Zodiacal sign changes and geometric relationships between outer planets catalyze massive personal and collective transformations of psyche. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto transited Capricorn in the 20th Century. Paradigms for political institutions and social structures shifted. Uranus in Capricorn revolutionized world relations, politics, religion, and business from 1989 to 1996. The Iron Curtain and Berlin Wall were ripped down. Germany was reunited on Libra 3, 1990. Sociopolitical demarcations between East and West vanished. The Soviet Union disintegrated into fifteen republics in 1991. The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibited discriminating against disabled people. We applied rules, regulations, reforms, and reformations, but continued the trumped-up patriotism, pious philosophies, partisan social discrimination, and fabricated fears.
With Neptune in Capricorn in 1985, NASA’s Voyager space probe recorded Uranus orbiting the outer limits of our solar system. In 2018 with Saturn (government) and Pluto (Power Elite) in Capricorn, Uranus (sudden changes in values and money) in Taurus, and Neptune (vision, illusion, and delusion) in Pisces, Donald Trump announced a 6th branch of our military services that organized, trained, and equipped space forces to protect the USA and allied interests in space and provide space capabilities to the joint force.
Politics in outer space is a waste of time and money. One better idea is to distribute available funds wisely in the here and now. Choose healthy ideas, plans, and actions for all living things. It’s time to address the fundamental conflicts, issues, and beliefs in our society such as ‘Money vs Values’, ‘Money & Morality’, and ‘Haves vs Have~nots’. Religion is losing its purpose for humanity as spirituality becomes more scarce.
Nelson Mandela was released after 27 years behind bars. Anti-Apartheid movements galvanized across the globe in 1990. Jean Bertrand Aristide, penniless radical priest, became Haiti’s first freely elected president. Ten months later, armed rebels seized control of his government and ousted him for ‘meddling in army affairs’. After Asylum in the USA, Aristide returned to office in 1994 with 20,000 American troops. Operation Desert Storm liberated Kuwait from Iraqi invaders. Bosnia declared independence from Yugoslavia, resulting in a religious civil war that pitted Serbs and Croats against Muslims. Genocide in Yemen, Syria, Sudan, and Somalia promoted fear, prejudice, and hatred across the globe! OY!
Johnny Carson retired after 30 years of hosting the ‘Tonite Show’ in May 1992. Representatives from over 100 countries met in Rio de Janeiro /June to figure out how to save the earth. It became obvious to all that common sense needed good sense because too many of us are out of our conscious minds and hearts!
My faces on original art & signature
November 1993, thirteen years after Brady was shot and paralyzed, the Brady Bill for gun control was finally signed into law. Republican leaders continued worshipping greed, coveting power, ignoring human values, abusing planetary well-being, and abandoning the future of our world. Too many lethal weapons of mass destruction are still being sold to too many psychotic males who will eventually use them for mass shootings in malls, schools, and churches.
In October 1995, the USA and UN brokered a prickly cease-fire to end ethnic cleansing. PLO leader Yassar Arafat shook hands with Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin to end hatred. The Irish Republican Army agreed to lay down its arms in exchange for a role in Northern Ireland’s political future. Smoking was banned in restaurants in New York City. More women began smoking cigars.
Neptune began its journey through Capricorn in 1984. Clear lines between chemical industries and moral responsibilities dissolved. A gas leak from a Union Carbide plant in India killed over 3,000 people. British scientists pinpointed a hole in the earth’s ozone layer. In 1987, having seen the dark handwriting on the walls, fifty-three nations signed a treaty pledging to reduce the number of CFCs in our atmosphere. November 1996, 55 parties signed the Paris Accord, agreeing to save the climate. 194 countries, including the European Union, have agreed to work on climate change. Businessmen, Politicians, and Priests have to agree to agree to their degree of greed!
Expect the unexpected. Suspect the unsuspected. Correct the uncorrected.
Forever toxic! The most Neptune accident in history occurred at Chernobyl in April 1986. Thirty-one people were killed instantly. 40,000 were later diagnosed with Cancer from too much exposure to nuclear radiation. In March 1989, the Exxon Valdez shipwreck became the worst oil spill in history, contaminating hundreds of miles of Alaska shoreline, and killing tens of thousands of innocent creatures. It’s time to correct and deselect fossil fuels and environmental degradation. Select clean energy, sustainability, nature, and nurture.
Ignore science? Everyone knows ‘Roundup’ is carcinogenic. Monsanto, creator of Agent Orange, PCBs, DDTs, and Dioxins, launched “Round-up Ready” GMO soybeans in 1994, approved by the FDA. ‘Frankenfood’ was born. Environmental activists fought while FDA folly was parodied on late night TV. Mad Cow disease appeared in the UK in 1996. A slim line between science fiction and reality was crossed when the first sheep was cloned in Scotland in 1997. The FDA approved a drug called AZT, designed to treat AIDS. El Nino was blamed for bizarre weather conditions 1997~1998.
Neptune transformed illusions of fatherhood. Bill Cosby was most popular father in 1984. Bill wasn’t practicing what he was preaching. He had zero awareness of how Karma would reward him when Saturn would return to Scorpio in 2014. Bill was ridiculed by hordes of ex-fans when ‘me too’ appeared on his doorstep. With Saturn in Capricorn in 2018, Bill was thrown into state prison for drugging and sexually assaulting a variety of women.
Racial bigots, Archie Bunker, and Homer Simpson were popular patriarchal parodies. ‘Married with Children’ flaunted twisted fantasies of fatherhood. Disney studios produced the ultimate LEO father and son story, ‘Lion King’. Murphy Brown revealed her Animus to a Collective Psyche’s repressed and vulnerable Anima. She encouraged all females not to give away their power. Sadly, we’re still choosing to appoint rapists and elect pussy grabbers to leadership roles in public office, commerce, and society.
Ivan Boesky preached virtuosity and honesty while practicing insider trading. Frenzied mergers, acquisitions, and takeovers began in 1980, destabilizing financial institutions. General Electric purchased media giants NBC and RCA. Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) collapsed. Regulators from 69 countries seized assets and charged officers who hid substantial losses from investors. Congress closed the House of Representatives Bank in the wake of scandal.
On Jan 6, 2021, Sun and Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, Donald Trump incited an insurrection on our Capitol that catalyzed the Jan 6 committee and the beginning of the end for CHUMPENOMICS!
Neptune dissolves political and financial structures. Mikhail Gorbachev reformed controls to keep the Soviet Union together. Growing concerns over growing federal deficit catalyzed the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act in 1974 to balance the budget and stabilize the deficit. Congress failed to control its spending rather than assume the massive mandatory cuts specified.
It was transformed in 1990 to the Budget Enforcement Act. As Reagan deficits soared to two trillion dollars (2X 1981), Reagan taxed Social Security to gather more from the poor and middle class. Black Monday crashed the stock market with unexpected steeply dropping stock prices. Texaco filed the largest bankruptcy in history. National deficits grew greater as the middle class grew smaller and poorer. Haves have. Have-nots have not! Time for HAVES to share generously, practically, and reasonably with all!
Pluto corrupts. Money without morality is bankrupt. Religion without Spirituality is blind. The top 1/10th of 1% are above the law and beyond scrutiny. The other 99.9% are clueless what to do with laws or themselves. Covetous capitalists, deceptive business practices, devious plans, and dark conspiracies dwell in Pluto’s domain. Partisan politics, greed, and hypocrisy must be confronted and transmuted into healthy behaviors, values, thinking, feelings, use of will power, relationships, creativity, philosophy, purpose, dreams, fears, and spirituality.
“ Expecto Patronum”
Donaldemort, a gluttonous grifter, science denier, and squanderer of natural resources rules Dementors who grift our pocketbooks, poison our principles, and pollute our planet’s body, respiratory, and circulatory systems. They punish and abuse us physically, and try to incapacitate and imprison our minds & psyches.
Nostradamus predicted Pluto in Capricorn would destabilize major financial structures. Bubbles created by illusions like social security and financial stability would burst. Congress would become infected with jealousy, lies, and greed!
Have we prepared for erratic interest rates and inflation? Can we reform our broken social systems? What happens in 2025 when the Federal Reserve Bank, founded Dec. 23, 1913 (Capricorn) destabilizes as transiting Neptune in Aries squares our Fed’s natal Sun Pluto opposition? Can we figure out what that means or might or could mean ahead of time?
If Hindsight truly is 2020, looking backward to 12/23/2022 finds Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Pluto transiting through Capricorn. It’s time to reveal faulty foundations, shaky structures, and horrible habits. Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn then pass him. It’s time to balance personal and collective heads and hearts. Every thought, choice, and action has consequences. The human race has become a race against bad shit happening.
Forward to 1/6/2023. Full moon in Cancer. Time to let go of fear and hatred and transmute our thoughts, choices, and actions for ourselves, others, and our planet. It’s a perfect time to choose supportive, caring, and nurturing foundations and structures for natural and human systems and cultures.
We must reuse, recycle, and recreate our world by revolutionizing our infrastructure and energy needs and nourishing ourselves and our environment. Fossil fuels can be useful as sustainable products and not squandered on herds of racehorses under our hoods.
Recycling, Reusing, and Reducing need to be reinforced on a massive scale to become practical and cost effective. We need to build bridges instead of walls, repair highways, and design and implement healthy solutions to cost effective public transportation systems that offer comfort, accessibility, and affordability for all.
The Declaration of Independence was signed July 4, 1776. Some astrologers dispute whether Gemini or Sagittarius is rising. Regardless, natal Sun, Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury are in Cancer. Transiting Pluto in Capricorn has returned to his natal position to transform our human and planetary mythology into a new reality for everyone and everything. If Gemini is rising, it’s not a great time for too many smug short-sighted children to take what’s valuable for granted. As Pluto in Capricorn reaches into our cell phones, computers, e-devices, minds, hearts, and souls, he influences more than elections. Pluto can help our nation heal or he can cause a loss of status as a positive role model for the world!
God rules. Laws enforce. Reputation regulates!
Must we lose what we value to learn to truly value it?
New York City’s charter was signed on January 1 1898 at 12:01 am. On Xmas 2013, transiting Pluto, Sun, and Mercury in Capricorn were conjunct New York City’s natal Sun. Physical, financial, and social infrastructures, transportation, and politics were transformed. Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced sweeping new gun control. Newtown marked one year since the Sandy Hook shootings. The July 13 verdict of Trayvon Martin sparked heated discussion about race relations and garnered strong reactions from people across the country. A Metro-North train derailed, killing 4. Anthony Weiner’s weiner was caught in another sexting scandal. New York City Public Advocate Bill De Blasio defeated former MTA chairman Joe Lhota in a race for mayor with a landslide win on Nov. 5. Bill De Blasio championed the middle class, raising salaries for city workers, supporting minimum wage, implementing universal pre-K, and making affordable housing available.
Worldwide challenges included ice and snow storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, earthquakes, droughts, wildfires, and other unnatural anomalies created by human environmental abuse. Capricorn rises in the USSR constitution. Saturn and Pluto promise political and economic upheaval. Putin embodies Pluto in his quest to destroy, conquer, and rape the Ukrainian spirit. In the final analysis, Pluto teaches where responsibility begins and accountability ends. The seduction turns Pluto on, but the betrayal gets him off! Bottom lines don’t justify the means.
Best thing ve can do for no longer useful idiots is not be one of ‘em!