November 11, 2019. A rare astronomical event will occur today. Retrograde Mercury, at 18 degrees of Scorpio, will visually transit across the face of the Sun in Scorpio. Here’s a description of the physical event, via The Old Farmer’s Almanac. Tomorrow will feature a full moon in Taurus.
Though Mercury will only appear as a tiny image in a telescope, the metaphysical implications can be profound. Brilliant flashes of insight could illuminate poisonous paradigms and expose dishonest secrets.
Death, decay, and degradation are Pluto’s mission, while Mercury enjoys many fun and interesting projects on multiple planes of consciousness. Mercury is the Roman god of communication, mischief, and wisdom. Mercury was also responsible for being a liaison to Pluto for his siblings. Death is a powerful opponent. The seduction turns Pluto on, but the betrayal gets him off! Pluto tempts innocence with perversions clothed in trust, guilt, shame, and dark secrets.

The human race has become a race against bad shit happening. We’re sick and our Mother is sick because we’ve damaged, depleted, and polluted her body, clogged her respiratory and circulatory systems, and abused her spirit. It’s miraculous that she still loves and allows us to continue to be selfish, petty, and wasteful.

Black and White are opposite extremes of physical and metaphysical laws that manifest by degree in varying shades of grey. We preach Love and practice Hate, poles of like and dislike. We’re hypocrites, living in an insane world. Everything is ass backwards. Revealing our secrets is like cleaning septic tanks with our tooth brushes. As Hermes (Mercury) said, “The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding.”
Today is Veteran’s Day. It’s a special day to honor those soldiers who have fought for our country. Our culture was built on the backs of Veterans. This is a good day to think about what we’re willing to give our lives for. It’s also a good day for critical thinking in general and forgiving!
Imagine a President who chooses good will toward all. Imagine leaders who exercise the authority and responsibility to love and nourish our planet and all of its inhabitants. Imagine media having a mission to raise human consciousness through honesty and integrity. Imagine a world where religion is guided by spirituality. Imagine the potential for good health and happiness for all.

It’s easy to see how easy it is to choose hate, fear, and intimidation when there’s a steady diet of it coming from morally and spiritually bankrupt religious fundamentalists and partisan politicians. Mercury is giving us the opportunity today to see our truths through the veils of lies and deception. When will we wake up and smell the garbage? Why must we lose what we value to value what we had?
Fascinating Mark. You look at an event – a planetary positional array of energies and influences and how they may play out in the human psyche. It’s like looking through layers that reveal other layers, and so on. The nub of it is how certain causes in relation to other causes produce potential effects. Layers upon layers influencing one another and also influencing us.