“We reap what we sow”
“And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come.” Bible Book of Joel, Chapter 3:3-4
As a participant in and observer of humanity’s insanity for over ¾ Century, I’m here to share my point of view of what has happened, is happening, and will happen through social, political, personal, and metaphysical lenses and constructs. View on the largest screen possible. The subtlety is in my artwork. Take what works. Leave what doesn’t.
I’m focusing my attention on one rare celestial event. Super Blue Blood Moons occur when a full lunar eclipse, super-moon, and blue moon all happen at the same time. The alchemy between Earth’s atmosphere and sunlight create the Blood-like hue. About 25 percent of all full moons are super-moons. Only 3 percent of full moons are blue moons. The time between super blue moons is irregular. It can be as much as 20 years, in general, 10 years is average. The next super blue moons will occur in January and March of 2037. The Super Blue Blood Moon of 1866 symbolized the end of Slavery. That’s also when seeds of MAGA were sown. Social viruses, corporate greed, and political trolls infected humanity with illusion, delusion, fear, hate, and hopelessness.
“The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding” Hermes
Tens of millions of people read their horoscopes daily in newspapers and magazines without realizing the true value of astrology. Astrology is an ancient wisdom, science, and art that examines relationships between cycles of celestial bodies and life on earth. Every moment in time and space has an exclusive signature. Horoscopes are unique maps of positions of planets in the heavens at specific times and places. Astronomical patterns symbolize life’s experiences and synchronize with human personality patterns. Presidents, Emperors, Kings, Dictators, Philosophers, Mystics, and Scholars have used astrology (and still do) to observe, make sense of, manage, and influence world events.
Astrology embodies Hermes law of Polarity, “As Above, So Below”. Our night sky gives context to our lives by revealing archetypal patterns, embodying cycles, picking timing, habits, and understanding behavior and mass mindset in a generational context. Astrology symbolizes past, present, and future as reflected in planetary transits, progressions, and natal relationships with symbolic mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, cousins (asteroids), and ancestral stars through signs, aspects, and houses. Western humanity shares the same old dysfunctional genes as our Greek and Roman ancestors. Our permutations, combinations, possibilities, and probabilities are infinite.
Let’s look at politics through the lens of astrology. If hindsight is 20/20 and history does repeat itself, why not choose to embrace and manifest the most positive attributes of our symbolism? George W Bush, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump all share Gemini North Nodes (December 24 1945 ~ August 11 1947). Anyone born August 6 1964, February 21 1966 (60–62), or March 15 1983 ~ Nov 1 1984 (40–41), shares that same karma. Gemini north node is an invitation and responsibility to join society to share higher consciousness and lend humanity a helping hand so we can all exercise higher mind.
It’s easy to see how Bill Clinton and George Bush screwed up. Bill (Leo), and George (Leo rising) have epic egos and corresponding hubris. George was born with too much unearned power and entitlement. Bill earned his reward, but learned humility the hard way through public embarrassment and shame. Innately gifted, smart, handsome, and charismatic, Bill was tempted by his wounded ego and seduced by false pride. Rest assured, Hillary kicked his sorry butt.
Donald Trump (Leo rising) has brought higher consciousness to humanity through the back trap door. Many people have become politically proactive due to Donald’s horrible behavior and terrible example as a role model. A closeted loser inflicted more than his fair share of damage on humanity. How many gilded towers, glitzy gambling casinos, golden pedestals, graven images, beauty queens, pageants, shark tanks, apprentices, and celebrity idols do we need? Why do so many MAGA followers wear red caps and golden sneakers? Have they purchased one way tickets to Trumplandia?
The dark side of the force is alive and well. An Evil Emperor rules while Darth Vader controls the Evil Empire. Yoda, Jedi knights, Luke Skywalker, and all heroes and heroines must search to find a quest, choose what’s right, and act accordingly.
Barack Obama’s Sun, Mercury, Uranus, and North Node are in Leo. Barack, a Hero, was not entitled. He worked, grew, flourished, blossomed, earned humility early, and sacrificed freedom to be present when many people needed a helping hand. Barack Obama is a real person, loves his family and friends, and cares about everyone else.

Genes of past solar eclipses are seeds for future eclipses. Solar and lunar eclipses gave us President Trump who gave us permission to be our worst, short-sighted, petty selves, overflowing with secret prejudices, private perversions, pervasive fear, and horrible hatred that divides and corrupts everyone and everything. Pandemic passivity, epidemic complacency, and persistent procrastination prevent positive thinking and rob personal and collective agency. Choice matters. As does everyone and everything else.
Everyone is talking about the 14th amendment these days. The Fourteenth Amendment is a direct result of our Civil War. Both proponents and opponents of Donald Trump are attempting to redefine the wording of Section 3, hoping that a reasonable interpretation of the Law either qualifies or disqualifies Donald from running for President due to his insurrectionist rhetoric and ongoing increasingly horrible behavior. A function of the 14th amendment is social and political management. That’s not its purpose.
Fourteenth Amendment
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the states wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
In 1866, the Party of Lincoln attempted to govern through equity, equality, and equanimity. Reconstruction became law. That law is still nebulous, abused, wrapped in false pride, shrouded in secrecy, disguised in deceit, and enveloped in darkness for nearly two centuries. It’s time to face the truth of who and what we’ve become.
Government by the least suitable or competent citizens of a State
“A concerted, extremely well-funded crusade is underway among elements of the MAGA party, who gleefully desecrate the ideas of its founders, effectively eroding and destroying the vital essences of Reconstruction’s greatest achievement—birthright citizenship and equality before the law.” The Atlantic ~ 10 / 2018
The same celestial genes that propelled Donald Trump into power in 2016 also created the state of Israel in January of 1948. Doomed from the get-go, the Jewish People were given a barren, arid, but holy slice of desert surrounded by masses of Arabs who hated their guts historically, socially, and religiously. Paths of permissions and denials lead to palaces of persecution, victimization, and extinction. Pogroms unified the Jewish Race in the past. The rest of the world is wondering whether the victims have become the persecutors. Can you picture Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu below?

Blood of past Super Blood Wolf Moons is DNA for present and future moons. Super Lunar Eclipse brings more than exotic auras around full moons. January 2018 Super Blue Blood Moon impelled a government shutdown as Republicans failed to reach agreement on a bill that would keep federal agencies funded. January 21, 2019, May 26, 2021, and January 6, 2021 total lunar eclipses had predictable results. Donald Trump refused to concede an election while inciting an insurrection.
Despite Trump’s pleas and denials, Joe Biden was President, inaugurated January 20, 2021. Concern has been expressed over Biden’s age. An elder statesman who dedicated his life to politics is trying to make a positive difference for humanity. We should support, nourish, and practice Joe’s best intentions.
What has happened? Healthcare became our #1 priority. Covid 19 reformed political and social landscapes. China decoupled from the West. Too many wildfires and tropical storms reminded us how humans are affecting climate change. The killing of George Floyd highlighted hypocrisy in black human rights issues. Televising violent incidents breathed new life into Black Lives Matter Movements and caused protests over racial violence across our country. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) recognized Israel in return for Israel’s pledge to forgo annexing territory in the West Bank. The Abraham Accords were signed. Oil production and prices plummeted due to Covid 19 repressing demand. Our relationship with Iran worsened. Belarus was captured by a dictator who discounted everyone’s votes. Donald Trump was acquitted of impeachment charges.
TRUMP will Unravel ~ MAGA will Crumble ~ JUSTICE will Prevail.
Republicans feign competence. Selfishly, heartlessly, ignorantly, and for personal gain, they create and enforce unfair partisan laws, rules, regulations, codes, and doctrines over obedient, organized, apathetic, and clueless flocks of followers. As they loot our personal and collective coffers, they squander our precious natural resources, and create stagnant swamps of toxic waste that ooze from our faucets, orifices and pores, into streams, rivers, and oceans of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual worlds. Meanwhile, MAGA members angrily threaten non-believers with retribution. ‘Resistance is futile’.
Earth, water, and sky are metaphors for our bodies, feelings, and thinking. We must examine our physical, mental, emotional, ideological, philosophical, and psychological footprints. Our Souls and the Spirit of our planet are infected with pervasive doubt and fear that needs to be exorcised and reborn through acts of love, faith, and hope.

Democrats feign incompetence. ‘Meaning well’, they meander clueless, aimless, and mindlessly across bleak and barren wastelands, begging for handouts, seeking aid, and frantically prodding feckless followers toward endless mazes of filling out more surveys, forms, petitions, and final requests for money disguised in guilt, shame, blame, urgency, and panic. Democrats throw $$$ at distressing symptoms without addressing root causes. Mesmerizing us with synthesized voices and targeting us with algorithmic bots is not a healthy direction for Democracy. Democracy is personal.
Sacred cows, golden calves, best of intentions, and unwitting, insensitive, naive, and cruel behaviors must be sacrificed on the altars of truth, faith, and love. Right to Life vs Right to Choose is Religion vs Politics. Let’s separate Religion from Politics, retire the old stale white bread in charge of Patriarchy and give Matriarchy a fresh and fertile chance at managing humanity.
We need to redefine self, family, friends, home, and community. There are too many unwanted, unhealthy, and unhappy people who don’t know the difference between unconditional love, tough love, and no love. How white, black, and gray are we? are you? am I?
Common sense without good sense is nonsense. Pious philosophies, pointless partisan political paradigms, and pestilential pecuniary practices pollute higher purpose and poison our psyches. Faulty families feast frenziedly on flawed feelings, vague values, and toxic thinking, copiously spiced with needless fear, desperation, and hatred. As we compartmentalize, rationalize, and analyze our insane ideologies and beliefs, we sacrifice our dignity, integrity, nobility, and virtue on the altars of nonsense.
Vengeance is not a solution to violence. Fear, hatred, and rage grow exponentially. When frantic, fearful, fateful shit happens, we focus on insane ideas like “Apocalypse” or “Armageddon”. Choosing pathological social and political ideologies and embracing hypocritical religious fundamentalist doctrine darkly and magically transforms our blackest most fatalistic beliefs into self-fulfilling prophecies. Extinction is nearing.
Remember, it’s not what you do, but what you get away with that matters!
A full wolf moon manifested on January 25, 2024. Dark storm clouds continue to gather as ravenous wolves devour innocent, gullible, and naive soon-to-be-voters who cower fearfully until the right hero gives them back their power and convinces them to vote for good. As humanity races frantically, desperately, and simultaneously toward and away from bad shit happening, worse shit happens. Wolf embodies intuition, cunning, and self-reflection. Leo inspires courage, strength, and leadership. Why choose darkness?
What is our Cosmos telling us? Our world is everyone’s oasis, stage, and toilet by degree. We’re all producers, directors, actors, and observers. We must examine our rigid headsets and create a revolution that transforms our apathetic, untruthful, and fearful thoughts and actions into choosing, embracing, and nourishing healthy and happy mindsets.
Don’t expect to be saved by partisan politicians. It’s our responsibility to make our full lunar eclipses more meaningful or we’ll still be putting up with the same old bullshit hundreds of years from now. How can we become more self-aware? Can we actually make healthy choices and take healthy actions? Will we finally choose good health for ourselves, each other, and our planet? Is it too late?
Evil emperors weave wardrobes of secrecy, darkness, and deceit. Bullshit trickles down. Partisan politicians, pathological prosecutors, and punishing persecutors poison our psyches. We must shift our malignant spiritual and philosophical paradigms from surviving in a scary and fearful world to thriving on a healthier and happier planet.
Haves will never willingly give their freedom or power away. Nor should they if they use their freedom, power, and desire to help the rest of us to have healthier lives, more meaningful experiences, realistic expectations, better relationships, more sustainable environments, healthier histories, realized hopes, and fulfilled dreams. Exercising good sense and acting with courage, strength, dignity, wisdom, and grace ensure healthy intentions, thoughts, feelings, and actions have healthy consequences. When love and respect rule, the rest is detail. Nothing makes better sense. Giving is God’s work.
HAVES must give as much as they can, fully, consciously, and generously to any and all valuable causes that are helpful to humanity and the ongoing health of our planet. Taxes are necessary. All money and all resources are here to nourish everyone and everything. Government is here to help us, not themselves, and their wealthy patrons.
Our good health and health of our world depends on our ability to share healthy thoughts and loving feelings. We can no longer substitute money for values, religion for spirituality, and collective illusion and delusion for reality. As humanity meanders hopelessly through time, space, and eternity, a Messiah awaits in a Mirror.
My fearless prediction. Our next Blue (Democracy) Moon occurs August 19, 2024. Waves of previous non-voters will choose to vote Blue. After the November election, a Democratic President, House, and Senate will transform politics. Every vote will count. Citizen’s United will be seen for what it is and dealt with. The Electoral College will become extinct. The Supreme Court will become balanced. Food will be healthier. Guns will become more sensibly managed and controlled. Our planet will begin to heal. We’ll each be more conscious of our part in being a member of our world.
Reflect~ VOTE BLUE!
The rest of this artwork was originally woven into the fabric of what you’ve already read. A writer friend suggested I eliminate my most vitriolic dark parody from my content as she felt it was distracting and interfering with my message. I’ve separated it. My ideas and artwork parody other writer’s and artist’s ideas and artwork. They’re my muses. I’ve left their names when there. Forgive and enjoy my alterations, alliterations, and aberrations.
Profit vs Prophet
A spiritually bankrupt society worships idols from amateur hours and applauds scripted survivors. Masses of meek minds, mesmerized by meaningless media, are captivated by TV courtroom melodramas. Critical and judgmental of the pettiest of behaviors, our psyches are ruled by malignant narcissists, warped exhibitionists, and pious perverts who perniciously parade their sleaziest selves before a desperate and depraved public. WINNERS and losers live in a world of HAVES with MORE, & have-nots with less than ever…
This tiny speck in time and space we call earth, and our collective psyche are immune deficient. We preach love and sympathy and practice hate and fear. Appalling apparent apathy produces pandemic pathological paradigms. We fixate on sex, death, violence, and disease while fear, greed, mistrust, and shortsightedness rule our personal and collective psyche. Mistaking ‘no love’ for ‘tough love’ is so easy because not enough healthy role models are helping us to see ourselves and others clearly.
We prostrate ourselves before self-appointed emperors on polished brass plated tin pedestals. We patronize political prostitutes, follow fanatical terrorists, admire terrible tyrants, and worship god-fearing fundamentalists. We’re fascinated by werewolves, fake vampires, and crazed zombies, while real werewolves, vampires, and zombies suck our vital essences, grab our pussies, control our personal choices, and silence our voices.
Must we lose what we have to value what we had?
Is it possible to remain sane in an insane world?
Evil acts are symptoms. Evil intents are causes. Wealth and power are conjoined twins. Why do we believe we’re better than others? Why harm others when we can help them? All humans can assume responsibility for everyone’s good health by knowing, honoring, and loving ourselves and practicing good intentions for everyone and everything else.
Donald Trump is a Gemini with Leo rising. His Leo hands embody the most negative attributes of Leo’s behavioral patterns that include being self-centered, self-indulgent, superficial, ostentatious, egotistical, ruthless, greedy, bossy, seductive, and a lousy role model. What happened to Donald’s humanity? It’s mind boggling to witness how a person can have so much externally and be so spiritually bankrupt at the same time.
Mercury is the court jester who reveals folly though humor. Mercury’s dark side is the trickster, con-artist, and pickpocket. Donald Trump’s north node in Gemini conjunct his Sun Uranus in Gemini, natal Mercury is square Neptune, and his corresponding curved pinkie fingers confirm Donald’s pathological dishonesty. His head and life lines intertwined at their beginnings symbolize Donnie’s aloof and defiant behavior. He craves our approval and cares about what we think of him, though he acts like he doesn’t. He certainly doesn’t care about us. Donald’s day of reckoning is coming. Hubris has taken down every despot in history and will take down Donald when the horrible things that he has done are no longer acceptable because they violate basic healthy human standards and requirements. Donald will become extinct.
Soon to be no longer useful idiot
Author’s note: many people have curved pinkie fingers. They are not pathological liars. A majority of people with curved pinkies are trying to avoid confrontation. They’re peace makers because they learned as children to ‘act nice’ and ‘make the peace’. If you’re ‘too nice’, ‘please too much’, or ‘can’t say no’ you’ve likely chosen safe over satisfying. Do you have a long strong index finger and curved pinkie? You give your power away.