Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (Capricorn1/15/1929 – Aries 4/4/1968) was martyred for his fervent beliefs. “If a man hasn’t discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live.” As a Baptist Minister and passionate Social Rights Activist, Dr. King led the black civil rights movement in the United States from the mid 1950’s until his assassination in 1968. Dr. King’s mission was the pursuit of truth, peace, justice, and equality for all. His dream has become his racial legacy and a legal holiday.
You don’t need a Capricorn sun, moon, rising, planets, houses, or aspects to be Capricorn. Dominant types have flat square palms, short stiff fingers, square fingertips, and a combination of loop and arch finger prints. Self-assured handshakes, firm hand consistency, and pale pink hard working skin embody practicality, responsibility, and reliability. When a middle finger leans or crooks toward a ring finger, you see seriousness and responsibility for all types.
A combination of dominant middle fingers and prevailing first and middle phalanges makes Capricorn more practical and pragmatic than Aries, Cancer, and Libra. Every thought and action must have a rational reason and purpose. Successful business leaders and managers embrace their responsibilities with commitment and dedication, carrying out the specifics of mundane business while maintaining a long-range vision of their goals. As structured, focused, disciplined, and dependable beings, they expect you to be on time and do as you say. Saturn has little patience for excuses. As natural skeptics, they don’t trust slick and flashy types. As workaholics, they don’t think twice about coming in early or staying late to finish tasks. They patiently wait for the right conditions, relationships, and timing.
Middle fingers should always be longest. No matter what type, a short middle finger means a life out of balance and control. Middle fingers embody our need for structure and reveal our abilities to focus, discipline, be responsible, and practical. Middle fingers show us how serious and reliable we are and how to best manage our restrictions, obstructions, obligations, and guilt.
Saturnians are well organized, efficient, patient, dependable, and faithful. Obsessive order, methodology, punctuality, and perfectionism can be seen in stiff knotty joints, bent middle fingers, long middle phalanges, square tips, and short broad nails. The most self-critical of all types, Capricorn must habitually “lighten up and smell the roses”. Traditional music and dry humor helps. Many Saturnians are cynical and sarcastic with a fatalistic sense of humor rooted in a pessimism they’d prefer to hide. Practical, prudent, and persistent, Saturn becomes quickly frustrated and aggravated when their strategies don’t go according to plan. Inflexible ideologies, too many responsibilities, and overdeveloped senses of obligation make them feel guilt, shame, and depression. They can be offensive and defensive at the same time. Pure types pride themselves on their ingenuity, but they rarely stray from provincial, traditional, and conventional.
Dominant middle-fingered folk are tall, slender, and angular in appearance. They may have dark hair, large bones, stern features, and bland complexions. As loners, they need private time, including family, friends, and partners. The prevailing physical sense is smell. Purists love string instruments and prefer classical music tinged with sadness.
Saturn rules all structure. Saturnians eventually have maladies with teeth, knees, ligaments, rheumatism, hardening of the arteries, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, or deafness in the left ear. When a middle finger leans toward a ring finger, there’s perfectionism and a need for personal space. I’ll bet Donald Rumsfeld is always cranky and irritable. Check out the inner frustration that goes with this face. Many conservative businessmen, distinguished scientists, technical specialists, researchers, writers, craftsmen, therapists, night watchmen, undertakers, morticians, and derelicts have dominant middle fingers.
“Father Time” is about quality, not quantity. The Hermit is alone, but not lonely. Turning lead to gold is a metaphor for shining the brilliance of the Sun on Saturn. Where structure, discipline, and focus are required, Saturn is present. Saturn can be prosperous, healthy, happy, wise, and compassionate. He can also be extremely frustrated, controlling, greedy, and self-destructive. Capricorn must do the work or suffer the consequences.
The most famous Capricorn of all time was Jesus Christ. This not for profit prophet was the first self-styled Jewish self-help guru. Jesus would have reformed the business of religion had he stuck around. Who needs rules, regulations, dogmas, codes, and doctrines when you have spirituality? Jesus shared God’s essence as he spoke, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). Jesus was crucified and martyred for loving too much.
Capricorn Mel Gibson irreverently exploited the dark side of love in his ‘The Passion of the Christ’. Jesus’s spirit writhes in heaven as Mel continues to punish and blame us for torturing him to death. Mel can capitalize on Dr. King’s final moments. He can call it LETHAL WEAPON 666 and give us even more reasons to spread shame, guilt, fear, hate, and terror. Mel would be less harmful as a used Hummer salesman. He could sell ‘already been road-warriored’ models, like worn jeans or distressed furniture.
Capricorns strive to be number one. Muhammad Ali was King of Boxing. Elvis Presley was King of Rock ‘n Roll. Tiger Woods was Prince of Golf. David Bowie and Rod Stewart are musical stars. Daniel Day-Lewis (Taurus / Saturn) played Abraham Lincoln, a Saturn type. Clint Eastwood is a Gemini with dominant Saturn. Paul Cezanne and Henri Matisse were Saturnian Post and Neo-Impressionist French artists. Albert Schweitzer was a humanitarian. Louis Pasteur pasteurized.
Master criminals are Saturn ruled. They don’t depend on cleverness like Gemini, spontaneity like Aries, or grandiosity like Sagittarians. Saturn strategizes and waits. Scrooge is the epitome of his darkest, stingiest, greediest, and least generous self. Relationships are only important as they relate to profit.
Ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future haunt Bernard Ebbers, former CEO of WorldCom. Ebbers contributed to society by making telecommunications competitive. He compromised his principles to reach his goal of power and worldly achievement. Bernie played both sides against the middle and got caught in the squeeze.
Janet is a Capricorn with crooked middle fingers and separated head and life on her dominant hand. This combination makes her a very independent freedom loving perfectionist with over developed senses of responsibility, obligation, and guilt. She’s great at what she does, but there’s always a ‘should’ or ‘supposed to’ in the way of the adventure she’d prefer to be having.