Do homosexuals and lesbians have shorter index fingers than heterosexuals? According to a full-page article entitled “FINGERS TIP OFF HOMOSEXUALITY” first published in the New York Post on March 30, 2,000 the answer is “yes”. Researchers at the University of California at Berkeley surveyed 720 gay men at street fairs in San Francisco and determined that gay men had shorter index fingers than heterosexual men. In a second article on March 31st, the Post claimed this was “the most talked about story in the history of the New York Post”. They explained how larger amounts of male hormones in Mom’s womb linked short index fingers to gays and lesbians. Their theory also extended to ring fingers, “Homosexuals and lesbians have shorter index fingers than ring fingers.”
Predicting someone is gay from the length of his or her index finger is absurd. Sexual proclivities and appetites in general are reflected in the shapes, proportions, flexibility, elasticity, consistency, and colors of hands and fingers. Sexual behavior including seductiveness, passive/aggressiveness, and fetishes are reflected in the ball of the thumb, heart line, and pinky finger. Index fingers do not provide answers to questions of sexual orientation. I’ve examined many thousands of long-index-fingered gays and short-index-fingered straights at special events over the past thirty years. A preponderance of photographers, designers, architects, craftsmen, actors, performers, teachers, and salespeople has longer ring than index fingers.
Your index finger does say a lot about your character. Here is the long and short of index fingers. If your index finger is short (less than half way to the middle of the top phalange of the middle finger), you will have to work harder to achieve your goals than the long-index-fingered person. Your major challenge is learning to value yourself enough, to ask for what you’re worth. Too many short-index-fingered people received too little emotional support and encouragement while growing up. They were unable to be their authentic selves.
Plenty of successful individuals have short index fingers, however, nothing came easily to them. They earned every drop of what they achieved. What the Berkeley survey is saying, but doesn’t realize, is that the particular focus group of gay people they found at street fairs battle with issues of self-esteem. Perhaps a parent was unavailable physically or emotionally during their formative years. It’s no wonder so many gay people have short index fingers considering how confused, afraid, angry, and perverse western culture is concerning homosexuality.
I chose the photo of Mitt Romney to draw attention to and dispel one of many myths about palmistry. This particular myth is popular in the main stream because the scientific community has embraced and dubbed it “digit ratio theory.” You’ll find almost a half million results when you Google it. If you believe it, you can also assume that Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and George Bush are also gay as they have longer ring fingers than index fingers. The “digit ratio theory” doesn’t define homosexuality, but it does perpetuate stereotypes and prejudices in our culture.