“And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come.” Bible Book of Joel, Chapter 3:3-4

January 21, 2019. A total lunar eclipse is launching a Super Wolf Blood Moon (from the Old Farmer’s Almanac) at 0:16 AM EST. The last Super Blood Moon Eclipse was January 31, 2018. It was a Super Blue Blood Moon. The one prior to that was in 1866. It symbolized the Civil War and the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution. We share the same blood from past blood moons. This super blood moon eclipse is an opportunity to revisit our past choices and actions. The meaning we give to this moment in time and space is crucial and the implications of our current choices and actions are epic. I re-edit this post each time a new super blood moon eclipse happens and it seems to me that its content has become truer than ever!

The meaning we give to this Super Blood Moon is ours. In 1866, the Party of Lincoln believed in government and equality for all. We must come to terms with resolving Reconstructionism and the Fourteenth Amendment once and for all. Our obligation and responsibility today is to choose a healthy legacy for our future, the future of our children, and our world.
Fourteenth Amendment
This is what was going on politically and chronologically in 1866
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the states wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
“And at this very moment, a concerted, extremely well-funded crusade is underway among elements of the modern Republican Party, who now gleefully desecrate the ideas of its founders by effectively eroding and destroying the essence of Reconstruction’s greatest achievement—birthright citizenship and equality before the law.” I recommend reading this article from The Atlantic.

Republican politicians feign competence, makeup their own rules, and threaten non-followers or anyone who disagrees with them. They drain our personal and collective coffers to fill their swamp with our resources. Democratic politicians feign incompetence as they wander blindly across a bleak and barren wasteland, led by sacred cows and golden calves that need to be sacrificed on the altars of truth, love, and faith. It’s time for humanity to stop expecting to be saved by politicians and become self-aware. We must fully commit to choosing good health for ourselves and our planet by making healthy decisions and taking healthy actions. It’s up to all of us to make this eclipse meaningful or we’ll still be dealing with the same old shit 150 years from now.

The human race has become a race against bad shit happening. Pious philosophies, pointless partisan political paradigms, and pestilential pecuniary practices pollute higher purpose and poison our psyches. Faulty families feast frenzily on flawed feelings, vague values, and toxic thinking, copiously spiced with needless fear, desperation, and hatred. As we compartmentalize, rationalize, and analyze our insane ideologies and beliefs, we sacrifice our dignity, integrity, nobility, and virtue on the altars of nonsense.

Everyone is frantic about what’s happening in the world. Focusing on ideologies like “Armageddon” emboldens hazardous theories and encourages toxic beliefs to morph into self-fulfilling prophecies. It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Fear, anger, and hatred grow exponentially. Vengeance is not the solution to violence.

A spiritually bankrupt society worships idols from amateur hours and applauds scripted survivors. Masses of meek minds are mesmerized by meaningless media. Captivated by TV courtroom melodramas, we become critical and judgmental of the pettiest of behaviors. Cunning narcissists, warped exhibitionists, and pious perverts perjuriously present their sleaziest selves to a desperate and depraved public. A culture of winners and losers has become a world of haves and have-nots… with less than ever.

This tiny speck in time and space we call our planet and collective psyches are immune deficient. We preach love and sympathy and practice hate and fear. Appallingly apparent apathy produces pandemic pathological paradigms. We fixate on sex, death, violence, and disease, while fear, greed, mistrustfulness, and shortsightedness rule our personal and collective unconscious. We mistake no love for tough love. Where are our healthy role models?

We prostrate ourselves before self-appointed emperors on gilded brass pedestals, pray to political prostitutes, and worship tyrants. We’re fascinated by fake vampires, werewolves, and zombies, while real vampires, werewolves, and zombies suck our vital essences, grab our pussies, control our choices, and thrive on and among us. Must we lose everything we value to appreciate what we have?

We need to wake up and whiff the weirdness. There’s a huge difference between common sense and good sense. Why are we consuming massive amounts of highly toxic chemicals every day in our wars with insects, rodents, weeds, dirt, stains, odors, germs, bacteria, viruses and other invisible enemies? We’re marinating in chemicals that heat and cool us; power our transportation; provide us with products; color, flavor, and preserve our foods; compel us to communicate on a grand scale, and impel us to fight senseless energy wars. Why choose fossil fuel guzzling vehicles that deplete natural resources and pollute our planet? Why must everything be bright white, squeaky clean and lemon fresh? Why do we breathe, drink, wash, and apply risky substances to our scalps, mouths, armpits, fingers, toes, and crotches? Is it possible to remain sane in an insane world?

Evil acts are symptoms, not causes. Wealth and power are conjoined twins. As we examine our thoughts objectively, we know that action comes from thinking. Why do so many people secretly believe they’re better than others? Why harm people and cultures we can be helping? Why do so few have so much? What’s their responsibility for the rest of us?

Bullshit trickles down. Money and resources must freely flow to feed and nourish all of humanity. Those who are lucky enough to ‘have’ must let go of their hubris and fear and give generously and freely to causes that are important and helpful to all of humanity. Our government is here to help us, not to help themselves and their patrons. Partisan politicians produce poor persecutors.

An evil emperor weaves a wardrobe of secrecy and deceit. We must shift our malignant spiritual and philosophical paradigms to enable us to survive and thrive in a healthier world. Our good health and the good health of our planet depend on our ability to share healthy thoughts and loving feelings. We must no longer substitute money for values, religion for spirituality, and collective delusion for reality. As we wander aimlessly through time and space, the Messiah wordlessly awaits us in the mirror.