You don’t need an Aquarius sun, moon, planets, house placements, or aspects to be Aquarian. Hands with square palms and long moderately spread fingers embody ‘Thinking’ types. I’m generalizing, but in my palmistry practice, many dominant Aquarian types have medium to low set stiff thumbs, inflexible fingers, prominent first phalanges, developed first knots, mixed round and square fingertips, broad nails. Head and life lines closely intertwine at their beginnings. Topographically, clear fine lines merge with busy heart lines that dip to touch logical and pragmatic head lines at their beginnings. It’s easy to analyze, compartmentalize, and rationalize feelings when head rules heart.
I’ve known many successful Aquarian business types with long straight pinkies, dominant first and second finger phalanges, and mildly developed knots. Notable analytical, technical, and scientific types have long first phalanges with prominent first knots on middle fingers. Inventors and designers are often supported by long second phalanges, prominent second knots, whorl fingerprints, spatulate finger tips, and square tipped thumbs. I’ve seen plenty of practical tradesmen with square index fingers and loop and arch fingerprints. Aquarius has less peripheral lines than Gemini and less islands and forks on the heart, head, life, and fate lines than Libra. All hands have their own unique and specific morphological, topographical, tactile, and visual qualities that define human character and correspond to the twelve signs of the zodiac. Astrology offers keys to shedding light and reflecting on the eternal mysteries of self and other.
Many people think Aquarius is a water sign. They see a water bearer and a symbol that looks like waves. Water embodies feeling and symbolizes our personal and collective unconscious. Air waves are geometric, sharp, and precise. Aquarius is fixed thinking. The Water bearer is discarding Feelings in favor of Thinking by pouring them from a jug.
Everyone has thirty degrees of Aquarius in their allegory. Wherever Aquarius is in your symbolism and psyche, you may be very fixed and highly sociable, and private, cool, and detached when necessary. It’s easy to avoid intimacy while spending a lot of time in a world of one’s own ideas and inventions. Thinking is masculine in gender. Aquarians need to become more aware of their Leo opposition to obtain real objectivity and clarity in their thinking. Most Aquarians have no clue how bogged down they can get in their own bullshit. They need mutable Gemini friends like me who can call them on their bullshit and walk away unscathed. Aquarius believes he can solve problems better than others, and many times he can, but his ego gets in the way. He values free speech, but overvalues his opinions that may be brilliant, constructive, helpful, and hopeful, or at the other end of the spectrum, extreme, obsessive, conceited, and obnoxious!
Uranus rules Aquarius and symbolizes sudden unexpected change. Aquarius can be erratic and unpredictable. Ruler of Sky and Father of Titans in Greek myth, Uranus, was first son of Gaea and Chaos. My Sun Uranus conjunction in Gemini in my 8th house is a tale of 72 years of internal and external revolution. I’m always striving to get out of my own way. My favorite Aquarians are: Jules Verne ~ Buzz Aldrin ~ Helen Gurley Brown ~ James Dean ~ Charles Dickens ~ Michael Jordan ~ Franklin Roosevelt ~ Charles Lindbergh ~ Bill Maher ~ Mozart ~ and Paul Newman. I also have close friends who are personal heroes.
Uranus takes 84 years to return to its birthplace. Betty Friedan completed her Uranus cycle before she died on her 85th birthday (2/4/06). Betty authored ‘The Feminine Mystique’ in 1963. She catalyzed a women’s movement and revolutionized women’s rights. Founder of National Organization for Women (NOW), Betty planned the first International Feminist Congress in 1973. She summarized most women’s existential quandary when she described their situation, “It is easier to live through someone else than to become complete yourself.” Betty’s Aquarian war cry, “Make policy not coffee”. Meanwhile, chauvinistic partisan old white men still control women’s rights. Hmm…
Aquarians relish a revolution when the cause is right. They’re independent progressive thinkers who pride themselves on their originality. Sometimes they flaunt eccentricities. Aquarians must learn to value their uniqueness for what it is and not for the sake of being different. They enjoy attracting other unconventional, unusual, and free spirited people. They’re a magnet for me. If you want to influence an Aquarian, you must remain extremely calm, be logical, and make good sense. Encourage others to participate, innovate, be more caring, and creative, and we’ll all be happier.
My Fearless Aquarian Vision for our Future
Our Future is in Our Hands
New Moon in Aquarius
1 / 24 / 2020
Personal and planetary inequities will clash as have nots realize they’ve been had. By the time Pluto enters Aquarius in 2024, the time of false prophets and false profits will have come to an end. We will philosophically and spiritually shift our poisonous paradigms into a new Age of Aquarius, Love, and Brotherhood, where Humanity sees, hears, and knows what’s fake and what’s real and proactively chooses to embrace what’s real. We can no longer take others, ourselves, and this tiny speck in time and space we call our planet for granted. Priceless information and insights about our own and each others natures, values, thinking, feelings, will power, health, relationships, creativity, purpose, philosophy, hopes, fears, and spirituality lay waiting to be seen and heard at the ends of our arms.
Almost gives one hope!!
But I am sorely disappointed in my fellow Americans.
I blame the president for nothing.
He is the scorpion in the frog scorpion fable.
I blame his supporters for everything.
But,,,,,,might be encouraging to see the false
Prophets exposed.
Nice work Mark.
Thanks Angelo. You’re one of my Aquarian heroes.
Chump’s job has been to raise our consciousness!
and he has! Hopefully, we will never take for granted
what we value or have failed to value ever again!
Fantastic read. Thankyou for sharing….
I feel it happening now. The shift. The change.
Sharing a vision for humanity and the absolute truth of nature.
Doing my best to clear me ego and bullshit. Not enough geminis around me:-)
I’m Aquarius Aquarius rising.
Metal dog