
“Since I gave up hope, I feel much better”. Pundits joke, but having no hope is not a laughing matter. It doesn’t take a seer to see that the human race has become a race against bad shit happening. We’re primed and ready for a loss of hope and faith.  Programmed to feel impotent, incompetent, and indifferent, we’re resigned to apathy and acceptance of the poisoning of the positive results of the hard lessons learned and resolutions made when Uranus last transited Taurus from 1935~1942.

The USA went off the gold standard. People focused on values and questioned materialism. President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act. Labor organized, forming unions that went on strike and engaged in sit-downs across the nation. There was strength in solidarity. President Roosevelt defended the Four Essential Freedoms: Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom from Want, and Freedom from Fear. What happened?

Uranus in Taurus stimulated aristocracy, autocracy, and plutocracy. Greed and anti-socialism were nourished and flourished. Uranus in Taurus brought us William Randolph Hurst and Orson Welles, two bulls, who bullied each other over the creation and release of the movie, ‘Citizen Kane’. Self-righteously determined, Welles smugly, immodestly, and arrogantly modeled the notorious media mogul Charles Foster Kane after Hearst. Despite his abundant natural charm, brilliant portrayal, ground breaking cinematography, and exceptional directing, Welles art was no match for Hearst’s wealth and capacity to influence courts and public opinion. Welles persisted in his righteous defiance of Hearst, while Hearst relentlessly tortured Welles with legalities and bludgeoned him with bad publicity until Welles could no longer afford to hang on to his principles, rise to his challenges, or control his self-indulgences. Like Kane, Welles longed for his lost innocence too late in life.

‘Less is more’ learned Midas as he yearned for a touch of gold, got it, and transformed his beloved daughter and their loving relationship into a cold hunk of metal. His food turned to gold as it touched his lips. One moral of Midas is having stability, security, and good health, meaningful work, satisfying relationships, happiness, and not needing more. Healthy people value what they have, nourish their relationships, choose higher purpose, and feel satisfaction and fulfillment without affluence. Having too much or too little of anything raises our awareness of what truly matters. Black and white, all and nothing, good and evil, love and hate, and rich and poor are opposites of equal value; identical in nature, but different by degree. An old billionaire dying of cancer will gladly trade his $$$ for youth and good health. A glamorous celebrity with a brain injured child will gratefully scrub public toilets at Grand Central Station to heal her child.

Can a ‘Stable Genius’ destabilize a nervous and fickle public with lies and manipulation? Our political, financial, and religious ideologies, philosophies, and paradigms are in danger! Will we see our Emperor for who he is or only dressed in the clothes he chooses us to see? The New York Stock Exchange and Federal Reserve are bulls. Uranus will enter Taurus two weeks from now for seven years.

Faulty ideological, philosophical, and spiritual paradigms must shift or our culture will face a Black Tuesday worse than ‘29. As transiting Saturn opposes our Stock Exchange’s natal Chiron and squares its natal Moon, transiting Pluto will square natal Jupiter, Uranus will conjunct Venus and Neptune will oppose Mars! People born 1935 ~ 1942 know and understand that unexpected gain and reversal means that we must lose what we have to learn to value what we had. It’s time for a new generation to learn those very same lessons again.

There’s a lot of nostalgia and talk of Civil War these days. Black and white wages endless wars on battlefields of infinite shades of gray. Needing guns is a symptom of a decaying culture. What will we do when partisan Republican bullies with their laws, fascists and terrorists with their semi-automatic weapons of mass-destruction, and evangelical fundamentalists with their bibles and guns show up at our doors? I’m not a big fan of guns in general, but I’ve been thinking a lot about self-defense. Most sensible people are scared of crazy people with guns. The idea of protecting family, friends, and humanity is good, but the idea of shooting someone or getting shot stimulates horrible fantasies, terrible ideas, and supports unhappy states of being for me. Will I purchase my first weapon?

Clients ask, “How long is my life?” “When will I die?” Life is about quality, not quantity. Everyone dies. I encourage my clients to be responsible for their thoughts and feelings. Alchemy is not transforming lead into gold. Alchemy is melding Saturn with the Sun by synchronizing and harmonizing the Sun’s talents, energy, optimism, and initiative with Saturn’s skills, skepticism, master planning, determination, and enduring patience. We need all of our planets, families, friends (no matter how dysfunctional), and everyone else to live, work, and play in harmony. Courage, strength, wisdom, and grace embody four paths to achieving and maintaining good mental, emotional, and physical health. Responsibility, discipline, determination, and devotion are ideas, ideals, and values that build sound structures on solid foundations. Spirituality is earned by practicing faith, virtue, integrity, loyalty, dignity, nobility, and honesty. Shine your brightest light on your most valuable talents, abilities, and desires. Be clear in your intentions, decisions, and actions. You can be an alchemist, own best friend, and master bull shit detector.

Limericks by Steve Benko ~ Artwork by Mark Seltman

Said Donald, “Our minions I’ll galvanize,
And with porn stars and thugs again fraternize.
Vlad, I’m walking on air,
But though Mueller was fair,
For my insults I’ll never apologize.”


“And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come.” Bible Book of Joel, Chapter 3:3-4

January 21, 2019. A total lunar eclipse is launching a Super Wolf Blood Moon (from the Old Farmer’s Almanac) at 0:16 AM EST. The last Super Blood Moon Eclipse was January 31, 2018. It was a Super Blue Blood Moon. The one prior to that was in 1866. It symbolized the Civil War and the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution. We share the same blood from past blood moons. This super blood moon eclipse is an opportunity to revisit our past choices and actions. The meaning we give to this moment in time and space is crucial and the implications of our current choices and actions are epic. I re-edit this post each time a new super blood moon eclipse happens and it seems to me that its content has become truer than ever!

Daniel Day Lewis as Lincoln

The meaning we give to this Super Blood Moon is ours. In 1866, the Party of Lincoln believed in government and equality for all. We must come to terms with resolving Reconstructionism and the Fourteenth Amendment once and for all. Our obligation and responsibility today is to choose a healthy legacy for our future, the future of our children, and our world.

Fourteenth Amendment

This is what was going on politically and chronologically in 1866

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the states wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

“And at this very moment, a concerted, extremely well-funded crusade is underway among elements of the modern Republican Party, who now gleefully desecrate the ideas of its founders by effectively eroding and destroying the essence of Reconstruction’s greatest achievement—birthright citizenship and equality before the law.” I recommend reading this  article from The Atlantic.


Republican politicians feign competence, makeup their own rules, and threaten non-followers or anyone who disagrees with them. They drain our personal and collective coffers to fill their swamp with our resources. Democratic politicians feign incompetence as they wander blindly across a bleak and barren wasteland, led by sacred cows and golden calves that need to be sacrificed on the altars of truth, love, and faith. It’s time for humanity to stop expecting to be saved by politicians and become self-aware. We must fully commit to choosing good health for ourselves and our planet by making healthy decisions and taking healthy actions. It’s up to all of us to make this eclipse meaningful or we’ll still be dealing with the same old shit 150 years from now.

The human race has become a race against bad shit happening. Pious philosophies, pointless partisan political paradigms, and pestilential pecuniary practices pollute higher purpose and poison our psyches. Faulty families feast frenzily on flawed feelings, vague values, and toxic thinking, copiously spiced with needless fear, desperation, and hatred. As we compartmentalize, rationalize, and analyze our insane ideologies and beliefs, we sacrifice our dignity, integrity, nobility, and virtue on the altars of nonsense.

Everyone is frantic about what’s happening in the world. Focusing on ideologies like “Armageddon” emboldens hazardous theories and encourages toxic beliefs to morph into self-fulfilling prophecies. It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Fear, anger, and hatred grow exponentially. Vengeance is not the solution to violence.

A spiritually bankrupt society worships idols from amateur hours and applauds scripted survivors. Masses of meek minds are mesmerized by meaningless media. Captivated by TV courtroom melodramas, we become critical and judgmental of the pettiest of behaviors. Cunning narcissists, warped exhibitionists, and pious perverts perjuriously present their sleaziest selves to a desperate and depraved public. A culture of winners and losers has become a world of haves and have-nots… with less than ever.

This tiny speck in time and space we call our planet and collective psyches are immune deficient. We preach love and sympathy and practice hate and fear. Appallingly apparent apathy produces pandemic pathological paradigms. We fixate on sex, death, violence, and disease, while fear, greed, mistrustfulness, and shortsightedness rule our personal and collective unconscious. We mistake no love for tough love. Where are our healthy role models?

We prostrate ourselves before self-appointed emperors on gilded brass pedestals, pray to political prostitutes, and worship tyrants. We’re fascinated by fake vampires, werewolves, and zombies, while real vampires, werewolves, and zombies suck our vital essences, grab our pussies, control our choices, and thrive on and among us. Must we lose everything we value to appreciate what we have?

We need to wake up and whiff the weirdness. There’s a huge difference between common sense and good sense. Why are we consuming massive amounts of highly toxic chemicals every day in our wars with insects, rodents, weeds, dirt, stains, odors, germs, bacteria, viruses and other invisible enemies? We’re marinating in chemicals that heat and cool us; power our transportation; provide us with products; color, flavor, and preserve our foods; compel us to communicate on a grand scale, and impel us to fight senseless energy wars. Why choose fossil fuel guzzling vehicles that deplete natural resources and pollute our planet? Why must everything be bright white, squeaky clean and lemon fresh? Why do we breathe, drink, wash, and apply risky substances to our scalps, mouths, armpits, fingers, toes, and crotches? Is it possible to remain sane in an insane world?

Evil acts are symptoms, not causes. Wealth and power are conjoined twins. As we examine our thoughts objectively, we know that action comes from thinking. Why do so many people secretly believe they’re better than others? Why harm people and cultures we can be helping? Why do so few have so much? What’s their responsibility for the rest of us?

Bullshit trickles down. Money and resources must freely flow to feed and nourish all of humanity. Those who are lucky enough to ‘have’ must let go of their hubris and fear and give generously and freely to causes that are important and helpful to all of humanity. Our government is here to help us, not to help themselves and their patrons. Partisan politicians produce poor persecutors.

An evil emperor weaves a wardrobe of secrecy and deceit. We must shift our malignant spiritual and philosophical paradigms to enable us to survive and thrive in a healthier world. Our good health and the good health of our planet depend on our ability to share healthy thoughts and loving feelings. We must no longer substitute money for values, religion for spirituality, and collective delusion for reality. As we wander aimlessly through time and space, the Messiah wordlessly awaits us in the mirror.


The full moon in Cancer arrives with this year’s winter solstice. As humanity races recklessly toward bad shit happening, Saturn solemnly reveals our faulty foundations, unstable structures, and horrible habits. The time has come to balance our personal and collective heads and hearts. Every thought, choice, and action has consequences. It’s time to let go of fear and begin loving and nourishing each other and our planet.

Outer planets symbolize massive transformations in both personal and collective psyches as they change signs. While Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto transited Capricorn in the 20th Century, outdated paradigms and patterns of political institutions and social structures were shifted. Uranus in Capricorn revolutionized politics and business from 1989 to 1996. The Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall were ripped down. Germany was reunited on October 3, 1990. The political demarcation between East and West vanished. In 1991, the Soviet Union disintegrated into fifteen republics. The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibited discriminating against the disabled. Why have we regressed to Nationalism, Fear, and discrimination? Do we really need to build another wall that we’ll eventually tear down between the US and Mexico?

NASA successfully observed and recorded Uranus orbiting the outer limits of our solar system, thanks to our Voyager space probe. Nelson Mandela was released after 27 years behind bars and successfully galvanized Anti-Apartheid across the globe. Jean Bertrand Aristide, radical priest, became Haiti’s first freely elected president. Ten months after his election, the military seized control of government. After his USA asylum, Aristide returned to office in 1994, accompanied by 20,000 American troops. Operation Desert Storm liberated Kuwait from Iraqi invaders. Bosnia declared independence from Yugoslavia resulting in a religious civil war that pitted Serbs and Croats against Muslims. Why are we allowing genocide in Yemen, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, and so many other countries? Why are we supporting and promoting hatred around the world? Why are we wasting money on irrelevant outer space programs?

Johnny Carson retired after 30 years (Saturn return) of the TONITE show. Representatives from over 100 countries met in Rio de Janeiro in June of 1992 to discuss how to preserve the earth. Good intentions were no longer enough. The USA and UN brokered a prickly cease-fire to end ethnic cleansing. Why have we chosen leaders who ignore humanitarian and environmental values and instead worship greed? Why have we abandoned our good health and the good health of our planet?

Expect the unexpected. PLO leader Yassar Arafat shook hands with Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin to end hatred. The Irish Republican Army agreed to lay down its arms in exchange for a role in Northern Ireland’s political future. Smoking was banned in New York City restaurants. Women began smoking cigars. The Brady Bill for gun control was signed into law thirteen years after Brady was shot and paralyzed. Why are more semi-automatic weapons than ever being sold to crazy people and then being used in mass shootings in schools, religious institutions, and shopping malls, etc.?

When Neptune transited Capricorn from 1984-1998, lines between chemical industries and moral responsibilities dissolved. A gas leak at a Union Carbide plant in India killed over 3,000 people. British scientists pinpointed a hole in the earth’s ozone layer. Two years later in 1987, after seeing the hand writing on the wall, fifty-three nations signed a treaty pledging to reduce the number of CFCs in the atmosphere. The most serious nuclear accident in history occurred at Chernobyl, killing thirty-one people instantly. Later, 40,000 were diagnosed with cancer from too much exposure to radiation. The Exxon Valdez shipwreck was the worst oil spill in history. It contaminated hundreds of miles of Alaska shoreline and killed many thousands of creatures. Why are we still choosing to promote fossil fuels and environmental pollution over clean energy and sustainability?

Monsanto, creator of Agent Orange, PCB, DDT, and Dioxins, launched “Round-up Ready” GMO soybeans, approved by the FDA in 1994. “Frankenfood” was born.  Environmental activists fought back while FDA folly was parodied by late night pundits on TV. Mad Cow disease mysteriously appeared in the UK in 1996. The slim line between science fiction and reality was crossed when the first sheep was cloned in Scotland in 1997. The FDA approved a drug called AZT, designed to treat AIDS. El Nino was named and blamed for bizarre bad weather conditions in 1997 and 1998. Why are we ignoring science and climate change? Why haven’t we banned ‘Roundup’, knowing that it’s a carcinogen?

Neptune transformed our illusion of fatherhood. Convicted pussy grabber Bill Cosby was the most popular father in 1984. What a hypocrite he turned out to be. While Saturn transited Scorpio, Bill was clearly not practicing what he was preaching. Sadly, he had no awareness of his karma until Saturn returned to Scorpio in 2014. Racial bigots Archie Bunker and Homer Simpson were wildly popular fathers. ‘Married with Children’ warped our visions of fatherhood. Disney produced a powerful father and son story, ‘The Lion King’. Murphy Brown revealed a powerful animus to a national anima, hopefully teaching women not to give away their power. Why are we electing and appointing pussy grabbers and rapists to leadership roles in public office?

Ivan Boesky preached virtuosity and honesty while practicing insider trading. Frenzies of mergers, acquisitions, and takeovers began in 1980, destabilizing financial institutions. General Electric purchased media giants NBC and RCA. Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) collapsed. Regulators from 69 countries seized assets and charged officers who hid substantial losses from investors. Congress closed the House of Representatives Bank in the wake of scandal. Why are we gifting billionaires with our hard earned taxes?

Neptune dissolves political and financial structures. Mikhail Gorbachev reformed controls to keep the Soviet Union together. Growing concerns over growing federal deficit catalyzed the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act. Congress failed to control its spending, and rather than assume the massive mandatory cuts specified, it was scrapped in 1990. Reagan deficits soared to two trillion dollars (2X 1981). Black Monday suffered a stock market mini-crash with sudden steeply dropping stock prices. Texaco filed the largest bankruptcy in history. Why are our deficits greater than ever and our middle class and have-nots poorer and more desperate than ever?

History repeats itself. Power corrupts. The top 1% is above the law and beyond scrutiny. The 99% are well aware of the greed of the 1%.  Deceptive business practices, dark conspiracies, devious plutocrats and capitalists are dark manifestations of Pluto. Partisan politics, greed, hypocrisy, and selfishness must be replaced by healthy values, ethics, morality, and spirituality.

Nostradamus predicted the time of Pluto in Capricorn would destabilize major financial structures and burst the bubbles created by the illusion of social security. How can we reform broken social systems when greed owns our Congress and Senate? What happens when the Federal Reserve Bank (Capricorn) destabilizes? How do we prepare for fluctuating interest rates and inflation?

We need to recreate and refurbish our infrastructure and find revolutionary ways to manage our energy and environment. Fossil fuels must be utilized to create sustainable products and not be squandered. Recycling and reuse must be implemented on a massive scale to become practical and cost effective. Cyber-Terrorism is capable of reaching into any computer, cell phone, or electronic device. The list of necessities to be transformed is endless and eternal. We must build bridges, not walls.

The Declaration of Independence was signed July 4 1776. Among astrologers, there’s a dispute whether Gemini or Sagittarius is rising. No matter what, the USA Sun, Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury are still in Cancer. As Pluto opposes those archetypes, we’ll try harder to control everyone and everything and be challenged for economic power and status as world leader. We’re smart-assed short-sighted little children who take what’s most valuable for granted.

NYC’s charter was signed January 1 1898 at 12:01 am. Pluto reached the degree of NYC’s Sun in Capricorn in 2013 and catalyzed chaos around physical and financial infrastructures, public transportation, and political corruption. Worldwide challenges have included hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, earthquakes, droughts, wildfires, and unnatural anomalies due to environmental abuse. Capricorn rises in the USSR for a constitution that promises political and economic upheaval. Pluto teaches us where responsibility begins and accountability ends. Bottom lines do not justify the means. What gives Donaldemort and his Dementors the right to take us for granted, squander our planet’s natural resources, ignore science, and abuse our respiratory and circulatory systems, bodies, minds, and spirits? How can we allow them to deny responsibility and not expect serious karmic consequences? Why can’t we see the handwriting on our walls? We must wean ourselves from hate, fear, and terror, and choose loving leaders.


When outer planets change zodiacal sign, personal psyches are transformed forever. Collective psyche transforms correspondingly. Pluto normally takes twenty years to change sign. While Pluto was at home in Scorpio from 1984 to 1995, it doubled its speed and potency. Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune’s journey through Scorpio in the 20th Century changed our views of Sex, Violence, and Death forever.

Scorpio’s eighth house rules sexual behavior and other people’s money. Sex scandals ousted Senator Gary Hart, while greed and hubris caught up with televangelist Jim Bakker. Bakker was convicted of defrauding his followers out of 158 million dollars.


Homosexuals exited closets in masses in the late 70’s and early 80’s to become a topic of everyday conversation. HIV prevention and condoms were promoted on national TV to stop the spread of AIDS.



Scorpio can be healthy and evolved like a Dove or Phoenix who rises from the ashes. When Pluto passed through Scorpio, sexual fantasies, perversion, and untimely demise flourished and blossomed in its dark underbelly. Too many Scorpions had too many horrible hypocritical secrets. They sold their souls to the Devil by finding pleasure in corrupting innocence. The seduction turns Scorpion on, but the betrayal gets him off! Predatory preachers raped the innocent souls they were entrusted to protect in an unholy alliance with the Devil ~ a crime punishable by GOD as an eternity in HELL.

Since Jupiter entered Scorpio on October 10, 2017, many greedy misogynists have grabbed many pussies, repressed many women from exercising their reproductive rights, prevented others from voting, condoned lying, and then rewarded the worst of sexual behaviors. The human race has become a race against bad shit happening. VOTE!


Faith healing was certainly no help to the AIDS epidemic. Fundamentalist religious fanatics, poisonous partisan politicians, and insane ideologues had plenty to hate and lots to preach about. Imagine the hubris of a ‘CHRISTIAN’ leader who thinks he can steer hurricanes to punish non-believers, who calls non-Christians ‘Termites’, derides immigrants, Islam, Muslims, and discriminates against colors… a complete idiot promising nonsense!

1980 put the first professional actor in Whitehouse after the lowest voter turnout ever. ‘Reaganomics’ didn’t ‘Trickle Down’. The Reagan years were like ’20 Mule Team Borax’ and ‘Death Valley Days’ revisited. When Oliver North exposed the Iran Contra scandal, he and Reagan played their roles as well as possible, managing to walk away quietly and relatively unscathed from political scandal.


Other significant violent happenings were manifesting. Police bombed the headquarters of a black radical group called MOVE. Terrorists from the Palestine Liberation Front seized the Italian cruise ship Achille Laura. Terrorists bombed Pan Am flight 103, killing 259 passengers and 11 villagers in Scotland.


Neptune regenerates or degenerates. Neptune (Pisces) transited Scorpio from 1957 to 1970, generating sit-ins and peaceful demonstrations and degenerating into race riots, terrorist bombings, and hijackings. New opportunities for spiritual transformation and growth benefited very few. Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated by `two of her own bodyguards’. Racial tensions rose as Bernard Goetz, the subway vigilante, became a folk hero after he shot four young black men in NYC. He said they were robbing him. They claimed they didn’t provoke him. White justice prevailed.

Neptune rules dreams, illusion, and delusion. It was an era of escapism. Political unrest catalyzed the assassinations of John Kennedy, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King Jr. Many thousands of men went into exile rather than serve in the Vietnam War. Lots of confused and fearful people consumed all sorts of drugs while others devoured pornography and violence. Oral sex and contraceptives became popular while indiscriminate sex became normal.

Uranus (Aquarius) transited Scorpio from 1975 to 1982. It was the end of the Vietnam War for America and the beginning of terror for Cambodia. A senate committee admitted that ‘ASSASSINATION’ was modus operandi in U.S. foreign policy.

Irreverent political humor nourished hungry audiences. Saturday Night Live flourished and blossomed as poisonous partisan politics sparked a revival of satire and parody. As Uranus transits Taurus (values) and opposes Scorpio (death & transformation), it catalyzes irreversible changes in our personal and collective psyches, philosophies, and purpose. Hopefully, when we’re done with Fascism, we’ll never take what we value or have failed to value for granted again!

HAVES must learn they can no longer afford not to value ‘have-nots’ or to take them for granted. Have-nots must be loved and appreciated for any and all good things that aren’t about money. Our Founding Fathers saw us all as their children and truly wanted what’s best for all of us (despite their personal prejudices and programming). Thanks to them, we can say what’s on our minds and share what’s in our hearts via our first amendment rights!

Scorpio symbolizes powerful women, sex, and death. Persephone and Helen of Troy were Scorpios. The Episcopal Church ordained its first woman in 1974. Barbara Walters was First Lady News anchor on ABC TV in 1976. Scorpio rules reproductive functions. MIT scientists created the first synthetic gene in 1976. The first test tube baby was conceived outside of the womb in 1978. The first Death sentence in ten years was carried out when convicted murderer Gary Gilmore went before a firing squad in 1977.

Scorpio rules garbage. No one ever accepted our infamous Garbage Barge that ferried 3,100 tons of toxic waste 6,000 miles before returning to NIMBY, to be incinerated for all to breathe. Speaking of refuse, Fidel Castro’s “Freedom Flotilla” embarrassed US when we realized that Castro had unloaded his underworld criminals, mentally ill, and other misfits on us. Over 1,000 “No Nukes” protesters were arrested on Wall Street on the 50th anniversary of the 1929 stock market crash. Imagine 1,000,000? 10,000,000?

In 1975, the ‘Rocky Horror Picture Show’ became an instant cult classic. Its message was ‘anything goes’ (as long as you’re not hurting anyone). Punk Rock was a rebellious, unconventional, and nihilistic expression of Uranus in Scorpio. Ultrasound became an alternative to x-ray radiation. Palimony suits became popular. IBM introduced the personal PC and transformed communications for all time. Performance art became a popular and exciting venue for all creative artists. Personal gender identity needs to be accepted by all or we will face the deep and dark consequences of our fear and hate.


The only guarantees in life are Death, Taxes, and Insurance. Insurance is an 8th house matter. It implies we have something of value (2nd house) to protect. You can purchase Insurance, which is a contract that guarantees one party pays another party against a specified loss. You’ve got to pay to play. When premiums are paid, we worry less about the costs and consequences of bad shit happening to family, health, home, car, property, or whatever we value that’s insurable. Everyone’s health must be insured.

Insurance is premeditated gambling. The insured shoots craps and always loses, even when she wins. Your insurance agent is your bookie. Your insurer is the casino. The house is always favored financially due to statistics, permutations, combinations, and probabilities. High risks are wedded to high stakes. You can check your prospects by examining your actuarial tables and know your odds by observing your premiums.

Insuring is often confused with ensuring or assuring. Life is not ensured or assured. Spraying crops with pesticides ensures fewer bugs, weeds, and funguses. It assures we eat, drink, breathe, and apply some degree of toxic chemicals to our lungs, guts, hair, skin, mouths, nails, toes, genitals, or whatever. Investing Social Security in the Stock Market doesn’t insure, ensure, or assure the market won’t collapse. Employees of Enron believed their pensions ensured and assured a secure retirement. Conserving energy ensures we will have more energy and waste fewer natural resources. Drilling for oil in wilderness does not insure we will have enough oil. It ensures and assures we will have environmental, social, political, and planetary health challenges and problems. Offering vengeance as a solution to violence assures more violence.

Life insurance protects the living. What’s the premium for a graceful and painless final exit? How much $$$ are the last months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds of your life worth?  Everyone dies. If you want to learn more about Dying with Dignity, read Final Exit by Derek Humphrey. When your time comes, having a logical, practical, painless, and peaceful alternative to facing a future of dependency, lack of awareness, lack of love, pain, or poverty in old age is a good idea. Or not…

“Dr. Death” (Jack Kevorkian) inspired me to create my very own ‘Dr. Death Do It Yourself Kit’. In case I ever decide to end this insanity of trying to be sane in an insane world, or lose my health, I plan to leave this planet as peacefully and painlessly as possible and to leave others with as small as possible a mess to clean up. An oxygen mask attached to a tank of helium is my means to an independent, painless, peaceful and non-messy final exit.

Mixing politics, religion, and profit with our 2nd amendment rights will surely backfire on the NRA. Laws that enable us to own and use weapons will be regretted when have-nots with guns become fearful and desperate enough to use them. Boundaries between sanity and insanity will blur, and haves will be looking over their shoulders while attempting to protect their families and possessions from the ravenous masses that are scraping for pennies at the bottom of the barrel while watching haves living like royalty.

We’ve become dinosaurs. Our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual futures and the future of our planet are being threatened with chaos and extinction. Our Constitution has armed us (whoever is ready, able, and willing to protect ourselves, our families, ideologies, and beliefs) and given us permission to exercise our rights to declare open season on tyranny, eradicate greed, and remove the predatory Tyrantosaurus Hex.

Aries and the Collective Psyche

Uranus was the only outer planet to transit Aries in the 20th Century (1927 – 35). Aries and Uranus brought fierce individualism, a pioneering spirit, abundant energy, and limitless financial resources to bring concepts to fruition. Uranus invigorated our collective psyche through revolutionary technological changes. Here are some highlights from our Uranus in Aries revolution eighty four years ago.

Physics and astronomy created the “Big Bang” theory of an ever-expanding universe

The Neutron was discovered

King Kullen became the first Supermarket in Queens, NY

Wonder Bread and Homogenized Milk were manufactured and mass-marketed

First Laundromat opened in Fort Worth Texas

The flashbulb was invented

3M Company introduced transparent Scotch Tape

Nylon fiber was invented

First plastics were synthesized in Britain

Bell Laboratories developed stereophonic sound

German ophthalmologist pioneered the first contact lens

First drive-in movie theatre opened in New Jersey

Model A replaced the Model T Ford

First air-conditioned office building in the USA opened ~ San Antonio Texas

Jet engine patented

Charles Lindbergh made the first solo flight from New York to Paris

America was captivated when Lindbergh’s 20-month-old son was kidnapped

Mao Tse-Tung developed guerrilla warfare tactics that conquered China

Leon Trotsky was expelled from the communist party

Federal government entered the field of hydroelectric power with Boulder Dam

First all talking motion picture, ‘The Jazz Singer’, starring Al Jolson

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences was born

The stock market crashed, forcing people to re-examine their values and institutions

Uranus completed its eighty-four year cycle in the spring of 2011 as it turbulently returned to Aries to crumble regimes, topple demagogues, ignite cities, and fuel the Arab Spring that spread across the Mid-East. Devastating earthquakes in Japan forever changed how governments look at nuclear power policies. The world is still dealing with the fallout and consequences. Protestors in Spain set the stage for Occupy Movements in New York and London. Osama Bin Laden was killed. His timely demise appeared on Twitter before it was officially announced by the Whitehouse. WikiLeaks raised public consciousness of government secrets and conspiracies.

We’ve come full circle in seven years with neo-demagogues and ‘alternative facts’. Apparently, we need more tough love before we choose good sense and take action. On the eve of our self-destruction, NRA has enabled the masses, carelessly creating an Army of angry, confused, and frustrated people with semi-automatic weapons of mass destruction. How we interpret our second amendment may be our doing or undoing.

As Uranus transits the last degrees of Aries, it sheds ‘Revolutionary’ new light on an old way of seeing. Hot off the presses today ~ 3/16/2018 ~ positive manifestation

New Mercedes Headlight is ‘Revolutionary’

Our personal and collective psyche transforms as our outer planets travel from one sign to the next. Uranus and Mars is an explosive combo. Mars is the blood, guts, and gore of War. Psyches devoured by passion, lust, and hatred are a recipe and a prescription for MPTSD (mass post-traumatic stress disorder). The “Big Bang” theory has come a long way since the first Neutron, Supermarkets, Laundromats, Homogenized Milk, Wonder Bread, Scotch Tape, Plastics, and the Model T…“Hasta la vista baby”

Sagittarius and the Collective Psyche in the 20th Century

Outer planets powerfully influence our personal psyche. They symbolize massive transformations in our collective psyche as they change sign. When Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto transited Sagittarius in the 20th Century, paradigms of politics, commerce, and religion shifted forever.

Uranus transited Sagittarius from 1981-1988. Political gender was shaken up. Sandra D. O’Connor was the first Woman elected to the Supreme Court. Geraldine Ferraro was the first woman nominated by the Democratic Party for Vice President. Benazir Bhutto was the first female prime minister of a Muslim country in Pakistan’s first free election since 1977.

Uranus can represent sudden and unexpected upheaval and disaster. The space shuttle Challenger exploded on takeoff while millions watched in horror on their TVs. While Greenpeace protested France’s nuclear testing, their flagship Rainbow Warrior was bombed. Ronald Reagan created “Star Wars”, an absurd and overly expensive national defense idea. George Bush Sr. was the first sitting Vice President elected as president since 1836. IBM introduced personal PCs. AT&T’s monopoly was broken by the Department of Justice.

Sagittarius rules publishing and religion. Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini sentenced Salman Rushdie to death after he published his popular novel The Satanic Verses. Rushdie’s tales of good and evil fueled riots in India and book burnings in England. His huge success fueled Islamic hatred.


Neptune transited Sagittarius from 1970 to 1984. The idealism of the 60’s was replaced by pessimism and a marked lack of trust in national institutions. The war in Vietnam united a mass of skeptical protestors ready for confrontation. The Arab oil embargo of 1973 created a major energy crisis, teaching US not to take energy for granted, and conveniently catalyzing the opening of the controversial Alaska pipeline.


Neptune rules false prophets, delusion, deception, and victimization. Neptune is also visionary, imaginative, and magical. Richard Nixon was the first US President in history to announce his resignation. New York was the first city in US history to be bailed out of bankruptcy by the federal government. A religious paradigm shifted when the Catholic Church elected its first non-Italian pope in four centuries. Mother Theresa accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in the name of the poor. Televangelist Jerry Falwell founded the Moral Majority in 1979.

Neptune rules chemicals and drugs. The first test-tube baby was conceived out of the womb. Genetic engineering created new horrors for theologians and religious extremists. Environmentalists protested industries creating “Acid Rain”. The ‘Three Mile Island’ fiasco derailed several major nuclear energy projects. The World Health Organization announced an end to smallpox. Crack cocaine became popular. A deadly epidemic was officially named AIDS.

Pluto transited Sagittarius from 1995 to 2008. Pluto with Zeus is recipe for upheaval and transformation in politics, big business, and religion. Political extremism, corporate greed, religious fundamentalism, and terrorism began to flourish and thrive across the globe. Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by a right-wing law student. The Middle East peace process was disrupted. Great Britain finally let go of Hong Kong. President Clinton resumed diplomatic relations with communist Vietnam. Hundreds of thousands of Black Men flocked to Washington to march for freedom. It was the first time in 40 years that Republicans controlled congress. Y2K was not end time.

Sex scandals rocked the Catholic Church.  The House of Representatives impeached and later acquitted Bill Clinton for lying about his sexploits. Two students killed themselves after murdering twelve students and a teacher at Columbine High School in Littleton Colorado. The Unabomber was caught and sentenced to life in prison. The Oklahoma City bombing established large-scale terrorism by Americans on our soil. After 9/11, governmental power transformed, giving leaders the ability to supersede human rights and civil liberties. A large political machine preempted war without world consent. Lairs of corporate foxes ruled the hen house while packs of political wolves managed the sheep.

Saturn returned to Sagittarius on December 23, 2014, after nearly thirty years through eleven other signs. Astrologers predicted Saturn would wield powerful influence for three years as it transited Sagittarius on its way to Capricorn. Saturn rules responsibility, structure, discipline, focus, time, big business, and bureaucracy. Energy, transportation, communications, food, housing, healthcare, law, politics, and religion were changed by Saturn’s transit through Sagittarius.

Sagittarius rules transportation. We’re a long way from the Model T, only a speck in time ago. Sagittarians love prestige and luxury cars as racing is to Aries and showing off is to Leo. The gods of cars must shift the paradigm of profit before people. Automotive industries must be more spiritual in their visions and truthful in their actions. By perpetuating an illusion that overly powerful gas guzzling vehicles are expensive, glamorous and sexy, car makers and profiteers promote a delusion that it’s OK to deplete our natural resources and pollute our planet. How long did we let cigarette companies get away with pretending unhealthy products were heallthy. Do we really need hundreds of horses galloping under our hoods? Transportation needs to be designed for present and future good health. We will profit from higher social and environmental consciousness. As the globe warms and fuel prices skyrocket, fuel efficient, non-polluting, practical, and economical transportation needs to happen or we will drive ourselves to extinction.

We drive whenever and wherever in the comfort of our cars. Real and hidden costs are usurious as we guzzle gas, fight oil wars, deplete finite natural resources, and pollute our Mother Earth. Carbon monoxide and dioxide hover everywhere. Toxic smoke and smog poison arteries while they proliferate and coagulate like cholesterol on its way to a coronary. Too many old, tired, depressed, angry, drugged, and drunken drivers are turning roads into varicose veins connecting festering sores we call cities. We must shift our travel paradigm and steer ourselves far from death and destruction, instead being hopeful and helpful in our intent and actions. Our fate is in our hands.

Greed and prejudice are unhealthy symptoms of powerful partisan political philosophies and pervasive extremist religious ideologies. A global world family and economy must see the forest from the trees in ways that are healthy and sustainable for all. Our values will become healthier when Uranus enters Taurus on May 14, 2018. I’m praying for a reincarnation of nobility, dignity, integrity, ethics, and virtue.

Libra and the Collective Psyche in the 20th Century

Outer planets have a powerful influence on the personal psyche. They also symbolize massive transformations in the collective psyche as they change sign. When Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto transited the sign of Libra in the 20th Century, forces of good and evil clashed as we tried to find a balance between optimism, pessimism, tolerance, prejudice, progress, and regress. There was not much social or political stability.

While the planet Neptune (Pisces) transited the sign of Libra from 1942 to 1957, Nuclear weapons began proliferating. The first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.  President Truman instructed the Atomic Energy Commission to produce an even bigger `Hydrogen Bomb’. The United Nations began blossoming. International cartels became firmly established. The European Common Market was recognized. The civil rights movement flourished. Group psychology became popular. The World Council of Churches was established. Mother Francis Xavier Cabrini, founder of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was the first American citizen canonized by the Roman Catholic Church.

The art world went through dramatic changes.  Allen Ginsberg became a popular poet writing, “I have seen the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness”. When Neptune left Libra in 1957, the bestselling novel was Peyton Place   focusing on sexual intrigue in a small town. People born between 1942 and 1957 tend to be overly idealistic in relationships.  They must learn to harmonize, compromise, and sacrifice.

While the planet Uranus (Aquarius) transited the sign of Libra from 1968 to 1975, the spirit of our nation shifted from optimism to pessimism. Faith in progress turned into disillusionment with national institutions and world progress. This period was marked by useless popular inventions like the “pet rock”, giant platform shoes, and shag haircuts. Punk Rock, along with primal therapy and streaking became popular. The Supreme Court legalized abortions in the first trimester of pregnancy (Roe vs. Wade). Governor Wallace, a racial bigot from Alabama, announced that he would be running for President on the newly formed American Independent Party ticket. He threatened to repeal the “so called civil rights laws”. Meanwhile, the most popular show on TV was a comic satire about a racist named Archie Bunker. Diplomat Henry Kissinger approved the financing of clandestine CIA activities in Chile aimed at preventing the election and inauguration of Salvador Allende as Marxist President. Patty Hearst was kidnapped and brainwashed by the Symbionese Liberation Army. A military junta deposed Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie.

While the planet Pluto (Scorpio) transited the sign of Libra from 1971 to 1983, growers and pickers finally reached a settlement that ended a nearly ten year grape boycott (led by Cesar Chavez). Farm workers finally had bargaining power. This time marked the official beginning of the environmental movement. The Supreme Court upheld busing as a way of integrating schools.  An assassination attempt left presidential candidate George Wallace paralyzed from the waist down. Prime Minister Idi Amin slaughtered over 300,000 Ugandans and alienated his country from the rest of the world. Violence in Ireland forced Britain to seize control of Northern Ireland and suspend the Protestant controlled parliament. An arm of the Palestine Liberation Organization terrorized the 1972 summer Olympics in Munich. In 1975 South Vietnam crumbled, bringing an end to the Vietnam War. Because of the Karen Ann Quinlan case, `right to die’ rulings were enacted all across the USA. The serial killer “Son of Sam” was finally put away after terrorizing the male and female population of NYC. Religious fanatic Jim Jones got his followers to commit suicide. John Lennon was murdered.

“Imagine there’s no country,

It isn’t hard to do.

Nothing to kill or die for,

And no religion, too.

Imagine all the people.

Living life in peace”


“The most difficult job in the world is not being president. It’s being a parent.”

Bill Clinton is a Leo. Born three months after his real father died in 1946, Bill was raised by an abusive alcoholic stepfather. Like so many Leos, Bill spent much of his life searching for approval from father figures. His was mentally and emotionally absent during Bill’s formative years. Bill’s quest is a hero’s journey to conquer his fears of failure, abandonment, and disapproval and become a devoted parent who loves unconditionally and without expectation. Bill’s Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto are in Leo. Like many Apollonian types, Bill’s hands sport strong ring fingers. Bill adores music, women, and politics. Even though Bill has a bachelor like attitude, he enjoys being married. Bill has very high expectations of Hillary, in spite of his own personal shortcomings.

People judge Bill for his character, but Bill is his character. Apollo and Zeus are a powerful blend of charismatic forces in the real world. Zeus was infamous for his seductions and philandering in ancient Greece. Apollo was irresistible. It was impossible to say no to him. It’s hard to find healthy creative outlets for so much libido. The world is strewn with Leosterone. Powerful men and women throughout history were and still are philanderers with sexual addictions. Bill might have graciously and gracefully fulfilled his job as a national role model had he not tempted fate and lost his way. Hubris along with a powerful solar eclipse like the one coming up on August 21, 2017 was his Waterloo!

Bill loved being boss. His greatest challenge was not being too slick to believe that he wouldn’t always come out of the shithouse smelling like a rose. Zeus could have any female mortal he wanted. Unfortunately, his conquests and their offspring were cursed by Hera, who punished Zeus for his philandering. Defiance of fundamentalist values undermined Bill’s power. You can bet Hillary booted Bill’s behind when he was caught shtooping his intern. I’m glad he escaped impeachment. Resisting temptation is challenging when you’re a celebrity, a mortal, and a President.


Four US Presidents were born under the sign of Cancer. They were all were deeply wounded and flawed, the vilest of all being (in my opinion) George W Bush. His Leo hands synchronize with his Leo ascendant to reveal the worst qualities of Cancer and Leo in his intentions and actions. George has Mercury and Pluto in Leo conjunct his ascendant and Venus in Leo in his first house. Hopefully, Prescott’s dark karma and the Bush dynasty have finally ended.

When our daughter was in fifth grade, fifteen years ago, George W Bush was President. Cass was so concerned about what was going on in the world that she wrote a letter to the editor of a local East Village newspaper (who published it). She also sent a copy to the President.

Dear Editor,

I’m a 5th grader at the earth school in the east village of Manhattan. A lot has been happening in the world and this is a paragraph to explain my point of view. I wrote it at home this afternoon and it is unedited and done completely by myself. I was wondering if you would be interested in publishing it in your newspaper.    Sincerely,

We are deeply worrying about Saddam’s toxic and chemical weapons but what we are not realizing is that we are using just if not more as dangerous toxicants in our everyday life. Eventually at the rate we are going and the life style we are living we will kill ourselves off. The only difference with Saddam’s weapons is it will happen faster. Really all it takes to turn the world evil is one bad mind. We can easily find excuses to do certain uncalled for horrible things. What we need to do is think positive and constructive for our own benefit. We have to also be cautious about who we elect for president because that one bad mind could be his and make all the difference. We are being so concerned with Saddam Hussein, but you should think about it like Saddam Hussein is one ant in a whole anthill. The only reason ants survive is because they work as a team to carry food and build that huge hill. Even without war we are still heading towards a bad future. If we continue to pollute our earth we are going to have nothing left. If we get good ideas and stop polluting right now we will still have a chance to save our earth and the people on it.

At the end of her letter, Cass asked George not to send her a signed picture of his head. I altered what she got back as my contribution to exposing the true nature of a beast that has no clue how beastly he is. Truly no child should be left behind. We must all be more loving, helpful, and attentive to all children at all times.



Barack Obama is a Leo. Born August 4, 1961, Barack’s Sun, Mercury, Uranus, and North Node are in Leo. With a warm heart and a smile, Barack practiced healthier Leo merits than his predecessors while setting new precedents for future Leo ruled presidents. Despite the constant barrage of partisan prejudicial politics, Barack served with nobility, integrity, and dignity. His intuitive hands reveal an Arian personality. His narrow less meaty hands reveal a warrior of ideas and ideals. Barack is independent, freedom loving, energetic, enthusiastic, takes calculated risks when inspired, and can accomplish anything with enough inspiration. Passion is contagious and optimism eternal. Barack does his best at what he chooses and doesn’t take rejection personally. As a naturally rebellious type, he detests bullies and bureaucrats. Barack’s Holy Grail was taking responsibility for a damaged bureaucracy aimlessly racing towards bad shit happening.

Barack is a natural hero and great crusader for good causes. He campaigns tirelessly until he realizes his aspirations. Barack’s head and life lines are separate at their beginnings where the thumb meets the hand. Combined with the little crook in the top phalange of his strong middle finger, he needs plenty of personal space to sort out his thoughts and feelings. Because of Barack’s highly developed sense of responsibility and obligation, he always chooses objectivity and practicality over freedom. Barack’s pinky’s smallest phalanx is the bottom. Barack is motivated by freedom, family, and good causes, not money.

Barack is a naturally healthy type. The clear and unfettered quality of his basic lines reveals a healthy clarity in his thinking and feelings. Barack’s heart line swings up from the percussion of his hand to the space between his index and middle fingers. He’s passionate and practical about his feelings. Barack’s headline gracefully arcs downward toward the heel of his hand, revealing balance between creativity and objectivity. He can blend creative imagination with clarity of vision. Barack’s fate line travels all the way from the bottom of his palm to the base of his middle finger. He has worked hard and remained focused on his personal goals since he was a small child. The lines in the ball of Barack’s thumb parallel his lifeline revealing a true friend to those who have earned his trust over time. Despite rampant unpopularity with Republicans, Barack served our country to the best of his ability with dignity, integrity, and nobility.

Donald Trump is a Gemini with Leo rising. His small Leo hands with their rectangular palms, short fingers, and head and life lines closely entwined at their beginnings confirm his Leo nature. Donald has embraced the worst traits of Leo and will forever be notorious as the worst President in history.


A lot has been said about Donald’s tiny hands. Small handed people are big picture people. They hate detail and love grand ideas. Despite his callous behavior, Donald secretly craves your approval, wants you to love him, and cares a lot about what you think of him, although he doesn’t care about you. Look at how Donald’s attitude and behavior pathologically embodies shameless grandiosity along with other negative attributes of Leo’s character. He’s narcissistic, self-centered, self-indulgent, superficial, ostentatious, egotistical, ruthless, greedy, bossy, seductive, and lousy role model.

Why do we prostrate ourselves before an opaque self-appointed emperor on a polished brass pedestal? How many gilded towers, glitzy gambling casinos, graven images, beauty queens, shark tanks, and celebrity idols do we need? It is mind boggling to see how a person with so much potential to create a positive difference for all of humanity instead chooses a path of spiritual bankruptcy for all.

Donald’s Mercury square Neptune and corresponding curved pinkie fingers confirm his pathological dishonesty. Mercury’s dark side is a trickster, magician, con-artist, and pick-pocket. The court jester was supposed to remind the king to keep his ego in check. Jiminy Cricket was Pinocchio’s conscience. Donald’s north node in Gemini is Mercurial. The North node in Gemini is a karmic invitation to join society in order to share higher consciousness and lend a helping hand by exercising higher mind. It’s plain to see how Bill Clinton (Leo) and George Bush (Leo rising) blew their Gemini north node potentials. Donald Trump has done more than his share of damage. Perhaps he is fulfilling his karmic obligation by clearly exposing the dark underbelly of politics, democracy, and capitalism. We’ll certainly never take our health and the health of our world for granted.

Donald’s day of reckoning is coming. During 2016, Uranus in Aries squared Donald’s Saturn Venus conjunction in Cancer.  It continues to be square in 2017. At the same time, transiting Saturn opposes Donald’s Sun and conjuncts his Moon. If you want to speed up his meltdown, millions of people can tweet: “YOU’RE FIRED” on these dates in 2017 – August 7, 12, 20, and 30, October 11, November 8 and 17. Anytime is good, but these dates will be most effective. It’s time for Donald to get a hearty spanking from Saturn. Donald’s hubris will take him down when the critical mass of horrors he has perpetrated will no longer be acceptable to the masses… the sooner the better.

Author’s note: many people have curved pinky fingers. They are not pathological liars. A majority of people with curved pinkies are just trying to avoid confrontation. They’re peace makers because they learned as children to ‘be nice’ and ‘not make waves’. Many too often end up choosing safe over satisfying in their lives.

LEO and Collective Psyche in the 20th Century

Outer planets have a powerful influence on the personal psyche. They also symbolize massive transformations in the collective psyche as they change sign. When Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto passed through Leo in the twentieth century, enormous changes were taking place in personal, collective, and governmental rights and power. Uranus (Aquarius), planet of sudden change, transited Leo from 1955 to 1962 and energized strong will, rebellion, determination, vitality, forcefulness, and civil rights.

Rosa Parks defied a segregation ordinance by not giving up her bus seat to a white man in Alabama. The Supreme Court upheld her civil rights a year later. The University of Mississippi was forced to enroll its first black student. President Eisenhower sent federal troops to Little Rock Arkansas to enforce school desegregation. President Kennedy ordered the National Guard to keep schools open in Alabama. Cultural shame cultivated seeds of positive change. Equality and civil rights is more than ever a national embarrassment in the 21st Century.

New inventions promoted convenience and provided more time for recreation and leisure. Kentucky fried chicken was introduced. Play-Doh became popular. Davy Crockett and coonskin caps became fashionable. Pampers became the first disposable diapers. Crest was the first fluoride toothpaste. The first electric toothbrush was produced. The Teflon Company introduced non-stick cookware. Smith Corona introduced the first portable electric typewriters. Mattel Inc. introduced Barbie. Felt tipped pens became popular. Soft drinks were packaged in aluminum cans for the first time. K-Mart and Wal-Mart opened. Bank of America and American Express issued the first credit cards. The first transatlantic telephone cable began working. The first transcontinental helicopter flight was made. That was only a little more than half a century ago.

Neptune (Pisces) takes fourteen years to change sign. When it does, the collective psyche goes through confusing and ambiguous changes. Neptune transited the sign of Leo from 1916 to 1929. Phenomenal world confusion was happening. World War brought tremendous prosperity to Wall Street while soldiers earning $16 a month being killed in the trenches. England blacklisted and prevented over 80 US firms from dealing with neutral countries because they were suspected of trading with Germany. Prescott Bush was one of them. Influenza caused over two hundred deaths a day. Approximately one quarter of the US was sick. Half a million people were dead before the end of 1919. Daylight savings time began. Arkansas farmers dedicated a monument to the Boll Weevil, whose devastation of the cotton crop caused them to diversify and become more profitable. By 1927, the farm population had dropped dramatically. Countless farmers hopelessly and desperately sold their farms.

Neptune rules alcohol. The underworld, mafia, and gangs thrived. National prohibition began in 1920. Liquor smuggling and bootlegging became big business. It’s probable that Marijuana will be universally accepted and legalized before Neptune leaves Pisces.

Congress set a quota limiting the number of immigrants allowed into the country.

A senate subcommittee was formed to investigate the Teapot Dome oil leases.

Walt Disney released the first Mickey Mouse cartoon in 1928. George Eastman created the first color motion pictures. Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue was performed for the first time as a new form of symphonic jazz.

Doubt, fear, and panic caused the stock market to crash, leaving farmers, businessmen, and both haves and have nots in a state of terrible confusion and crisis.

History repeated itself in the opposition as Neptune transited Aquarius (1998 – 2012). War still brings prosperity to Wall Street. Agribusiness and chemical companies like Monsanto are still crushing small farmers and deluding consumers. Immigrants are still being persecuted. Oil and energy companies are still controlling and manipulating us.

The planet Pluto (Scorpio) takes approximately twenty years to change sign. When it does, it disintegrates, destroys, and transforms collective psyche. Pluto rules the dark side of the force. As Pluto transited the sign of Leo from 1938 to 1957, national and personal pride and power transformed. Despite the New Deal, ten million people were unemployed in 1939.  President Roosevelt increased appropriations for building the Army, Navy, and Air Force. Congress adopted the Naval Expansion Act. Roosevelt transformed the Federal Reserve by creating the ‘withholding tax’, which was the beginning of social security. He became the first president to appear on television.

The House investigated un-American activities. It was the beginning of huge multi-national business conglomerates. Western Europe tried to appease Hitler with the Munich Pact, which turned Czechoslovakia over to Nazi Germany. Polls showed Americans approved. The Nazis invaded Poland, which caused Great Britain and France to declare war. Winston Churchill asked President Roosevelt for help.

In 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. Japanese Americans paid a high price as they were forced from their homes into concentration camps where they became innocent victims of hate and prejudice. Fundamentalist devotion to ideologies and tyrants began to crumble. In 1943, the fascist dictator Mussolini fell from power. By 1945, most of the world knew that six million Jews had been slaughtered in Nazi concentration camps.

The atomic bomb was the ultimate plutonian weapon. After we bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan surrendered. In 1949, we supported a war in Korea that ended up killing three million Koreans in less than a year. In 1950, Senator Joseph McCarthy began his sensational tirade against communist subversives and traitors in the US. Julia and Ethel Rosenberg were sentenced to the electric chair for stealing bomb secrets.

In 1951, the United Nations complex was completed in New York City. AT&T became the first company with over a million stockholders. Christine Jorgensen became the first transsexual to go public in 1952. Norman Vincent Peale’s best seller, The Power of Positive Thinking was published. The first kidney was transplanted. The first mechanical heart was made to work. Chevrolet introduced the powerful sexy Corvette in 1953. The US launched the Nautilus, the first nuclear powered submarine in 1954. The Soviet Union opened the world’s first atomic power station. Reigning British Monarchs made their first visit to American soil. We reached for outer space.

My Pluto in Leo generation, known as the `ME NOW’ generation, born between 1938 and 1957 have used technology to build personal power. Pluto in Leo rules crony capitalism. Rest assured, if we haven’t destroyed ourselves and our planet by the demise of Trump and his band of cutthroat thieves, plutocrats will have little problem finding the money, rights, resources, and technology to own, harness, package, distribute, and sell our Sun’s energy to all of us as Uranus returns to Leo (2039-2046).

Gemini Karma

Millions of new Geminis are born each year from May 20 to June 21. New Gemini generations are also born each century with karmic missions based on their age regardless of their sun signs.

The only outer planet to transit the sign of Gemini in the 20th Century was Uranus. When Uranus transited the sign of Gemini from 1942 to 1949 the emphasis in this country shifted to education. The U.S. Supreme Court abolished religion in public schools. The GI Bill enabled thousands of people to go to college. Occupations in communications fields like radio and television became more prevalent. In 1946, the first computer calculation began at the University of Pennsylvania.  It was called ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer). Columbia Records introduced the 33 1/3 rpm “long playing record”. The Atomic Energy Commission was created. The United Nations held its first session in London. The United States joined NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). People born between 1942 and 1949 are the Uranus in Gemini generation. They have restless temperaments and minds that grasp new ideas quickly.

In the 20th Century, people born between December 24 1945 ~ August 11 1947 (70-72), August 6 1964 ~ February 21 1966 (50–52) and March 15 1983 ~ Nov 1 1984 (32–33) share the same karmic invitation and responsibility to join society to share higher consciousness and lend humanity a helping hand. North nodes in Gemini generations are created to teach us all to exercise higher mind. Let’s observe the oldest living group (my generation) through the lens of politics. George W Bush, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump all share a Gemini lunar north node and Uranus in Gemini. Bill Clinton and George Bush wrecked their opportunities to positively raise public consciousness. Unfortunately, history repeats itself. Donald Trump has already done more than his share of damage. How many gilded towers, glitzy gambling casinos, graven images, brass pedestals, beauty queens, shark tanks, and celebrity idols do we need? Bill (Leo), George (Leo rising), and Donald (Leo rising) all have damaged egos and corresponding hubris. The dark side of the force is alive and well in each of them. Perhaps Donald Trump has already accomplished his karmic mission by teaching us how not to be and what not to do. Since hindsight is 20/20, you’d think we’d learn from our mistakes. We’ll find out when Uranus transits through Gemini again beginning at the end of 2025.

Celebrities born 1946 with North Node and Uranus in Gemini

ENIAC has come a long way since 1946. The Internet is the electronic version of Hermes principle of mentalism. As the most efficient and effective communication tool of all time, it instantly enables anyone to communicate with anyone and everyone at any place and at any time. The Internet represents an opportunity to create value out of thin air. Healthy content is essential to healthy communication.

Consider this paradox. E-business produces E-contamination. E-Pollution is a result of creating, collecting, and cultivating, but not properly disposing of E-garbage. We can close landfills, but what do we do with cyber-fills and digital-spills?  How do we recycle, reuse, and recreate cyber-toxins and hazardous dot-coms? How can we best employ Hermes ‘Law of Polarity’ to help transform these ten negative qualities of Gemini?

  • Superficiality: Creating and implementing products without a healthy vision, foresight, well thought out marketing plans, or adequate financial framework
  • Deceitfulness: Having no purpose – the IPO is the product
  • Dilettante: Technology for the sake of technology
  • Commercialism: Inability to integrate content and advertising
  • Detachment: Banner Syndrome: creating consumer numbness to advertising
  • Too Clever: too many sugar coated widgets
  • Sneakiness: Invasion of privacy / Spam / Viruses
  • Fickleness: User characterized into a statistic for some mailing list
  • Anything is better than nothing: Boring graphics – poor bandwidth
  • Babbling: Too much hype

Humanity needs to wake up and smell the psychic garbage. It’s time to get real!