed through decaying spigots attached to our bodies and spirits. Roads and highways, shrouded in carbon monoxide and dioxide, pollute our planet’s respiratory and circulatory systems and body. Toxic streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, and oceans of negative beliefs catalyze fear and terror that endangers our well-being and the well-being of our planet. Contagious viruses contaminate the microbes of our bodies, mycelium of our earth, mitochondria of our minds, and microbiomes of our souls! We must wake up and smell the Psychic Garbage. Spiritual Cancer is Mother of all Cancers.

Vengeance is not a solution to violence. Too many minds focusing on toxic thought can catalyze self-fulfilling prophecies. Lies deceive, walls divide, boundaries detach, behavior obscures, and censorship destroys. We preach love and faith and practice hate and fear. Our most difficult challenges, greatest obstacles, and worst impediments are clearly symptoms of ideological, philosophical, and spiritual dis-ease. We can close landfills, but what do we do with malignant mind-fills and toxic emotional-spills?

How many gilded towers, glitzy gambling casinos, graven images, shark tanks, beauty queens, celebrity idols, and fired apprentices do we need? Why must we bow before self-indulgent-self-appointed emperors on bullshit plated pedestals. Moral corruption and spiritual blindness are perilous paths to the rape of innocence, bankruptcy of values, and blindness for our collective soul.

By observing our plant world, we can learn how to green our psyches. To feed a healthy mind, we must first select healthy thoughts for planting. Having positive attitudes fertilizes favorable circumstances that enable new hope to sprout. Society must have healthy nutrients and supportive environments in which to create strong roots. We need to sow seeds of positive change in the fertile soils of our personal and collective minds, hearts, and psyches. We must weed out and prune destructive and unproductive thoughts. We must eradicate and eliminate unhealthy codes, doctrines, laws, ideas, and practices that make no sense. We must pull the weeds of greed and prune the branches of power to serve humanity in the best possible ways.

Envisioning humanity as a flourishing garden insures, assures, and ensures a bountiful harvest of good health, happiness, prosperity, and peace of mind for all. We can harvest love and unity by supporting all gardens and harvests. The time is now to nurture healthy relationships and nourish healthy conditions that fortify our world. Our gardens will bud and blossom after we fertilize our crops with caring, sharing, diversity, and tolerance. Many plant species can flourish together in a garden. Many types of people can blossom, flourish, and thrive together in our world. Love, truth, and your healthy vote will disinfect, heal, and nourish everyone and everything.


“The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding.” Gemini secrets are secret only to the uneducated and uninitiated. In ancient Greece, Hermes was god of trade, wealth, luck, fertility, animal husbandry, sleep, language, thieves, travel, and wisdom. The Roman version was Mercury, ruler of Gemini, liaison to death, and messenger for all gods. Thoth was the Egyptian archetype, scribe of gods. Loki was the Norse god of mischief. In Tarot, Hermes is a Magician at a crossroads with important choices and critical decisions to be made. Having both physical and metaphysical resources and tools, Hermes could go anywhere and do anything at anytime.

Hermes was reputedly a real person in ancient Egypt. Refusing to grow old, he spent much of his youth as a petty thief and mischievous trickster. Hermes allegedly lived 350 years in the flesh. In ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’, Puck was Hermes adolescence. The 20th Century version is Peter Pan. Peter never grows old. Wendy darns his socks, sews his shadow back on, and lets him fly away when he wants to. Wendy was likely a Virgo. Hermes has an innate ability to transform ambiguous and ambivalent thoughts and feelings into clarity and good sense. Gemini (social) and  Virgo (technical) are Hermes city and country homes as he passes through our Zodiac.

Hermes was the mystic teacher of Abraham and the father of wireless communication. Hermes realized our brains are cell communication hardware while our minds transmit and receive messages. Hermes understood that relationships between cells cause energy and matter to vibrate on different planes at the same time. He described three separate and forever blending planes as physical, mental, and spiritual. Long before Moses, while other alchemists were still attempting to turn lead into Gold, Hermes taught us that everyone and everything, including every thought are made up of individual cells; physically, mentally, and spiritually connected to all other cells on all other planes at the same time. We can connect with anyone or anything at any time once we take a leap of faith, see our truths, establish connections, and tune our links.

Alchemy is not turning lead into gold. Alchemy is metaphysical. Alchemy is a set of magical formulas, tools, and esoteric instruction for being healthy, happy, and fulfilled. In practice, alchemy is about nourishing healthy vision, making healthy decisions, and nourishing healthy relationships. Positive attitudes, right uses of will power, and rock solid faith builds sound structures on solid foundations. By embracing courage, strength, wisdom, and grace, we blend and balance Saturn (Lead) with the Sun (Gold). It’s a lot of work, but through structure, discipline, and focus, alchemy helps us be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually connected with ourselves, each other, and our planet.

Hermetic alchemy is the mastery of mental forces by transmuting one mental vibration into another. Hermes describes the unknowable and indefinable spirit as “The ALL”. “While ALL is in “The ALL”, it is equally true that “The ALL” is in ALL. “To him who truly understands this truth hath come great knowledge”. The inner nature of The ALL is unknowable. That’s why we have anthropomorphic gods and institutionalized religion. Spirit is the essence that forms and glues the whole. Spiritual development depends on the recognition, realization, and manifestation of the Great Spirit within and without.

Hermes taught seven basic metaphysical and philosophical principles.

The Secret”, was popular and a profitable PR campaign for Hermes “Law of Polarity”. “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.” Polarity is spiritual magnetism. The law of attraction works best when you know what you want and your intentions are clear. Anyone can transform negative thinking into positive circumstances by taking a leap of faith, letting go of fear, and doing the work.

Hermes ‘Law of Polarity’ enabled me to transform trash into treasure


Opposites are two extremes of the same thing with many varying degrees between. Where does heat end and cold begin? Where does darkness leave off and light begin?  What of positive and negative, hard and soft, sharp and dull, noisy and quiet, high and low? The same principle operates on the mental plane. Love and hate are simply degrees of the same thing. Somewhere in the middle are shades of like and dislike. The vibrations of hate can be transformed into the vibrations of love through the art of polarization, a phase of alchemy known and practiced by ancient and modern masters. Correspondence, Mentalism, Vibration, Rhythm, Cause and Effect, and Gender are Hermes other six ‘Secrets’. Knowing these secrets enabled Hermes to explore, examine, and explain everything.

Hermetic masters possessed knowledge of transcendental astronomy called astrology, transcendental chemistry called alchemy, and transcendental psychology called mystic psychology. They cultivated inner and outer wisdom. Critical thinkers throughout history have unlocked mysteries using hermetic thought and principles. Confucius, Galileo, Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Nostradamus, Leonardo Da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and Joseph Campbell were a few of our luminous Grand Masters of hermetic thought.

Hermes used astrology to unlock ancient mysteries. Astrologers espouse Hermes second principle of correspondence “As above, so below, as below, so above”. Astrology is a symbolic system that compares and contrasts our heavens with the affairs of man on earth. Every relationship changes every other relationship on a cellular level by raising or diminishing its vibration, polarity, and rhythm. A diversity of astrology symbols embodies the characters, plots, and stories of this eternally dysfunctional family we call humanity.

Hermes asks us to know ourselves; to think critically, to be motivated, to make healthy choices, to nourish positive attributes, and embrace our healthiest qualities. As we flourish, we choose nourishing relationships and embrace meaningful roles for ourselves. We can transform lead into gold by choosing wholeness, happiness, healthiness, peacefulness, and gracefully negotiating the rest.



“The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding.”  Hermes seven secrets are only secret to the uneducated and uninitiated. In ancient Greece, Hermes, was the god of Wisdom. As a Roman god, Hermes was Mercury, ruler of Gemini and messenger of the the gods. Thoth, the Egyptian version, was scribe of the gods. Loki was the Norse god of mischief. The Magician in tarot is Hermes at a crossroads with important choices and critical decisions to be made, directions to be taken, and the metaphysical resources and tools necessary to go anywhere and do anything at any time.

Hermes was reputedly a real person. He refused to grow old, spending much of his youth as a petty thief and mischievous trickster. In ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’, Shakespeare’s Puck parodied Hermes youth. A 20th Century version is Peter Pan, an adolescent who never grows old and has Wendy to believe in him; darn his socks, and sew his shadow back on when he needs that. Hermes transformed his ambiguousness and ambivalence into courage, strength, dignity, grace, and wisdom and lived for 350 years in the flesh. Gemini (social) and Virgo (technical) are Hermes home bases and recharging stations as he passes through time, space, and Cosmos.

I’ll be 72 on 6/16, still an adolescent, but for the mirror

Hermes, mystic teacher of Abraham, was the real father of wireless communication. Hermes realized our brains are cell communication hardware while our minds transmit and receive messages. Hermes understood that relationships between cells cause energy and matter to vibrate on different planes at the same time. Hermes described three separate and forever blending planes as physical, mental, and spiritual. Long before Moses, while other alchemists were attempting to turn lead into Gold, Hermes taught us that everyone, everything, and every thought are made of individual cells; physically, mentally, and spiritually connected to all other cells on all other planes at the same time. We can connect with anyone or anything at any time once we take a leap of faith, recognize and see our truths, establish connections, listen, and tune our links.

Alchemy is not about turning lead into gold. Alchemy is metaphysical, not physical. Alchemy is a set of magical formulas, tools, and esoteric instruction for being healthy, happy, and fulfilled. In practice, alchemy nourishes healthy vision, encourages healthy relationships, and helps seekers make smart decisions. Right actions, positive attitudes, and rock solid faith builds sound structures on solid foundations. By choosing to embrace our courage, strength, wisdom, and grace, we blend and balance Saturn with the Sun. Through structure, discipline, focus, and healthy choices, alchemy helps us become more mentally, emotionally, and spiritually connected and balanced in life.

Hermetic alchemy is the mastery of mental forces by transmuting one mental vibration into another. Hermes describes the unknowable and indefinable spirit as “The ALL”. “While ALL is in “The ALL”, it is equally true that “The ALL” is in ALL. “To him who truly understands this truth hath come great knowledge”. The inner nature of The ALL is unknowable. That’s why we have anthropomorphic gods and institutionalized religion. Spirit is the essence that forms and glues the whole. Spiritual development depends on the recognition, realization, and manifestation of the Great Spirit within and without.

Hermes taught seven basic metaphysical and philosophical principles.

“The Secret”, Hermes ‘2.0’, was a popular and profitable PR campaign for Hermes “Law of Polarity”. “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.” Polarity is spiritual magnetism. The law of attraction works best when you know what you want and your intentions are clear. Anyone can transform negative thinking into positive circumstances by taking a leap of faith, letting go of fear, and doing the work.

Correspondence, Mentalism, Vibration, Rhythm, Cause and Effect, and Gender are Hermes other six ‘Secrets’. Knowing these secrets enabled Hermes to explore, examine, and explain everything. Opposites are two extremes of the same thing with many varying degrees between. Where does heat end and cold begin? Where does darkness leave off and light begin?  What of positive and negative, hard and soft, sharp and dull, noisy and quiet, high and low? The same principle operates on the mental plane. Love and hate are simply degrees of the same thing. Somewhere in the middle are shades of like and dislike. The vibrations of hate can be transformed into the vibrations of love through the art of polarization, a phase of alchemy known and practiced by ancient and modern Hermetic masters.

Hermetic masters possess knowledge of transcendental astronomy called astrology, transcendental chemistry called alchemy, and transcendental psychology called mystic psychology. They cultivate inner and outer wisdom. Critical thinkers throughout history have unlocked mysteries using hermetic thought and principles. Confucius, Galileo, Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Nostradamus, Leonardo Da Vinci, George Washington, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and Joseph Campbell are among the many ever-evolving Grand Masters of Critical Thought.  

Hermes used astrology to unlock ancient mysteries. Astrologers espouse Hermes second principle of correspondence “As above, so below, as below, so above”. Astrology is a symbolic system that compares and contrasts our heavens with the affairs of man on earth. Every relationship changes every other relationship on a cellular level by raising or diminishing its vibration, polarity, and rhythm. A diversity of astrology symbols embodies the characters, plots, and stories of this very dysfunctional family we call humanity. Sadly, the human race has become a race against bad shit happening.

Hermes asks us to know ourselves; to think critically, to be motivated, to make healthy choices, to nourish our positive attributes, and to embrace our healthiest qualities. As we flourish, we choose more nourishing relationships and embrace more meaningful roles for ourselves. We can transform lead into gold by choosing wholeness, happiness, healthiness, centeredness, peacefulness, and gracefully dealing with the rest.


You don’t need a Scorpio Sun, Moon, houses, aspects, planets, or planetary placements to be a Scorpio. Scorpio is a fixed feeling type with long rectangular palms and long fingers. In my experience, Scorpios have stiffer fingers and thumbs, denser consistency to their palms, and less elastic skin than their feeling sisters, Cancer and Pisces. Head and life lines closely intertwining at their beginnings embodies a tendency to procrastinate at starts and finishes. ‘Letting go’ is a huge challenge. Scorpios care too much what other people think (no matter how they protest or behave). Long and  broad nails and straight pinky fingers can be heartlessly open and frank. I’ve observed many Scorpios with dominant first and third finger phalanges, rounded and conical tips, loop prints, developed knots on second joints, and few vertical lines within the lifeline. Balls of thumb with no vertical lines parallel to the lifeline are untrusting and correspondingly untrustworthy. Scorpio has many wonderful qualities. Today I’m focusing on Scorpions. The tail of the Scorpion is a tale of fear and terror.

Pluto was the Roman god of sex, transformation, and death, ruler of Scorpio, lord of darkness, and master of the sexual orgasm (little death). In ancient Greece, Hades was god of the underworld. In tarot, the High Priestess, Queen of Cups, and Death cards rule Scorpio. Voldemort, Darth Vader, the Mummy, and the Big Bad Wolf are modern versions. Religious extremism, politics, and business are Pluto’s playgrounds. Getting away with prejudice and punishment excites, terrifies, and beckons Donaldemort’s Dementors. Join Harry Potter at the polls November 6 2018 ~ EXPELIOSIS!

Scorpions are controlling, compulsive, jealous, possessive, fearful, resentful, obstinate, manipulative, subversive, secretive, and suspicious. They seduce, covet, and betray our sacred trust. The seduction turns Pluto on, but the betrayal gets Puto off. He encourages terrorists, rewards rapists, and reveres religious raiders while inviting them to join him in an eternity in hell. The path of too many dark secrets leads to the palace of sociopathy. From first breath to final exit, Pluto awaits with a kiss of death. Executioners, undertakers, coroners, morticians, garbage men, power hungry plutocrats, ideologically ill leaders, and spiritually bankrupt human beings live in Scorpio and are ruled by Pluto.

Scorpions make manipulative bosses, mean spirited jailers, abusive parents, and jealous partners who hide their true feelings, especially the shadowy unstable side of their emotions. Your friendly neighbor, a model citizen, devoted husband, loving father, loyal friend, and faithful parishioner dies. His family finds pornography, secret love letters, sadistic and masochistic sexual supplies, illegal drugs, and concealed money. Truth becomes transparent in hindsight.


False tweets and fake facts create opacity and distract US from the real secrets about greed, hatred, and sex. Tyrants rationalize the most bizarre behaviors, believing they can get away with them, and they do, if we let them. Their deepest darkest fears and desires propel them towards mental, emotional, moral, and spiritual illness, perversion, and bankruptcy. Evil Priests feign love and compassion as they physically and spiritually rape the innocent souls they were entrusted to protect. Fear, guilt, shame, and remorse safely guard their evil secrets.


“Money talks and bullshit walks”. I’m disappointed by both political parties. Republican partisan politicians have become morally and spiritually bankrupt sadists who get their greatest pleasures from harming have nots. Too many fearful Democrats and poverty minded masochists are desperately scraping at the bottom of the barrel and begging for pennies as we sign their petitions, fill out surveys, and pledge loyalty to too many urgent causes. Joanna and I sign many petitions and give as much as we can afford to worthy causes, but it’s like applying Band-Aids to compound fractures. Whatever we do is a just drop of potable water in an ocean of poison. No matter who wins in the November elections, expect more philandering, sexism, insider trading, evangelical hypocrisy, and partisan political power plays until Plutocrats no longer control humanity’s destiny. Humanity’s ideological, philosophical, and spiritual paradigms must shift.

Money is power. There are over 1,500 billionaires. Many are financing greed and hatred. Humanity needs a billionaire or three to back loving and giving. Our world, societies, and social cultures have been corrupted by a handful of greedy moguls who own our food, healthcare, energy, communications, transportation, raw materials, manufacturing, marketing, retailing, finance, religion, and politics. Plutocrats devalue our democracy by placing greed over giving, embracing religious fundamentalism and fanaticism over real and true faith, and by choosing consumption, waste, and denial over truth, good sense, and human and planetary good health.

“It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt”. Many of life’s most painful lessons are a direct result of choosing money over values and religion over spirituality. It’s easy to rationalize the blackest behavior when your head rules your heart. I never intended to hurt anyone. No one did anything they didn’t want to do. I may not have told the whole truth, but I didn’t lie. I’m sorry for my part. Why must we always lose what we’ve not valued enough or taken for granted in order to cherish it?


When outer planets change zodiacal sign, personal psyches are transformed forever. Collective psyche transforms correspondingly. Pluto normally takes twenty years to change sign. While Pluto was at home in Scorpio from 1984 to 1995, it doubled its speed and potency. Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune’s journey through Scorpio in the 20th Century changed our views of Sex, Violence, and Death forever.

Scorpio’s eighth house rules sexual behavior and other people’s money. Sex scandals ousted Senator Gary Hart, while greed and hubris caught up with televangelist Jim Bakker. Bakker was convicted of defrauding his followers out of 158 million dollars.


Homosexuals exited closets in masses in the late 70’s and early 80’s to become a topic of everyday conversation. HIV prevention and condoms were promoted on national TV to stop the spread of AIDS.



Scorpio can be healthy and evolved like a Dove or Phoenix who rises from the ashes. When Pluto passed through Scorpio, sexual fantasies, perversion, and untimely demise flourished and blossomed in its dark underbelly. Too many Scorpions had too many horrible hypocritical secrets. They sold their souls to the Devil by finding pleasure in corrupting innocence. The seduction turns Scorpion on, but the betrayal gets him off! Predatory preachers raped the innocent souls they were entrusted to protect in an unholy alliance with the Devil ~ a crime punishable by GOD as an eternity in HELL.

Since Jupiter entered Scorpio on October 10, 2017, many greedy misogynists have grabbed many pussies, repressed many women from exercising their reproductive rights, prevented others from voting, condoned lying, and then rewarded the worst of sexual behaviors. The human race has become a race against bad shit happening. VOTE!


Faith healing was certainly no help to the AIDS epidemic. Fundamentalist religious fanatics, poisonous partisan politicians, and insane ideologues had plenty to hate and lots to preach about. Imagine the hubris of a ‘CHRISTIAN’ leader who thinks he can steer hurricanes to punish non-believers, who calls non-Christians ‘Termites’, derides immigrants, Islam, Muslims, and discriminates against colors… a complete idiot promising nonsense!

1980 put the first professional actor in Whitehouse after the lowest voter turnout ever. ‘Reaganomics’ didn’t ‘Trickle Down’. The Reagan years were like ’20 Mule Team Borax’ and ‘Death Valley Days’ revisited. When Oliver North exposed the Iran Contra scandal, he and Reagan played their roles as well as possible, managing to walk away quietly and relatively unscathed from political scandal.


Other significant violent happenings were manifesting. Police bombed the headquarters of a black radical group called MOVE. Terrorists from the Palestine Liberation Front seized the Italian cruise ship Achille Laura. Terrorists bombed Pan Am flight 103, killing 259 passengers and 11 villagers in Scotland.


Neptune regenerates or degenerates. Neptune (Pisces) transited Scorpio from 1957 to 1970, generating sit-ins and peaceful demonstrations and degenerating into race riots, terrorist bombings, and hijackings. New opportunities for spiritual transformation and growth benefited very few. Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated by `two of her own bodyguards’. Racial tensions rose as Bernard Goetz, the subway vigilante, became a folk hero after he shot four young black men in NYC. He said they were robbing him. They claimed they didn’t provoke him. White justice prevailed.

Neptune rules dreams, illusion, and delusion. It was an era of escapism. Political unrest catalyzed the assassinations of John Kennedy, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King Jr. Many thousands of men went into exile rather than serve in the Vietnam War. Lots of confused and fearful people consumed all sorts of drugs while others devoured pornography and violence. Oral sex and contraceptives became popular while indiscriminate sex became normal.

Uranus (Aquarius) transited Scorpio from 1975 to 1982. It was the end of the Vietnam War for America and the beginning of terror for Cambodia. A senate committee admitted that ‘ASSASSINATION’ was modus operandi in U.S. foreign policy.

Irreverent political humor nourished hungry audiences. Saturday Night Live flourished and blossomed as poisonous partisan politics sparked a revival of satire and parody. As Uranus transits Taurus (values) and opposes Scorpio (death & transformation), it catalyzes irreversible changes in our personal and collective psyches, philosophies, and purpose. Hopefully, when we’re done with Fascism, we’ll never take what we value or have failed to value for granted again!

HAVES must learn they can no longer afford not to value ‘have-nots’ or to take them for granted. Have-nots must be loved and appreciated for any and all good things that aren’t about money. Our Founding Fathers saw us all as their children and truly wanted what’s best for all of us (despite their personal prejudices and programming). Thanks to them, we can say what’s on our minds and share what’s in our hearts via our first amendment rights!

Scorpio symbolizes powerful women, sex, and death. Persephone and Helen of Troy were Scorpios. The Episcopal Church ordained its first woman in 1974. Barbara Walters was First Lady News anchor on ABC TV in 1976. Scorpio rules reproductive functions. MIT scientists created the first synthetic gene in 1976. The first test tube baby was conceived outside of the womb in 1978. The first Death sentence in ten years was carried out when convicted murderer Gary Gilmore went before a firing squad in 1977.

Scorpio rules garbage. No one ever accepted our infamous Garbage Barge that ferried 3,100 tons of toxic waste 6,000 miles before returning to NIMBY, to be incinerated for all to breathe. Speaking of refuse, Fidel Castro’s “Freedom Flotilla” embarrassed US when we realized that Castro had unloaded his underworld criminals, mentally ill, and other misfits on us. Over 1,000 “No Nukes” protesters were arrested on Wall Street on the 50th anniversary of the 1929 stock market crash. Imagine 1,000,000? 10,000,000?

In 1975, the ‘Rocky Horror Picture Show’ became an instant cult classic. Its message was ‘anything goes’ (as long as you’re not hurting anyone). Punk Rock was a rebellious, unconventional, and nihilistic expression of Uranus in Scorpio. Ultrasound became an alternative to x-ray radiation. Palimony suits became popular. IBM introduced the personal PC and transformed communications for all time. Performance art became a popular and exciting venue for all creative artists. Personal gender identity needs to be accepted by all or we will face the deep and dark consequences of our fear and hate.


The only guarantees in life are Death, Taxes, and Insurance. Insurance is an 8th house matter. It implies we have something of value (2nd house) to protect. You can purchase Insurance, which is a contract that guarantees one party pays another party against a specified loss. You’ve got to pay to play. When premiums are paid, we worry less about the costs and consequences of bad shit happening to family, health, home, car, property, or whatever we value that’s insurable. Everyone’s health must be insured.

Insurance is premeditated gambling. The insured shoots craps and always loses, even when she wins. Your insurance agent is your bookie. Your insurer is the casino. The house is always favored financially due to statistics, permutations, combinations, and probabilities. High risks are wedded to high stakes. You can check your prospects by examining your actuarial tables and know your odds by observing your premiums.

Insuring is often confused with ensuring or assuring. Life is not ensured or assured. Spraying crops with pesticides ensures fewer bugs, weeds, and funguses. It assures we eat, drink, breathe, and apply some degree of toxic chemicals to our lungs, guts, hair, skin, mouths, nails, toes, genitals, or whatever. Investing Social Security in the Stock Market doesn’t insure, ensure, or assure the market won’t collapse. Employees of Enron believed their pensions ensured and assured a secure retirement. Conserving energy ensures we will have more energy and waste fewer natural resources. Drilling for oil in wilderness does not insure we will have enough oil. It ensures and assures we will have environmental, social, political, and planetary health challenges and problems. Offering vengeance as a solution to violence assures more violence.

Life insurance protects the living. What’s the premium for a graceful and painless final exit? How much $$$ are the last months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds of your life worth?  Everyone dies. If you want to learn more about Dying with Dignity, read Final Exit by Derek Humphrey. When your time comes, having a logical, practical, painless, and peaceful alternative to facing a future of dependency, lack of awareness, lack of love, pain, or poverty in old age is a good idea. Or not…

“Dr. Death” (Jack Kevorkian) inspired me to create my very own ‘Dr. Death Do It Yourself Kit’. In case I ever decide to end this insanity of trying to be sane in an insane world, or lose my health, I plan to leave this planet as peacefully and painlessly as possible and to leave others with as small as possible a mess to clean up. An oxygen mask attached to a tank of helium is my means to an independent, painless, peaceful and non-messy final exit.

Mixing politics, religion, and profit with our 2nd amendment rights will surely backfire on the NRA. Laws that enable us to own and use weapons will be regretted when have-nots with guns become fearful and desperate enough to use them. Boundaries between sanity and insanity will blur, and haves will be looking over their shoulders while attempting to protect their families and possessions from the ravenous masses that are scraping for pennies at the bottom of the barrel while watching haves living like royalty.

We’ve become dinosaurs. Our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual futures and the future of our planet are being threatened with chaos and extinction. Our Constitution has armed us (whoever is ready, able, and willing to protect ourselves, our families, ideologies, and beliefs) and given us permission to exercise our rights to declare open season on tyranny, eradicate greed, and remove the predatory Tyrantosaurus Hex.



Cancer is a feeling type… instinctual, empathic, emotionally complex, and hard to comprehend. Pry into their private lives and watch them retreat into their shells. Cancers hide their most vulnerable selves beneath a facade of nurturing actions. Cautious and vulnerable, Cancers avoid emotional confrontation wherever and whenever possible, although, they prefer being frank and direct over tactful and diplomatic. Their feelings can swing from loving, devoted, and nurturing, to secretive, obsessive, and fearful of the future. Their smartest option is always choosing satisfying over safe. Cancers can become dark and moody when they feel controlled or confined. They must feel protected and secure before they can fully trust. Once trust is earned, loyalties run deep. Cancer needs to cultivate intimacy wherever and whenever they can. Healthy families, close friendships, and satisfying work nourish and support them. Creating structure, organization, and detail also helps them feel stable and secure.

Healthy Cancers are loving, compassionate, and devoted. They’re compatible with other feeling types (Scorpio & Pisces). They feel safe with practical types (Taurus ~ Virgo ~ Capricorn) who are reliable, responsible, and dependable. They’re challenged by thinking types (Gemini ~ Libra ~ Aquarius) who compartmentalize, rationalize, and analyze their feelings. They’re cautious around intuitive types (Aries ~ Leo ~ Sagittarius) who are passionate, spontaneous, and impatient, and afraid they’ll be left holding the psychic garbage bag (they are) and scared of dealing with the collateral damage when idealism, optimism, enthusiasm, and logic wane (and they do). Cancers are acutely consciousness of everyone else’s emotional needs. When they feel insecure, they can become internally secretive and externally aggressive at the same time. Cancer works hardest when income matches output. Motivated by good food, emotional security, and cozy surroundings, their mission is to nurture family, home, and creative imagination.

The impudent young guy on the left in this picture is me, captured forty-four years ago in a photo booth at Kennywood Amusement Park in Pittsburgh, Pa. Lloyd and I met while working part time at a model making shop where we fabricated preschool children’s learning devices for the University of Pittsburgh’s Learning, Research, and Development Center. We made toys for ourselves and our loved ones on our own time. About to graduate from different colleges, I was to become an industrial designer. Lloyd would continue being an artist. We were a couple of Peter Pans on our way to Neverland.

Lloyd didn’t get much nurturing as a child. He developed his quick wit and sense of humor while trying to avoid extreme physical abuse. When his mother was happy, Lloyd was safe. When she was unhappy, she’d incite Lloyd’s rage filled father to beat him up. Lloyd tried hard to fix his broken parents, but they were too sick to support his efforts. Instead, they judged, criticized, and abused him. Lloyd’s mother finally abandoned him by killing herself; his father was committed to a mental institution, and years later, his lovely sister who I had met in Florida (two beautiful children, great husband, and an apparently idyllic life), suddenly and unexpectedly blew her head off with a shotgun.

Lloyd’s slender rectangular palms and long fingers embody his Cancer sun, which is conjunct my Mercury. His Gemini ascendant and my Gemini sun harmonize with one another. Lloyd’s head and life lines tightly intertwine at their beginnings. That reveals his need to feel appreciated and his tendency to take things too personally, even when they aren’t. A sensitive child, Lloyd desperately craved love and support, but didn’t get any.

Lloyd survived childhood without much approval. Meanwhile, he thrives on love and appreciation. Lloyd will give you the shirt off his back if you need it, but you had better never take him for granted. I know because Lloyd has literally given me the shirt off his back in my moment of need. I was on my way to an important meeting and got a nasty stain on the front of my shirt. Before I could blink, Lloyd took off his shirt and traded with me. What I love about him is that it never occurred to him not to do that.

Cancers are collectors. Some stockpile food in case of shortage or emergency. Lloyd collects art books, literature (most well-read person I know), religious art, art supplies, tools, raw materials, and clothing. When wealthy people die, their families donate their wardrobe to Goodwill or the Salvation Army. Lloyd has a keen eye for the finest designer clothing. He skillfully sorts through the merchandise for great finds. I call him my personal dresser. We wear the same sizes. Lloyd chooses suits, coats, and jackets with me in mind and has gifted me with outfits worth thousands of dollars that he paid ten or fifteen dollars for. Many had never been worn. He’s a master bargain hunter.

Lloyd’s very flexible thumbs symbolize his ability to adapt to the most horrible of circumstances. They also embody his frequent generosity of heart and spirit. It’s very hard for Lloyd to say “NO”. The gold ring on the bottom phalange of his middle (Saturn) finger on his unconscious hand symbolizes his need to have clear boundaries, be frugal, and learn how to be less available so that he won’t be taken for granted. Of course, Lloyd knows that, but it’s still fun to see his character, motivations, and challenges embodied in the morphology and topography of his hands.

Lloyd would say to me, “People who tell the truth don’t need to have good memories”. I’d reply, “We may be bastards, but at least we’re honest”. Over fifty years of friendship have witnessed many challenging lessons in humility for us. We delayed finding balance between our outer and inner worlds by always choosing to learn the hard way. We had to let go of our need to be more than we were. We learned there are no shortcuts.

Lloyd Wilson is Pittsburgh’s best kept secret because he loves his anonymity. His artwork reveals a magical spirit, but few will truly get to know it. Lloyd personifies Cancer’s best qualities. He’s supportive, sympathetic, receptive, reflective, intuitive, imaginative, extremely devoted to friends and family, and my best friend (male).

Scorpio and the Collective Psyche in the 20th Century

Outer planets have a powerful influence on the personal psyche. They also symbolize massive transformations in the collective psyche as they change sign. When Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto transited the sign of Scorpio in the 20th Century, our views of Sex, Violence, and Death transformed forever.

Pluto takes twenty years to change astrological sign during which time it disintegrates, destroys, and transforms collective consciousness. Pluto almost doubled its speed when it transited its own astrological home of Scorpio from 1984 to 1995.

It was a challenging time to keep secrets. Sex combined with death to expose the dark underbelly of Scorpio. HIV came into being while condoms were promoted on national TV to stop the spread of AIDS. Homosexuality came out of the closet to be the topic of everyday conversation. Religious fundamentalists and politicians had plenty to preach about. Sex scandals ousted Senator Gary Hart and televangelist Jim Bakker. Scorpio rules other people’s money and Bakker was later convicted of defrauding his followers of 158 million dollars.

Police bombed the headquarters of a black radical group called MOVE. Terrorists from the Palestine Liberation Front seized the Italian cruise ship Achille Laura. Oliver North exposed the Iran Contra scandal. He and Ronald Reagan walked away intact. Terrorists bombed Pan Am flight 103, killing 259 passengers and 11 villagers in Scotland.



Nobody wanted our famous Garbage barge which carried 3,100 tons of Garbage 6,000 miles before returning home to be burned.

“Dr. Death” (Jack Kevorkian) became a household name.

When Neptune (Pisces) transited the sign of Scorpio from 1957 to 1970, it offered an opportunity for spiritual transformation. Neptune regenerates or degenerates. It began with sit-ins and peaceful demonstrations and ended with race riots, terrorist bombings, and hijackings. Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated by `two of her own bodyguards’. Racial tensions rose. Bernard Goetz shot four young black men in the NYC subway system. He claimed they were robbing him. They claimed not to have provoked him. Political unrest catalyzed the assassinations of John Kennedy, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King Jr. It was an era of escapism. Drugs, pornography, and indiscriminate sex became normal. Oral sex and contraceptives became popular. Thousands of men went into exile rather than serve in the Vietnam War.

When Uranus (Aquarius) transited Scorpio from 1975 to 1981, it marked the end of the Vietnam War for America and the beginning of new terror in Cambodia. A senate committee admitted that assassination was modus operandi in U.S. foreign policy.

Mass humor was irreverent as seen by the popularity of Saturday Night Live on TV.

Scorpio rules the reproductive system. In 1976, scientists at MIT created the first synthetic gene. The first test tube baby was conceived outside of the womb in 1978.

Scorpio symbolizes powerful women. The Episcopal Church ordained the first woman. Barbara Walters was the first woman national news anchor on ABC TV.

The first Death (Pluto) sentence was carried out in ten years when convicted murderer Gary Gilmore went before a firing squad.

Punk Rock was loud and nihilistic, an unconventional rebellious expression of Uranus.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show became a cult classic.

Ultrasound became an alternative to x-ray radiation.

Performance art became a new art form.

Palimony suits became popular.

Over 1,000 “No Nukes” protesters were arrested on Wall Street on the 50th anniversary of the 1929 stock market crash.

1980 saw the first professional actor in the Whitehouse following the lowest voter turnout in modern history.

Fidel Castro’s “Freedom Flotilla” embarrassed the U.S. when we discovered that Castro had unloaded his underworld criminals, mentally ill, and misfits on us.

IBM introduced the personal PC and revolutionized the computer industry forever.

Insurance is very 8th house. We’ve all heard, “The only guarantees in life are Death and Taxes”. Life is not ensured or assured like Death and Taxes, but you can purchase life insurance, which is a contractual arrangement whereby one party pays another party to guarantee them against a specified loss. Insurance implies that we have something of value (2nd house). Perhaps we can’t afford not to value something. Assuming our premiums are paid, we worry less about the costs of bad shit happening to family, health, home, car, property, or whatever we value that’s insurable.

Insurance is a form of gambling. Your agent is your bookie. Your insurer is the casino. The house is always favored financially due to statistical permutations, combinations, and probabilities. High risk means high stakes. You can check your odds by examining insurance actuarial tables and know your prospects by observing your premiums. The insured shoots craps and always loses, even when he wins.

Insuring may be confused with ensuring or assuring. Spraying crops with pesticides ensures fewer bugs and weeds. It assures we eat drink and breathe toxic chemicals. Investing Social Security in the Stock Market does not insure that the market won’t collapse. Employees of Enron believed their pensions insured a secure retirement. Drilling for oil in the wilderness does not insure that we will have enough oil. It does ensure and assure that we’ll have social, political, and environmental problems. Conserving energy ensures that we will have more energy and waste fewer natural resources. Offering vengeance as a solution to violence assures more violence.

Everyone dies. Life insurance protects the living. What are your last few months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds worth?  What’s the premium for a graceful painless final exit? I’d like to live a long and healthy life and enjoy a quick and graceful final exit. Having an abundance of Scorpio symbolism in my horoscope, I’ve created my very own “Dr. Death Do it Yourself Kit”. It’s a breathing apparatus attached to a tank of helium. When necessary, I’ll have a logical, practical, painless, and peaceful alternative to facing a future of pain, dependency, lack of awareness, no love, or abject poverty in old (hopefully) age. Read Final Exit by Derek Humphrey if you want to learn more about Dying with Dignity.

Scorpio Hands

You don’t need a Scorpio Sun, Moon, houses, aspects, planets, or planetary placements to be a Scorpion. Scorpio is a fixed feeling type with long rectangular palms and long fingers. In my experience, pure Scorpions have stiffer fingers and thumbs, denser palms, and less elastic skin than Cancer and Pisces. When head and life lines closely intertwine at their start, Scorpions procrastinate at beginnings and endings and care too much what others think (no matter what they say or how they act). With long broad nails and straight pinky fingers, they tend to be almost ruthlessly open and frank. I’ve observed a lot of Scorpions with dominant first and third phalanges, rounded and conical tips, loop prints, developed knots on second joints, and very few vertical lines within the lifeline. Scorpios with no vertical lines are untrusting and untrustworthy. Scorpio has many wonderful qualities. I’m focusing on the dark side today.

Author’s note: I’ve used Donald Trump to illustrate this post, though he has nothing in Scorpio except his I.C. If you’re curious about my symbolic take on D.T. – click here.

Hands share the same mythology as astrology and tarot. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, lord of darkness. As the Roman god of sex, death, and transformation, Pluto is master of the sexual orgasm (little death). In ancient Greece, Hades was god of the underworld. In tarot, Death, High Priestess, and the Queen of Cups are Scorpio ruled. Voldemort, Darth Vader, The Mummy, and The Big Bad Wolf are modern versions. Religious extremism is the Devil’s playground.

Scorpio is black, controlling, compulsive, jealous, possessive, fearful, resentful, obstinate, secretive, suspicious, manipulative, and subversive. Scorpio seduces, covets, and betrays your sacred trust. Seduction turns him on, while betrayal gets him off. Pluto tantalizes terrorists, rewards rapists, and reassures religious predators. An eternity in hell excites, terrifies, and beckons them. A path of many dark secrets leads to the palace of sociopathy. From your first breath to your final exit, Pluto awaits your arrival. Executioners, coroners, undertakers, and morticians are ruled by Pluto.

Scorpions make manipulative bosses, mean spirited jailers, abusive parents, and jealous partners who hide their true feelings, especially the shadowy unstable side of their emotions. Your friendly neighbor, a model citizen, devoted husband, loving father, loyal friend, and faithful parishioner dies. His family finds hidden pornographic literature, secret love letters, sado-masochistic sexual supplies, illegal drugs, and concealed money in his possession. The truth becomes transparent in hindsight.

False tweets and fake facts create more opaqueness and distract us from real secrets about sex, money, and greed. A troll rationalizes the most bizarre behaviors, believing he will get away with them. His deepest and darkest fears and desires propel him towards mental, emotional, and spiritual bankruptcy and perversion. Like an evil Priest, he feigns love and compassion while physically and spiritually raping the innocent souls he has been entrusted to protect. Guilt, Shame, Remorse, and Fear faithfully guard his evil secrets.

Scorpio rules my unconscious. Gemini rules my sun, hands, and corresponding behavior. Scorpio rises in my natal chart conjunct the asteroid, Chiron (hand). Jupiter in Scorpio in my first house is a singleton in that hemisphere of my natal chart. Pluto in Leo is in my tenth house closely conjunct Saturn in Leo in my ninth. Sun Uranus and Venus Node conjunctions are in Gemini in my 8th house, along with Vulcanus, my Vertex, and a few asteroids.

When Saturn in Scorpio transited my ascendant in November of 2012, it also squared my Midheaven and natal Saturn and compelled me to deepen my foundation, build a stronger structure, and commit my life to less distraction and more discipline and focus. Saturn forced me to achieve realistic goals and challenged me to let go of everything and everyone that wasn’t working for me. I did. Thinking critically, listening carefully, and seeing clearly enabled me to rise like a phoenix from my ashes.

Jupiter is in and will remain in Scorpio until Nov. 2018. It’s transiting exactly conjunct my ascendant at this moment and will be transiting its natal position in my horoscope for much of 2018. Having spent the past seventy years with Jupiter in Scorpio, I want to share my take on the subject. Jupiter in Scorpio has been both a blessing and a jinx for me. My natal Jupiter is within minutes of opposing my stubborn 7th house Mars in Taurus and trine my sensitive ninth house Mercury in Cancer. Looking for shortcuts and finding easy paths to success has been my nemesis. Always coming out the shithouse smelling like a rose has been my blessing. William Blake said, “The path of excess leads to the palace of wisdom”. I tend to learn the hard way.

                                   Before                                                             After

I was the hand reader at Harvey Weinstein’s wedding celebration. It was mind boggling to observe an old stale bagel and a fresh young pastry as a couple. Harvey must have spent millions creating an unforgettable extravaganza packed with famous people. I’ve read many celebrities, but none on that day. In hindsight, I wish I’d convinced the event planner to let me stroll instead of parking myself in a corner. Famous people frequently avoid me because they fear I may see what they want no one to see. Many of my favorite actors and actresses were within inches of me and yet so far away. I’m sure I’d have enchanted a few if I had been free to approach them. I sat at my station for four hours as many celebrities walked by. I mostly read the hands of their curious friends and family who lined up for miles.

Harvey Weinstein is a Pisces. Harvey’s time of birth is unknown; however, according to his day of birth (3/19/52), Mars is in Scorpio closely square Pluto in Leo. One interpretation of that combo is being a ‘sexual predator’. Harvey’s hands are Taurus with broad square palms, short plump fingers, and large fleshy pink balls of thumb revealing an acquisitive and pleasure loving nature.



I expect to see much more sexism, philandering, insider trading, evangelical hypocrisy, and partisan political power plays by November 2018.  Here is my biased Scorpio perspective on our political landscape. I’m unhappy with both political parties. Republican politicians are spiritually bankrupt sadists who only smile when they’re hurting us. Democratic leaders are poverty conscious masochists, who desperately beg for a dollar or three as you sign their petitions, fill out their surveys, and pledge loyalty to their urgent causes. I sign plenty of petitions and have given a lot of $ (for me) to my favorite causes such as the ACLU, SPLC, NRDC, Sierra Club, etc., but as the saying goes, “Money talks and bullshit walks”.

Sadly, money truly is power in our world. Plutocrats are devaluing our democracy by betting on their present and ignoring our future and the future of our planet. Our entire world, society, and culture has been corrupted by a handful of greedy moguls who own our raw materials, energy, communications, transportation, food, healthcare, finance, religion, and politics. There are over 1,500 billionaires.

Many of life’s most painful lessons are a result of choosing money over values. It’s easy to rationalize the blackest behavior when your head rules your heart. I never intended to hurt anyone. No one did anything they didn’t want to do. I may not have told the whole truth, but I didn’t lie. I’m sorry for my part. It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt.


As the first planet in our solar system, Mercury rules Gemini. Mercury was messenger for the Roman gods. His Egyptian version was Thoth, scribe of the gods. In Greek myth, Hermes was the god of Wisdom. Hermes told his disciples, “The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding.” In tarot, Hermes is a magician at a crossroads with the resources and tools to go anywhere and do anything at any time. Gemini’s secrets are only secrets to the uninitiated. Gemini (social) and Virgo (technical) are Hermes homes. As a real person in ancient Egypt, Hermes refused to grow old and reputedly lived with grace for three hundred years in the flesh. A 20th Century manifestation of Hermes adolescence is Peter Pan, who never grows old. Being a Gemini explains my youthfulness at 70, but for the mirror.


Hermes was the mystic teacher of Abraham. As the father of wireless communication, Hermes taught his disciples that our brains are our cell communication hardware while our minds transmit and receive messages. Long before Moses, while other alchemists were still trying to turn lead into Gold, Hermes realized that relationships between cells cause energy and matter to vibrate on different planes at the same time. He labeled these ever blending planes as physical, mental, and spiritual. Hermetic philosophy says everyone and everything is made of individual cells; physically, mentally, and spiritually connected to all other cells on all other planes at the same time. We can connect with anyone or anything at any time once we learn to establish and tune our links.

Hermetic alchemy is the mastery of mental forces, transmuting one mental vibration into another. Hermes describes the unknowable and indefinable spirit as “The ALL”. Hermes taught “While ALL is in The ALL, it is equally true that The ALL is in ALL. To him who truly understands this truth hath come great knowledge”. The inner nature of The ALL is unknowable. That’s why we have anthropomorphic gods and institutionalized religion. Spirit is the essence that glues and forms the whole. Our spiritual development depends on our recognition, realization, and manifestation of the Great Spirit within and without.

Real alchemy hasn’t much to do with turning lead (Saturn) into gold (Sun). It’s a set of magical formulas, tools, and esoteric instruction for being healthy, happy, and fulfilled. Alchemy is about cultivating vision, nurturing relationships, making healthy decisions, embracing right choices, having faith, cultivating healthy attitudes, building sound structures on solid foundations, and facing the future with courage, strength, wisdom, and grace. Accomplished alchemists are structured, disciplined, focused, mentally, emotionally, and philosophically balanced, and spiritually connected. Alchemy is a kind of spiritual magnetism. The law of attraction works best when you know what you desire and your intentions are clear. It’s nearly impossible to transform negative thinking and circumstances into positive results without taking a leap of faith and letting go of fear.

Everyone is familiar with at least one of Hermes secrets. “The Secret” has been a very profitable PR crusade for Hermes “Law of Polarity”. “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.” Hermes verified seven basic metaphysical and philosophical principles.

Hermes other six ‘secrets’ are Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Rhythm, Cause and Effect, and Gender. Applying these principles enabled Hermes to explore, examine, and explain just about everything. Hermes describes opposites as two extremes of the same thing with many varying degrees between. Where does heat end and cold begin? Where does darkness leave off and light begin?  What about hard and soft, sharp and dull, noisy and quiet, high and low, positive and negative? The same principle operates on the mental plane. Love and hate are simply degrees of the same thing. Somewhere in the middle are shades of like and dislike. The vibrations of hate can be changed to the vibrations of love through applying the art of polarization, a phase of mental alchemy known and practiced by ancient and modern Hermetic masters.

Hermetic masters possessed knowledge of transcendental astronomy called astrology, transcendental chemistry called alchemy, and transcendental psychology called mystic psychology. They cultivated inner as well as outer wisdom. Critical thinkers throughout history have unlocked the mysteries of nature using symbolism. Galileo, Pythagoras, Confucius, Plato, Aristotle, Nostradamus, Leonardo Da Vinci, George Washington, Carl Jung, and Joseph Campbell, were all Grand Masters of symbolic thought.

Hermes used astrology to unlock the ancient mysteries. As a symbolic system, it compares and contrasts our heavens with the affairs of mankind on earth. Astrologers espouse Hermes second principle of correspondence “As above, so below, as below, so above”. A diversity of astrological symbols and their relationships comprise one big dysfunctional family we call humanity. The human race has become a race against bad shit happening. It doesn’t have to be that way. Every relationship changes every other relationship on a cellular level by raising or diminishing vibration, polarity, and rhythm.

Hermes asks us to know ourselves, to allow our minds and willpower to choose the most positive aspects of who we are. As we embrace our healthiest qualities, we attract nourishing relationships and find meaningful roles for ourselves. We can turn lead into gold by choosing to be happy, healthy, whole, centered, and peaceful, and then do the corresponding work. The rest is detail. The true secrets are in the work.

Hands Columns

Character of the Month

twelve hands


The archetypes that our hands embody are metaphors for our corresponding personality traits. Our inner and outer characters and the internal and external dramas they play out embody our positive and negative potentials. By knowing the myths of our archetypes, we can understand what kind of person we tend to marry; what kinds of relationships we have with our families, friends, and neighbors; what work we are likely to choose; whether we will be rich or poor; and even what kinds of potential health problems we may have. Armed with knowledge and insight, we can employ our free will to embrace the positive aspects of our characters in order to revise our hands and restage a bad script in our lives. We can choose the right kinds of people and roles for ourselves. Click on the hands below for a full description of each type.

Greek and Roman and contemporary fairy tale characters will be explored. Superficial profiles of twelve fairy tale heroines have been used as illustrations for the purpose of elucidating this idea. Copyright permissions would be required for mass publishing.


April / Aries ~ Belle (Beauty)


As an adventurous, independent, and freedom loving type, Belle makes up her mind and fearlessly pursues her desires. Her impatience and impulsiveness get her in trouble as she instinctively charges forward. Belle becomes bored and restless when she gets caught up in mundane details. She needs to grasp the whole picture. Ultimately, she somehow manages to turn a beast into a prince.


May / Taurus ~ Princess Jasmine


Princess Jasmine is practical, responsible, reliable, dependable, charming, and affectionate. She’s also stubborn and obstinate and doesn’t like change. She enjoys good food, comfortable surroundings, art, music, and sensual pleasures. She’s attracted to Aladdin (Aries) types because they spice up her fantasy life, but in real life, she knows they don’t make the best long term partners for her.


June / Gemini ~ Pippi Longstocking


Pippi is smart and very clever. Her restless nature ensures she’s always on the go. She’s fiercely independent and unafraid to speak her mind. She can conjure up a reason or rationalization for almost anything. Adaptable to all circumstances, Pippi is elusive when anyone tries to pin her down. Her animus is Peter Pan.


July / Cancer ~ Snow White


Snow White is soft and emotionally vulnerable. Controlling or overprotective mothers compel her to become over-sensitive and emotionally cautious. She does her best to avoid confrontation and repress difficult feelings. Cutting ties with controlling females helps her become healthier and happier. She’s a great friend once trust is earned.


August / Leo ~ Goldilocks


Goldilocks loves being center of attention. She wants to be adored and worshipped and can be a drama queen. She needs to be appreciated and must never be taken for granted. Pure types may have fathers who were emotionally or physically absent during their formative years. Goldie craves healthy male role models, but attracts fixer-uppers. Because she so stubbornly fights change, she must learn to recognize that when the bears come home, it’s time to let go.


September / Virgo ~ Cinderella


Cinderella is a practical hard working type. Discriminating, meticulous, and orderly, she needs to feel useful. She’s service oriented, often straightening up other’s messes. She can be overly fastidious and critical sometimes. She’s a good communicator who needs to be valued and appreciated for her integrity. Though her work is often mundane and her rewards meager, Cinderella needs to cherish whatever she earns.


October / Libra ~ Sleeping Beauty


Sleeping Beauty searches for balance. She loves harmony, fears discord, and is often indecisive as a result. She can be charismatic and beautiful. She seeks her Prince Charming to help her feel complete, but needs to see him for who he is and not who she wants him to be. Unfortunately, there are way too many frogs and beasts out there and very few princes ready, willing, or able to save her.


November / Scorpio ~ Little Red Riding Hood


Little Red Riding Hood has powerful emotions and a strong sense of purpose. She’s imaginative, captivating, and resourceful. You’re happy being yourself when you’re with her. When she truly wants something, she manages to get it one way or another. She has a mysterious dark side that attracts and is tempted by Big Bad Wolves who desire to corrupt her feigned innocence.


December / Sagittarius ~ Alice in Wonderland


Alice is a traveler and philosopher.  She’s friendly, sincere, optimistic, and open minded. She loves her freedom and needs a lot of space to explore her ideas and environment. Alice has a tendency to see life through rose colored glasses. She must take care not to be overly opinionated, judgmental, or self-indulgent.


January / Capricorn ~ Maleficent


It’s not easy to find a positive female fairy tale character that’s pragmatic, ambitious, structured, disciplined, and focused. Capricorn types are planners who make it to the top of whatever field of interest they choose. As serious withholding types, their dark side is frequently represented by Scrooge like characters that are cold, selfish, and rigid. Maleficent is Capricorn with strong Scorpio backup. Her dark side is depressive and diabolical; she’s a person who plans carefully and tries to avoid the negative consequences of her evil actions. These types are late bloomers. They get younger while their peers get older.


February / Aquarius ~ Pocahontas


Pocahontas is outgoing, progressive, independent, and revolutionary.  As a community minded individual, she loves in a kind of detached way. Her unconventional freedom loving nature can get her into awkward situations. Spending much time in her private world of ideas and inventions, she prides herself on being unique and eccentric. She’s opinionated, but makes an exciting friend.


March / Pisces ~ Little Mermaid


Ariel is the most sensitive and least acquisitive of all types. Capable of incredible foresight, she’s often misunderstood when she conveys her spiritual visions to others. It’s not easy for others to let go and take a leap of faith. Ariel can swim anywhere in the ether and dream whatever she pleases. She must be sure not to escape from reality and must also watch out for Ursula the Octopus who wants to possess her.

Hands of the Month

twelve hands

Stories of individuals whose corresponding character and career matches the nature of their hands and astrological sign of the month. Applicable themes will be covered:

MONTH                                              CAREER                                           ESOTERIC

April                                                    Sports                                                 Character

May                                                     Banking                                             Values

June                                                   Education                                          Thinking

July                                                     Psychology                                       Feeling

August                                               Acting                                                 Will Power

September                                         Medicine                                            Health

October                                              Law                                                     Partnerships

November                                          Sex / Death                                       Creativity

December                                          Politics                                               Philosophy

January                                             Career                                                Purpose

February                                            Technology                                       Dreams

March                                                 Religion                                             Spirituality


Philosophical & Spiritual Advice Column


Readers send in hi-resolution pictures of their faces and hands and ask personal questions to be answered by a master palmist from practical, philosophical, and spiritual perspectives. Questions such as, “How can I…?” or “What can I do to…?” are better than “What’s going to happen?”  Queries requiring yes or no answers will be rejected. I’d like to write this column if I can find the right venue and way to market the project. Ideas?

Stay tuned for modern palmistry book concepts.