Collective psyche overrules personal psyche. Fate or Destiny? Nature or Nurture? Whatever your astrological symbolism says about you, a tsunami, tornado, hurricane, earthquake, flood, drought, pandemic, war, or banana peel can transform your psyche.

Twelve basic character types are featured in astrology. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto symbolize family, friends, and enemies and embodies a collective consciousness that includes beliefs, behaviors, and interpersonal relationships. Humanity’s patterns correspond to conditions and positions of inner and outer planets that embody ideologies and circumstances that seed and catalyze outer and inner change. We can choose to see, know, and be our behavior, values, thinking, feelings, will, health, relationships, creativity, philosophy, purpose, dreams and fears, and spirituality.

A Moment in Time & Space

Astrology has endless permutations and combinations of details. Each and every detail means something, but until you’ve decided on basic character type and context, details are superficial. The meaning of any detail can change because of the question asked and the balance of elements, planets, signs, houses, and aspects. Adding stars, asteroids, and man-made points to a natal chart can make accurate interpretation impossible.

In my metaphysical practice, I examine every detail within the context of the whole picture and every other detail at the same time. Comparing and contrasting symbolic details and combinations of details is vital for observing, examining, and analyzing human behavior. One danger in interpreting isolated details out of context is in substituting one form of predetermination for another by reducing individuality to cookbook formulas. That’s what most readers do. It’s the primary reason I don’t make predictions. Free-will rules. We get to choose what we think and how we feel no matter what is happening. Canned readings may be a good place to start, but they’re no substitute for time and experience. Other people’s ideologies, opinions, and generalizations should not be taken literally or too seriously.

I’m writing this on 12/2/2022. Sun, Mercury, and Venus are comfortable in Sagittarius. A frustrated Mars is battling a lot of misinformation and dealing with too much Gemini bullshit. Mars is trying to communicate with siblings, but instead, he’s creating tension for everyone. Mars rules energy, sports, and military under Saturn’s decisions, missions, and guidance. Saturn in Aquarius is trying to choose healthy ideologies, values, and thinking.

Uranus transited Aries during the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and passed through Taurus 1935~1942. That period symbolized a destabilization of foundations, structures, economies, institutions, and values. Focusing on values forced many people to question materialism. The USA went off the gold standard. President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act. Labor organized, forming unions that went on strike and engaged in sit-downs across the nation. There was strength in solidarity. Roosevelt defended the Four Essential Freedoms: Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom from Want, and Freedom from Fear. Having Real Faith might have prevented the human race from racing so randomly, recklessly, and desperately against and toward bad shit happening.

Neptune & Jupiter are happiest in Sagittarius & Pisces. Friendship thrives where and when imagination, vision, and spirit are openly shared. Jupiter is naturally generous. He also attracts excess and greed. Jupiter can make you believe anything. His voice is designed to persuade. Neptune can be a martyr, savior, or saint. He can also be a liar, crook, or master criminal. Together, Jupiter and Neptune can heal the widening gap between haves and havenots. Neptune must shed the veil of illusion and delusion while Jupiter takes the reigns of confusion, collusion, and irresolution, and redirects us to clarity, inclusion, and resolution. Haves must share wealth with havenots for the betterment of mankind and for our world. Pluto in Capricorn will expose secrets that need to be seen. Pluto can transform business in ways that bring humans together instead of irreconcilably dividing them through partisan Politics, Business, and Religion. How can we transform fear into courage and hate into love? Is it possible to truly balance our outer circumstances with our inner worlds?

Uranus transited Sagittarius from 1981-1988. Politics became more accessible to females. Sandra D. O’Connor became the first Woman elected to the Supreme Court. Geraldine Ferraro was the first woman nominated by the Democratic Party for Vice President. Benazir Bhutto became the first Muslim female prime minister in Pakistan’s first free election since 1977.

Uranus brings sudden and unexpected upheaval and disaster. The space shuttle Challenger exploded on takeoff in 1986, while millions watched in horror on their TV screens. Ronald Reagan created “Star Wars”, an absurd and overly expensive national defense idea. Greenpeace’s flagship, Rainbow Warrior, was bombed while protesting France’s nuclear testing. George Bush Sr. was the first sitting Vice President elected as president since 1836. IBM introduced personal PCs. AT&T’s communication monopoly ended via a powerful combo of Anti-Trust Laws & the Department of Justice in 1974.

In 2018, Donald Trump announced a sixth branch of our military services that organizes, trains, and equips space forces in order to protect US. and allied interests in space and to provide space capabilities to the joint force. Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Taurus, and Neptune in Pisces represent fundamental conflicts and issues like ‘money vs values’ and ‘religion vs spirituality’. We must find and embrace healthy resolutions and actions for all mankind and for our planet.

Neptune transited Sagittarius from 1970 to 1984. The idealism of the 60’s turned to pessimism with a marked lack of trust in national institutions. The war in Vietnam united masses of skeptical angry protesters, who were ready for confrontation. The Arab oil embargo created a major energy crisis in 1973 to finally ‘teach’ the USA not to take energy for granted. We keep forgetting to remember to observe the handwriting on our walls!

Gas is expensive, but it’s a drop in the bucket compared to the economic and social consequences of unbridled public and personal abuses of precious natural resources. Raising prices is essential to increasing profits. Fossil fuel profiteers have prevented energy independence by controlling and manipulating natural resources that no private individuals should own. Controversial pipelines are endangering our environment with long range consequences for our bodies, souls, and body and soul of our planet!


Sagittarius rules publishing and religion. In 1989, Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini sentenced Salman Rushdie to death after publishing The Satanic Verses. Rushdie’s tales of good and evil incited riots in India and book burnings in England. His literary success fueled an ocean of fear and stirred teeming cauldrons of Islamic hatred! After 23 years of threats, on August 12, 2022, a man stabbed novelist Salman Rushdie multiple times as he was about to give a public lecture at the Chautauqua Institution in Chautauqua, New York.

Religion without Spirituality

Donald Trump attracted and motivated masses of Evangelicals, Holocaust deniers, White supremacists, Jewish, Christian, and Islamic religious fundamentalists who embraced the dark force. Having a bible in one hand and an AK in the other is not about GOD! It’s no surprise that Trump was inaugurated on Jan 20, 2017 while Uranus was in Aries.

Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Sagittarius opposing Gemini and Mars is a good time to shift our values and philosophies from profit over people to social justice and equality for all. It makes good sense to care for and nurture everyone and everything.

Neptune rules false prophets, illusion, delusion, deception, and victimization. Richard Nixon was the first President to announce his resignation while Neptune was in Scorpio in 1974. New York was the first city to be bailed out of bankruptcy by the federal government in 1975. Neptune can also be imaginary and visionary. A religious paradigm shifted when the Catholic Church elected its first non-Italian pope in four centuries. Mother Theresa accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in the name of the poor. In 1979, Televangelist Jerry Falwell founded the ‘Moral Majority’. It became an ‘Immoral Majority’ sometime prior to January 20th of 2001. Pluto in Sag brought Donald Trump to politics. A natal Mercury (11th house) square Neptune (2nd house) aspect can be interpreted as pretending to be your friend to get your money. Inwardly curved pinkie fingers confirm Donald lies. He doesn’t realize the difference. Don grifted us until Jan 6 2021 when Pluto in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces, and Uranus in Taurus raised mass conscience, no longer permitting Don to piss on humanity.

Authors Note: Not everyone with curved pinkies is a liar. Many learned to behave in ways that worked in early childhood and are still trying to be themselves. Old habits die hard.

Neptune rules chemicals and drugs. The first test-tube baby was conceived without a womb when Neptune was in Leo in 1978. Genetic engineering generated new horrors for theologians, religious fundamentalists, and ideological extremists. Environmental activists protested industries creating “Acid Rain”. ‘Three Mile Island’ fiasco derailed several major nuclear energy projects in 1979. The World Health Organization announced an end to smallpox. Crack cocaine became popular. A deadly sexual epidemic was officially named AIDS in 1981. Fear of an eventual pandemic spread. Covid 19 was official on Mar 11 2020. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto were in Capricorn. Aggression and gun control dominated personal and collective psyche. A dark side of Uranus in Taurus & Neptune in Pisces is a constant flow of blame and denial from extremist ideologies that catalyzed an insurrection on Jan 6 2021.

Pluto transited Sagittarius from 1995 to 2008. Political extremism, corporate greed, religious fanaticism, white supremacy, Second amendment rights, fundamentalism, and terrorism germinated quickly in fertile soil, transforming politics, business, and religion. Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by a right-wing law student. Pluto was in Sag and Sun was in Scorpio. The Middle East peace process was disrupted. President Clinton resumed diplomatic relations with communist Vietnam. In July 1997, Great Britain let go of Hong Kong. Hundreds of thousands of Black Men flocked to Washington to march for freedom. It was the first time in 40 years Republicans controlled congress. Y2K was not end time. People woke up, brushed their teeth, and went to work.

Sex scandals rocked the Catholic Church in 1995. The House of Representatives impeached and later acquitted Bill Clinton for lying about his sex life. Two students killed themselves after murdering twelve students and a teacher at Columbine High School in Littleton Colorado. The Unabomber was caught and sentenced to life in prison. Oklahoma City bombing established large-scale American terrorism on our soil. On 9/11, government power transformed, giving leaders permission to supersede human rights and civil liberties. Political machines preempted war without world consent. In 2022, lairs of corporate foxes tended hen houses while packs of political wolves herded sheep. Sacred cows gave birth to golden calves.

Saturn began his journey through Sagittarius on December 23, 2014. Pluto was visiting his siblings in eleven other homes for twenty-eight years prior to that. Astrologers predicted Saturn would wield a sobering influence on society as he transited Sagittarius to Capricorn. Saturn’s natural process is accepting responsibility, laying foundations, building structures, and being methodical, disciplined, and focused. Saturn rules bureaucracy, business, energy, transportation, education, communications, food, housing, healthcare, law, politics, and religion. Father Time asks us to remember, to be here now, and to plan as far into the future as possible.

Sagittarius rules transportation. He loves prestige, luxury, power, and status. He leaves racing for Aries and showing off for Leo. The Lords of the automobile industry must shift their paradigms of profit before people to people first. Transportation must be designed from a more spiritual perspective. Guzzling fossil fuels is unsustainable. Do we really need hundreds of horses galloping under our hoods?

Perpetuating illusions that overly expensive gas guzzling cars are glamorous, maintains delusions that it’s OK to deplete our planet’s natural resources and poison everyone and everything. Car companies pretend their products are healthy! We must rethink what healthy transportation will be for our future. Raising mass consciousness will profit humanity and our planet. We can no longer get away with substituting money for values and religion for spirituality.

Whether our planet warms, cools, floods, quakes, droughts, burns, or is blown by giant winds, fossil fuel prices still remain artificially repressed. Legislation and energy umbilical cords prevent sustainable energy minded competitors from building sound structures on solid foundations. Fuel efficient, non-polluting, practical, and economical mass transit is essential to creating a healthy world and economy. We must cut our energy demands and costs while thinking globally and acting locally. Transportation must reform and transform.

We go wherever and whenever we want in the comfort and safety of our cars. Our hidden costs are insidious, usurious, and deceitful as we guzzle gas, fight oil wars, deplete and squander finite resources, and poison Mom’s body, circulatory, and respiratory systems.

Too much carbon dioxide, monoxide, and toxic gases hover in space and time by degree. Smoke, smog, chemical, and human waste poison our oceans, reservoirs, rivers, streams, and faucets. A pandemic of pestilential pollution binds to the walls of our veins and coagulates in our arteries like cholesterol on its way to a coronary. Highways and roads are like varicose veins feeding bloated glands that nourish cancerous sores we call cities. It’s time to shift our usurious paradigms and steer ourselves clear from death and destruction toward a hopeful future characterized by clear intent, healthy values, critical thinking, honest feelings, right use of will, good physical health, honest relationships, freedom to explore and understand our fears, creativity, philosophy, purpose, dreams, and spirituality.

Greed and avarice are symptoms of poisonous partisan political philosophies, flawed fundamentalist faiths, extremist social ideologies, and too many desperate people. As we wander through barren deserts and toxic wastelands, too many unhealthy psyches with too many guns and second amendment rights are worshipping sacred cows and praying to golden calves. Why are we trading money for values and substituting religion for spirituality?

Why must we lose what we value to value what we had? Jupiter transited Sagittarius this year, shamelessly flaunting greed in capitalism and revealing present and future costs of climate change. Choosing healthy values and accepting full responsibility for being healthy and happy is Spiritual Alchemy! Our fate is unknown; however, our destiny is in our hands.

Uranus transits Taurus May 14, 2018 ~ Nov 7, 2025. Time for rebirth, to make sense, to accept responsibility, and to choose courage, strength, grace, and wisdom. Combining truth with nobility, dignity, integrity, ethics, and virtue will heal everyone and everything. How can we see the forest from the trees? Can we all become healthier in more sustainable ways? “The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding”. Hermes



You don’t need a Sagittarius sun, moon, houses, aspects, planets, or planetary placements in your Natal Horoscope to be Sagittarian. All Intuitive hands have rectangular palms with short fingers. Sagittarius hands have strong index fingers, flexible finger joints, pink firm elastic skin, and confident hand shakes. Sagittarius reflects a mutable personality. Pure types have long straight index fingers that stand away from the hand. No matter what your type, strong index fingers point to pride, ambition, desire for power, leadership abilities, confidence, idealism, spirituality, religion, truthfulness, and generosity. Pink color under an index finger adds energy and enthusiasm and reveals a desire to make a difference.

After reading many tens of thousands of hands for over forty years, I can confidently and comfortably generalize from my experience. I’ll never have enough statistical data to call my work scientific, but I can safely say a Sagittarius with a healthy index finger is idealistic, enthusiastic, and self-assured. Many have smooth finger joints and round or conical fingertips with loop or whorl prints. As eternal optimists, they’re honest, sincere, and gifted with voices designed to persuade. Positive thinking helps them achieve their goals, while good luck lights their way. I call Jupiter ‘him’ because it’s his gender, but in practice, Jupiter’s influence is equally powerful in all genders.

Sagittarians are often accused of viewing life through rose colored glasses because they see people and circumstances as they want them to be instead of how they really are. Graceful heart lines, extending from the percussion of the hand from strong pinkies to powerful index fingers make them even more sensitive, romantic and sentimental. As proud, expansive, generous, passionate, principled, truthful, philosophical, and spiritual beings, they’re irresistible when they believe in themselves. Love of travel motivates them to seek adventure whenever and wherever as they search for interesting food experiences. Healthy types love country and city life. Many struggle to find balance.

Jupiter’s physical sense is taste. Jupiter craves rich exotic foods, luxurious desserts, fine wines, and highly erotic sex with mortals. Depending on length and thickness of bottom phalanges, love of nutrition (narrow), or temptation by gluttony (plump) emerges from deep within the psyche. Rich food, fine wine, and kinky sex are potent temptations that lead them down the dark path of excess to the palace of wisdom. Jupiter’s physical problems come from gorging rich food, drinking too much alcohol, and overindulging in sensual pleasures. Dominant index fingered folk are of medium height with generously proportioned bodies. Wide chests, high foreheads, widely spaced eyes, reddish faces, and wavy hair are common characteristics and clues to the mystery of who they are.

Gluttony is prone to blood disorders, liver disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, and flaws of throat and thighs. Pride is critical, hypercritical, impractical, grandiose, arrogant, dictatorial, and vain. Blending Pride and Lust induces philandering.

When the dominant hand’s index finger is long, (past middle of tip of top phalanx of middle finger), projects forward with pinkish color beneath (all races), that person loves being boss and hates being criticized. They’re natural planners, setters of goals, and leaders who attract other ambitious career minded professionals. Know that anyone will quickly lose credibility and respect if they’re looking for a free ride or are unable to carry their own weight. Jupiter must steer clear of strays and fixer-uppers who are naturally attracted to them. Long index fingered folk enjoy being married. They need to partner as much as they need a lover. Having both is best! Planning, setting goals, and dreaming of a future together is crucial for their partnership to be meaningful and fruitful.

Jupiter’s personal problems come from practicing obsessive and controlling behavioral patterns, expressing judgmental thoughts, and cultivating critical attitudes. False pride, gluttony, vanity, and bossiness are weaknesses these individuals must overcome by practicing moderation, earning self-esteem, and being successful at being healthy.

Sagittarius needs a philosophy that enables him to be an integral part of a working society, not tilting at windmills like Don. It’s hard being a person who believes he has everyone’s answers, though he has none. Wind, Sun, earth, and water will be available to us when we’re ready to harness their power.

Short index fingers extend less than half way to middle of top phalanx of middle finger. Short index fingered individuals need to work harder to achieve similar results as their long index fingered brethren. Short fingered folk are big picture people. Many tend not to value themselves enough because they weren’t valued enough during their formative years. There was no encouragement and support when they needed it most! Their challenge is to learn to ask enough of and for themselves. Plenty of successful individuals have thrived with very short index fingers. They earned every drop of whatever they achieved. Nothing comes easily, but everything earned is well worth the risk and effort.

A scientific study claims short index fingers are linked to homosexuality. Click if you’re curious. This minute long Youtube video shares my take on index fingers. It’s a look through my wife and my eyes at how knowing our baby’s potentials and possibilities altered her destiny. Basic hand shape reveals whether we’re intuitive, practical, thinking, or feeling. Healthy types are nourished by healthy index fingers. Being honest, direct, taking pride in their work, and calculating their risks transforms Sagittarius into successful politicians, journalists, judges, lawyers, singers (musical instrument is voice),speakers, story tellers, managers, producers, promoters, salesmen, chefs, and priests.

Every fingerprint needs to be examined in the context of each other and the whole hand. Proportions of finger phalanges, development of knots, and size and shape of nails reveal various personality traits. I see many spatula shaped fingertips with whorl prints on Sagittarius types. They embody original and unconventional thinking. Square tips with arch prints are practical, responsible, dependable, and reliable. Round and conical tips with loop prints are adaptable and communicative.

Depending on your basic type, lines change as a person’s thinking and circumstances change. Dermatoglyphics (skin ridge patterns) rarely change dramatically. Sudden or extreme circumstances may catalyze a tiny change. In my experience, the lines in feeling (water) hands change the most while practical (earth) hands (above) change the least. Careful examination of skin ridge patterns requires a quality set of hand-prints or hi-res photos, a strong magnifier, and precise measuring tools. Once you’ve got the gestalt of a person, you can give great readings using details to affirm and confirm the persons basic character, patterns, habits, natural tendencies, talents, and potentials, and provide additional information about current events and timing.


Outer planets transform personal and collective psyche and catalyze corresponding outer worldly changes as they transit the signs of our zodiac. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto revolutionized, reformed, and transformed 20th Century Sagittarius. Psycho-social paradigms of politics, commerce, and religion shifted radically and dramatically.

Uranus transited Sagittarius from 1981-1988. Politics became accessible to females. Sandra D. O’Connor became the first Woman elected to the Supreme Court. Geraldine Ferraro was the first woman nominated by the Democratic Party for Vice President. Benazir Bhutto became the first female prime minister of a Muslim country in Pakistan’s first free election since 1977.

Uranus brings sudden and unexpected upheaval and disaster. The space shuttle Challenger exploded on takeoff in 1986, while millions watched in horror on their TV screens. Ronald Reagan created “Star Wars”, an absurd and overly expensive national defense idea. Greenpeace’s flagship, Rainbow Warrior, was bombed while protesting France’s nuclear testing. George Bush Sr. was the first sitting Vice President elected as president since 1836. IBM introduced personal PCs. AT&T’s communication monopoly ended via Anti-Trust and Department of Justice in 1974.  

Sagittarius rules publishing and religion. In 1989, Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini sentenced Salman Rushdie to death after publishing The Satanic Verses. Rushdie’s tales of good and evil incited riots in India and book burnings in England. His literary success fueled an ocean of fear and stirred teeming cauldrons of Islamic hatred!

Neptune transited Sagittarius from 1970 to 1984. The idealism of the 60’s transformed to pessimism with a marked lack of trust in national institutions. The war in Vietnam united masses of skeptical angry protestors, ready for confrontation. The Arab oil embargo created a major energy crisis in 1973 that ‘taught’ US not to take energy for granted. We believe gas is expensive, and yet ownership of energy sources, uses, and abuses drive western gas prices artificially lower than they should be.  Raising gas prices is essential to increasing profits and catalyzing openings of controversial pipelines that endanger our environment; however, no matter how expensive fossil fuels become; they’re cheap compared to the costs of long range consequences of their misuse for our world and souls!

Neptune rules false prophets, delusion, deception, and victimization. Richard Nixon was the first President to announce his resignation in 1974. New York was the first city to be bailed out of bankruptcy by the federal government in 1975. A religious paradigm shifted when the Catholic Church elected its first non-Italian pope in four centuries. Mother Theresa accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in the name of the poor. In 1979, Televangelist Jerry Falwell founded the ‘Moral Majority’, which became the ‘Immoral Majority’ sometime prior to January 20th 2001.

Neptune can be imaginary, illusionary, and visionary. Neptune rules chemicals and drugs. The first test-tube baby was conceived out of a womb in Leo in 1978. Genetic engineering generated new horrors for theologians, religious fundamentalists, and ideological extremists. Environmental activists protested industries that created “Acid Rain”. The ‘Three Mile Island’ fiasco derailed several major nuclear energy projects in 1979. The World Health Organization announced an end to smallpox. Crack cocaine became popular. A deadly sexual epidemic was officially named AIDS in 1981. Fear of eventual pandemic spread.

My parody of original

Pluto transited Sagittarius from 1995 to 2008, transforming politics, big business, and religion. Political extremism, corporate greed, religious fanaticism, white supremacy, 2nd amendment rights, fundamentalism, and strategic terrorism flourished and thrived in fertile soil. Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by a right-wing law student. The Middle East peace process was disrupted. Great Britain finally let go of Hong Kong. President Clinton resumed diplomatic relations with communist Vietnam. Hundreds of thousands of Black Men flocked to Washington to march for freedom. It was the first time in 40 years Republicans controlled congress. Y2K was not end time.

Author’s Note: The NYT Millennium issue queried various metaphysical prognosticators with good reputations what will happen when 1999 becomes 2000. They published half a dozen predictions. Mine was that on January 2nd, we wake up, brush our teeth, and go to work!

Sex scandals rocked the Catholic Church.  The House of Representatives impeached and later acquitted Bill Clinton for lying about his sexploits. Two students killed themselves after murdering twelve students and a teacher at Columbine High School in Littleton Colorado. The Unabomber was caught and sentenced to life in prison. Oklahoma City bombing established large-scale American terrorism on our soil. On 9/11, government power transformed, giving leaders permission to supersede human rights and civil liberties. Political machines preempted war without world consent. Lairs of corporate foxes tended the hen houses while packs of political wolves herded the sheep. Sacred cows birthed golden calves.

Saturn began its journey through Sagittarius on December 23, 2014, after twenty-eight years of visiting eleven other signs and houses. Astrologers predicted Saturn would wield a sobering influence on society as it transited from Sagittarius to Capricorn. Saturn’s process is about embracing responsibility and choosing structure, discipline, and focus. Saturn rules bureaucracy, big business, and established institutions including transportation, communications, food, housing, healthcare, law, politics, and religion. Father Time asks us to be here and now.  

Sagittarius rules transportation. Sagittarians love prestige and luxury and choose power and status. They leave racing to Aries and showing off to Leo. The lords of cars must shift the paradigm of profit before people. Industry must become more spiritual in its outlook and truthful in its actions. Guzzling fossil fuels is unsustainable. Do we truly need hundreds of horses galloping under our hoods?

Perpetuating an illusion that overly expensive powerful gas guzzling cars are glamorous, maintains a delusion that it’s OK to deplete our planet’s natural resources and poison our environment. Car companies pretend their products are healthy! One responsibility of transportation is rethinking the future of transportation, like creating led light, clean energy, inexpensive communications, and global good health. Raising mass consciousness is profitable for humanity and our planet.

As our planet warms, cools, floods, quakes, droughts, burns, and is blown by giant winds, fossil fuel prices remain artificially repressed, while legislation prevents sustainably minded competitors from building sound structures on solid foundations. We must cut our energy umbilical cords and think globally while acting locally. Fuel efficient, non-polluting, practical, and economical mass transportation is essential to creating a healthy world and economy. Energy, Transportation, and Communications must be transformed concurrently.

We go wherever and whenever we want in the comfort and safety of our cars. Hidden costs are usurious, insidious and deceitful. We guzzle gas, fight oil wars, deplete, squander, and waste finite resources, and poison our mother’s body, circulatory, and respiratory systems. Too much carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and other toxic waste hover everywhere in space and time and by degree. Smoke, smog, and other human waste poison our oceans, reservoirs, rivers, streams, and tributaries. Pestilential pollution sticks to the walls of our veins and coagulates in our arteries like cholesterol on its way to a coronary. Our highways and roads are like varicose veins feeding bloated glands that nourish the cancerous sores we call cities. We must shift our usurious false paradigms, and steer ourselves from death and destruction toward a hopeful future characterized by clear intent, healthy values, critical thinking, honest feelings, right use of willpower, good physical health, honest relationships, and freedom to explore our creativity, philosophy, purpose, dreams, fears, and spirituality.  


The human race has become a race against bad shit happening. Why do we wander across barren deserts and toxic wastelands? Greed and avarice are symptoms of poisonous partisan political philosophies, flawed fundamentalist religious doctrines, extremist social ideologies, and too many erratic personalities. Too many unhealthy psyches are running around with too many guns and second amendment rights. Why do we aimlessly worship sacred cows and hopelessly pray to golden calves? Trading money for values and substituting religion for spirituality has never worked. Lies are fueling humanity’s race toward bad shit happening. Loving is one answer, but beware loving too much or your frightened neighbors will nail you to a cross and make a martyr out of you.     

Hermes teaches us that our destiny is in our hands. “The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding”. Jupiter transited Sagittarius this past year, unveiling the greed of capitalism and revealing the real present and future costs of climate change. Why must we lose what we value to value what we had? We must choose healthy values and accept full responsibility for being our healthiest selves while creating a healthier world for all.

Why don’t we see the forest from the trees? How can we be healthier in more sustainable ways? Uranus transits Taurus May 14, 2018 ~ Nov 7, 2025. I pray for a rebirth of practical good sense, accepting responsibility, choosing courage, strength, grace, and wisdom, and embracing truth, nobility, dignity, integrity, ethics, and virtue.


Outer planets transform personal psyche and catalyze massive changes in collective psyche as they change sign.  Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto transited through Sagittarius in the 20th Century. Paradigms of politics, commerce, and religion shifted dramatically.

Uranus passed through Sagittarius from 1981-1988. Gender in politics was shaken up. Sandra D. O’Connor became the first Woman elected to the Supreme Court. Geraldine Ferraro was the first woman nominated by the Democratic Party for Vice President. Benazir Bhutto was the first female prime minister of a Muslim country in Pakistan’s first free election since 1977.

Uranus brings sudden and unexpected upheaval and disaster. The space shuttle Challenger exploded on takeoff in 1986, while millions watched in horror on their TV screens. While Greenpeace was protesting France’s nuclear testing, their flagship Rainbow Warrior was bombed. Ronald Reagan created “Star Wars”, an absurd and overly expensive national defense idea. George Bush Sr. was the first sitting Vice President elected as president since 1836. IBM introduced personal PCs. AT&T’s communication monopoly ended via the Department of Justice in 1974.

Sagittarius rules publishing and religion. In 1989, they darkly merged as Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini sentenced Salman Rushdie to death after he published The Satanic Verses. Even though it was a novel, Rushdie’s tales of good and evil incited riots in India and book burnings in England. Rushdie’s literary success fueled and stirred the cauldron of Islamic hatred.

Neptune transited Sagittarius ~ 1970 to 1984. Idealism of the 60’s transformed to pessimism with a marked lack of trust in national institutions. The war in Vietnam united masses of skeptical protestors, ready for confrontation. The Arab oil embargo of 1973 created a major energy crisis, supposedly teaching US not to take energy for granted, and conveniently catalyzing the opening of the controversial Alaska pipeline.

Neptune can be imaginary, visionary, and illusionary. Neptune also rules false prophets, delusion, deception, and victimization. Richard Nixon was the first US President in history to announce his resignation in 1974. New York was the first city to be bailed out of bankruptcy by the federal government in 1975. A religious paradigm shifted when the Catholic Church elected its first non-Italian pope in four centuries. Mother Theresa accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in the name of the poor. In 1979, Televangelist Jerry Falwell founded the ‘Moral Majority’, which has become the ‘Immoral Majority’.

Neptune rules chemicals and drugs. The first test-tube baby was conceived out of the womb and bathed by the sun in Leo in 1978. Genetic engineering created new horrors for theologians, religious fundamentalists, and extremists. Environmentalists protested industries creating “Acid Rain”. ‘Three Mile Island’ derailed several major nuclear energy projects in 1979. The World Health Organization announced an end to smallpox. Crack cocaine became popular. A deadly epidemic was officially named AIDS in 1981.

Pluto visited Sagittarius from 1995 to 2008 and created a recipe for upheaval and transformation in politics, big business, and religion. Political extremism, corporate greed, religious fanatics, supremacism, fundamentalism, and terrorism flourished and thrived in fertile soil. Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by a right-wing law student. The Middle East peace process was disrupted. Great Britain finally let go of Hong Kong. President Clinton resumed diplomatic relations with communist Vietnam. Hundreds of thousands of Black Men flocked to Washington to march for freedom. It was the first time in 40 years that Republicans controlled congress. Y2K was not end time.

Sex scandals rocked the Catholic Church.  The House of Representatives impeached and later acquitted Bill Clinton for lying about his sexploits. Two students killed themselves after murdering twelve students and a teacher at Columbine High School in Littleton Colorado. The Unabomber was caught and sentenced to life in prison. The Oklahoma City bombing established large-scale terrorism by Americans on our soil. After 9/11, governmental power transformed, giving leaders the ability to supersede human rights and civil liberties. A large political machine preempted war without world consent. Lairs of corporate foxes tended the hen houses while packs of political wolves herded the sheep.

Saturn returned to Sagittarius on December 23, 2014, after nearly thirty years. Astrologers predicted Saturn would wield powerful influence for several years as it transited from Sagittarius to into Capricorn. Saturn rules responsibility, structure, discipline, focus, time, bureaucracy, big business, and many established institutions. Saturn altered energy, transportation, communications, food, housing, healthcare, law, politics, and religion during its transit through Sagittarius, for better and worse. Fossil fuels and fuel guzzlers are no longer sustainable. Their best uses and life cycles must be pre-determined and legislated. Substituting money for values and religion for spirituality is absolutely unsustainable.

Sagittarius rules transportation. Sagittarians enjoy prestige and luxury. They leave racing to Aries and showing off to Leo. The lords of cars must shift their paradigm of profit before people. The whole industry needs to become more spiritual in their outlook and truthful in their actions. Perpetuating the illusion that overly powerful gas guzzling vehicles are glamorous and sexy enforces the delusion that it’s OK to deplete our planet’s natural resources and pollute ourselves. How do chemical companies get away with pretending their products are good when they’re not? Do we really need hundreds of horses galloping under our hoods? Transportation needs to be redesigned like light bulbs, for present and future good health. We all profit by raising social and environmental consciousness. As our globe warms, cools, floods, and droughts, fossil fuel prices are artificially repressed to prevent their sustainably minded competitors to lay a substantial foundation. We need fuel efficient, non-polluting, practical, and economical transportation or we’ll drive ourselves to extinction.

We can go wherever and whenever we choose in the comfort and safety of our cars. The hidden costs are usurious and insidious as we guzzle gas, fight oil wars, and deplete our Mother Earth’s finite natural resources. We pollute her body, circulatory, and respiratory systems. Carbon dioxide and monoxide hover everywhere by degree. Toxic smoke and smog poison our arteries, stick to the walls of our veins, and coagulate like cholesterol on the way to a coronary. Varicose veins link bloated arteries that feed festering sores we call cities. We must shift our false paradigms and steer ourselves from death and destruction toward a more hopeful and helpful future of clear intent and healthy actions.

The human race has become a race against bad shit happening. Greed, prejudice, and avarice are unhealthy symptoms of partisan political philosophies, fundamentalist religious ideologies, and extremist social behaviors. Why do we still wander aimlessly in barren wastelands as we worship golden calves and defend sacred cows? Our global family must see the forest from the trees. We need to become healthier in more sustainable ways. As Uranus journeys through Taurus from May 14, 2018 to Nov 7, 2025, I pray for a rebirth of practical good sense, of accepting responsibility, and choosing nobility, dignity, integrity, ethics, and virtue.

Why do we take for granted what’s truly valuable and then have to lose it to value what we had? Why choose imbalance and impermanence over healthy values and accepting the corresponding responsibilities and fees for having a healthier self, planet, and world? As Jupiter transits Sagittarius over the next year, may we acknowledge the true consequences and real costs of climate change. Our fate truly is in our hands.

Sagittarius and the Collective Psyche in the 20th Century

Outer planets powerfully influence our personal psyche. They symbolize massive transformations in our collective psyche as they change sign. When Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto transited Sagittarius in the 20th Century, paradigms of politics, commerce, and religion shifted forever.

Uranus transited Sagittarius from 1981-1988. Political gender was shaken up. Sandra D. O’Connor was the first Woman elected to the Supreme Court. Geraldine Ferraro was the first woman nominated by the Democratic Party for Vice President. Benazir Bhutto was the first female prime minister of a Muslim country in Pakistan’s first free election since 1977.

Uranus can represent sudden and unexpected upheaval and disaster. The space shuttle Challenger exploded on takeoff while millions watched in horror on their TVs. While Greenpeace protested France’s nuclear testing, their flagship Rainbow Warrior was bombed. Ronald Reagan created “Star Wars”, an absurd and overly expensive national defense idea. George Bush Sr. was the first sitting Vice President elected as president since 1836. IBM introduced personal PCs. AT&T’s monopoly was broken by the Department of Justice.

Sagittarius rules publishing and religion. Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini sentenced Salman Rushdie to death after he published his popular novel The Satanic Verses. Rushdie’s tales of good and evil fueled riots in India and book burnings in England. His huge success fueled Islamic hatred.


Neptune transited Sagittarius from 1970 to 1984. The idealism of the 60’s was replaced by pessimism and a marked lack of trust in national institutions. The war in Vietnam united a mass of skeptical protestors ready for confrontation. The Arab oil embargo of 1973 created a major energy crisis, teaching US not to take energy for granted, and conveniently catalyzing the opening of the controversial Alaska pipeline.


Neptune rules false prophets, delusion, deception, and victimization. Neptune is also visionary, imaginative, and magical. Richard Nixon was the first US President in history to announce his resignation. New York was the first city in US history to be bailed out of bankruptcy by the federal government. A religious paradigm shifted when the Catholic Church elected its first non-Italian pope in four centuries. Mother Theresa accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in the name of the poor. Televangelist Jerry Falwell founded the Moral Majority in 1979.

Neptune rules chemicals and drugs. The first test-tube baby was conceived out of the womb. Genetic engineering created new horrors for theologians and religious extremists. Environmentalists protested industries creating “Acid Rain”. The ‘Three Mile Island’ fiasco derailed several major nuclear energy projects. The World Health Organization announced an end to smallpox. Crack cocaine became popular. A deadly epidemic was officially named AIDS.

Pluto transited Sagittarius from 1995 to 2008. Pluto with Zeus is recipe for upheaval and transformation in politics, big business, and religion. Political extremism, corporate greed, religious fundamentalism, and terrorism began to flourish and thrive across the globe. Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by a right-wing law student. The Middle East peace process was disrupted. Great Britain finally let go of Hong Kong. President Clinton resumed diplomatic relations with communist Vietnam. Hundreds of thousands of Black Men flocked to Washington to march for freedom. It was the first time in 40 years that Republicans controlled congress. Y2K was not end time.

Sex scandals rocked the Catholic Church.  The House of Representatives impeached and later acquitted Bill Clinton for lying about his sexploits. Two students killed themselves after murdering twelve students and a teacher at Columbine High School in Littleton Colorado. The Unabomber was caught and sentenced to life in prison. The Oklahoma City bombing established large-scale terrorism by Americans on our soil. After 9/11, governmental power transformed, giving leaders the ability to supersede human rights and civil liberties. A large political machine preempted war without world consent. Lairs of corporate foxes ruled the hen house while packs of political wolves managed the sheep.

Saturn returned to Sagittarius on December 23, 2014, after nearly thirty years through eleven other signs. Astrologers predicted Saturn would wield powerful influence for three years as it transited Sagittarius on its way to Capricorn. Saturn rules responsibility, structure, discipline, focus, time, big business, and bureaucracy. Energy, transportation, communications, food, housing, healthcare, law, politics, and religion were changed by Saturn’s transit through Sagittarius.

Sagittarius rules transportation. We’re a long way from the Model T, only a speck in time ago. Sagittarians love prestige and luxury cars as racing is to Aries and showing off is to Leo. The gods of cars must shift the paradigm of profit before people. Automotive industries must be more spiritual in their visions and truthful in their actions. By perpetuating an illusion that overly powerful gas guzzling vehicles are expensive, glamorous and sexy, car makers and profiteers promote a delusion that it’s OK to deplete our natural resources and pollute our planet. How long did we let cigarette companies get away with pretending unhealthy products were heallthy. Do we really need hundreds of horses galloping under our hoods? Transportation needs to be designed for present and future good health. We will profit from higher social and environmental consciousness. As the globe warms and fuel prices skyrocket, fuel efficient, non-polluting, practical, and economical transportation needs to happen or we will drive ourselves to extinction.

We drive whenever and wherever in the comfort of our cars. Real and hidden costs are usurious as we guzzle gas, fight oil wars, deplete finite natural resources, and pollute our Mother Earth. Carbon monoxide and dioxide hover everywhere. Toxic smoke and smog poison arteries while they proliferate and coagulate like cholesterol on its way to a coronary. Too many old, tired, depressed, angry, drugged, and drunken drivers are turning roads into varicose veins connecting festering sores we call cities. We must shift our travel paradigm and steer ourselves far from death and destruction, instead being hopeful and helpful in our intent and actions. Our fate is in our hands.

Greed and prejudice are unhealthy symptoms of powerful partisan political philosophies and pervasive extremist religious ideologies. A global world family and economy must see the forest from the trees in ways that are healthy and sustainable for all. Our values will become healthier when Uranus enters Taurus on May 14, 2018. I’m praying for a reincarnation of nobility, dignity, integrity, ethics, and virtue.


You don’t need an Aries sun to be Arian. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are Intuitive types with rectangular palms and short fingers. If you have an Aries sun and Aries hands, you’re a super Aries. Aries hands differ from Leo and Sag hands. Leo hands tend to be harder and stiffer while Sagittarian hands tend to be softer and more flexible than Aries hands. Aries percussions (passive Mars under pinky finger) are fuller and firmer. Resilient elastic skin quickly springs back to normal when poked, pushed, or pulled. Pink color energizes. Red pressurizes. Full reddish puffy bumps bulge (aggressive Mars) where Aries thumb meets the hand. Aries types normally have a rosy full ball of thumb (Venus). Red hands embody too much energy, anger, and passion. Head and life lines are separated on pure types. Wider gaps symbolize more need for independence, freedom, and rebellion. Head and life lines that intertwine at their beginnings reveal inertia and a desire to be appreciated. Pure Leos have entwined head and life lines. They procrastinate, take things personally (even when they’re not), and must never allow themselves to be taken for granted.

As the most courageous and adventurous of all twelve types, Aries is a natural hero and inspired risk taker. His passion is contagious and optimism eternal. He never runs out of doors to knock on because (unlike Leo) he doesn’t take rejection personally. He’s ready and willing to compete with anyone at any time and place. As an autonomous freedom lover, he hates criticism and bureaucrats. Aries tend to have low set thumbs, although no matter what type you are, very low set thumbs are designed to quest for holy grails and champion underdogs. Aries crusades relentlessly and persists untiringly until their objectives are realized. Worthy causes bring satisfaction and fulfillment.

Aries is not detail oriented. When he gets bogged down with mundane tasks such as paperwork or bookkeeping, he becomes bored, restless, and easily frustrated. It’s best to stay out of his way if you can’t help him. His most important challenges are being patient, trusting his intuition, setting sensible goals, and building sound structures on solid foundations. Many Aries types enjoy working with sharp tools. They’re unafraid of blood. Mars rules executives, military leaders, soldiers, policemen, firemen, salesmen, surgeons, barbers, butchers, raw physical energy, sports, and military.

Aries rules War. Ancient warrior cultures practiced their lustiest mating rituals from late June to late July to seed future generations of warriors. Aries rules Germany, England, and Japan. Hitler contrived an Aryan race. The British barbarized and then colonized the globe. Japan was atom bombed in World War II. Modern Japanese warriors do battle in commerce, communications, transportation, and electronics.

Everyone has Aries and Mars somewhere in his or her symbolism. Aries rises at the birth of Spring. Ares is Greek. Mars is the Roman version. As an invincible warrior and lusty lover, the god of war is symbolized by an erect penis. Built to match with a strong athletic body, dominant chest, and rock hard head, he’s not called a ram for nothing.  My partner, Joanna, is Aries with Venus in Taurus rising. She can be stubborn. I call her ‘Rambull’. I’m very Gemini. She calls me ‘a piece of work in progress’.

Aries are amazingly resilient and innately bounce back, always landing on their feet. A strong sense of inner strength, courage, and persistence make them formidable foes. Aries conquers procrastination, overcomes inertia, initiates action, and rules physical energy. Health issues are inflammations, fevers, headaches, and high blood pressure.

Aries descend from heroes like King Theseus of Athens, Jason and the Argonauts, Joan of Arc, Xena, Mulan, Robin Hood, and his popular eastern cousin, Aladdin, orphaned son of the king of thieves, handsome adolescent street rat, and diamond in the rough, destined to become a prince. The hand pictured belongs to a real life Aladdin. Click here for his story.


Al Gore’s rectangular palms and short fingers reveal a link between his intuitive personality and his Aries Sun. Al’s Mars, Saturn, and Pluto are in Leo and Jupiter is in Sagittarius. Abundant inspiration motivated Al as he attempted to transform mass energy consciousness and corresponding politics. Like Jason and the Golden Fleece, Al and his Argonauts bagged the coveted Nobel Peace Prize while opening masses of minds to the hazards of Global Warming.


As a conceptual thinker, Al loves the idea part of his process. His biggest asset is his ability to see the big picture. With no time and little aptitude or patience for details, Al is a salesman who can sell anything he truly believes in. Al’s long index finger enhances his egocentricity and ambition. Charged with a lightning bolt from Zeus, once Al is clear about what he wants, he’ll acquire the facts he needs to make the case for his cause. As a man of great influence, privilege, and wealth, Al must always keep a close eye on his personal footprint and practice what he preaches.

U.S. ex-Secretary of State, ex-General Colin Powell is an Aries. With Sun and Mercury in Aries (April 5, 1937) and his rectangular palms, short fingers, and widely separated life and headline, he’s the embodiment of King Theseus of Athens. Theseus escorted Jason on his quest for the Golden Fleece. He defeated the dreaded Minotaur (Saddam Hussein, a Taurus) and united the warring Greek factions under his rule.

Secretary Powell’s powerful and practical personality persuaded Americans to keep the faith while we invaded Iraq. He actually believed he could make a difference, but ended up being goldenly fleeced by the Bush administration. Emperor George pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes as he proudly wore Powell’s noble charisma, flawless credibility, and ethical principles on the front lines of international diplomacy. Colin’s greatest battles are still ahead as he approaches the end of his life and wages war with his personal loyalties, honesty, integrity, dignity, and the truth. As a true hero, he must cleanse his legacy by shining a blinding light of absolute truth on the many shades of gray in his life.

Largest of energy giants, XX is Aries with first trade March 25 1920. A predatory power broker must shift its greedy paradigms to embrace the philosophical and spiritual laws of nature. Mother’s creative juices were meant to be shared by all of us. XX profitably sells them by pumping mom’s blood from natural reservoirs into pipelines and artificial tanks to personal storage tanks through financial umbilical cords. World economies and planetary good health are at stake. XX must become a guardian for, not a seller of our soul. XX must not be allowed to become XXX by choosing $$$ over humanity.

Uranus changes sign every seven years. Aries and Uranus bring fierce individualism, pioneering spirit, abundant energy, and limitless financial resources to bring concepts to fruition. The only outer planet to transit the sign of Aries in the 20th Century (1927 – 35), Uranus invigorated our collective psyche through revolutionary technological changes. Here are my favorite highlights from our last Uranus revolution eighty four years ago.

Physics and astronomy created the “Big Bang” theory of an ever-expanding universe

Neutron was discovered

King Kullen was the first Supermarket in Queens, NY

Wonder Bread and Homogenized Milk were born

First Laundromat opened in Fort Worth Texas

Flashbulb was invented

3M Company introduced transparent Scotch Tape

Nylon fiber was invented

First plastics were synthesized in Britain

Bell Laboratories developed stereophonic sound

German ophthalmologist pioneered the first contact lens

First drive-in movie theatre opened in New Jersey

Model A replaced the model T Ford

First air-conditioned office building in the US opened in San Antonio Texas

Jet engine was patented

Charles Lindbergh made the first solo flight from New York to Paris

America was captivated when Lindbergh’s 20-month-old son was kidnapped

Mao Tse-Tung began his `22 years in the wilderness’ where he developed guerrilla warfare tactics that conquered China

Leon Trotsky was expelled from the communist party

Federal government entered the field of hydroelectric power with Boulder Dam

First all talking motion picture, ‘The Jazz Singer’, starring Al Jolson, revolutionized the film industry. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences was born

The stock market crashed, forcing people to re-examine their values and institutions

Uranus completed its eighty-four year cycle in the spring of 2011 as it turbulently returned to Aries to crumble regimes, topple demagogues, ignite cities, and fuel the Arab Spring that spread across the Mid-East. Devastating earthquakes in Japan forever changed how governments look at nuclear power policies. Protestors in Spain set the stage for Occupy Movements in New York and London. Osama Bin Laden was killed.  His demise appeared on Twitter before it was officially announced by the Whitehouse. WikiLeaks raised our consciousness of government secrets and conspiracies.

We’ve come full circle in six years with neo-demagogues and ‘alternative facts’. Apparently, we need much more tough love before we take action. On the eve of our self-destruction, the NRA has weaponized the masses and inadvertently created a People’s Army. Interpreting our second amendment may be our doing or undoing.

Mars is the blood, guts, and gore of war. Uranus with Mars is an explosive combo. Psyches devoured by passion, lust, and hatred are a prescription for MPTSD (mass post-traumatic stress disorder) “Hasta la vista baby”. With Saturn and Pluto, the “Big Bang” theory has come far from the first Neutron. So much for supermarkets, laundromats, homogenized milk, Wonder Bread, Scotch tape, plastics, and the Model T…

Hands Columns

Character of the Month

twelve hands


The archetypes that our hands embody are metaphors for our corresponding personality traits. Our inner and outer characters and the internal and external dramas they play out embody our positive and negative potentials. By knowing the myths of our archetypes, we can understand what kind of person we tend to marry; what kinds of relationships we have with our families, friends, and neighbors; what work we are likely to choose; whether we will be rich or poor; and even what kinds of potential health problems we may have. Armed with knowledge and insight, we can employ our free will to embrace the positive aspects of our characters in order to revise our hands and restage a bad script in our lives. We can choose the right kinds of people and roles for ourselves. Click on the hands below for a full description of each type.

Greek and Roman and contemporary fairy tale characters will be explored. Superficial profiles of twelve fairy tale heroines have been used as illustrations for the purpose of elucidating this idea. Copyright permissions would be required for mass publishing.


April / Aries ~ Belle (Beauty)


As an adventurous, independent, and freedom loving type, Belle makes up her mind and fearlessly pursues her desires. Her impatience and impulsiveness get her in trouble as she instinctively charges forward. Belle becomes bored and restless when she gets caught up in mundane details. She needs to grasp the whole picture. Ultimately, she somehow manages to turn a beast into a prince.


May / Taurus ~ Princess Jasmine


Princess Jasmine is practical, responsible, reliable, dependable, charming, and affectionate. She’s also stubborn and obstinate and doesn’t like change. She enjoys good food, comfortable surroundings, art, music, and sensual pleasures. She’s attracted to Aladdin (Aries) types because they spice up her fantasy life, but in real life, she knows they don’t make the best long term partners for her.


June / Gemini ~ Pippi Longstocking


Pippi is smart and very clever. Her restless nature ensures she’s always on the go. She’s fiercely independent and unafraid to speak her mind. She can conjure up a reason or rationalization for almost anything. Adaptable to all circumstances, Pippi is elusive when anyone tries to pin her down. Her animus is Peter Pan.


July / Cancer ~ Snow White


Snow White is soft and emotionally vulnerable. Controlling or overprotective mothers compel her to become over-sensitive and emotionally cautious. She does her best to avoid confrontation and repress difficult feelings. Cutting ties with controlling females helps her become healthier and happier. She’s a great friend once trust is earned.


August / Leo ~ Goldilocks


Goldilocks loves being center of attention. She wants to be adored and worshipped and can be a drama queen. She needs to be appreciated and must never be taken for granted. Pure types may have fathers who were emotionally or physically absent during their formative years. Goldie craves healthy male role models, but attracts fixer-uppers. Because she so stubbornly fights change, she must learn to recognize that when the bears come home, it’s time to let go.


September / Virgo ~ Cinderella


Cinderella is a practical hard working type. Discriminating, meticulous, and orderly, she needs to feel useful. She’s service oriented, often straightening up other’s messes. She can be overly fastidious and critical sometimes. She’s a good communicator who needs to be valued and appreciated for her integrity. Though her work is often mundane and her rewards meager, Cinderella needs to cherish whatever she earns.


October / Libra ~ Sleeping Beauty


Sleeping Beauty searches for balance. She loves harmony, fears discord, and is often indecisive as a result. She can be charismatic and beautiful. She seeks her Prince Charming to help her feel complete, but needs to see him for who he is and not who she wants him to be. Unfortunately, there are way too many frogs and beasts out there and very few princes ready, willing, or able to save her.


November / Scorpio ~ Little Red Riding Hood


Little Red Riding Hood has powerful emotions and a strong sense of purpose. She’s imaginative, captivating, and resourceful. You’re happy being yourself when you’re with her. When she truly wants something, she manages to get it one way or another. She has a mysterious dark side that attracts and is tempted by Big Bad Wolves who desire to corrupt her feigned innocence.


December / Sagittarius ~ Alice in Wonderland


Alice is a traveler and philosopher.  She’s friendly, sincere, optimistic, and open minded. She loves her freedom and needs a lot of space to explore her ideas and environment. Alice has a tendency to see life through rose colored glasses. She must take care not to be overly opinionated, judgmental, or self-indulgent.


January / Capricorn ~ Maleficent


It’s not easy to find a positive female fairy tale character that’s pragmatic, ambitious, structured, disciplined, and focused. Capricorn types are planners who make it to the top of whatever field of interest they choose. As serious withholding types, their dark side is frequently represented by Scrooge like characters that are cold, selfish, and rigid. Maleficent is Capricorn with strong Scorpio backup. Her dark side is depressive and diabolical; she’s a person who plans carefully and tries to avoid the negative consequences of her evil actions. These types are late bloomers. They get younger while their peers get older.


February / Aquarius ~ Pocahontas


Pocahontas is outgoing, progressive, independent, and revolutionary.  As a community minded individual, she loves in a kind of detached way. Her unconventional freedom loving nature can get her into awkward situations. Spending much time in her private world of ideas and inventions, she prides herself on being unique and eccentric. She’s opinionated, but makes an exciting friend.


March / Pisces ~ Little Mermaid


Ariel is the most sensitive and least acquisitive of all types. Capable of incredible foresight, she’s often misunderstood when she conveys her spiritual visions to others. It’s not easy for others to let go and take a leap of faith. Ariel can swim anywhere in the ether and dream whatever she pleases. She must be sure not to escape from reality and must also watch out for Ursula the Octopus who wants to possess her.

Hands of the Month

twelve hands

Stories of individuals whose corresponding character and career matches the nature of their hands and astrological sign of the month. Applicable themes will be covered:

MONTH                                              CAREER                                           ESOTERIC

April                                                    Sports                                                 Character

May                                                     Banking                                             Values

June                                                   Education                                          Thinking

July                                                     Psychology                                       Feeling

August                                               Acting                                                 Will Power

September                                         Medicine                                            Health

October                                              Law                                                     Partnerships

November                                          Sex / Death                                       Creativity

December                                          Politics                                               Philosophy

January                                             Career                                                Purpose

February                                            Technology                                       Dreams

March                                                 Religion                                             Spirituality


Philosophical & Spiritual Advice Column


Readers send in hi-resolution pictures of their faces and hands and ask personal questions to be answered by a master palmist from practical, philosophical, and spiritual perspectives. Questions such as, “How can I…?” or “What can I do to…?” are better than “What’s going to happen?”  Queries requiring yes or no answers will be rejected. I’d like to write this column if I can find the right venue and way to market the project. Ideas?

Stay tuned for modern palmistry book concepts.

Palmistry for Astrologers ~ Three Modalities

hand with symbols

Traditional palmistry identifies seven basic archetypes based on seven planetary places in the hands. Even the newest palmistry books promulgate traditional methods and impart obsolete knowledge derived from centuries of unoriginal thinking. Palmistry and astrology need each other. Astrology establishes twelve basic archetypes based on combinations of four elements and three modalities. Palmistry has embraced the four elements, but has ignored the three modalities. Learning to judge modalities in hands is challenging, but absolutely necessary.

The devil is in the details and there are many levels of details. No matter what your archetype and lines say about you, modality modifies interpretation. Knowing a modality is fundamental to knowing a person. If your hands are hard and fingers are stiff, you’ll fight change with every molecule in your psyche. Getting started and letting go will be major life challenges. People whose hands are soft and fingers are very supple and flexible are challenged to be disciplined, structured, and focused. Major life issues include avoiding distraction and saying ‘No’. Mutable types must be more patient and persistent in order to build strong structures on solid foundations that support greater purpose and meaning.

four types

Modalities separate traditional palmistry from modern palmistry. I discussed the four elements in a previous blog post. Multiplying four elements by three modalities gives twelve unique character types. Anyone who knows astrology agrees that sun signs are distinctly different from one another. Palmistry represents the same twelve types and shares the same mythology. The greatest challenge is seeing the modalities and judging the degrees to which they’re affecting the elements. That takes practice.

twelve hands

                      Four Elements         Cardinal               Fixed               Mutable

Here’s a brief generalized description of how to see the three modalities in the hands.

FlashCardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Solstices and equinoxes are changes of seasons. Aries (spring), Libra (fall), Cancer (summer), and Capricorn (winter) are new beginnings. Cardinal types have boundless energy and enthusiasm when they’re feeling inspired and passionate. Powerful ambition blends with magnetic natures to impel action and achieve goals. They’re best at starting things and not so good at finishing them. When the work becomes mundane or routine, impatience, intolerance, and impulsiveness is imminent.

‘Pure’ types have enthusiastic handshakes, openly held fingers, low set thumbs, and resilient pink elastic skin. Their head and life lines are frequently separate where the thumb joins the hand. I frequently see one or more conical or spatulate fingertips and multiple whorl fingerprints on cardinal types. Flash Rosenberg is an initiator, a great friend, Guggenheim award winning visual artist, profuse performance artist, professional photographer, prolific writer, and artist in residence for ‘LIVE from the NY Public library’. Check out her remarkable live drawing and direction: IMAGINE: How Creativity Works –

Dr. BryksMid-seasons embody fixity. Taurus (mid-spring), Leo (mid-summer), Scorpio (mid-fall), and Aquarius (mid-winter) are fixed signs. Fixed types maintain, support, and nourish what exists. They’re logical and practical. You can depend on them. They say what they do and do what they say. Their greatest challenge is to see the proverbial handwriting on the wall and then accept and embrace change.

They have firm honest handshakes. Their hands and fingers are stiffer than cardinal and mutable types. Large stiff thumbs embody abundant will, supported by dogged determination, and sustained by relentless persistence. Square shape fingertips and developed second knots represent an organized, practical, responsible, reliable, and dependable nature. Cautious types hold fingers closely together and are better team players. Fixed head and life lines are often intertwined at their beginnings. I’ve observed multiple arch finger prints on fixed hands. Procrastination can be a substantial problem.

Dr. Bryks is my dentist. He’s a great craftsman and a compassionate, competent, and caring person with a huge ball of thumb. Full ball of thumb people are givers and lovers of home, food, comfort, nature, children, beauty, and art. It’s hard for them to say “No”. Dr. Bryks appreciates everyone. He hums his favorite melodies as he mines for decay in my teeth. If someone has to dig around in my mouth, I’m glad it’s Dr. Bryks.

self for three modalitiesGemini (late-spring), Virgo (late-summer), Sagittarius (late-fall), and Pisces (late-winter) are mutable signs. They represent changeability. Mutable types generally have warm handshakes that convey honesty and sincerity (which may not be the whole truth). They’re clever, hate conflict, and work hard to avoid confrontation while employing the fine art of tact and diplomacy. Mutable types have the most openly held, flexible, and elastic hands and fingers of all three modalities. My open hands and strong straight pinkies are saying I have nothing to hide (although I hold many others’ secrets).

Cardinal types create, fixed types maintain, and mutable types communicate. Mutable does what cardinal and fixed don’t do or don’t want to do. As a mutable type, I love language and words. Anyone reading my blog knows I’ve chosen to speak for one of the most esoteric and obscure subjects on the planet. I hope to shift the false paradigm of palmistry as a gypsy fortune-telling scam (before I kick the impending bucket). As an expert on hands and a clear communicator, my mission is to give everyone a helping hand, their own. Priceless treasure waits to be discovered at the ends of our arms.

Sagittarius – Search for Truth


“He who dies rich dies disgraced”  Andrew Carnegie

Andrew Carnegie had Sun, Mars, and Venus in Sagittarius (Nov 25 1835). Born in poverty and with no formal education, Carnegie moved from Scotland to Allegheny, Pennsylvania in 1848 when he was thirteen. He worked in a cotton factory, a telegraph office, and for the Pennsylvania Railroad where he promoted mass transportation. He introduced the first Pullman sleeping cars and became head of their western division in 1859. In 1865, he resigned and formed Keystone Bridge Company that manufactured steel rails. He bought out the Homestead Steel works, which eventually became the Carnegie Steel Company. In 1901, he sold out to J.P. Morgan. Until his death in 1919, Andrew Carnegie devoted himself to philanthropy; giving back more than $350 million dollars while establishing more than 2,500 libraries and funding the Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh (CMU, my alma mater), Carnegie Institution at Washington, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and Carnegie Corporation of New York. Immense wealth raised Carnegie’s consciousness of caring and giving.

Sagittarians are irresistible when they believe in themselves. They’re eternal optimists, honest, sincere, and friendly, with charismatic voices designed to persuade. They’re also philosophical, expansive, enthusiastic, generous, idealistic, proud, truthful, and spiritual. Sagittarians are frequently accused of observing life through rose colored glasses because they tend to see people and circumstances as they want them to be instead of how they really are. They love travel. Arriving at a new destination, they take time to explore the sites and seek out fascinating food adventures. Most Sag types are nature lovers and naturally healthy types. Physical problems result from overindulging in food and drink. Sagittarians have a dark side that can be egocentric, arrogant, tactless, insincere, judgmental, opinionated, hypercritical, hypocritical, impractical, grandiose, dictatorial, vain, gluttonous, or philandering. Numerous journalists, judges, lawyers, priests, teachers, chefs, and salesmen are Sagittarian types.

The pure Sagittarian type has rectangular palms and short fingers with long, straight, and strong index fingers that often stand away from the other fingers. A strong index finger symbolizes leadership abilities, pride, self-confidence, spiritual or religious affinities, truthfulness, generosity, and idealism in relationships. A pinkish color under the index finger adds energy and reveals a desire to give. Hands generally tend to be pinkish in coloration and healthy looking with mildly flexible joints and firm elastic skin. Fingers are not knotty and fingertips are often rounded or conical with loop or whorl fingerprints. Sagittarian types are idealistic, enthusiastic, confident, and hate being criticized. They love rich food and fine wine. Good luck and positive thinking are attributed to Sagittarius.

RobinRobin is a mixture of Scorpio sun (Feeling) and Sagittarius hands (Intuitive). As you can see from her rectangular palms and short fingers, she’s an Intuitive type. She’s generous, honest, and truthful. Her inner Scorpion is strong and she must be vigilant to avoid the imprudent temptations that her intuitive side so easily attracts. She’s a loving mom, fabulous friend, wonderful cook, incredible quilter, knitter, and an avid gardener. Robin’s huge heart and endless enthusiasm are contagious. Joanna and I are grateful to have Robin in our lives.

PegasusBellerophon, master of the winged horse Pegasus, is a mythical match for Sagittarius. Sag rules horses and horsepower. Bellerophon was a likeable fellow who meant well, but depended on his charm, good looks, and luck to save him when his adventures went sour. He symbolizes inspiration and new ideas, which have to be taken with a grain of salt. Bellerophon’s hubris was his undoing as he tried to fly to Mount Olympus, home of the gods. Like Don Quixote who tilted at windmills, Sagittarian types must learn to embrace a philosophical paradigm that helps them to be an integral part of a working society and not someone who has everyone else’s answers.

Sagittarius rules transportation. Sagittarians enjoy speed, taking calculated risks, and looking good. They leave racing to Aries and showing off to Leo. The gods of making cars must shift the paradigm of profit before people. Automotive industries must be more truthful in their actions and spiritual in their vision. By perpetuating the illusion that overly powerful gas guzzling vehicles are glamorous and sexy, car makers maintain the delusion that it’s alright to deplete natural resources and pollute our planet. Cars must be designed for the present and future health of our culture and environment. We can all profit from higher environmental and social consciousness. As our globe warms and fuel prices skyrocket, a need to design more fuel efficient, non-polluting, practical, and economical vehicles is crucial or we will drive ourselves to extinction.

Let’s look at the current consequences of our transportation paradigm. We can drive any time and place in the comfort of our cars. Our costs are exorbitant as we guzzle gas, fight oil wars, deplete precious finite natural resources, and pollute our planet. Carbon monoxide and dioxide are hovering around and above us. Toxic buildups of automotive smog poison major transportation arteries. Traffic proliferates, coagulating like cholesterol, on its way to a coronary. Dangerous overcrowded roads, clotted with angry, depressed, drugged, and drunken drivers, are mom’s varicose veins, connecting the festering infections we call cities. Our way of life is steering us toward a dead end.

Historically, during the twentieth century, the planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto transited the sign of Sagittarius. Politics, big business, and religion were transformed. While the planet Uranus transited Sagittarius from 1981-1988, politics and corporate power were shaken up. Sandra D. O’Connor was the first Woman elected to the Supreme Court. Geraldine Ferraro was the first woman nominated by the Democratic Party for Vice President. Benazir Bhutto became the first female prime minister of a Muslim country in Pakistan’s first free election since 1977. George Bush Sr. became the first sitting Vice President elected as president since 1836. President Ronald Reagan initiated “Star Wars”, an absurd and overly expensive national defense idea. IBM introduced the first personal PCs to the marketplace.

Uranus is a symbol of sudden and unexpected upheaval and disaster. The monopoly of AT&T was broken up by the Department of Justice. While Greenpeace was protesting France’s nuclear testing, their flagship Rainbow Warrior was bombed. The space shuttle Challenger exploded on takeoff while millions watched on their TVs in horror. Sagittarius rules publishing and religion. Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini sentenced Salman Rushdie to death after publishing his popular novel The Satanic Verses. Rushdie’s tales of good and evil stimulated riots in India and book burnings in England.

While Neptune transited Sagittarius from 1970 to 1984, the idealism of the 60’s was replaced by pessimism, marked by a lack of trust in national institutions. The war in Vietnam had made many people cynical. The Arab oil embargo of 1973 created a major energy crisis (allegedly teaching the USA not to take energy for granted) and catalyzed the opening of the controversial Alaska pipeline.

Neptune rules false prophets, delusion, deception, and victimization. Richard Nixon became the first President in US history to announce his resignation. New York became the first city in US history to be bailed out of bankruptcy by the federal government. A popular religious paradigm was shifted when the Catholic Church elected its first non-Italian pope in four centuries. Mother Theresa accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in the name of the poor. Televangelist Jerry Falwell founded the Moral Majority in 1979.

Neptune also rules chemicals and drugs. The first test-tube baby was conceived out of the womb. It was the beginning of genetic engineering and new horrors for theologians. Environmentally conscious people protested industries that created “Acid Rain”. The ‘Three Mile Island’ fiasco helped derail several nuclear energy projects. The World Health Organization announced an end to smallpox. A new deadly epidemic was officially named AIDS. Crack cocaine became popular.

The planet Pluto transited Sagittarius from 1995 to 2008. Pluto and Sagittarius together is a recipe for upheaval and transformation in politics, big business, and religion. Political extremism, corporate greed, religious fundamentalism, and terrorism came into focus around the world. Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by a right-wing law student, disrupting the Middle East peace process. Great Britain gave up control of Hong Kong.  President Clinton resumed diplomatic relations with communist Vietnam. Hundreds of thousands of Black men flocked to Washington to participate in the million-man march. For the first time in forty years, Republicans gained control of congress. Y2K was not the end of the world.

Sex scandals rocked the Catholic Church.  The House of Representatives impeached President Clinton for lying about his sexploits. He was later acquitted. Two students killed themselves after murdering twelve students and a teacher at Columbine High School in Littleton Colorado. The Unabomber was caught and sentenced to life in prison. The Oklahoma City bombing established large-scale terrorism by Americans on our own soil. Governmental power was transformed on 9/11/ 2001, giving leaders the ability to supersede human rights and civil liberties. A large political machine preempted war without world consent. A lair of corporate foxes ruled the hen house while a pack of political wolves became professional sheep herders.

Saturn is returning to Sagittarius on December 23 after a 30 year journey through the signs of the zodiac. Astrologers are pondering and prognosticating the effects of Saturn over the next three years while it passes through Sagittarius and into Capricorn around Christmas of 2017. Saturn deals with structures and responsibility. Capricorn is the most practical, reliable, dependable, pragmatic, and objective of all astrological signs. Saturn rules big business and bureaucracy. Energy, transportation, communications, housing, healthcare, food industries, law, politics, and religious structures will be affected by Saturn’s transit through Sagittarius. Our global economy must be reformed in a way that’s sustainable for all people. There will likely be a shakeup or shakedown of world leaders. Perhaps there will be a rebirth of nobility, dignity, integrity, and ethics.