Our hands manifest the messages of our minds. In turn, our thoughts, feelings, and experiences are mapped in the shapes, proportions, and topography of our hands. Because our hands change as our thinking and circumstances change, we can make decisions and exercise our will power, then observe those changes in our hands over time. Exercising free will is the most important reason for learning to read hands.
The thumb is the site of will power in our hands; it’s the reason we have dominion over our simian ancestors. The thumb is a small body part that takes up huge space in the cerebral cortex of our brains. Our minds develop because our thumbs oppose our other four fingers. All tools, from a simple pencil to our most complex computers are a result of the placement of our thumbs.
Thumbs symbolize our most valuable human resources: will power, logic, and ability to love. These three priceless qualities must be balanced in order to live a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life. Like the other four fingers, a thumb has two joints that create three separate segments known as phalanges. The first or top phalanx of the thumb represents will power. The second or middle segment represents logic and reasoning ability. If the will phalanx is longer than the logic phalanx, the person acts before they think. If logic is longer, they’re good at figuring things out, but get stuck in their mind. They procrastinate on making decisions and taking action, although a bit more logic than will power keeps impulsiveness in check. The third or bottom segment is the ball of the thumb, which is contained by the lifeline. The ball of the thumb determines our capacity for love and our ability to maintain intimate relationships. It also indicates our ability to empathize, nurture, and appreciate other people, as well as animals, nature, art, food, and music. Logic and will are misguided without love and empathy.
Thumb size is very important and needs to be judged in relationship to the hand as a whole. Is your thumb large or small in comparison to your hand? The top of an ‘average’ length thumb is level with the middle of the bottom segment of the index finger. Shorter than this indicates a short thumb, longer indicates a long thumb. A long thumbed person is a natural leader who wants useful and practical results. Unless the will phalanx is especially long, thinking is the guide. A short thumbed person is guided by his heart and easily led by first impressions and sentimentality. A very short thumbed person may have trouble being motivated enough to get out of bed in the morning. They can get addicted to watching television or playing solitaire on their computers while they avoid responsibility. I encourage these people to join a gym and to impose schedules, structure, and discipline on themselves in order to build their will power and take pride in something they’ve accomplished.
I have 4 thumb segments. The logic portion has a deep crease almost in the middle. More prominent on right hand. Thoughts?
I’ve seen creases in the logic section near the ball of the thumb, but not in the middle. an extra phalange usually denotes an extra bone and joint. I’ve never seen that on the thumb. I suppose from a logical point of view, it would divide or separate the mental and physical worlds even more. If the bottom part is longer, the physical world would dominate logic. If the top part is longer, the mental world would dominate logic. I suppose if we saw what else is going on in your hands, we might have more clues to what the symbolism means.