You don’t have to have a Taurus sun sign to be Taurean. ‘Pure Taurus types’ have pink, firm, elastic skin, bulging solid percussion under pinkie finger, stiff thumb and fingers, full rosy ball of thumb surrounded by long clear deep life line, clear deep lines and skin ridge patterns, very few peripheral lines, long graceful heart line ending under index finger, horizontal head line closely tied to the life line at their beginnings, predominantly loop and arch fingerprints, square finger tips, well developed lower knots on fingers with dominant middle and bottom phalanges. The hand above belongs to a unique Pisces.
Taurus is driven by their physical senses. These responsible, practical, pragmatic, objective, dependable, and reliable individuals understand how the material world works. They tend to get bogged down with practical and mundane matters that limit their abstract abilities and imagination. They trust what they can see and feel, not ideas, intuitions, or inspirations. As creatures of habit, they can get addicted to routine and order. They’re great at maintaining the status quo, but procrastinate at beginnings and endings. They must learn to pay attention to their habits and patterns from the get go.
Taurus is a feminine archetype. Aphrodite’s need for comfort and beauty can transform her visions of wealth and power into physical reality. Venus loves family, friendships, home, food, nature, art and music. Her strong need for physical security drives her practical attitudes. Honest, dependable, and trustworthy, she’s highly valued for her natural warmth and good sense. She won’t bend the truth or perform a song and dance act for anyone. She’s loyal, affectionate, and charming, but can also be controlling, jealous, and possessive. She thrives in real estate, banking, food, and fashion businesses. She’s not the best salesman because she takes rejection personally. Her greatest challenges are to trust her gut, give up control, and to let go when it makes no sense to hang on.
Many of the best bulls and worst minotaurs were born under the sign of Taurus.
Pope John Paul ll was a radiant spirit who embodied the finest qualities of Taurus. He asked the rich to share their wealth with the poor. The first Pope to visit a synagogue, he encouraged Catholics and Jews to love one another. He survived an assassination attempt that nearly killed him and graciously rose to do battle with countless chaotic messes and reforms in the church.
Krishnamurti was a spiritual guide who shared good sense with whoever would listen.
Leonardo da Vinci was the original hipster ~ a great artist and inventor.
Sigmund Freud was father of modern psychoanalysis.
Karl Marx developed the theory of socialism.
Martha Graham was mother of modern dance.
Katherine Hepburn was Grande Dame of American stage and movies.
Queen Elizabeth and Prime Minister Tony Blair are anchors for Great Britain.
From the darkest depths of Tartarus arose a Minotaur from 1933 to 1945.
“The great mass of people will more easily fall victim to a big lie than a small one”
Responsible for over thirty million deaths, Adolph Hitler transformed our world by harnessing anger, fear, and terror and combining it with the power of symbolism to control and manipulate the masses.
Jim Jones, a fanatic cult figure, led 1,000 people to mass suicide in 1978.
Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh showed no remorse for his evil.
Saddam Hussein (Iraqi President 79~06) was slain and shamed by our military.
William Randolph Hearst and Orson Welles (both bulls) battled stubbornly over the making and release of the movie, ‘Citizen Kane’. Kane was a Midas who Welles immodestly modeled after Hearst. Despite his natural charisma and brilliant acting and directing, Welles was no match for Hearst’s financial fortune and ability to influence the masses. Welles was determined and persistent in his righteous defiance of Hearst. Stubborn, acquisitive, possessive, and controlling, Hearst relentlessly tortured Welles with legalities and bludgeoned him with bad publicity until Welles could no longer afford his principles, rise to his challenges, or control his self-indulgences (a peril for Taurus).
‘Values’ are the esoteric correspondence for Taurus. Everything and nothing are of equal value; identical in nature, but different by degree. A billionaire dying of cancer will gladly trade his money for youth and good health. A glamorous celebrity with a brain damaged child will gratefully and graciously scrub toilets in Grand Central Station. People ask, “How long is my life?” Life is about quality, not quantity. Everyone dies.
‘Less is more’ learned King Midas as he yearned for the touch of gold, got it, and then turned his beloved daughter and their magical relationship into a hunk of metal. Food transformed to gold as it touched his lips. Midas is a lesson of values. How can we be stable, secure, and happy and let go of needless wants at the same time? Too little or too much of anything raises our awareness of what matters. Aphrodite (Greek) rules Taurus. Venus (Roman) loves and values her stability, security, sensuality, and splendor.
Alchemy is the science of turning lead into gold. It’s the art of turning Saturn into the Sun. We can combine courage with virtue, honesty with integrity, dignity with nobility, responsibility with discipline, structure with focus, and determination with persistence. We can cultivate healthy attitudes, think constructively, set realistic goals, and positively transform our inner and outer worlds. Embrace the best qualities of Aphrodite. Master darkness and manage your family; Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Ares, Zeus, Cronos, Vulcan, Poseidon, and Hades. We can all be our own best friends and bull shit detectors.
Common sense is not necessarily good sense. People apply formulas for success, yet few are truly successful. Unhealthy values point to unwholesome societies that point to unnatural paths of self-destruction. The human race has become a race against bad shit happening. Our major problems are not physical. They are symptoms of ideological, philosophical, and spiritual dysfunction. Success is a state of mind, heart, and spirit. Our health and the health of our world is a reflection of our thoughts and feelings. Must we be habitually and eternally challenged to learn to value what we have by losing it?
The New York Stock Exchange and Federal Reserve are bulls. Uranus transited Taurus from 1935 to 1942. The USA went off the gold standard. People began focusing on their values and questioning materialism. President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act. Labor organized, forming unions that went on strike and engaged in sit-downs across the nation. President Roosevelt defended the Four Essential Freedoms: Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom from Want, and Freedom from Fear.
People born between 1935 and 1942 have Uranus in Taurus. Many have experienced sudden and unexpected gains and reversals. After 84 years, in 2019, Uranus returns to Taurus for seven years. Polluted partisan politics progressively prevent and pervert our progress, including social and national security. Expect extreme financial fluctuations.
Mr.Seltman, I just discovered your blog today. Very interesting indeed. Seen your picture on the home page. I thought of Aristotle…something very Greek about you. Just wanted to tell you that. Have a good day.
Thanks June. You’re my first Aristotle. I get Poseidon and Zeus sometimes. I guess the Greek look is strong.