Millions of Geminis are born each year between May 20 & June 21

Each century, three (2 year) north node in Gemini generations manifest specific karmic intentions and consequences in individual and collective psyche. The ‘Sixties’ Generation is the post WWII north node in Gemini generation. George W Bush, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, famous persons on the left, and I share the same basic karma, differing only by degrees, aspects, and house positions. People born from Dec 24,1945 ~ Aug 11,1947 (73-75), Aug 6,1964 ~ Feb 21,1966 (52–54), and March 15,1983 ~ Nov 1,1984 (35–37) share that same karmic mission to communicate higher consciousness to anyone and everyone who is willing and able to be fully present in the moment. We must all learn to give freely, gracefully, without expectation, and to help humanity whenever and wherever possible. Bill and George tried to raise public awareness through their different choices, but sabotaged themselves by indulging in very different temptations, thinking that was OK, and believing that their Presidency was all about them.

Donald Trump, one man obstacle course, and subhuman wrecking crew, is a lover of gilded towers, glitzy gambling casinos, golden pedestals, graven images, beauty queens, shark tanks, and celebrity idols. By mid 2020, our greedy glutton and feckless fool of a leader had already over-accomplished his karmic mission by teaching us to never take for granted what we value or have failed to value. Many are realizing that drinking the cool-aid guarantees certain loss, defeat, and death.

Donald (Gemini / Leo rising) doesn’t care about us. Bill Clinton (Leo / Libra rising) and George W. Bush (Cancer / Leo rising) cared, but sabotaged themselves by making unhealthy personal and political choices resulting in negative press and ineffective leadership. Bill and George both began life with wounded egos due to physically or mentally abusive, judgmental, and overcritical fathers. One entitled, the other not, they still both learned humility the hard way. Donald Trump had a lousy father and horrible role model. Donald and his family will be shamed, but not humbled. Their brand will be forever toxic, representing a dark and destructive pathological psychosis with viral consequences. Unless Donald’s symbolic role is Shiva or Hades, he’s fulfilled his nodal destiny while raising public awareness by teaching us what not to do. It’s mind boggling how many of his followers have mistaken no love for tough love and common sense for good sense. So many horrible role models, so little time. “The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding”.

Uranus was the only outer planet to transit Gemini in the 20th Century from 1942~1949. Social ideas and cultural paradigms simultaneously shifted towards education. The US. Supreme Court abolished religion in public schools. The GI Bill enabled thousands of people to go to college. Radio and television dominated media all over the world. The first computer calculation, ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), was born at the University of Pennsylvania in 1946. Columbia Records introduced the 33 1/3 rpm “long playing record”. The United Nations held its first session in London. The Atomic Energy Commission was created. The United States joined NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). Makes good sense to me! What happened?
The Uranus in Gemini generation was born 1942 ~ 1949. At 73, I’m still mentally restless, managing my nervous temperament, applying my mind to solving real and philosophical challenges, and coming up with new ideas and concepts.

Hermes was father of the cell phone. He taught his disciples that our brain is the hardware while our mind is the software. We can transmit and receive messages. As we connect and fine tune our links, we can communicate with anyone at any time and place. Modern science simulates Hermes Law of Mentalism with external hardware and software. ENIAC has come a long way since 1946.

Wake up and whiff the weirdness! The human race has become a race against bad shit happening. As we continue to short-shortsightedly substitute money for values, religion for spirituality, and bad ideas for good sense, we seal our fate by choosing not to be kind to ourselves, each other, our planet, and future. That’s nonsense. We must exorcise humanity’s hubris or suffer the consequences. Unhealthy spoiled children in adult bodies have political power, social influence, and wealth. Responsibility obligates them to be humanitarian. We must vote hindsight in 2020.