The Esoteric Power of the Sun


Solar Talisman MugOne dreary mid-winter day in 1998, I sat quietly drinking peppermint tea from a cobalt blue mug with a radiant orange and yellow sun surrounded by stars. It had been a gift for speaking at a National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR) educational conference for astrologers in NYC. The horoscope in the hands was my topic. I’d been a faculty member and resident palmist for over 20 years. I needed more sun energy in my life and decided to transform my sun mug into a talisman to help me acheive that goal.


I felt inspired and rummaged around for an appropriate mug shot of myself. After cutting out my face, I carefully glued it to the center of the sun. Over that I applied several layers of crystal clear film. As I burnished down the edges, I imagined myself as Apollo, the Greek Sun God. When I finished, I raised the cup in my left hand to observe my handiwork. The phone rang. I picked it up with my right hand. “Hello, I’m the Public Program Coordinator for the National Design Museum. We’re curating a major Solar Energy Exhibition in June and are wondering if you’d be interested in conducting the Lecture / Workshop series on the symbolism of the sun?”

I almost fell out of my chair. I’d experienced synchronicity, but this seemed impossible. How could a talisman work that quickly? Confidently, I replied, “You’ve come to the right place.” The magic of the sun had materialized the moment I combined the esoteric power of the sun with my clear desire, intent, and action. My life instantly became sunnier.

Speaking of mugs, back in the early ‘80’s, a manufacturer of drinking mugs asked me to design a collection of astrology mugs for upstairs department stores like Bloomingdale’s and Macy’s. The six masculine sun signs were printed in 24 carat gold and six feminine signs in platinum. Customers loved the mugs, but began returning them soon after they were damaged in the dishwasher, even though they had been merchandised as ‘wash by hand’ only. My collection was discontinued despite my unrequited pleas to the manufacturer to try again with dishwasher safe inks.

Astrology Mug Collection

Hex SignA talisman is anything (including a simple piece of paper) with a scribble on it that’s symbolic of something you want to impress on your psyche to create change or reinforce something that needs to be strengthened. Amulets and hex signs are solar symbols used for protection. You see a lot of Amish hex signs blessing barns and homes and protecting livestock from harm.

These are some of the sun’s many correspondences. The sun in Leo (July 23 – August 23) rules the fifth house of the natural horoscope. The Sun’s day is Sunday. The Sun’s hour is noon. Gemstones besides diamonds that the sun rules are amber and topaz. In Kabala, Tiphareth corresponds to the Sun and the number six, which balances the tree of life. The Crown Chakrah is ruled by the sun. The heart is the organ ruled by the sun. Solar archetypes exist in every culture: GREEK – Apollo and Hercules, JUDAIC – Samson, EGYPTIAN – Osiris, AFRICAN – Anansi, INDIAN – Narasimha, HINDU –Vishnu, PERSION – Mithra, JAPANESE – Amaterasu, NORSE – Odin, IRISH – Lugh, and   ARTHURIAN – Percival. The Lion King and Goldilocks are solar fairy tales. Lots of Leos are myths in their own minds. Musical links for the sun are the key of C and most instruments. Solar trees are citrus, walnut, bay, and palm. Solar herbs, plants, and scents are sun flower, yellow poppy, saffron, marigold, cinnamon, pepper, peony, musk, honey, frankincense, rice, and all aromatic herbs. Aroma of Frankincense (Christ and the Nativity) when used in ritual magic brings good health, wealth, success, acclaim, mental clarity, fearlessness, confidence, and spiritual awakening. Gold and diamonds worn on a ring finger are marriage magic. Pyrite, fool’s gold, eases anxiety, frustration, and depression. Pyrite is wise man’s gold when charged with clear vision and pure intention to attract wealth, boost self-esteem, aid communications, and enhance appreciation.

It’s best to create your own talisman. The more tuned you are to your intent, the more powerful your talisman will be. The more esoteric correspondences you use, the more potent the talisman’s effect will be. After my mug experience, I was inspired to create a  small metalworking shop where I could make talismans to my heart’s content. Specific metals, minerals, and gems are incorporated for specific purposes on specific months, days, and times of day. Everything matters. Even facing the right direction, smelling the right incense, and hearing the right musical vibration while you’re creating your talisman can enhance its potency. I made the four talismans below for myself.


As you can see, ‘Grounding’ is a bit beat up. I wear it often because I need a lot of grounding. It works for me because I created it with the clear intent of becoming whole, centered, and peaceful. Copper represents Venus and earth and is grounded in practical reality. Silver symbolizes feelings and emotion. Gold promotes clear thinking, passion, intuition, and inspiration. Square shapes within circles add structure, discipline, and focus. Circles within circles help center, inspire, and empassion. The rest is the quest.

‘Energizing’ is solid bronze with an opal in the center. There was a huge crack in the casting. I almost chucked it, but decided the crack was like a bolt of lightning and an important pathway from the outside of the circle to the opal. When I finished polishing the talisman, it felt perfect for me and my purpose.

‘Strengthening’ was created on a picture-perfect day in May (Taurus). Horns remind me to be determined and persistent. This talisman helps me think with my head and feel with my heart. Being mainly bronze, it’s a blending of copper, tin, zinc, and lead. Alchemically, it blends Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn in order to balance ambition and compassion with order and action. A solid foundation helps a healthy framework become a powerful structure.

‘Centering’ consists of circles within circles, heart (copper) surrounded by mind (gold) and emotion (silver). Six small outer circles within two large inner circles represent masculine (gold) and feminine (silver) principles and twelve aspects of my character I must balance: behavior, values, thinking, feelings, will power, health, relationships, creativity, philosophy, purpose, hopes and dreams, and spirituality.

In case you’re not convinced of the power of the sun, let’s look at how religions, politics, governments, dictatorships, and corporations use the power of the sun to magnetize and mesmerize the masses with their ideologies, products, and services.


Circular logos and iconic names like $tarbucks are no coincidence

Solar Symbols 2

Solar Symbols 3

Solar symbols 4

The Future of Palmistry

Real Palmistry

The future of palmistry is not the science of palmistry. After 5500 years, there’s more than enough science to give palmistry credibility. One more theory, detail, statistical confirmation, blind study, or variation on a theme will not make the difference. The future of palmistry is the art of palmistry, the accurate interpretation of the science and the skillful counseling of clients. It’s time for palmistry to come out of the closet and be finally recognized in the 21st Century as a valid and vital form of self-help.

It’s not necessary to consult a palmist or to know palmistry for that matter, to attain valuable insights into relationship, career, health, and other major life issues and challenges. To that end, I’ve edited my blog and turned it into an e-book, Real Palmistry, which gives readers an opportunity to see their hands in an entirely new light.

Real Palmistry is the foundation for future blog entries and my next book, ‘Real Palmistry Stories’. Readers can learn about hands by reading real stories of real people as seen through the lenses of their hands. A person’s hands reflect their character; what they’ve done, are doing, and are likely to do with that character. Accurate interpretation is a result of keen observation, an intimate understanding of archetypal mythology and psychology, meaningful dialogue, and practice. I plan to continue linking details in the hands to the science of palmistry and explaining new details wherever possible; however, I’ll be focusing on the gestalt of hands in the future, not a smorgasbord of isolated scientific details.

Check out this pilot for a palmistry video series I’m planning which will consist of 2 minute segments on how a person’s character, values, thinking, feelings, will power, health, relationships, creativity, philosophy, purpose, dreams, and spirituality can be observed in their hands. I’m looking for the right venue for the series by querying online consumer magazines, newspapers, network TV, and internet providers in the hope that they want to be instrumental in bringing palmistry to the masses. Any thoughts, ideas, insights, opinions, and suggestions will be appreciated. I’ll keep you informed of my progress.

I’ve been out of touch for several months because I’ve taken time off from the outer world to upgrade my homes, vehicles, communications hardware, software, personal relationships, and health. I’m happy to report that all are in excellent shape. I’m headed to Norway in a couple of days for a family adventure. I’ll be totally out of touch with everyone and everything for that time. When I return in early August, I plan to devote myself to writing ‘Real Palmistry Stories’ and to promoting Real Palmistry.

Palmistry and Thinking

Thinking is one of four basic human functions. The other three functions are Feeling, Intuitive, and Sensation. One function (or combination of functions) is dominant in each of us. You can quickly see which of four functions rule you by observing the shape and proportions of your hands. Thinking types have square palms and long fingers, often widely spread. They’re communicators who love the idea stage of development, before projects materialize. Acquaintances often  accuse them of being impractical dreamers, but without them, not much new would happen. When they detach themselves from mundane reality, they can gain objectivity and perspective on almost anything. On the downside, they tend to overvalue the intellect and downplay emotion. As the most social of all types, they’ll acknowledge your point of view, even if they don’t agree with you. Although they’re capable of dealing with plenty of analysis, detail, and information, they’d much rather be unencumbered and free from mundane realities. Easily distracted, they become scattered and resist being focused, disciplined, and structured. Less cultivated thinking types are notorious for being nervous, restless, superficial, and unreliable.

A majority of palmists look at the headline first to interpret how a person thinks. The direction and quality of a person’s headline determines the direction and quality of their thinking. A headline can be short (serious) or long (analytical). It begins where the thumb meets the hand and may be connected (inertia) or separated (initiative) from the life line at it’s beginning. It can run straight across the hand (objective), turn up towards the pinky finger (acquisitive), or dip deep into the heel of the hand (imaginative). The quality of a line is crucial to its interpretation. Dr. William Benham, the father of modern western palmistry, had his electric current theory. He believed that lines conducted a person’s thought currents, just as electrical lines conduct electricity. If something impedes the current, it interferes with the function that the line represents at that particular time of a person’s life. There are many possible obstacles on a head line: islands, chains, breaks, dots, frays, chains, crosses, stars, etc., each with it’s own set of challenges.

When I first began studying palmistry over thirty-five years ago, much of the writing on the subject was didactic and fatalistic. I had a huge island in the middle of my headline (picture not me) extending over a four to five-year period. Older palmistry writings described a state of insanity, possible institutionalization, or at best, a state of utter confusion for that period. Needless to say, I was worried. I called my brother, Gary, who was in the process of becoming a psychiatrist at the time. I explained my situation and expressed my fears. Gary asked me what the quality of the line was like after the island. I told him that it was strong and clear. He replied, “Don’t worry about it. You’ll figure out what it is when you get there and deal with it as you go through it.” He was right. I did get there and understand it, although I still had to go through it. Knowing it would end made it a lot easier to cope. That’s one of the advantages of being able to see what challenges lay ahead in your hands.

By looking at our little finger, we begin to learn more about our thinking and communication skills. Our pinky is the shortest finger. When the tip is longer than the crease between the first and second phalange of the ring finger, it’s considered long (more communicative.) When it’s shorter, it’s considered short (less communicative.) An inwardly curving pinky indicates issues with truthfulness. We can see technical, language, family, and sexual issues in our little finger. Early family dynamic may be observed in the way the pinky is set on the hands. If it is very short or low set, trust is a major issue. Many women who have very low set pinkies have told me that they have trouble having orgasms. Their real challenge is in allowing themselves to have intimacy.

Fingertips also provide information about our thinking function. Each finger has three sections, divided by two joints, each of which may or may not have a developed knot (knots indicate a need for order.) The top phalanx represents our thinking. When it is dominant (longer than the other two phalanges), the thinking function dominates that aspect of our character represented by the particular finger. A rounded fingertip or loop fingerprint symbolizes enhancement of the social aspect of the thinking function. A spatulate fingertip or whorl fingerprint accentuates unconventional and original thinking. A  square fingertip or arch fingerprint increases the practical quality of a person’s thinking. I’ll get much more specific in future blog entries when I write about the twelve character types. I’ll also include case histories of family, friends, clients, and celebrities.