The Future of Hands ~ Books

Your character and corresponding destiny is incarnate in your hands. You don’t need to be an expert palmist or know millions of details to learn what you need to know about yourself from your hands. Asking the right questions and interpreting what you see in your hands is the challenge. As a palmist, I mostly address questions about relationships, career, health, children, and whether anything can done to be more fulfilled and happy.

Palmistry is not about ‘this detail means this and that detail means that’. A series of five workbooks should be created to address what matters. The content must be compelling; crafted with fascinating narrative and straightforward illustrations, handy diagrams, and blank pages where readers can participate in interpreting their own hands and issues.

I printed 500 copies of “Your Life is in Your Hands” before my child was born, almost a quarter of a century ago. I gave most of them away. I hoped to make palmistry more real for people by sharing my knowledge and experience as a serious professional palmist in NYC. I created ‘Real Palmistry’ (e-book), and ‘Hand Book’ (paperback) to inspire people to want to learn more. Very few people have read any of my books, despite my best efforts to market them. Perhaps I should have named them ‘Sun Sign Palmistry’ or Palmistry 101’. I’m not sure that would have made a difference. I have several books ready for publishing, but I’ve decided to wait until I’ve figured out the best way to do it. Meanwhile, here’s my latest book concept.

Five Volumes: 25,000 words each

Delivery: Book One: April 1, 2017

Other four: Every six months following.

Ideal Format: Workbook ~ 8 1/2 X 11 to allow full size hand prints and charts.



 Your life is in your hands

The key to knowing and unlocking your potentials is in your hands. Reading hands (palmistry) helps you know and understand your character. Gain insight into your physical, mental, and emotional attributes, major influences which affect your life, and degrees to which you are fulfilling your potentials. Hands disclose information about your basic character, values, intelligence, emotions, health and healing abilities, career aptitudes, relationship capabilities and limitations, spirituality, creativity, and intuition. Your hands are topographical maps of your past and present and furnish valuable information and insights into possible future events and trends.

While other symbolic systems such as astrology and numerology show a person’s potentials, palmistry shows what a person is actually doing with those potentials. The value of reading hands lies in the capacity to objectify our personality traits and internal struggles. Knowing our natural strengths and weaknesses can help us avoid the hazards of our negative personality patterns. We can embrace our positive potentials. The beauty of hand analysis is our hands change as our thinking and circumstances change. As we exercise our free will and alter our thinking, our changes will manifest themselves in our hands over time. As we influence our destiny, we get to observe our successes and failures reflected in the mirrors of our hands. I’ve observed noticeable changes in hands in a matter of weeks.

My ultimate goal is to turn everyone on to palmistry. I hope to shed the light of day on hands and transform the paradigm of palmistry as a gypsy fortune telling scam. I want to share my unique methods for observing the essence of a person before getting caught up in superfluous details. I want to address frequently asked questions including: Will I be happy? Will I find my soul mate? Can you tell me about past lives? What career should I be in? Do you ever read yourself? What can and cannot be seen in the hands?” I want to share stories of people who transformed their lives, incorporating `before and after’ hand prints and interpretations. I’ll include examples of celebrities including actors, musicians, sports figures, politicians, religious figures, business people, and maybe a terrorist or two.

People can benefit by learning to observe and understand themselves, their talents, positive potentials, and limitations. Most people can learn to read hands.

                                                              BOOK TWO

                                                             HOLDING HANDS

                                 A Guide to Hand Analysis and Palmistry for Lovers

Relationship compatibility is my all-time favorite application of palmistry. Examining the hands of two people together reveals the strengths and weaknesses of that relationship. Healthy compromises can be unveiled within minutes of observing both sets of hands. By examining hands of couples, I can instantly see ways of improving their relationships.

We don’t have to look any farther than the ends of our arms to identify our relationship potentials. While examining our hands, we can gain insight into our sexuality, ability to trust and have real intimacy, and our emotionality. We often experience challenges because of conflicts within ourselves. Why do we choose insecurity over security? Why abuse over nurturing? Why guilt and obligation over freedom and fun-loving?

Who are you attracted to and why? What kind of person are you likely to marry? What kinds of relationships will you have with your families, friends, and neighbors? Examine your hands and your partner’s hands and see where compromise is possible and where it’s not.



A Look at your Child’s Future through Palmistry

Children’s hands change dramatically during the first five years of life. It’s no surprise they’re called “formative years”. Reading your child’s hands puts your own needs under the microscope. By knowing your children’s natural potentials, talents, and abilities, you can encourage and guide them in their natural directions. No matter what age, your child’s hands can help you understand his or her real needs and concerns. Knowing children’s hands helps them choose an educational plan, career direction, and ultimately a life direction. Learning to read hands will teach you to be more patient and tolerant.

I lent a helping hand to deliver my child at birth. I pulled her body from my wife’s womb and cut her umbilical cord. Joanna was blown away that I was reading our baby’s hands before knowing what sex she was. Her beautiful little hands already had a story to tell with tales that lie ahead, her character, strengths, weaknesses, talents, goals, and dreams. On closer scrutiny of her tiny hands, I felt confused and disturbed. Joanna and I have long heart lines (romantic, sentimental, and needing to express our feelings). Our daughter’s was short (serious, untrusting, and unable to verbalize feelings). Her index finger was also short which symbolized future problems with self-esteem. Her first two years of life were characterized by fear, lack of trust, and clinginess. Joanna and I imagined she must have had horrible role models in a past life and we were determined to transform that. Armed with foresight, we loved, respected, nurtured, and helped her unfold as who she wanted and needed to be. Our decision and commitment empowered her to lengthen her index finger and grow her heart line longer during her formative years. Self-assured, fiercely independent, healthy, and happy, she no longer has problems expressing herself.

Did you ever hear or say “I don’t want to make the same mistakes on my kids as my parents made on me”. The best way to avoid that is to learn to read your child’s hands.



A Hand Analyst’s Guide to Business and Career

I’ve seen headlines and advertisements in newspapers such as the National Enquirer like “YOUR HAND HOLDS THE SECRET TO LOTTERY MILLIONS”, or “A FORTUNE MAY BE HIDING IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND”. These are sensational scams. Your fortune truly is no farther than the end of your arms. That’s the irony. Our hands carry out the messages of ours mind. They also reveal our nature. Career choices, work styles, and even success and failure are natural predispositions to specific types. Understand the type and you will understand the corresponding career capabilities and challenges.

We will cover work and career issues for all twelve types. An examination of fingers is key to pinpointing a person’s profession or work. Case histories and illustrations are essential to understanding how myriad details affect the whole picture.



Healing Yourself and Others through Palmistry

People are naturally predisposed to specific health problems. Understand the character and you’ll understand the potential health problems. Readily identify character through the shape and proportions of hands. Fingers, their lengths, proportions, shapes of tips, knots, and nails reveal how we relate to our world. The consistency of our hands, along with the color, texture, and elasticity of our skin shows the kind of energies we have to work with. Lines provide insight into the directions, qualities, and details of our life choices and circumstances. Gestures reveal attitudes in the moment. All factors help us to know our physical, mental, and emotional selves, and how we are fulfilling our potentials.

In the days before computerized medical diagnosis, doctors used their intuition, tasted a patient’s urine, looked into their eyes, and examined the tongue, skin, and especially the hands to diagnose illness. Dozens of illnesses can be diagnosed from fingernails, which are considered windows to health. Some health problems which can be diagnosed by studying nails are: anemia, thyroid disease, malnutrition, carpal tunnel syndrome, psoriasis and eczema, disease of the liver, heart, lungs, or colon, chronic respiratory disease, lymph system problems, diabetes, Raynaud’s disease, high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcers, Hodgkin’s disease, and sickle-cell anemia. Diseases such as stress related problems and some types of cancer can be seen in finger prints and skin ridge patterns (dermatoglyphics). Lines in hands can indicate conditions of the heart, brain, kidneys, liver, stomach, and male and female systems.

My Declaration of Independence

At the exact moment I publish this, a super full moon is conjoining my natal lunar north node in Gemini. I’m using that power to launch my declaration of independence. Donald Trump and I share that same node. Our karmic responsibility is to communicate higher knowledge to the multitudes. Bill Clinton and George Bush also share that node, but blew their chances. Donald Trump may have already fulfilled his karmic destiny by exposing the dark underbelly of democracy. Donald Trump’s hubris will be his legacy.

I’ve had an epiphany.  If Donald Trump can become president, I can shift the paradigm of ‘palmistry as a gypsy fortune- telling scam’ to ‘palmistry as a potent path to knowing oneself and other’. By ignoring palmistry’s history and making up my own rules, I’ll drag hand reading, kicking and screaming if necessary, out of the dark ages and into the light of the sun. My mission is to give everyone a helping hand, their own. Once you realize the true value of palmistry, you’ll be looking at your hands with reverence.

I’ve been an astrologer, palmist, and tarot card reader for forty years. As an astrologer, having an exact date, time, and place of birth empowers me to recognize character types, observe behavioral patterns, and understand life cycles, habits, and timing. As a palmist, I observe body language and examine the morphology and topography of hands to interpret a person’s actual potentials. Our hands reveal what we’ve done, are doing, and are likely do with those potentials. Tarot cards unveil unconscious and subconscious minds and answer questions ~ like about other people’s stuff.

linda-goodmans-sun-signsAstrology had been quietly knocking at our door for thousands of years. In 1968, we opened wide and asked “What’s your sun sign?”  Linda Goodman wrote and Bantam Books published the simple and entertaining ‘Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs’. Suddenly, astrology became fun. The popular astrology movement was catalyzed. Horoscopes magically appeared in newspapers and magazines everywhere. Astrological organizations, schools, books, and clubs sprouted, thrived, and continue to flourish. Over one hundred million copies of Linda’s books were sold with no or e-social networking.

In my attempt to understand how Linda Goodman transformed astrology, I reached out to her literary agent, Arthur Klebanoff. After reading his autobiography, ‘The Agent’, I was convinced he would be a good catalyst for launching palmistry. I hoped to persuade him that I could become the ‘Linda Goodman of palmistry’ with his help. Too bad for me, because Arthur had retired from agenting and was wary of esoteric authors. Linda had been a royal pain in the butt as a client. I assured him the only relationship between Linda and me was a metaphor between charts and hands. His answer was still ‘No’. I needed to find another way to gain credibility with publishers. If you’ve read my recent personal publicity series, you know how hard I’ve tried.

Here’s my paradox ~ hands are more potent than astrology for seeing basic behavior. There’s no need for accurate birth info, computers, software, or hindsight. While natal astrology charts remain static, hands change as thinking and circumstances change. We get to observe our changes in the mirrors of our hands over time. I use astrology and palmistry together. Viewing hands through the lens of the twelve signs and houses of astrology instantly reveals our basic characters, values, thinking, feelings, will power, health, relationships, creativity, philosophy, purpose, hopes, fears, and spirituality.

Palmistry has not had a champion since Cheiro (hand) in the early 1900’s. Cheiro (Count Louis Hamon) was a self-appointed, self-promoting seer, showman, gossip, and indisputably the most fascinating palmist of all time. He was a bit like Donald Trump in that he made up his own rules as he went along. He’d be a superstar these days with reality TV. You can read more about him in my blog post, ‘Your Palmistry Education’.

It’s time for palmistry to be reborn, but palmistry needs a spokesperson. I’ll be happy to support anyone who is qualified and wants the job. If I’m forced to become a face for palmistry, I’ll rise to the task, but I’m not Cheiro (except for having amazing clients and stories). I have reservations about going public. I cherish my anonymity. I must always remain discreet about my clients’ private lives and secrets. I’ll be seventy next June.

I hope to inspire expert palmists and sincere seekers to take responsibility for what they know and need to know. Knowledge and wisdom are keys to unlocking the magic of hands, but you don’t need to know about hands, or millions of details, or be an expert at anything, to see what you need to see. You must learn how to look and ask the right questions. Hands can be seen and heard by whoever chooses to look and listen.

If you’re a professional palmist and have a legitimate service, product, or school, you should be part of this. Once the public is turned on to palmistry, masses of people will be searching for sources for all things hands. I will promote you when you’re ready, but I’ll require a lot of help from you. First you need to have your act together.

Why aren’t we asking, “May I see your hands?”  My intention is to catalyze a popular palmistry movement as soon as possible. Everyone is seeking spiritual insight and better understanding of oneself and other. There’s no competition for being you. Open your mind, stretch your awareness, and cultivate your ideas ~ be creative. Let me know what you’re planning. Ask for my advice. What I know isn’t proprietary. I have no trade secrets. I will freely share any ideas and ideals that make good sense for the future of palmistry.

I’ve spoken about hands at local venues to mostly uniformed audiences. I’ve shared my knowledge, experience, and creative ideas at colleges, universities, museums, new-age bookstores, community centers, churches, and cafes’. I’ve consulted with psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers about fast forwarding diagnosis, to salesmen about improving sales quotas, and human resource professionals about seeing and knowing whether a person is right for a job. Sounds like a lot, but it’s not. Unless you’re waving what you’ve done or are doing in someone’s face while it’s still hot, it’s quickly forgotten.

I’ve shared my personal publicity experiences with newspapers, magazines, books, radio, TV, volunteering, and public speaking. The workshop flier below was from one of my favorite events. Working with small communities is very satisfying. By participating in local events, you can give people a taste of what you do and let them know you plan to share what you know with the community. With digital camera in hand I ask,

“May I photograph your hands?”

“What will you do with the photos?”

“I’ll blow them up huge on a screen and talk about you with you in front of everyone.”

I’d be terrified if someone asked me. I have too many secrets. I’m always surprised how many people are ‘up for it’. I assure them I would never say anything hurtful or harmful. Being constructive, helpful, and leaving people feeling hopeful is the name of the game. Workshop volunteers sign a model release. I use their photos in limited ways. I choose twenty people for my poster while instantly creating a captive audience expecting an interesting experience. I place fliers online and in local village stores a couple of weeks ahead of time. This event worked especially well because people were turned on, the workshop was inexpensive, and the proceeds were donated to the café cinema series.

If you go into palmistry for money, you’re in the wrong profession. You can have a happy and healthy life as a palmist without being rich. I work as much as I choose, but will never make big bucks. Corporate speaking is profitable, but it’s a hard sell and the least satisfying work in the end. Your real wealth is in recognizing hands as powerful tools for healing mind, body, and spirit. In the process, you meet a diversity of amazing individuals, cultivate quality private clients, and attract fascinating special event work.

Over the next several weeks, I’ll post my ideas for popularizing palmistry on my blog. Feel free to question, comment, suggest, advise, imagine, or whatever you choose. If you have a better idea or know how to make an idea better, share your thoughts and insights. Let go of palmistry’s past. Take a leap of faith. Figure out what works for you. All of humanity must know and understand self and others better for a better future. Precious treasure wants and waits to be discovered at the ends of our arms.

“The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding”   Hermes


How I Lost my Sanity 4

Two patients were in the art room. One warily tucked in a corner, the other a pretty twenty something African-American woman quietly cutting paper with a child’s scissors.

I gently mused out loud. “You look so healthy and normal. Why are you here?”

“My psychiatrist tells me it’s because I feel no remorse for what I did.”

“What did you do?”

“I killed my roommate. I chopped her body up in the bathtub and flushed as much of her as I could down the toilet. The rest I put in black plastic garbage bags in a dumpster.”

“Did you think you would get away with that?”

“I didn’t think at all. I got the idea watching TV.”

“And you don’t feel badly about what you did?”

“I guess I’m sorry for her family. The girl is dead. There’s nothing I can do about that!”

Mary told me she grew up in a large family with no privacy. She applied for a single room at college, but had to have a roommate. Enduring a year, Mary applied again, but her roommate got it. Mary lost control of her mind and heart and eliminated the problem.

I was glad I’d survived the bog of bureaucratic bullshit. Many strange stories unfolded over the next several months. Every day promised fresh adventure. I was yearning to examine everyone’s hands, but didn’t. I couldn’t wait for astonishing tales and amazing artwork. Many patients had artistic talent. There were even a few professional artists in the group. I supported everyone’s creativity, going above and beyond the call of duty to acquire special materials and supplies for them to work with.

The first patient I bonded with was a refined and cultivated woman in her mid to late fifties. The circumstances that led to Betsey’s hapless and senseless captivity were bizarre. She lived on Treasure Island, a wealthy seaside community near Purgatory. Betsey ran an art gallery, was a gossip columnist in a local paper, and loved to garden. She was an active member of the local gardening community.

A Purgatory lawyer of considerable power purchased Betsey’s adjoining land and let it flourish with weeds and branches that draped sloppily onto her property. Her neighbor‘s lack of landscaping annoyed the hell out of Betsey. One very vexing afternoon, Betsey threatened to chop off every leaf hanging over her domain. Betsey grabbed her axe and severed every limb and brush extending over the line. She was calmly recuperating on her porch, when suddenly and unexpectedly, she was frightened by several police officers in plain clothes who marched aggressively through her gate.

Betsey picked up her axe and attempted to chase them away. The next thing she knew, she was sedated in a psychiatric hospital for further evaluation. Her neighbor had pulled some strings and managed to have her temporarily committed. That’s when extremely serious problems began for Betsey. She got so agitated that Thorazine was mandated and administered. Betsey had a bad reaction to the Thorazine and was rushed to a local hospital where her spleen had to be removed.

Betsey was not a criminal. Nor was she crazy. A series of unfortunate events led to her becoming caught in ‘The System’. Although Betsey had great character references and her son pleaded fervently for her release, no one seemed able to help her. Betsey’s attitude remained positive and optimistic, however, her mental and physical health continued to deteriorate while she lost three productive years of her life.

Everyone admired Betsey. I was the self-appointed president of her fan club. She could draw, paint, and sculpt. She won several patient art awards. Betsey was a positive role model for everyone. She was editor and illustrator of the patient newspaper, The Scene. Betsey also created signage for activities and events. I got special permissions for her to do creative seamstress work. I purchased (with my $) supplies like needles, threads, and unique fabrics for her to experiment with.

Love bug tarantulaBetsey designed lifelike stuffed insects, while planting the seeds of success in my mind. She inspired me to imagine a patient run cottage industry within the confines of our hospital that could serve sheltered workshops in a variety of social / medical networks. We could be their source for design and marketing.

green hand print with poster paintI became braver each day as I talked to patients about their lives. I wasn’t able to divulge or indulge my avocation, but I did begin to look as closely as I could at hands. I made crude prints with poster paint. I assumed that madness would show up in obvious aberrations of their hand morphology and topography. It rarely did, although there were many unusual hands. I saw a lot of frustration, anger, fear, and an uncanny clarity in their thinking. They only saw one solution to their problem, never considering the consequences.


I wouldn’t have predicted from their hands that most of these people would end up committed to mental institutions. Many patients lacked peripheral lines. They were more psychotic and less neurotic than the wounded egos and superegos that cared for them. Many of us have repressed rage, confused minds, and constipated emotions. The healthiest among us harness our strengths, choose our attitudes and actions, and embrace whatever challenges we meet on our path to becoming healthier.

Club ThumbI expected to see more, but saw only one club (murderer’s) thumb in the whole patient population. This guy was like Shrek. Motivated by his passions, he totally lacked impulse control. Another patient’s hands were so soft and supple that his bones felt barely attached. He had no energy, enthusiasm, or desire for anything. I observed a psychotic’s skin that was blood red with repressed rage. Other patient hands were so stiff you couldn’t flex their joints with a nut-cracker. These individuals were trapped, inside and out. I saw schizophrenic hands with two opposing sets of lines in each hand. I imagined two lost souls; opposites, suffering, struggling, and striving to find themselves through him.

Betsy and I loved the symbolism of the Tarot. We consulted the cards many times with many questions. Although we rarely heard what we wanted to hear, we always affirmed what we already knew. I collected birth dates, times, and places, but didn’t explain why.

Most artwork and poetry in The Scene came from the art room. The patient newspaper was a venue for creative expression for patients and staff. It offered hospital news and provided space for patients to express their concerns and share their creativity. It was an important venue because it provided an outlet for frustration, anger, and depression. We spent too way much time complaining and blaming our problems on ‘The System’ and each other. I appointed myself spiritual ambassador and diplomatic good sense maker. Our real enemies were our bad habits, bureaucracy, and time. We were a team whether we chose ‘to be or not to be’.

One patient who infected my psyche with doubt was a young black man in his early thirties who grew up in abusive foster homes. A gentle kindness lie beneath the surface of Fred’s blade sculpted façade. Fred was involved in violence, but it wasn’t knife fights and gang warfare that got him locked up. It was unrequited love. Fred obsessed over an innocent teenage girl who was allegedly taken from him by an older man Fred described as an `abusive maniac’. Fred created realistic ‘WANTED DEAD or ALIVE’ posters of the maniac and posted them all over town, offering a phony ten thousand dollar reward. Fred didn’t realize he was creating evidence that would end him in the looney bin.

Fred 2Fred’s large feminine hands, rectangular palms, long slender knotty fingers, and conical fingertips embody a ‘feeling’ type. It’s a great combo for cultivating intuition, being empathic, making and appreciating art, being good at research, organizing, and paying attention to detail. Fred’s long head line sloped into the heel of his hand, revealing a vivid imagination and rich fantasy life. Fred could copy anything perfectly. He could have been a master forger. I cheered his abilities and encouraged him to draw from real life. I convinced his treatment team and security on his ward to let him have pencils and paper and to allow him to draw with supervision when he asked for them.

political satireFred began a private sketch book. He amassed forty or fifty sketches and drawings in the first month that he showed to no one. I asked to see them. Reluctantly, Fred showed them to me. I was blown away. Several political caricatures like the one on the left were at the beginning. What stunned me were realistic pictures of staff sexually abusing patients. Patients were pleasuring staff in the sickest possible ways. Security, therapists, and patients were having bizarre sex using objects of pleasure and pain. Could they be that crazy? Can they get away it?



Fred certainly had a vivid imagination. There was no way he could have witnessed what he was portraying. I wondered if Fred’s friends were telling him their stories. He let me copy a few drawings. I contemplated the veracity of Fred’s artwork and shared it with Dolores. Betraying Fred’s trust was my greatest blunder and biggest regret. Dolores showed Fred’s drawings to the cabinet. Fred fought fiercely as his drawings and supplies were confiscated. It broke my heart to see him reduced to a drug induced stupor, an artistic genius, never to create (during my tenure) again. I felt responsible and couldn’t stop thinking about it.

My second Mary was a high functioning extremely troubled patient. Mary believed she was Satan’s child, a bad seed. Mary said she was three when she first unsuccessfully tried to poison her sister. Then she failed to drown her in the bathtub. A few years later, she tied her to a tree in a lightning storm, hoping she’d be electrocuted. Mary’s staunch Catholic parents enrolled her in a devout fundamentalist Catholic school where they hoped to save her. Mary predictably became more twisted. At sixteen, Mary set a nun on fire and carved her to death with a broken bottle, saying, “The Devil made me do it”.

Mary's devilWhile residing in maximum security, Mary had etched (using a nail file) `666′ in the skin of her arms and legs. She also scratched and carved it into furniture. Mary produced many a dark artwork. I took her drawings home every chance I got. I was learning that it’s not what you do, but what you get away with and how you get away with it that matters.


susan atkin's handI don’t often see frightening hands, but Mary’s were scary. Her very stiff fingers curled inward like Susan Atkin’s (Charles Manson) creepy hands on the left. Mary’s skin was hard, dry, coarse, and reddish. She chewed her nails relentlessly, leaving them red, raw, and sore. Mary was self-critical to the theme of total self-hatred. I wished I could help her let go of her irrational terror, but Mary’s soul was hardboiled from a hellish reality of having to grow up in everyone else’s fundamentalist hypocrisy and insanity.



Mary had a huge crush on me. She was the first to arrive at the art room and the last to leave. I felt a little nauseous when I was alone with her. Even though I was repulsed, I always smiled and acted nice. One day, Mary generously offered to give me a quickie blow-job under my desk. I imagined Fred’s drawings and how easy it would be to become one of his vignettes. Then I thought about all of the abusive shepherds who physically and spiritually rape the lambs they were entrusted to protect. Did the terror of shame, guilt, and disgrace trigger their erotic fantasies? Was the fear of being caught a turn on? When did the Devil sow the seeds of evil so deep within their psyches?

Mary was hovering over me and monopolizing my attention. I got abrupt and impatient with her. The dark rings beneath her eyes began darkening as Mary began feeling rejected. When Mary left, Satan was hard at work, preparing her for evil that night on her ward. It was a full moon. The staff on her ward should have been more vigilant. They’re not lunatic asylums for nothing. After stealing the ‘six’ and ‘nine’ balls from the pool table, Mary loaded them in a black wool sock and nearly beat a new patient to death while she slept. The woman was there for a few days for psychiatric evaluation. Mary said she didn’t like the way the woman looked at her. I imagined she’d think twice before shoplifting again. I felt guilty and responsible. I should have said something.

Gene was the most incredible artist in the hospital. He’d been a successful commercial artist and advertising executive. Scuttlebutt was he’d created some of those TV ads that everyone loves to remember. Gene was unique. He lived like a celebrity on his ward. His private room, the only one, was outfitted with his own furniture, library, audio tape collection, and state of art stereo system, Bose headphones, and a grizzly bear rug.

Gene could have been free if he had wanted freedom and behaved accordingly. I tried to make good sense to Gene and convince him to become an active member of the real world. Gene made his own good sense. He had little interest in worldly freedom. He was free to love his literature, music, and art. I felt a bit jealous of his inner freedom.

A dark satanic aura shrouded Gene. His angry facial expressions and aggressive body language told a tale of uncontrollable rage from a horrible childhood. Gene was hostile. Everything about him screamed, “Stay away from me!” In a jealous fury, Gene slit his girlfriend’s throat from ear to ear. She not only survived, but didn’t press charges, then forgave him. But Gene couldn’t forgive himself. He told me he’d do it again.

Gene's portrait of meGene was the patient Dolores caught in the art supply closet with Janice. Gene and I had many philosophical discussions and co-created several artworks that I still cherish along with this life size pastel portrait which he drew of me. I think he very subtly captures my dark side.

Benny was Gene’s buddy. He was a strong fit black man in his early thirties. Benny’s phobia of homosexuality drove the former transit policeman to a bar full of gay men one late night with an automatic weapon. After freebasing crack, Benny slaughtered eight men.

Benny was uncooperative. He came up bi-yearly for forensic review. He believed he’d be set free one day, but was always rejected. One staff psychologist told me there was a ‘secret’ agenda to never let him go. It was in everyone’s best interest to humor him. If he found out, he’d lose hope, become violent, and need to be permanently medicated.

Jesus ChristMany patients were named after biblical figures and famous people. There were dozens of patients named Mary, Faith, Angel, Grace, and Hope. Whatever their parents had hoped, the reverse happened. Jesus Jefferson was double trouble. Jesus was Puerto Rican. He was the angriest patient in the hospital. Rejected countless times by forensic committees, Jesus had nothing left to lose. Everyone including staff steered clear of him.


Jesus had thrown his girlfriend, 3 year old child, and dog from a 17th story window. They died instantly when they hit the ground. Jesus had no remorse and never spoke of the incident. I had a fantasy that Jesus could be a powerful production manager in a patient run manufacturing business. Two staff psychologists agreed with me, but Jesus was too unpredictable and angry to ever be given any real opportunity to have responsibility.

There was never a dull day in the art room. The handsome young patient, just admitted, had cut his mother’s heart out and ate it with her favorite fork and knife on her favorite plate while reclining in her favorite chair. Another man was found combing his mother’s hair on her mantel piece, weeks after he had cut her head off. The entire residence was laden with lunatics and addicts who’d committed violent acts under the influence of rage and/or drugs. Schizophrenics, sociopaths, psychotics, and pathological liars flourished. One sociopath managed to have a Rolls Royce delivered to the hospital entrance as a result of conversations he had with a dealer from a pay phone in the hall of his ward.

If only I could put all of this talent to good use…

Author’s note: This is fiction set in the mid-eighties. Calling my protagonists ‘Patients’ is politically incorrect. ‘Clients’ and ‘Residents’ are used with less negative connotations and implications. For the record, I don’t call sick people ‘crazy’ or ‘lunatics’ in real life. My artwork has been altered and fabricated by me to fit my story.

Stay tuned as I get to know more patients and prepare to teach vocational classes.

Aquarius – Search for Insight



“It is easier to live through someone else than to become complete yourself.”

Betty Friedan (Feb 4, 1921 – Feb 4, 2006) died on her 85th birthday. Betty reformed women’s rights with her book, The Feminine Mystique. She powerfully influenced the whole women’s movement. As founder of NOW (National Organization for Women), she organized the first International Feminist Congress in 1973. A true Aquarian, Betty’s war cry was “Make policy not coffee”.

Aquarius imageMany people think Aquarius is a water sign. They see a water bearer and a symbol that looks like waves. Water symbolizes emotion, feeling, and unconscious. The water bearer is discarding feelings in favor of thinking by pouring them out of a jug.  Air waves are sharp and geometrically precise. Aquarius is fixed thinking. Thinking is Destiny.

Aquarians are the coolest, most detached, and friendly of all types. While they love free spirited friendships, they avoid intimacy. Much time is spent in a world of their ideas and inventions. They value their freedom of speech and overvalue their own opinions. Aquarians should be aware of their Leo opposition. They seem to think they can solve problems better than other people (and sometimes they can). As independent, progressive, and original beings, they pride themselves on their unconventionality, eccentricities, and uniqueness. They must learn to value their uniqueness for what it is and not for the sake of being different. Many Aquarians relish a revolution when the cause is right. They attract other unconventional and unusual people who they can commune with. The best way to convince an Aquarian to change his or her mind is to be extremely logical. Make good sense. Aquarians love technology. Encourage them to innovate. They’ll be happier.

Uranus, first son of Gaea and Chaos, was ruler of the Sky and Father of the Titans in Greek myth. No matter what your sun sign, strong Uranus symbolism makes for strong Aquarian energy. Uranus is closely conjunct my Gemini Sun. People often ask me how I make a living. My answer ~ I invent ways of making a living. For over half a century, I have steadily transformed from Megalomania, to Egomania, to Ecomania, to Humania.

A keyword for Uranus is sudden change. Sudden and unexpected change is what got me here. Why was shit always hitting the fan when I was about to taste real success? I wasn’t supposed to be doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing.

Uranians can be predictably unpredictable and erratic. Many Aquarians are blue-sky thinkers. Jules Verne ~ sci-fi writer, Buzz Aldrin ~ second man on the moon, Helen Gurley Brown ~ editor of Cosmo, James Dean, Charles Dickens, Michael Jordan, Charles Lindbergh, Bill Maher, Wolfgang Mozart, Paul Newman, and Franklin Roosevelt.

Tarin Chaplin (Dec. 4, 1941 – May 30, 2009)

Tarin Chaplin

An “eco-choreographer,” activist, writer and dancer, Tarin sought to connect people to the earth, the elements, and the sentient and non-sentient beings that share this universe with us (Burlington Free Press). Tarin was a Sagittarian and nature spirit with no planets in Aquarius. She shows us her Aquarian personality by revealing her square palms and widely spread long fingers in an inventive way. Tarin was a bundle of creative expression. She was also practical, responsible, and reliable (crooked middle fingers), which frustrated her sometimes because she over-committed and obligated herself to too many worthy causes that delayed living in her ideal world. The Intimate Act of Choreography is one of Joanna’s favorite dance books and a classic text used in dance departments across the country.

Pattie CanovaPattie Canova is a Taurus. She’s the Queen of Pentacles. Pattie behaves more like an Aquarian, the Queen of Swords, with her square palms, long straight fingers, stiff thumbs, and a strong head life line connection. Pattie is my all~time favorite tarot teacher. I had studied with other tarot teachers, but never truly connected with the archetypes until I met Pattie. Her knowledge and understanding of the 78 archetypes and the corresponding psychology is awesome. Her genuine passion and desire to share what she knows places Pattie way ahead of her competition. Pattie also has the uncanny ability to remember anyone’s and everyone’s names forever. I’m jealous because I have Alzheimer’s for names. Notice how Pattie’s fingers lean toward her index fingers that project outward from her hands ~ Pattie is a ‘Giver’. The bright pink color on the heels of her hands reveals her psychic ability. I’ve watched those lunar mounts glow like hot coals when Pattie’s psychic intuition is cranking. Pattie performs feats of tarot magic on stage and radio. In her unique way, she shares her Aquarian thoughts and ideas in a letter she sent me years ago. I’m sharing them with you.

“My work on stage may seem frivolous and at times it can be. My audience can ask the most banal of questions, but it’s fear that keeps them from themselves. They’re a great reflection for my process; what I love about it and what I’ve just given myself to receive from it all is the experience of joining, of oneness, the giving up of judgments and quieting of my perception. We are all on the same journey. Doing what I’m doing has helped me take it out of my head and into my heart and practice. We all walk that hard road toward enlightenment. I so trust the outcome. I so trust the absoluteness and the power of spirit. I know that everyone in their own way ‘hears’ something, either through feeling or insight”.

Jennifer de WitMy sister Jennifer is a Taurus. Her long knotty stiff fingers and thumbs are set on square palms, symbolizing Aquarian behavior.  A fixed thinker, she can be very practical, incredibly logical, and extremely obstinate. I know better than to argue with her. Jenny is a loving parent, partner, daughter, and sister. She’s a compelling story teller, gifted children’s librarian, caring community member, amazing cook, and devoted friend.

GrahamJennifer and her husband Brian suddenly and unexpectedly lost their son, Graham (1/24/1989 – 5/22/2012). Graham, a very talented young Aquarian, was looking forward to embarking on an exciting and fulfilling journey into a mysterious and unknown future.


Jenny and Brian continue to be healthy human beings despite the pain of not being able to watch and share their son’s growing, blossoming, loving, and knowing personal fulfillment. I honor Graham by remembering him and by living my life healthfully and meaningfully. Jenny created an amazing blog to help other people who have suffered devastating losses in their lives –

Kevin McGuireKevin McGuire ~ Charismatic Capricorn.  It’s impossible not to like him. His Aquarian hands blend structure, discipline, and focus (Saturn) with originality and chance (Uranus). As a stage actor and director, Kevin has starred in plays on Broadway and acted and directed his way around the globe in Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, Jane Eyre, Secret Garden, Uncle Vanya, and many others. Kevin has sung for Presidents Clinton, Reagan, and Ford.

OprahOprah Winfrey is an Aquarius and intuitive personality type with rectangular palms and short fingers. Sagittarius rises in her natal chart, blending the best and worst of Athena and Artemis. Oprah is an Alchemist. She turned lead into gold when she transformed an abandoned poor black bastard girl from the south into the self-appointed Queen of mass media. A golden pedestal awaits the goddess in her sacred temple. “Damned if she does, damned if she doesn’t”, Oprah makes a difference, but no matter what and how much she does and gives, it’s still a droplet in an ocean of human suffering, misery, and tragedy. Oprah must balance responsibility and transparency by always being true to herself.

As a mutable thinking type, I relate well with Aquarians. Some of my favorite teachers have been Uranian types. When the all too familiar ‘shit was hitting the fan’ years ago, I sought insight from a psychotherapist. I met with Freudians, Jungians, Reichians, and Adlerians and finally chose a Gestalt psychotherapist because my needs felt immediate. I didn’t want to spend my time combing for clues from my childhood to fix my current challenges.

IanI chose an Aquarian. I call him Ian, for all the “ians” I had rejected. Each session, I’d weave my wordy web of melodrama for Ian. I hoped to earn his understanding and sympathy. When I’d finish, Ian would ask, “So what else is new?”  He’d clean his nails or play with his latest gadget. I felt pissed. Was he listening to me or wasting my time and money? Once I got Ian’s strategy, I knew that he knew exactly when to look in my eyes and talk.


I’d say “but…”  He’d say “and…”  I’d say “can’t…”  He’d say “Don’t want to!” He noticed every gesture and expression and didn’t let me get away with a thing. Ian’s unorthodox methods and clever techniques helped me throw a switch in my thinking and transmute.

As a thinking type, Ian’s hands are much like mine. His square palms and long fingers are held widely apart. The primary difference between us is that my hands and fingers are flexible and Ian’s are stiff. He’s strong willed, focused, and determined. I’m a “jack of all trades, master of none”. Ian helped me to focus and to clarify my thinking. I sought Ian’s friendship as well as his therapeutic skills.

Aquarians make stimulating friends. Ian was fascinated with my hand reading skills. We’d share our ideas and theories for hours following our sessions. As a founding director of a Gestalt Psychology institute, Ian convinced me to participate weekly in an intermediate Gestalt study group. I partook for two years and totally loved the experience. I was able to seamlessly integrate physical, psychological, philosophical, and spiritual archetypes with my knowledge of palmistry. My hand reading expertise brought new perspectives to the group. Psychology compliments metaphysics by providing a foundation for counseling. Counseling is a craft that’s been too often neglected in practices of many self-appointed psychics, readers, and healers. It’s much easier to see something than to know what to say about what you see. What you say and how you say it matters.

In Aquarius, Uranus brings sudden unexpected changes on a grand scale. Uranus takes 84 years to orbit our sun. It surfed the raging rapids of Aquarius from 1912 to 1920.

1912 ~ The “unsinkable” Titanic sunk on its maiden voyage.

1913 ~ A series of tornadoes and floods devastate Middle America, killing over 3,000 people and costing over $100,000,000

1914 ~ World War I began.

1915 ~ A German submarine torpedoed the Lusitania.  The first transcontinental phone call was made by Alexander Graham Bell.

1916 ~ Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa invaded the USA, and President Woodrow Wilson retaliated by sending 6,000 troops into Mexico. The Official Gazette of London published the names of 80 United States firms suspected of trading with Germany.

1917 ~ USA declares war against Germany. The largest race riot in American history occurred in Illinois. Congress amends to prohibit alcohol.

1918 ~ Spanish Flu was the worst pandemic since the bubonic plague that wiped out one quarter of Europe’s population in the 14th century. Daylight Savings Time began.

1919 ~ Prohibition is ratified as the 18th amendment to the constitution. Congress failed to ratify the Treaty of Versailles ~ President Wilson opposed and unsuccessfully took his disagreement to the American people. He died on tour after having a massive stroke.

When Neptune began transiting the sign of Aquarius in 1996, people became even more divided, deceived, and demoralized by the powers that be. As Uranus entered Aquarius in 1996, many esoteric people believed it was the beginning of the Aquarian Age. Humanity would finally get its shit together and would choose real brotherhood and not just what’s fashionable. Instead, the first political act of 1996 was a welfare reform bill that President Bill Clinton signed into effect that made life much harder for poor people. Taiwan had its first democratic election. There were four catastrophic plane crashes. Madeline Albright became the first female Secretary of State. Ellen DeGeneres became the first outwardly gay star of an ABC sitcom. Body piercing and tattoos became more popular.

In 1998, Catholics and Protestants voted for peace in Ireland. We began bombing Iraq. Male virility became pharmaceutical phenonmenon after Pfizer introduced Viagra. The stock market initiated a new form of gambling they dubbed “internet day trading”. DVDs became the fastest growing consumer electronics product in history.  Bribes and drugs tarnished the Olympics. We lost our innocence, civil liberties, and illusion of security and stability.

bill clintonNeptune rules confusion, illusion, and delusion.  When Neptune entered Aquarius in 1998, the House of Representatives impeached President Clinton. Clinton was accused of giving “perjurious false and misleading” testimony in front of a grand jury. It was bad for the country, but good for the cigar industry. Our government and twenty state attorney generals charged Microsoft Inc. with anti-trust practices for dominating the Internet access market.


When Neptune exited Aquarius in 2012, Neptune’s greatest illusion and deception was how public policy affected old, poor, and sick people, and anyone else who can’t afford to have bad shit happening. Only when we truly see and know what’s truly valuable can we transform our inequities. Narcissistic visions for the future will affect over a billion people aged 65 and over by the middle of the 21st century. Profits of false prophets will continue to confuse, delude, and control the 99%. The Plutocrats who finance our political campaigns own the partisan leaders who control our health care, manage our welfare, gamble with our pensions, and risk our social security. As Neptune entered Pisces in 2012, many old, poor, and sick people were searching for security, stability, and spiritual answers and finding nothing.

Palmistry – Fact vs Fiction

extended family photo

Fact:  Everyone has hands.  Hands contain valuable information about a person’s character, relationships, purpose, and health.

Fiction: Palmistry is a fortune telling scam.

It was never my intention to become the face of palmistry, however, since I’m nearly 67 and no one else is doing it, I’m assuming the responsibility. I’d like to share with you six lessons that I’ve learned while attempting to become a spokesperson for palmistry.

  1. Most people are resistant to change.  It’s amazing how many strangers over the years have asked me if I “really believe this stuff”, or they deny palmistry, saying it’s bunk, even though they’ve never bothered to study or research a drop of it.
  2. It’s hard work shedding light in the dark. Much of my work is mundane. I spend many hours each day social networking and corresponding via snail mail. I often spend an hour or more a day just addressing envelopes by hand.
  3. It’s a lonely journey and not much fun. I crave solidarity, but mostly get solitude, “at a boys” and pats on the back for my efforts. Fortunately, I have a few educated peers to bounce ideas off of, but generally, I experience a lot of apathy from most people.    I wish I had access to a think tank or mastermind group.
  4. It’s very expensive to finance my efforts. Just printing a few hundred books and sending them out can cost a couple of thousand dollars. I’ve signed up for a variety of expensive monthly internet services. I’ve also paid for advertising on Facebook and other social networks. I spend a huge amount of time writing articles for free in exchange for publicity. Life in general has become very costly.
  5. People call me a great palmist, but I’m actually a great counselor. By combining my knowledge of palmistry with my understanding of astrology, numerology, tarot, mythology, and psychology, I’m able to deeply understand people’s needs.
  6. Publicity is the best form of promotion.

I’ve been laboring over a press release for the past couple of weeks that I intend to send out to the mass media. I’m attempting to capture the essence of modern palmistry and to compel the mass media to embrace the idea of accepting palmistry as a valuable form of self-help. I’ve asked all of my friends, fans, and followers for feedback and advice and have received many interesting comments on my most recent blog post. The consensus is that less is more and I need to condense my proposal.

I tend to recoil at suggestions that I reduce my pitch to superficial sound bites such as predicting ‘love’, ‘money’, or ‘the future’ from hands. I know that it’s what a lot of people want to hear, but that’s a myth. A literary agent once approached me to write an article for Cosmo magazine, “How to increase your bust size through palmistry”. She thought I was crazy when I refused to participate, because the money was substantial. People are hooked on quick fixes. I refuse to become a snake oil salesman or dispense miracle pills for eternal happiness and enlightenment.

The most popular palmistry book (and my least favorite) is called “Palmistry, From Apprentice to Pro in 24 Hours”. You truly can’t judge a book from its cover. If claims like this one were true, there would certainly be a lot of people in the world enthusiastically reading hands and learning all kinds of valuable stuff about themselves and each other.

Here is my most recent version of my press release. Any comments, thoughts, ideas, advice, opinions, and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Hand Book

New perspectives in palmistry are featured in this freshly published ‘Hand Book’           that revolutionizes how people see their hands.

In the 20th Century we asked “What’s your sun sign?”

In the 21st Century we’ll soon ask, “May I see your hands?”

Real Palmistry

Mark Seltman, author of ‘Real Palmistry’ (e-book), shifts the paradigm of palmistry as a fortune-telling scam to seeing hands as a valuable tool to knowing oneself and others. “Priceless insight is waiting to be discovered at the ends of our arms” says Mark, who has been featured in the New York Times, The View, CBS Evening News, New York Magazine, Family Circle, and recently has been named one of The 100 Top Psychics and Astrologers in America 2014.

In our complicated world, the value of reading hands is in being able to readily and easily identify basic character and motivation. Hands change as a person’s thinking and circumstances change. A tiny change in the direction or quality of a line can symbolize a huge change in a life.  It’s time for the ancient science and art of palmistry to be reborn; initiating compelling new opportunities for people to interact and get to know themselves and others better.

Palmistry is simple and fun. You don’t have to be an expert palmist to see relationship, career, and health potentials in your hands. Self-knowledge and understanding is easily acquired through a visual and tactile examination of hands. ‘Hand Book’ will motivate readers to look at their hands and teach them to see their character in action.

Mark explains how the size, shape, and proportions of hands reveal four basic archetypes: Intuitive, PracticalThinking, and Feeling. The texture, color, elasticity and consistency of skin explain how we initiate, maintain, and adapt to new ideas and circumstances. The attributes of individual fingers, shapes of fingertips, and qualities of nails reflect our relationships with others. Lines in the hands and gestures reveal detailed information about our life choices and circumstances.

You can ask your hands:

Like a Myers Briggs personality test incarnate, our hands are topographical maps of our character. As we study them to identify our strengths and weaknesses, we can alter our thinking, exercise our free will, and transform our negative thought patterns into positive behavioral patterns. As we make decisions and take action, we can see our successes and failures reflected in the mirrors of our hands over time.

‘Real Palmistry’ is a must read for anyone who’s curious about what their hands reveal about who they really are.

Mark Seltman has read many thousands of sets of hands. He’s been featured on Martha Stewart LivingQueens, FOX Good Day NY, WNYC Radio, NY Newsday, Where NY, the Daily News, Village Voice, Time Out New York, Modern BrideINSTYLE, Refinery 29, and many other publications.

Here’s an excerpt from a recent Real Palmistry e-book review on

I’ve read more than a few palmistry books and this is something else. It does teach palm reading, but differently from any other book I’ve read. This book is about concepts like will power, creativity, health and perception. Sure he talks about the mounts and lines and fingers, but he presents it in an interesting and unique way. Mark tells stories and anecdotes about his life as a palm reader (and his life) and dispenses his philosophy. There are many pictures that illustrate his points and he includes web links as further reference. There is much to be learned in this unique book and I think the format will help the reader learn and understand it faster and longer.

Reviews drive search engines. I have extra copies of Hand Book. If anyone would like to receive a free copy, leave your mailing address in the comments section of this blog  (I won’t publish it). I’ll send you a copy. If you like it, please review Real Palmistry (e-book) on It’s basically the same book as Hand Book and is a better value for the $.

Hand Book

Hand Book

Hand Book’ (paperback) revolutionizes how people see their hands.  Mark Seltman, master palmist, and author of ‘Real Palmistry’ (e-book), shifts the archaic paradigm of palmistry as a gypsy fortune-telling scam to seeing hands as a valuable way to knowing self and other. Priceless treasure is waiting to be discovered at the ends of our arms.

Mark logically explains how hands are topographical maps of our character and clearly illustrates how our past, present, and future are embodied in our hands. Like a Myers Briggs personality test incarnate, the size, shape, and proportions of hands reveal a combination of four basic archetypes: Intuitive, PracticalThinking, and Feeling. The texture, color, elasticity and consistency of skin and flexibility of joints explain how we initiate, maintain, and adapt to new ideas and circumstances. The proportions and lengths of individual fingers, phalanges, shapes of fingertips, and qualities of nails represent our relationships with others and how we are fulfilling our potentials in our world around us. Lines in the hands, dermatoglyphics (fixed skin ridge patterns), and gestures reveal more detailed information about our life choices and circumstances.

The arts and crafts of interpretation and counseling require study and practice.

Palmistry is simple and fun. You don’t have to be an expert palmist to see relationship, career, and health potentials in your hands. Self-knowledge and understanding will be acquired through a visual and tactile examination of hands. You must know what to look for and learn how to see it. ‘Hand Book’ will motivate you to look and teach you to see.

You can ask your hands: Who am I? What do I value? What do I want? What do I think? How do I feel? What’s my purpose? How can I improve my relationships? How can I be happier and healthier? What are my obligations and responsibilities? How can I prosper more? How can I be more creative? What do I believe?  How can I be more spiritual? What’s next?  You can become your own best friend and bull-shit detector.

The value of reading hands is in being able to readily and easily identify basic character and motivation. The mystery and magic of hands is that hands change as a person’s thinking and circumstances change. A tiny change in the direction or quality of a line can symbolize a huge change in a life.  As we identify our strengths and weaknesses, we can alter our thinking, exercise our free will, and transform negative thought patterns into positive behavioral patterns. As we make decisions and take action, we can see our successes and failures reflected in the mirrors of our hands over time. After 5,500 years, the ancient science and art of palmistry will be reborn; initiating compelling new opportunities for people to interact and get to know themselves and others better.

In the 20th Century people asked “What’s your sun sign?” In the 21st Century they’ll ask, “May I see your hands?” The paradigm of palmistry as a gypsy fortune-telling scam will be dispelled. ‘Real Palmistry’ (best value) is a must read for anyone who’s curious about what their hands reveal about who they really are. It’s required reading for Mark’s next book, ‘Real Palmistry Stories’. Mark’s mission is to give everyone a helping hand, their own.

Mark Seltman has read tens of thousands of hands of people of every age, gender, race, color, size, shape, career, and socio-economic diversity. Mark’s been featured on The View, Martha Stewart LivingCBS Evening News, Lifetime TV, Queens, FOX Good Day NY,  WNYC Radio, The Frankie Boyer Radio Show, AOL You’ve GotNew York Times, NY Newsday, Daily News, Village Voice, New York Magazine, Time Out New York, Manhattan User’s Guide, Family Circle, Modern BrideINSTYLE, CRUSHfanzine, and in Refinery 29. Mark is also featured in these books: The Esoteric Guide to New York     Psychic NY     The 100 Top Psychics and Astrologers in America 2014

Shad Schroeder read my book and totally got what I’d hoped he’d get.  In the comments section below is a partial review he posted on Amazon a couple of days ago. It’s perfect.

My Plan for Palmistry

hold up hands 2

Your hands are a topographical map of your character in past, present, and future.
You can navigate your map and chart your course.

Everyone has hands. Reading hands is simple and fun. After 5500 years, it’s time for the science and art of palmistry to be reborn, initiating new opportunities for people to interact, communicate, and get to know one another.

Palmistry is a powerful path to self-consciousness. The value of palmistry is in its capacity to quickly identify basic character and behavior. The beauty of palmistry is that hands change as a person’s thinking and circumstances change. The tiniest change in a line can symbolize a huge change in a life. You can observe your successes and failures reflected in the mirrors of your hands over time.

Unfortunately, modern palmistry is still relegated to the realms of gypsy fortune-telling scams and disreputable storefronts adorned with red neon hands. Palmistry writings remain buried among the worst selling inventory of astrology, tarot, and occult divination books, hidden on the bottom corner shelf of the metaphysical section in major bookstores. Most palmistry books are cookbooks filled with inaccurate information and inadequate illustrations cloaked in esoteric and technical jargon. It’s extremely difficult to find a palmistry book that’s readable, let alone enjoyable. The main reason palmistry is unpopular is that there’s no spokesperson.

After thousands of years in existence, astrology began to enter mass consciousness in 1968 after Linda Goodman wrote Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs (over 100,000,000 copies in print). Linda single-handedly set mass-market astrology in motion by offering practical information in compelling and fun ways. Suddenly, everyone was asking, “What’s your sun sign?” Sun sign columns began appearing in consumer magazines and newspapers worldwide. Ironically, while astrology symbolizes potential character, talents, and challenges, hands reveal true character and what we are doing with our talents and challenges.

Palmistry must be propelled toward a tipping point. In order to educate, I’ll be required to simplify complex ideas at first, and build nuanced understanding as reader’s comprehension of concepts develops. As with any pedagogical process, readers must be exposed to key basic elements before going more in-depth, and then the relationship between these elements can be explored, leading finally to the ability to synthesize and make meaning. To this end, I’ve written Real Palmistry. I’ll try to stay electronic for as long as possible (many people ask, “When are you going to turn your e-book into a real book?”). A few trees may have to be sacrificed to get more people to look at their own and each other’s hands.

My plan is to give everyone a helping hand, their own. I promise to maintain my integrity and dignity in the process. Hopefully, “Let me see your hands” will be a new catchphrase for the 21st Century. The following is a partial list of strategies and venues which I am using to promote palmistry. If you have any thoughts, ideas, suggestions, insights, or advice, please feel free to comment.

1. Social Networking: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest
2. Online Media: youtube, vimeo, fashion magazines
3. Consumer magazines
4. Blogging, books
5. Teleseminars, Webinars, podcasts, virtual book tours (to be created)
6. Network TV

If you’ve been reading my blog or have read my book, you know that you can ask your hands questions like: Who am I? What do I value? What do I think? How do I feel? How do I best use my will power? How can I be healthier? How’s my marriage? How can I be more creative? What’s my philosophy? What’s my purpose?  How can I be more spiritual? What’s next?

I’ve begun sharing Real Palmistry Stories in my blog, which will eventually become a book. Anyone interested in being featured can send me a hi-res photo of themselves (like the one above), their age, and questions like “What can I do to…?” “How can I…?”

Please don’t ask, “What’s going to happen?”, “Will I be famous?” or “Will I win the lotto?” Avoid questions with “Yes” or “No” answers. Include relevant background information relating to the question.

Priceless knowledge and insight await you in plain sight at the ends of your arms. Knowing yourself places your free will and destiny exactly where they belong, back in your own hands.

The Future of Palmistry

Real Palmistry

The future of palmistry is not the science of palmistry. After 5500 years, there’s more than enough science to give palmistry credibility. One more theory, detail, statistical confirmation, blind study, or variation on a theme will not make the difference. The future of palmistry is the art of palmistry, the accurate interpretation of the science and the skillful counseling of clients. It’s time for palmistry to come out of the closet and be finally recognized in the 21st Century as a valid and vital form of self-help.

It’s not necessary to consult a palmist or to know palmistry for that matter, to attain valuable insights into relationship, career, health, and other major life issues and challenges. To that end, I’ve edited my blog and turned it into an e-book, Real Palmistry, which gives readers an opportunity to see their hands in an entirely new light.

Real Palmistry is the foundation for future blog entries and my next book, ‘Real Palmistry Stories’. Readers can learn about hands by reading real stories of real people as seen through the lenses of their hands. A person’s hands reflect their character; what they’ve done, are doing, and are likely to do with that character. Accurate interpretation is a result of keen observation, an intimate understanding of archetypal mythology and psychology, meaningful dialogue, and practice. I plan to continue linking details in the hands to the science of palmistry and explaining new details wherever possible; however, I’ll be focusing on the gestalt of hands in the future, not a smorgasbord of isolated scientific details.

Check out this pilot for a palmistry video series I’m planning which will consist of 2 minute segments on how a person’s character, values, thinking, feelings, will power, health, relationships, creativity, philosophy, purpose, dreams, and spirituality can be observed in their hands. I’m looking for the right venue for the series by querying online consumer magazines, newspapers, network TV, and internet providers in the hope that they want to be instrumental in bringing palmistry to the masses. Any thoughts, ideas, insights, opinions, and suggestions will be appreciated. I’ll keep you informed of my progress.

I’ve been out of touch for several months because I’ve taken time off from the outer world to upgrade my homes, vehicles, communications hardware, software, personal relationships, and health. I’m happy to report that all are in excellent shape. I’m headed to Norway in a couple of days for a family adventure. I’ll be totally out of touch with everyone and everything for that time. When I return in early August, I plan to devote myself to writing ‘Real Palmistry Stories’ and to promoting Real Palmistry.

Palmistry and Keywords

hand with keysKeywords embody concepts that unlock the doors to knowledge. They reduce an idea to a single word and are universal to all languages. In metaphysics, keywords are used to represent symbols and embody specific principles. When you learn palmistry, astrology, numerology, tarot, or any occult language for that matter, it’s important to have a set of key words to guide you. Whether you’re optimizing a search engine, exploring science, observing art, playing music, designing your home, or examining human nature, the key to keywords is in their collective recognition and interpretation.

My metaphysical teachers always provided me with a list of key words at the beginning of my journey into a particular discipline. When I began studying astrology (over 35 years ago), I learned that our solar system was the basis for constructing a horoscope. To an astrologer, planets are basic archetypes of nature and also keywords for specific energies, ideologies, and potentialities. As Apollo drives the chariot of the sun across the sky each day, he sheds light on all things. Sun is a patriarchal archetype that symbolizes spirit and consciousness. Moon is matriarchal and represents emotion and the unconscious. Mercury communicates. Venus senses. Mars energizes. Jupiter expands. Saturn contracts. Uranus revolutionizes. Neptune imagines. Pluto transforms. This is extremely superficial, but you get the point. Planets are one of four basic elements required to interpret a natal horoscope. Astrological signs are adjectives that describe the basic qualities and energies of planets. Houses in a horoscope represent the areas of life in which planets and signs reside. Aspects are the relationships between planets, signs, and houses that challenge, enhance, and impel a person or circumstance. Humanity consists of masses of harmonious and contradictory computations, permutations, and probabilities rotating and revolving through time and space. We’re one big dysfunctional family, mainly because in our individual consciousness, all of time and space revolves around each of us.

It’s impossible to define human nature with keywords, and yet keywords are absolutely necessary to understanding human nature. One challenge in relying on keywords in palmistry is that a majority of palmistry books are obsolete cookbooks and notoriously confusing, full of stale ingredients and unreliable recipes passed down for generations. Inaccurate information and inadequate illustrations are cloaked in esoteric and technical jargon.

Palmistry keywords are not meant to define human nature, but instead, to evoke images, ideas, and feelings that give us insight into our selves and others. That being said, l will attempt to generalize all of the literature of western palmistry using keywords in my next blog entry. I’ll tie them to past blog entries wherever possible so that they can be viewed in the context of the gestalt of palmistry. If you want to learn how to read hands, you can print out the list of keywords in my next entry and consult it as you observe and examine hands.

Keywords in palmistry are derived from the basic formations and qualities of hands.

Before proceeding, here are two very important ideas to keep in mind.

1. Always consider the dominant archetype. Remember that every detail is capable of modifying the whole and all other details at the same time. The basic shape and proportions of hands is the place to start. Finger lengths are crucial to understanding motivation. Shapes of fingertips flavor the thinking of the type. The development (or not) of knots modifies that flavor. No matter what else is happening, the color, consistency, elasticity, and flexibility of hands in general are critical to understanding a person’s energy, natural resistance to life’s knocks, and adaptability. Without a healthy thumb, it’s hard to have a healthy life because will power or logic can be excessive or deficient. Reading hands is satisfying when hand qualities are consistent, which they usually are.

2. There are relatively few pure types. Pure types tend to be extreme. They can be taxing to be around. Fortunately, most of us are mutts. Once you recognize a dominant archetype, look for a secondary type, which modifies the motivation and behavior of the pure type. With a dominant middle finger and secondary index finger, forget about middle finger melancholy. This person is a disciplined ambitious leader in their chosen career. If the index finger is dominant and middle finger secondary, a person’s powerful ambition may be tempered or hindered by a lot of structure, discipline, and pragmatism. If the middle finger is dominant and the ring finger is secondary, forget about being a loner. This person is gregarious and much better at selling himself than the pure dominant middle fingered person. If the ring finger leans toward the middle finger, you may have a great craftsman or an overly responsible perfectionist. Your dialogue with the person will help you to understand how these qualities manifest in each individual. If a pinkie finger is secondary, that increases shrewdness, adaptability, spontaneity, and a person’s sixth sense. On the dark side, he could be the master criminal who can pick your pocket and rob your life savings at the same time. Some people are harder to judge, as you will see when I begin to share fascinating stories of family, friends, clients, and celebrities.



Through gesture all people are revealing who they are at each moment. Our bodies are in a constant state of change. Accurate interpretation requires thorough understanding of the basic guidelines, a keen ability to observe, and lots of practice. We’ll go into greater detail as we observe and analyze the hands of individual character types.

How do you hold your hands?  Held openly, you have nothing to hide and are receptive to others. Held closely, you’re cautious and may need to take more chances. People around you must work harder to build your trust.

gesture A person’s gestures may transform unconsciously during a consultation. I’ll say, “Hold up your hands”. My client holds up her hands with fingers held closely together and drooping forward. I’m getting a message that she’s not feeling very good about herself. Maybe she’s struggling with issues of self-esteem or spirituality.  She’s afraid I’m going to see something wrong or say something bad. I begin by discussing her positive character traits. Unconsciously and slowly her fingers begin unfolding and straightening out. In minutes her fingers are no longer drooping. She has nothing to hide. The new message is – I’m an open, loving, generous, person (for example). Always speak to a person’s issues from a constructive, helpful, and hopeful source. Positive affirmation goes a long way to facilitating positive change.