You don’t need an Aquarius sun, moon, planets, house placements, or aspects to be Aquarian. Hands with square palms and long moderately spread fingers embody ‘Thinking’ types. I’m generalizing, but in my palmistry practice, many dominant Aquarian types have medium to low set stiff thumbs, inflexible fingers, prominent first phalanges, developed first knots, mixed round and square fingertips, broad nails. Head and life lines closely intertwine at their beginnings. Topographically, clear fine lines merge with busy heart lines that dip to touch logical and pragmatic head lines at their beginnings. It’s easy to analyze, compartmentalize, and rationalize feelings when head rules heart.

I’ve known many successful Aquarian business types with long straight pinkies, dominant first and second finger phalanges, and mildly developed knots. Notable analytical, technical, and scientific types have long first phalanges with prominent first knots on middle fingers. Inventors and designers are often supported by long second phalanges, prominent second knots, whorl fingerprints, spatulate finger tips, and square tipped thumbs. I’ve seen plenty of practical tradesmen with square index fingers and loop and arch fingerprints. Aquarius has less peripheral lines than Gemini  and less islands and forks on the heart, head, life, and fate lines than Libra. All hands have their own unique and specific morphological, topographical, tactile, and visual qualities that define human character and correspond to the twelve signs of the zodiac. Astrology offers keys to shedding light and reflecting on the eternal mysteries of self and other.

Many people think Aquarius is a water sign. They see a water bearer and a symbol that looks like waves. Water embodies feeling and symbolizes our personal and collective unconscious. Air waves are geometric, sharp, and precise. Aquarius is fixed thinking. The Water bearer is discarding Feelings in favor of Thinking by pouring them from a jug.

Everyone has thirty degrees of Aquarius in their allegory. Wherever Aquarius is in your symbolism and psyche, you may be very fixed and highly sociable, and private, cool, and detached when necessary. It’s easy to avoid intimacy while spending a lot of time in a world of one’s own ideas and inventions. Thinking is masculine in gender. Aquarians need to become more aware of their Leo opposition to obtain real objectivity and clarity in their thinking. Most Aquarians have no clue how bogged down they can get in their own bullshit. They need mutable Gemini friends like me who can call them on their bullshit and walk away unscathed. Aquarius believes he can solve problems better than others, and many times he can, but his ego gets in the way. He values free speech, but overvalues his opinions that may be brilliant, constructive, helpful, and hopeful, or at the other end of the spectrum, extreme, obsessive, conceited, and obnoxious!

Uranus rules Aquarius and symbolizes sudden unexpected change. Aquarius can be erratic and unpredictable. Ruler of Sky and Father of Titans in Greek myth, Uranus, was first son of Gaea and Chaos. My Sun Uranus conjunction in Gemini in my 8th house is a tale of 72 years of internal and external revolution. I’m always striving to get out of my own way. My favorite Aquarians are: Jules Verne ~ Buzz Aldrin ~ Helen Gurley Brown ~ James Dean ~ Charles Dickens ~ Michael Jordan ~ Franklin Roosevelt ~ Charles Lindbergh ~ Bill Maher ~ Mozart ~ and Paul Newman. I also have close friends who are personal heroes.

Uranus takes 84 years to return to its birthplace. Betty Friedan completed her Uranus cycle before she died on her 85th birthday (2/4/06). Betty authored ‘The Feminine Mystique’ in 1963. She catalyzed a women’s movement and revolutionized women’s rights. Founder of National Organization for Women (NOW), Betty planned the first International Feminist Congress in 1973. She summarized most women’s existential quandary when she described their situation, “It is easier to live through someone else than to become complete yourself.” Betty’s Aquarian war cry, “Make policy not coffee”. Meanwhile, chauvinistic partisan old white men still control women’s rights. Hmm…

Aquarians relish a revolution when the cause is right. They’re independent progressive thinkers who pride themselves on their originality. Sometimes they flaunt eccentricities. Aquarians must learn to value their uniqueness for what it is and not for the sake of being different. They enjoy attracting other unconventional, unusual, and free spirited people. They’re a magnet for me. If you want to influence an Aquarian, you must remain extremely calm, be logical, and make good sense. Encourage others to participate, innovate, be more caring, and creative, and we’ll all be happier.

My Fearless Aquarian Vision for our Future

Our Future is in Our Hands

New Moon in Aquarius

1 / 24 / 2020

Personal and planetary inequities will clash as have nots realize they’ve been had. By the time Pluto enters Aquarius in 2024, the time of false prophets and false profits will have come to an end. We will philosophically and spiritually shift our poisonous paradigms into a new Age of Aquarius, Love, and Brotherhood, where Humanity sees, hears, and knows what’s fake and what’s real and proactively chooses to embrace what’s real. We can no longer take others, ourselves, and this tiny speck in time and space we call our planet for granted. Priceless information and insights about our own and each others natures, values, thinking, feelings, will power, health, relationships, creativity, purpose, philosophy, hopes, fears, and spirituality lay waiting to be seen and heard at the ends of our arms.



Personal & Collective Psyche transform as Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto change sign. Uranus transits each sign of our zodiac for seven years. It takes eighty-four years to orbit our sun through twelve signs. Uranus entered Aquarius twice in the 20th Century. 1912 to 1919 bombarded our psyche with sudden unexpected political and social upheaval that challenged our philosophical and spiritual ideologies, faith in humanity, and trust in ourselves. Uranus transited Aquarius again in 1996. Had we chosen love and brotherhood over selfishness and convenience, we’d be building bridges instead of walls!

“The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding”

1912 ~ “Unsinkable Titanic” sunk on its maiden voyage. Karmic lesson in hubris

1913 ~ Tornadoes & Floods devastated Middle America. 3,000 dead + $100,000,000, an expensive lesson in preparedness

1914 ~ World War I ~ Hatred, Fear, & Terror levied a heavy toll on humanity

1915 ~ German submarine torpedoed British Ocean Liner Lusitania

Alexander Graham Bell catalyzed mass communications with the first transcontinental phone call made Jan 25th, 1915. A powerful concept’s time had arrived…

1916 ~ Would a wall have prevented Pancho Villa, Mexican revolutionary, from invading the USA? Woodrow Wilson retaliated by sending 6,000 troops into Mexico

Official Gazette of London published the names of 80 United States firms suspected of trading with Germany. Prescott Bush, a banker, was among them.

1917 ~ USA declared war on Germany. Hitler’s enemies became our allies. Bigotry became more bountiful, catalyzing the worst race riot in American history in Illinois

Congress amended laws that prohibited beer, wine, and liquor from being profitable

1918 ~ Daylight Savings Time. Spanish Flu was the worst pandemic since the Bubonic Plague wiped out one quarter of Europe’s population in the 14th century

1919 ~ Prohibition was ratified as the 18th amendment to our constitution. Congress failed to ratify the Treaty of Versailles. President Wilson disagreed and went on public tour to fight the decision. He died trying.

Hermes was the true father of modern medicine, communications, and the ‘Cell Phone’. Hermes knew everything is made of cells. He taught our brain is the hardware. Our job is to connect our inner with outer cells and fine tune our links. In Greek myth, Hermes was reputedly a real man, the mystic teacher of Abraham, who lived for 350 years in the flesh. As a Gemini @ 72, I’m still an adolescent, ‘Peter Pan’, in his finest hour. Joanna, my ‘Wendy’ soul mate, calls me “a piece of work in progress”, still in my first childhood.

Speaking of adolescence, male vanity and virility was popularized when Pfizer introduced Viagra in Aries of 1998. The stock market created a new form of gambling called “internet day trading”. DVDs became the fastest growing consumer electronics product in history. Bribes and drugs tarnished the Olympic Games. Our innocence and civil liberties were transformed as our ideas, illusions, and delusions about private and social security and stability dissolved. What we think of our past, present, and future matters.

Body piercing and tattoos became popular. President Clinton’s first political act of 1996 was to sign a welfare reform bill that made life harder for poor people. Havenots were deceived, divided, and demoralized, by the powers the that be. Madeline Albright became first female Secretary of State. Ellen DeGeneres was the first gay star of an ABC sitcom. Taiwan’s first democratic election was held. Four major plane crashes happened.

Neptune rules vision, illusion, delusion, and confusion. In 1998, Neptune in Aquarius represented the House of Representatives impeaching Bill Clinton for giving “perjurious false and misleading” testimony in front of a grand jury. Leo rules Bill, whose hands, sun, mercury, saturn, and pluto are Leo. Rest assured Hillary (Hera) mercilessly tortured Bill’s sorry butt when he got caught. Catholics & Protestants voted for peace in Ireland.

The US government and twenty state attorney generals charged Microsoft with anti-trust practices for dominating the Internet access market. Bill Gates has a Scorpio Sun and intuitive hands. Imagine having the power to make gigantic differences for humanity and our planet? What’s the ethical, moral, and spiritual responsibility for knowing the difference? Many poor people give more than Bill Gates, relative to their time and resources.

Neptune entered Pisces in 2012. 1% afflicted and infected the other 99% with spiritual, physical, emotional, ideological, psychological, and philosophical pathogens and dis~ease. Our illusions, delusions, and deceptions of being old, poor, sick, disabled, and/or unable to afford bad shit happening dissolved. Individual and collective hatred, fear, and terror has prevented us from transforming our inequities into equities. We must recognize and take responsibility for our behavior, values, thinking, feelings, health, relationships, creativity, philosophy, purpose, hopes, desires, fears, and spirituality.


Historians will describe the 21st Century as an era of false prophets and false profits. Neptune in Pisces symbolizes billions of individuals around the world, seeking security, stability, and spiritual answers and instead finding despair, fear, and terror.  HAVES rule have nots. Poor folk will always be at the bottom of the barrel scraping for pennies, as plutocrats skim the cream and pay partisan politicians to permit them to deplete, poison, and pollute our planet, manage our healthcare, regulate our welfare, gamble with our social security, and control our pension funds. The middle class are pawns, collateral damage, in a crooked game of chess. If freedom and slavery are opposite extremes, what shades of gray are you?

Never have so few been allowed to influence, manipulate, and control so many. The human race has become a race against bad shit happening and we’re all losing!

“As Above, So Below” Hermes


You don’t need an Aquarius sun, moon, planets, house placements, or aspects to have Aquarian hands. Aquarius is a ‘thinking’ type. Pure types have square palms and long fingers, medium to low set stiff thumbs, inflexible fingers, mixed round and square fingertips, broad nails, and head and life lines closely intertwined at their starts. Analytical, technical, and scientific types have long first phalanges with prominent first knots on middle fingers.

Many people think Aquarius is a water sign. They see a water bearer and a symbol that looks like waves. Air waves are geometric, sharp, and precise. Aquarians are fixed thinking types. Water embodies feeling. The water bearer is discarding feelings in favor of thinking by pouring them from a jug.

I’ve seen many successful Aquarian business types with long straight pinkies, dominant first and second phalanges, and smooth knots. Many inventors and designers have long second phalanges, prominent second knots, whorl fingerprints, spatulate tipped ring fingers, and square tipped thumbs. I’ve seen lots of practical types with square looking index fingers, square fingertips, and loop fingerprints. Pure Aquarians have less peripheral shallow lines than Gemini and more deeply etched basic heart, head, life, and fate lines than Libra. Various signs have various topographical and tactile qualities.

Everyone has thirty degrees of Aquarius in their allegory. Aquarians can be highly sociable individuals. At the same time, they can also be private, cool, and detached. Aquarians avoid intimacy by spending time in a world of their own ideas and inventions. They need to become more aware of their Leo opposition. Aquarians think they can solve problems better than others (and many can), but their egos get in the way. They value free speech, but overvalue their opinions, which may be obsessive, extreme, and sometimes conceited or obnoxious.

Uranus, ruler of Sky and Father of Titans in Greek mythology was first son of Gaea and Chaos. Uranus is about sudden change. Aquarians can abruptly become erratic and unpredictable. My close Sun Uranus conjunction in Gemini in my 8th house has seen a lifetime of internal and external revolution. I’m a magnet for Uranian types. Some of my personal heroes are Aquarians: Jules Verne ~ Buzz Aldrin ~ Helen Gurley Brown ~ James Dean ~ Charles Dickens ~ Michael Jordan ~ Franklin Roosevelt ~ Charles Lindbergh ~ Bill Maher ~ Mozart ~ Paul Newman.

Uranus takes 84 years to return to its place of birth. Betty Friedan completed her Uranus cycle a year before she died on her 85th birthday (2/4/06). Betty published ‘The Feminine Mystique’ in 1963. She catalyzed the women’s movement and revolutionized women’s rights. As a founder of the National Organization for Women (NOW), Betty planned the first International Feminist Congress in 1973. She summarized most women’s quandary when she described their situation, “It is easier to live through someone else than to become complete yourself.” Betty’s Aquarian war cry was “Make policy not coffee”.

Aquarians relish a revolution when the cause is right. They’re independent progressive thinkers who pride themselves on their originality and may sometimes flaunt their eccentricities. Aquarians must learn to value their uniqueness for what it is and not for the sake of being different. They attract other unconventional, unusual, and free spirited types. In order to change an Aquarian’s mind, you must be extremely logical and make good sense. Encourage them to be innovative. They’ll be happier.

My Fearless Prediction for the Future

Pluto will pass into Aquarius in 2024. Pluto will also have returned to it’s natal position in the horoscope of the United States. Personal and planetary inequities will transform into an Aquarian Age of love and brotherhood. Humanity will proactively, profoundly, and proudly see, hear, and know what’s fake and what’s real. We will no longer take others, ourselves, or this tiny speck in time and space we call Earth for granted. Our future is in our hands. Priceless information and insights about our characters, values, thinking, feelings, will power, health, relationships, creativity, philosophy, purpose, hopes, fears, and spirituality lie waiting to be discovered by us at the ends of our arms.


Look and See. Listen and Hear. Touch and feel. Think and know.

Personal and Collective Psyche shifts paradigms as Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto change sign. Uranus takes seven years to change sign and eighty-four years to orbit our sun through all twelve signs. Uranus returned to Aquarius twice in the 20th Century. 1912 to 1919 marked a time of sudden and unexpected political and social upheaval that challenged our spiritual ideologies, faith in humanity, and trust in ourselves. Uranus passed from Capricorn to Aquarius in 1996. Had humanity chosen love and brotherhood over selfishness, convenience, and fashion, we’d be building bridges instead of walls!

1912 ~ The “Unsinkable Titanic” sunk on its maiden voyage, a karmic lesson in hubris.

1913 ~ Tornadoes and floods devastated Middle America, killing 3,000 people and costing over $100,000,000… a very expensive lesson in preparedness.

1914 ~ World War I began. Fear, hatred, and terror levied a heavy toll on humanity.

1915 ~ A German submarine torpedoed the British ocean liner, Lusitania.  

Alexander Graham Bell catalyzed mass communications when the first transcontinental phone call was made on Jan 25th, 1915. A powerful concept’s time had arrived.

Note: In Greek Mythology, the true father of the Cell Phone was Hermes, a real man and mystic teacher of Abraham. Hermes believed everything is made up of cells. Our brain is the hardware. Our job is to connect with other cells and fine tune our links.

1916 ~ would a wall have deterred Pancho Villa, Mexican revolutionary, from invading the USA? Woodrow Wilson retaliated by sending 6,000 troops into Mexico.

Official Gazette of London published the names of 80 United States firms suspected of trading with Germany. Prescott Bush was one banker who supported the Nazis.

1917 ~ USA declared war on Germany. Hitler’s enemies became our allies.

Bigotry was bountiful. The worst race riot in American history happened in Illinois.

Congress amended laws that prohibited beer, wine, and liquor from being profitable.

1918 ~ Daylight Savings Time began. Spanish Flu became the worst pandemic since the Bubonic Plague wiped out one quarter of Europe’s population in the 14th century.

1919 ~ Prohibition was ratified as the 18th amendment to our constitution.

Winners lose and losers win. Congress failed to ratify the Treaty of Versailles. President Wilson disagreed. He went on public tour to fight the decision and eventually died trying.

Male vanity and virility was popularized when Pfizer introduced Viagra. The stock market created a new form of temptation called “internet day trading”. DVDs became the fastest growing consumer electronics product in history. Bribes and drugs tarnished the Olympic Games. Our innocence and civil liberties were transformed by dissolving our ideas and delusions of private and social security and stability. What we think and how we feel about our past, present, and future is all that really matters.

Body piercing and tattoos became even more popular. President Clinton’s first political act of 1996 was to sign a welfare reform bill that made life harder for poor people. They became demoralized, deceived, and divided by the powers that be. Madeline Albright became the first female Secretary of State. Ellen DeGeneres became the first outwardly gay star of an ABC sitcom. Taiwan had its first democratic election. There were four major plane crashes. Why did we bomb Iraq when Uranus was still in Aquarius in 2003?

Neptune entered Aquarius in 1998. Neptune rules vision, illusion, delusion, and confusion.  The House of Representatives impeached Bill Clinton for giving “perjuriously false and misleading” testimony in front of a grand jury. Bill’s Hands, Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto are all in Leo. Bill was being Bill! Catholics and Protestants voted for peace in Ireland. Peace won.

The US government and twenty state attorney generals charged Microsoft with anti-trust practices for dominating the Internet access market. Bill Gates has a Scorpio Sun and intuitive hands. Imagine having the power to make a huge difference for our planet and humanity? What is the moral and spiritual responsibility of understanding that difference?

Neptune transited into Pisces in 2012. 1% of ego infected 99% of lesser ego with physical, emotional, ideological, psychological, philosophical, and spiritual dis-ease. Our delusions and deceptions about being old, poor, sick, and not being able to afford bad shit happening were dissolved. We must take responsibility for our values, hopes, fears, and choices. Fear and terror is preventing us from transforming our inequities.

Neptune in Pisces can symbolize billions of people seeking security, stability, and spiritual answers and finding despair, fear, and terror. If slavery and freedom are opposites, what shades of gray are you? The human race has become a race against bad shit happening. History will describe the 21st Century as an era of alternative facts and false profits for false prophets. HAVES rule have-nots. Plutocrats pay partisan politicians to permit the depletion and pollution of our planet, deregulation of public welfare, and control of health care, social security, and pension funds. We’re pawns, collateral damage, and statistics in a game of digital chess. Never in history have so many HAVES felt so fully entitled to manipulate and control so many have-nots.


Autumn Equinox 2018

Outer planets powerfully influence our collective psyche as they change sign. They also catalyze massive transformations in our personal psyches. We can observe our inner and outer worlds transform in cardinal, fixed, and mutable modalities. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto transited Libra in the 20th Century. Forces of good and evil clashed as we tried to find a balance between optimism and pessimism, tolerance and intolerance, justice and prejudice, and progress and regress with little social or political stability.

Uranus transited Aries (opposite Libra), arriving in Taurus May 2018 and transiting into Gemini in April 2026. Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn are impelling poisonous  politics by deceiving  voters and conning partisan politicians with empty promises fueled by the hubris, hatred, greed, and gluttony of a philosophically and spiritually bankrupt Emperor.


Our future is at risk. While Neptune (Pisces) transited Libra from 1942 to 1957, Nuclear weapons proliferated. The first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. President Truman ordered the Atomic Energy Commission to produce a much bigger `Hydrogen Bomb’. Now, Neptune in Pisces has provided us with a deluded Emperor with his finger on the button.

Why won’t the United States see that we’re all in this together? Our obligation is to ourselves and each other. We have a responsibility to nourish future generations. We need to cultivate healthy behaviors, values, thinking, feelings, will power, physical habits, relationships, creativity, philosophies, purpose, dreams, and spirituality.

When will fear stop, accountability start, decision begin, and taking charge take place? Is it possible to prevent ‘bad shit from happening’ instead of always racing towards it?

The United Nations was born on October 24 1945. Their Charter was ratified by China, France, Soviet Union, United Kingdom, and the United States. International cartels firmly established themselves. A European Common Market was recognized. Civil Rights Movements flourished. Group Psychology became popular.  A World Council of Churches was established. Mother Francis Xavier Cabrini, founder of Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, became the first American Citizen to be canonized by the Roman Catholic Church.

The Devil is hard at work in the church. He confuses and tempts priests with tainted money and evil fantasies while giving them the permission and power to physically and spiritually abuse and corrupt sacred souls they were entrusted to protect. No matter our religion, we’re one big dysfunctional family. Each of us has a unique story.

‘As Above, So Below’

“THE ALL is in ALL, while ALL is in THE ALL”

“The Lips of Wisdom are closed, except to the Ears of Understanding”  Hermes

When Neptune left Libra in 1957, the bestselling novel was Peyton Place, focusing on sexual intrigue in a small town. Allen Ginsberg was a popular poet writing, “I have seen the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness”. People born between 1942 and 1957 tend to be overly idealistic about relationships. ‘Haves’ must learn what the ‘Have Nots’ have… to strive, accept, compromise, sacrifice, and let go.

Uranus (Aquarius) transited Libra from 1968 to 1975. The spirit of nationalism shifted from optimism to pessimism. Faith in progress turned into disillusionment in national institutions and world progress. The period was marked by useless popular inventions like a pet rock, giant platform shoes, and shag haircuts. Punk Rock, Primal Therapy, and Streaking became popular. The Supreme Court Legalized Abortions in the first trimester of pregnancy (Roe vs. Wade). Is it time for some Matriarchy for a change?

Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn have enabled ultra-conservative forces to conspire to bias a Supreme Court that will curtail Women’s Reproductive Rights. Bumbling Bureaucrats choose Money over Values, promote Religion over Spirituality, embrace Greed over the Good Health of our Planet, and offer generous helpings of Fear, Confusion, and Delusion as alternative facts instead of Honesty, Integrity, Dignity, Courage, Strength, Grace, Virtue, and Wisdom. Our health and our Planet’s health are controlled by too many pussy grabbers, fearful haters, and greedy gluttonous shitholes. We must be in charge of our own well-being.


In 1968, Governor George Wallace, a racial bigot from Alabama, announced he’d be running for President on a newly formed American Independent Party ticket. He threatened to repeal the “so called civil rights laws”. In 1971, an assassination attempt left candidate Wallace paralyzed from the waist down. Diplomat Henry Kissinger approved the financing of clandestine CIA activities in Chile aimed at successfully preventing the election and inauguration of Salvador Allende as Marxist President.

Patty Hearst shed new light on ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ after she was kidnapped and brain-washed by the Symbionese Liberation Army. A military junta deposed Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie. The most popular show on TV was a comic satire about a racist named Archie Bunker. Racism is not so funny these days.


In Taurus, Uranus has brought us an empty and valueless Emperor who has chosen to build physical walls between us and our closest neighbors while building ideological, philosophical, and spiritual walls among and between us and the rest of our world.



Pluto (Scorpio) transited Libra from 1971 to 1983. It was the official launch of the environmental movement ~ Reuse, Recycle, and Recreate. Growers and pickers reached a settlement that ended a nearly ten year grape boycott (led by Cesar Chavez). Farm workers finally had bargaining power. In 1954, Neptune was in Libra and Pluto was in Leo. In the case of Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruled that racial segregation of schools was unconstitutional. On April 20, 1971, the United States Supreme Court upheld the use of busing to achieve racial desegregation in schools. Unfortunately, making something law, doesn’t erase hatred.

An arm of the Palestine Liberation Organization terrorized the 1972 summer Olympics in Munich. Prime Minister Idi Amin slaughtered over 300,000 Ugandans and alienated his country from the rest of the world. Violence in Ireland forced Britain to seize control of Northern Ireland and suspend the Protestant controlled parliament. In 1975 South Vietnam crumbled, bringing an end to the Vietnam War. Because of the Karen Ann Quinlan case, `right to die’ rulings were enacted all across the USA. The serial killer “Son of Sam” was put away after terrorizing both males and females in NYC. Religious extremist Jim Jones’s followers drank the cool aid and died.

John Lennon was murdered.

“Imagine there’s no country,

It isn’t hard to do.

Nothing to kill or die for,

And no religion, too.

Imagine all the people.

Living life in peace”



Cancer is a feeling type… instinctual, empathic, emotionally complex, and hard to comprehend. Pry into their private lives and watch them retreat into their shells. Cancers hide their most vulnerable selves beneath a facade of nurturing actions. Cautious and vulnerable, Cancers avoid emotional confrontation wherever and whenever possible, although, they prefer being frank and direct over tactful and diplomatic. Their feelings can swing from loving, devoted, and nurturing, to secretive, obsessive, and fearful of the future. Their smartest option is always choosing satisfying over safe. Cancers can become dark and moody when they feel controlled or confined. They must feel protected and secure before they can fully trust. Once trust is earned, loyalties run deep. Cancer needs to cultivate intimacy wherever and whenever they can. Healthy families, close friendships, and satisfying work nourish and support them. Creating structure, organization, and detail also helps them feel stable and secure.

Healthy Cancers are loving, compassionate, and devoted. They’re compatible with other feeling types (Scorpio & Pisces). They feel safe with practical types (Taurus ~ Virgo ~ Capricorn) who are reliable, responsible, and dependable. They’re challenged by thinking types (Gemini ~ Libra ~ Aquarius) who compartmentalize, rationalize, and analyze their feelings. They’re cautious around intuitive types (Aries ~ Leo ~ Sagittarius) who are passionate, spontaneous, and impatient, and afraid they’ll be left holding the psychic garbage bag (they are) and scared of dealing with the collateral damage when idealism, optimism, enthusiasm, and logic wane (and they do). Cancers are acutely consciousness of everyone else’s emotional needs. When they feel insecure, they can become internally secretive and externally aggressive at the same time. Cancer works hardest when income matches output. Motivated by good food, emotional security, and cozy surroundings, their mission is to nurture family, home, and creative imagination.

The impudent young guy on the left in this picture is me, captured forty-four years ago in a photo booth at Kennywood Amusement Park in Pittsburgh, Pa. Lloyd and I met while working part time at a model making shop where we fabricated preschool children’s learning devices for the University of Pittsburgh’s Learning, Research, and Development Center. We made toys for ourselves and our loved ones on our own time. About to graduate from different colleges, I was to become an industrial designer. Lloyd would continue being an artist. We were a couple of Peter Pans on our way to Neverland.

Lloyd didn’t get much nurturing as a child. He developed his quick wit and sense of humor while trying to avoid extreme physical abuse. When his mother was happy, Lloyd was safe. When she was unhappy, she’d incite Lloyd’s rage filled father to beat him up. Lloyd tried hard to fix his broken parents, but they were too sick to support his efforts. Instead, they judged, criticized, and abused him. Lloyd’s mother finally abandoned him by killing herself; his father was committed to a mental institution, and years later, his lovely sister who I had met in Florida (two beautiful children, great husband, and an apparently idyllic life), suddenly and unexpectedly blew her head off with a shotgun.

Lloyd’s slender rectangular palms and long fingers embody his Cancer sun, which is conjunct my Mercury. His Gemini ascendant and my Gemini sun harmonize with one another. Lloyd’s head and life lines tightly intertwine at their beginnings. That reveals his need to feel appreciated and his tendency to take things too personally, even when they aren’t. A sensitive child, Lloyd desperately craved love and support, but didn’t get any.

Lloyd survived childhood without much approval. Meanwhile, he thrives on love and appreciation. Lloyd will give you the shirt off his back if you need it, but you had better never take him for granted. I know because Lloyd has literally given me the shirt off his back in my moment of need. I was on my way to an important meeting and got a nasty stain on the front of my shirt. Before I could blink, Lloyd took off his shirt and traded with me. What I love about him is that it never occurred to him not to do that.

Cancers are collectors. Some stockpile food in case of shortage or emergency. Lloyd collects art books, literature (most well-read person I know), religious art, art supplies, tools, raw materials, and clothing. When wealthy people die, their families donate their wardrobe to Goodwill or the Salvation Army. Lloyd has a keen eye for the finest designer clothing. He skillfully sorts through the merchandise for great finds. I call him my personal dresser. We wear the same sizes. Lloyd chooses suits, coats, and jackets with me in mind and has gifted me with outfits worth thousands of dollars that he paid ten or fifteen dollars for. Many had never been worn. He’s a master bargain hunter.

Lloyd’s very flexible thumbs symbolize his ability to adapt to the most horrible of circumstances. They also embody his frequent generosity of heart and spirit. It’s very hard for Lloyd to say “NO”. The gold ring on the bottom phalange of his middle (Saturn) finger on his unconscious hand symbolizes his need to have clear boundaries, be frugal, and learn how to be less available so that he won’t be taken for granted. Of course, Lloyd knows that, but it’s still fun to see his character, motivations, and challenges embodied in the morphology and topography of his hands.

Lloyd would say to me, “People who tell the truth don’t need to have good memories”. I’d reply, “We may be bastards, but at least we’re honest”. Over fifty years of friendship have witnessed many challenging lessons in humility for us. We delayed finding balance between our outer and inner worlds by always choosing to learn the hard way. We had to let go of our need to be more than we were. We learned there are no shortcuts.

Lloyd Wilson is Pittsburgh’s best kept secret because he loves his anonymity. His artwork reveals a magical spirit, but few will truly get to know it. Lloyd personifies Cancer’s best qualities. He’s supportive, sympathetic, receptive, reflective, intuitive, imaginative, extremely devoted to friends and family, and my best friend (male).

Aquarius Hands

You don’t need an Aquarius sun, moon, planets, house placements, or aspects to be Aquarian. Aquarius is a ‘thinking’ type. Pure types have square palms and long fingers, medium to low set stiff thumbs, inflexible fingers, mixed round and square fingertips, broad nails, and head and life lines closely intertwined at their starts. Analytical, technical, and scientific types have long first phalanges with prominent first knots on middle fingers.

I’ve seen successful business types with long straight pinkies, dominant first and second phalanges, and smooth knots. Many inventors and designers have long second phalanges, bulging second knots, whorl fingerprints, spatulate tipped ring fingers, and square tipped thumbs. I’ve seen lots of practical types with square looking index fingers, square fingertips, and loop fingerprints. Pure Aquarians have less peripheral shallow lines than Gemini and more deeply etched basic heart, head, life, and fate lines than Libra. Various signs have various topographical and tactile qualities of hands.

Many people think Aquarius is a water sign. They see a water bearer and a symbol that looks like waves. Air waves are geometric, sharp, and precise. Aquarians are fixed thinking types. Water embodies unconscious. The water bearer is discarding feelings in favor of thinking by pouring them from a jug.


Everyone has thirty degrees of Aquarius in their allegory. Aquarians can be highly sociable individuals. They can also be private, cool, and detached. Aquarians avoid intimacy by spending time in a world of their own ideas and inventions. They need to become more aware of their Leo opposition. Aquarians think they can solve problems better than others (and many can), but their egos get in the way. They value free speech, but overvalue their opinions, which may be obsessive, extreme, or obnoxious.

Uranus, ruler of Sky and Father of Titans in Greek myth was first son of Gaea and Chaos. Uranus is sudden change. Aquarians can suddenly become erratic and unpredictable. My close Sun Uranus conjunction in Gemini in my 8th house has seen a lifetime of internal and external revolution. I’m a magnet for Uranian types. Many of my personal heroes are astrologically Aquarians: Jules Verne ~ Buzz Aldrin ~ Helen Gurley Brown ~ James Dean ~ Charles Dickens ~ Michael Jordan ~ Franklin Roosevelt ~ Charles Lindbergh ~ Bill Maher ~ Mozart ~ Paul Newman.

Uranus takes 84 years to return to its place of birth. Betty Friedan completed her Uranus cycle a year before she died on her 85th birthday (2/4/06). Betty published ‘The Feminine Mystique’ in 1963. She catalyzed the women’s movement and revolutionized women’s rights. As a founder of the National Organization for Women (NOW), Betty planned the first International Feminist Congress in 1973. She summarized most women’s quandary when she described their situation, “It is easier to live through someone else than to become complete yourself.” Betty’s Aquarian war cry was “Make policy not coffee”.

Aquarians relish a revolution when the cause is right. They’re independent progressive thinkers who pride themselves on their originality and sometimes flaunt their eccentricities. Aquarians must learn to value their uniqueness for what it is and not for the sake of being different. They attract other unconventional, unusual, and free spirited types. In order to change an Aquarian’s mind, you must be extremely logical and make good sense. Encourage them to be innovative. They’ll be happier.

Neptune exited Aquarius in 2012. Our great delusion and deception was that public policy was getting better for old, poor, and sick people. Sadly, have-nots were desperately searching for physical and spiritual answers and finding nothing. Profits from false prophets control the masses.

Plutocrats finance political campaigns, purchase politicians, own health care, manage welfare, gamble with pensions, and jeopardize social security. Relatively few greedy capitalists control politics, energy, banking, communications, transportation, housing, food, healthcare, insurance, and religion while demoralizing billions of people who need their help. It’s mind-boggling how someone in power could choose hate over love. What sense does arrogance, selfishness, and being untruthful make?

We’re loved for loving. Hubris will never win friends and influence people.


Feigned competence rules!

Intimidation only works when we choose to feign incompetence

My Fearless Prediction for the Future

Pluto will pass into Aquarius in 2024. Personal and planetary inequities will transmute into an Aquarian Age of love and brotherhood. Humanity will proactively, profoundly, and proudly see, hear, and know what’s fake and what’s real. We will no longer take others, ourselves, or this tiny speck in time and space we call Earth for granted.

Our future is in our hands. Priceless information and insights about our characters, values, thinking, feelings, will power, health, relationships, creativity, philosophy, purpose, hopes, fears, and spirituality lie waiting for us at the ends of our arms.

Aquarius and the 20th Century Psyche

Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto transform both personal and collective psyches when they change signs. Uranus takes roughly seven years to transit a sign and eighty-four years to orbit our sun through twelve signs. Uranus came home to Aquarius twice during the 20th Century. From 1912 to 1919, sudden and unexpected political and social upheaval challenged our spiritual ideologies, faith in humanity, and trust in ourselves.

1912 ~ The “Unsinkable” Titanic sunk on its maiden voyage, a potent lesson in hubris.

1913 ~ A series of tornadoes and floods devastated Middle America, killing 3,000 people, and costing over $100,000,000. We learned preparedness the hard way.

1914 ~ World War I began.  Hate took a heavy toll on humanity. Love defeated hate. 1915 ~ A German submarine torpedoed the Lusitania. Expect the Unexpected

The first transcontinental phone call was made by Alexander Graham Bell. Everyone communicates. A powerful idea’s time had arrived.

1916 ~ Pancho Villa, Mexican revolutionary, invaded the USA. President Woodrow Wilson retaliated by sending 6,000 troops into Mexico. If only he’d built a wall.

Official Gazette of London published names of 80 United States firms suspected of trading with Germany. The moral of the story is haves don’t give a shit about have nots.

1917 ~ The USA declared war on Germany. Hitler’s enemies became our allies.

The worst race riot in American history happened in Illinois. Bigotry was huge.

Congress amended laws to prohibit alcohol to make beer, wine, and liquor profitable.

1918 ~ The Spanish Flu was the worst pandemic since the bubonic plague that wiped out one quarter of Europe’s population in the 14th century. Bad Shit Happens.

Daylight Savings Time began. Don’t ever take time for granted

1919 ~ Prohibition is ratified as the 18th amendment to the constitution. Congress failed to ratify the Treaty of Versailles. President Wilson opposed and unsuccessfully took his disagreement to the American people. He died on tour after having a massive stroke. Winners sometimes lose.

Uranus re-entered Aquarius in 1996. It could have catalyzed an Age of Aquarius if humanity had chosen brotherhood over fashion, convenience, and selfishness. Instead, we bombed Iraq in 1998. Male vanity and virility was popularized after Pfizer introduced Viagra. The stock market created a new form of gambling dubbed “internet day trading”. DVDs became the fastest growing consumer electronics product in history. Bribes and drugs tarnished the Olympics. We lost our innocence, civil liberties, and the illusion of private and social security and stability.

Uranus transited Aquarius in 1996. People became even more demoralized, deceived, and divided by the powers that be. President Bill Clinton’s first political act of 1996 was to sign a welfare reform bill that made life harder for poor people. Body piercing and tattoos became more popular.


There were four major plane crashes.

Madeline Albright became the first female Secretary of State.

Ellen DeGeneres became the first outwardly gay star of an ABC sitcom.

Taiwan had its first democratic election.

Neptune rules illusion, delusion, and confusion. Neptune entered Aquarius in 1998. The House of Representatives impeached President Clinton who gave “perjuriously false and misleading” testimony in front of a grand jury. Bill is a Leo with Leo hands.

Catholics and Protestants voted for peace in Ireland. Peace Won.


Our government and twenty state attorney generals charged Microsoft with anti-trust practices for dominating the Internet access market.

Bill Gates is a Scorpio with intuitive hands.


Neptune left Aquarius for Pisces in 2012. Our delusions and deceptions affected old, poor, sick, or anyone who couldn’t afford bad shit happening. 1% had infected billions with spiritual dis-ease. We must understand our values before we can transform our inequities.

History will reveal the 21st Century as an era of profits of false prophets consigned to con and control the 99%. Plutocrats patronize partisan politicians who deplete our natural resources, pollute our planet, ravage our psyches, choose our health care, control our welfare, gamble with our hard earned social security, and own our pension funds. Neptune in Pisces embodies billions of people seeking security, stability, and spiritual answers and finding despair, fear, and terror. The human race has become a race against bad shit happening. Look and See. Listen and Hear.

Scorpio and the Collective Psyche in the 20th Century

Outer planets have a powerful influence on the personal psyche. They also symbolize massive transformations in the collective psyche as they change sign. When Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto transited the sign of Scorpio in the 20th Century, our views of Sex, Violence, and Death transformed forever.

Pluto takes twenty years to change astrological sign during which time it disintegrates, destroys, and transforms collective consciousness. Pluto almost doubled its speed when it transited its own astrological home of Scorpio from 1984 to 1995.

It was a challenging time to keep secrets. Sex combined with death to expose the dark underbelly of Scorpio. HIV came into being while condoms were promoted on national TV to stop the spread of AIDS. Homosexuality came out of the closet to be the topic of everyday conversation. Religious fundamentalists and politicians had plenty to preach about. Sex scandals ousted Senator Gary Hart and televangelist Jim Bakker. Scorpio rules other people’s money and Bakker was later convicted of defrauding his followers of 158 million dollars.

Police bombed the headquarters of a black radical group called MOVE. Terrorists from the Palestine Liberation Front seized the Italian cruise ship Achille Laura. Oliver North exposed the Iran Contra scandal. He and Ronald Reagan walked away intact. Terrorists bombed Pan Am flight 103, killing 259 passengers and 11 villagers in Scotland.



Nobody wanted our famous Garbage barge which carried 3,100 tons of Garbage 6,000 miles before returning home to be burned.

“Dr. Death” (Jack Kevorkian) became a household name.

When Neptune (Pisces) transited the sign of Scorpio from 1957 to 1970, it offered an opportunity for spiritual transformation. Neptune regenerates or degenerates. It began with sit-ins and peaceful demonstrations and ended with race riots, terrorist bombings, and hijackings. Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated by `two of her own bodyguards’. Racial tensions rose. Bernard Goetz shot four young black men in the NYC subway system. He claimed they were robbing him. They claimed not to have provoked him. Political unrest catalyzed the assassinations of John Kennedy, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King Jr. It was an era of escapism. Drugs, pornography, and indiscriminate sex became normal. Oral sex and contraceptives became popular. Thousands of men went into exile rather than serve in the Vietnam War.

When Uranus (Aquarius) transited Scorpio from 1975 to 1981, it marked the end of the Vietnam War for America and the beginning of new terror in Cambodia. A senate committee admitted that assassination was modus operandi in U.S. foreign policy.

Mass humor was irreverent as seen by the popularity of Saturday Night Live on TV.

Scorpio rules the reproductive system. In 1976, scientists at MIT created the first synthetic gene. The first test tube baby was conceived outside of the womb in 1978.

Scorpio symbolizes powerful women. The Episcopal Church ordained the first woman. Barbara Walters was the first woman national news anchor on ABC TV.

The first Death (Pluto) sentence was carried out in ten years when convicted murderer Gary Gilmore went before a firing squad.

Punk Rock was loud and nihilistic, an unconventional rebellious expression of Uranus.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show became a cult classic.

Ultrasound became an alternative to x-ray radiation.

Performance art became a new art form.

Palimony suits became popular.

Over 1,000 “No Nukes” protesters were arrested on Wall Street on the 50th anniversary of the 1929 stock market crash.

1980 saw the first professional actor in the Whitehouse following the lowest voter turnout in modern history.

Fidel Castro’s “Freedom Flotilla” embarrassed the U.S. when we discovered that Castro had unloaded his underworld criminals, mentally ill, and misfits on us.

IBM introduced the personal PC and revolutionized the computer industry forever.

Insurance is very 8th house. We’ve all heard, “The only guarantees in life are Death and Taxes”. Life is not ensured or assured like Death and Taxes, but you can purchase life insurance, which is a contractual arrangement whereby one party pays another party to guarantee them against a specified loss. Insurance implies that we have something of value (2nd house). Perhaps we can’t afford not to value something. Assuming our premiums are paid, we worry less about the costs of bad shit happening to family, health, home, car, property, or whatever we value that’s insurable.

Insurance is a form of gambling. Your agent is your bookie. Your insurer is the casino. The house is always favored financially due to statistical permutations, combinations, and probabilities. High risk means high stakes. You can check your odds by examining insurance actuarial tables and know your prospects by observing your premiums. The insured shoots craps and always loses, even when he wins.

Insuring may be confused with ensuring or assuring. Spraying crops with pesticides ensures fewer bugs and weeds. It assures we eat drink and breathe toxic chemicals. Investing Social Security in the Stock Market does not insure that the market won’t collapse. Employees of Enron believed their pensions insured a secure retirement. Drilling for oil in the wilderness does not insure that we will have enough oil. It does ensure and assure that we’ll have social, political, and environmental problems. Conserving energy ensures that we will have more energy and waste fewer natural resources. Offering vengeance as a solution to violence assures more violence.

Everyone dies. Life insurance protects the living. What are your last few months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds worth?  What’s the premium for a graceful painless final exit? I’d like to live a long and healthy life and enjoy a quick and graceful final exit. Having an abundance of Scorpio symbolism in my horoscope, I’ve created my very own “Dr. Death Do it Yourself Kit”. It’s a breathing apparatus attached to a tank of helium. When necessary, I’ll have a logical, practical, painless, and peaceful alternative to facing a future of pain, dependency, lack of awareness, no love, or abject poverty in old (hopefully) age. Read Final Exit by Derek Humphrey if you want to learn more about Dying with Dignity.

Libra and the Collective Psyche in the 20th Century

Outer planets have a powerful influence on the personal psyche. They also symbolize massive transformations in the collective psyche as they change sign. When Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto transited the sign of Libra in the 20th Century, forces of good and evil clashed as we tried to find a balance between optimism, pessimism, tolerance, prejudice, progress, and regress. There was not much social or political stability.

While the planet Neptune (Pisces) transited the sign of Libra from 1942 to 1957, Nuclear weapons began proliferating. The first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.  President Truman instructed the Atomic Energy Commission to produce an even bigger `Hydrogen Bomb’. The United Nations began blossoming. International cartels became firmly established. The European Common Market was recognized. The civil rights movement flourished. Group psychology became popular. The World Council of Churches was established. Mother Francis Xavier Cabrini, founder of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was the first American citizen canonized by the Roman Catholic Church.

The art world went through dramatic changes.  Allen Ginsberg became a popular poet writing, “I have seen the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness”. When Neptune left Libra in 1957, the bestselling novel was Peyton Place   focusing on sexual intrigue in a small town. People born between 1942 and 1957 tend to be overly idealistic in relationships.  They must learn to harmonize, compromise, and sacrifice.

While the planet Uranus (Aquarius) transited the sign of Libra from 1968 to 1975, the spirit of our nation shifted from optimism to pessimism. Faith in progress turned into disillusionment with national institutions and world progress. This period was marked by useless popular inventions like the “pet rock”, giant platform shoes, and shag haircuts. Punk Rock, along with primal therapy and streaking became popular. The Supreme Court legalized abortions in the first trimester of pregnancy (Roe vs. Wade). Governor Wallace, a racial bigot from Alabama, announced that he would be running for President on the newly formed American Independent Party ticket. He threatened to repeal the “so called civil rights laws”. Meanwhile, the most popular show on TV was a comic satire about a racist named Archie Bunker. Diplomat Henry Kissinger approved the financing of clandestine CIA activities in Chile aimed at preventing the election and inauguration of Salvador Allende as Marxist President. Patty Hearst was kidnapped and brainwashed by the Symbionese Liberation Army. A military junta deposed Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie.

While the planet Pluto (Scorpio) transited the sign of Libra from 1971 to 1983, growers and pickers finally reached a settlement that ended a nearly ten year grape boycott (led by Cesar Chavez). Farm workers finally had bargaining power. This time marked the official beginning of the environmental movement. The Supreme Court upheld busing as a way of integrating schools.  An assassination attempt left presidential candidate George Wallace paralyzed from the waist down. Prime Minister Idi Amin slaughtered over 300,000 Ugandans and alienated his country from the rest of the world. Violence in Ireland forced Britain to seize control of Northern Ireland and suspend the Protestant controlled parliament. An arm of the Palestine Liberation Organization terrorized the 1972 summer Olympics in Munich. In 1975 South Vietnam crumbled, bringing an end to the Vietnam War. Because of the Karen Ann Quinlan case, `right to die’ rulings were enacted all across the USA. The serial killer “Son of Sam” was finally put away after terrorizing the male and female population of NYC. Religious fanatic Jim Jones got his followers to commit suicide. John Lennon was murdered.

“Imagine there’s no country,

It isn’t hard to do.

Nothing to kill or die for,

And no religion, too.

Imagine all the people.

Living life in peace”