A lot has been said lately about Donald Trump being another Adolf Hitler or an anti-Christ. He’s not. Nor is he an Emperor or a villain in a children’s book. Donaldemort is ‘RACKET MAN’, a pathological liar, nasty con artist, and scandalous symptom of a human race against bad shit happening. Pestilential presidential practices and partisan political paradigms poison public psyche. Pious philosophies and prejudicial policies pollute higher purpose. As we analyze, rationalize, and compartmentalize  biased beliefs and illogical ideologies, we sacrifice our dignity, integrity, nobility, and virtue on the altars of nonsense.

How many polished brass towers, glitzy gambling casinos, graven images, beauty queens, shark tanks, and celebrity idols do we need?  Donaldemort’s treacherous thinking transforms toxic theories and evil beliefs into self-fulfilling prophecies. As faulty families feast frenzily on flawed feelings, vague values, and toxic thinking; spiced with needless fear, desperation, and hatred, uncontrollable terror, fury, and rage fertilize a swamp of apocalyptic thinking. Vengeance is not a solution to violence. It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt.

Mesmerized by meaningless misbeliefs, spiritually depraved souls worship idols from amateur hours and scripted survivors. Meek minds captivated by TV courtroom melodramas grow critical and judgmental of the pettiest of behaviors. Degenerate fundamentalists, devious narcissists, and depraved attention-seekers expose their sleaziest selves before a desperate and voyeuristic public. A culture of winners and losers has become a world of haves and have-nots. Humanity is at the bottom of the barrel scraping for pennies.


Our planet and collective psyche are immune deficient. We preach love and sympathy and practice hate and fear. Appallingly apparent apathy produces pandemic pathological paradigms. As we fixate on sex, violence, disease, and death; our shortsighted greed and irrational fear guide our unarmed unconscious toward oblivion. Our bizarre attitudes and insane behavior are a result of practicing perverted philosophies and sickening spirituality.



While we’re fascinated by fake vampires, werewolves, and zombies, we encourage the real things to grow and thrive around us. We elect political prostitutes, prostrate ourselves before self-appointed emperors on lacquered polished brass pedestals, and worship megalomaniacs. We reward physical and spiritual rapists who we’ve chosen to protect innocent souls. Who can we trust and entrust our souls to? Where’s Harry Potter when we need him?


We must wake up and whiff the weirdness. Why must everything be bright white, squeaky clean and lemon fresh? How intelligent is consuming massive amounts of highly toxic chemicals every day in our wars with dirt, bacteria, viruses, pathogens, germs, stains, odors, insects, rodents, weeds, and other unseen enemies? We’re marinating in the chemicals that heat and cool us. While chemistry provides products that color, flavor, and preserve our foods; power our transportation; and enable us to communicate on a grand scale; we breathe, drink, and wash with toxic chemicals, and apply risky substances to our scalps, skin, mouths, armpits, fingers, toes, and crotches.

Evil acts are symptoms, not causes. As we examine our thoughts objectively, we can see action follows thinking. Wealth becomes corrupted when values are traded for money. Why do so few people have so much power over so many? Spirituality needs no religion, but religion needs spirituality. Why do so many people secretly believe they’re better than others? Why do we harm those we’re entrusted to help? Why do we choose prejudiced politicians and terrible tyrants over wise and loving guidance?

A leader weaves a wardrobe of secrecy and deceit. Our good health and the good health of our planet depend on our ability to share healthy thoughts and loving feelings. We must shift our philosophical and spiritual paradigms so that we can survive and thrive in a healthier world. As we trade money for values and choose religion over spirituality, we substitute delusion for truth. We’re living our lives ass backwards. We must turn around and look for the Messiah in the Mirror.


This entry was posted in character, Death, Environment, health, Mythology, presidential politics, psyche, Psychology, Secrets, Seduction, Self-help, Sex, spirituality, Truth and tagged , , , , , , , , , by markseltman. Bookmark the permalink.

About markseltman

Over the past thirty-five years, I've read tens of thousands of hands of people of every age, gender, race, color, size, shape, career, and socio-economic diversity. I've examined the hands of celebrities, billionaires, corporate executives, and the people who work for them. I've been in charge of the psychics at special events like the massive Bloomberg Company picnic on Randall’s Island and have worked at the Mayor’s country home and at Gracie Mansion. I've been a hand reader at PR events and family gatherings for the King of PR, Howard Rubenstein. I was the hand reader at Harvey Weinstein’s spectacular wedding. I've also read the hands of Martha Stewart, Katie Couric, Star Jones, Kevin Kline, Kyra Sedgwick, Barbara Corcoran, Dave Brubeck, and Maurice Sendak, along with numerous other celebrities and their families. I've also examined hundreds of criminally insane people’s hands at a forensic psychiatric hospital in New York City over a two-year period. I've appeared on ABC The View, CBS Martha Stewart Living, CBS Evening News, FOX Good Day NY, Lifetime TV, Queens, NPR and WNYC. I've been featured in the NY Times, NY Newsday, The Daily News, The Village Voice, New York Magazine, INSTYLE Magazine, Family Circle, Modern Bride, Manhattan User’s Guide, and other periodicals. Because of my credentials in design and technology as well as my extensive experience with public appearances on television, radio, and in the print media, I'm uniquely qualified to promote palmistry. I offer five-minute reflections at special events, counsel countless couples, raise funds for diverse causes such as AIDS, Cancer, Cystic Fibrosis, Schizophrenia, Arts Education, and the Environment. I taught Metaphysics 101 at the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art in NYC for five years and have also spoken, offered workshops, and taught classes at the New York Open Center, Learning Annex, Source of Life Center, Hunter College, Pace University, Fashion Institute of Technology, Marymount Manhattan College, Theosophical Society, East West Bookstore, Lower East Side Tenement Museum, and The National Design Museum in NYC. I also have a private practice with over 1,000 clients.

4 thoughts on “DONALDEMORT

  1. Racket Man/Rocket Man/Russian Man…..Potato/Potawto Tomato/Tomawto. Your All-literations work perfectly. See? You got a heathy dose of Taylor All-terdose.

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