“If a man hasn’t discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live.”
Martin Luther King Jr.
The most famous Capricorn of all time was Jesus Christ. Jesus was a Jewish self-help guru and not for profit Prophet who may have eventually reformed the business of religion had he stuck around. Who needs codes, dogmas, and doctrines when they have spirituality? Jesus shared God’s essence as he spoke the words “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). Jesus was crucified for loving too much.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (1/15/1929 – 4/4/1968), another lover, was martyred for his fervent beliefs. As a Baptist Minister and passionate Social Rights Activist, Dr. King led the black civil rights movement in the United States from the mid 1950’s until his assassination in 1968. His mission was the pursuit of truth, peace, justice, and equality for all. Martin Luther King’s dream has become our holiday.
Mel Gibson, a Capricorn, irreverently and irresponsibly reveals the dark side of love. Jesus writhes in Heaven as Mel warps his essence and continues to punish us for our sinful ways. Perhaps Mel will capitalize on Dr. King’s final moments and make another movie that he can call LETHAL WEAPON 666. Even more excuses for him to perpetuate shame, guilt, fear, hate, and justify ongoing torment, torture, and terror. Mel would be less harmful to humanity as a Hummer salesman. He could sell ‘already been road-warriored’ models, like worn jeans or distressed furniture.
Dominant Saturn types have dominant middle fingers. Your middle finger should always be longest no matter what your archetype. A short middle finger is a life out of balance. Your middle finger embodies your need for and ability to embrace structure, focus, discipline, and responsibility. It shows how serious and reliable a person you are and how you cope with restrictions, obstructions, obligations, and guilt. Dominant middle-fingered people are organized, efficient, patient, dependable, and faithful individuals. A stiff bent Saturn finger along with a long middle phalanx, knotty joints, square fingertips, and short broad nails symbolizes obsessive order, method, and punctuality. Saturnians become guilty, pessimistic, fearful, easily frustrated, depressed, and vindictive when things don’t go well. Most self-critical of all archetypes, they habitually must relearn how to “lighten up and smell the roses”. Traditional music and dry humor sometimes helps.
Saturnians are the most serious and responsible of all types. The firm consistency of their hands, resilient elasticity of their skin, flat square palms, short stiff squarish fingers and fingertips, and dominant middle fingers with dominant first and middle phalanges make them a different kind of Initiator than Aries, Cancer, or Libra types. Their every thought and action must have a purpose. They make great business leaders and managers who embrace responsibility with energy and enthusiasm. As they carry out the specifics of their everyday business, they also maintain a long-range vision of their final goal. As structured, focused, disciplined, and dependable individuals, they expect you to be on time and do as you say. They have little patience for excuses. As natural skeptics, they don’t trust slick and flashy types. As workaholics, they don’t think twice about coming in early or staying late when a task needs to be finished. Despite their powerful ambitions, they patiently bide their time until the proper conditions present themselves.
Practical, prudent, and persistent, Saturnians are easily frustrated and aggravated when their strategies don’t go according to plan. Their overdeveloped sense of responsibility and obligation frequently causes them to feel guilt and shame. Many have a cynical, sarcastic, or fatalistic sense of humor rooted in a pessimism that they’d much prefer to hide. They can be extremely defensive or offensive when they become depressed. Pure Saturnian types rarely stray from provincial, traditional, or conventional ways.
In ancient Greece, Capricorn was ruled by Chronos, Saturn in Roman Myth and Western Astrology. “Father Time” is present wherever structure, discipline, and focus are required. He’s a strategic planner. At best, he’s healthy, happy, wise, prosperous, and caring. At worst, he’s frustrated, controlling, depressed, greedy, and self-destructive.
Capricorns want to be number one. Muhammad Ali was King of Boxing. Elvis Presley was King of Rock ‘n Roll. Tiger Woods was Prince of Golf. Humanitarianism and Medicine produced Albert Schweitzer and Louis Pasteur. David Bowie and Rod Stewart are Capricornian musical prodigies. Daniel Day-Lewis (Taurus with strong Saturn) was cast as Abraham Lincoln, a pure type. Clint Eastwood is a Gemini with dominant middle fingers. Paul Cezanne and Henri Matisse were French artists who were ruled by Saturn.
Scrooge is the epitome of Saturnian stinginess because he chooses greed and materialism over caring and generosity. Relationships are only important as they relate to profit. Master criminals ruled by Saturn never depend on cleverness or spontaneity like Aries, Gemini, and Sagittarian types. Saturnians carefully strategize every move and bide their time.
Ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future will haunt Bernard Ebbers for eternity. As former CEO of WorldCom, Ebbers hugely contributed to society by making telecommunications competitive. Too bad he compromised principles he once valued in order to reach his goal of power and worldly achievement. Bernie played both sides against the middle and got caught in the squeeze.
Dominant middle-fingered people tend to be tall, slender, and angular in appearance. They often have dark hair, large bones, stern features, and bland complexions. They’re loners; distant and needing private time, even when married. Their prevailing physical sense is smell. Many love string instruments and prefer classical music with a tinge of sadness. They may eventually have physical problems with teeth, knees, ligaments, rheumatism, hardening of the arteries, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and deafness in the left ear. When a middle finger leans toward the ring finger you have an individual with a strong need for privacy and personal space. I guarantee that when Donald Rumsfeld feels confined or controlled, he becomes cranky and irritable. You can see it in his face.
A majority of scientists, technical individuals, conservative businessmen, researchers, writers, craftsmen, therapists, night watchman, undertakers, morticians, and derelicts have dominant middle fingers. They have manifested their strong Saturn differently.
Janet is a pragmatist with crooked middle fingers and separated head and lifeline on her dominant hand. This combination of features makes her a very independent freedom loving perfectionist with an overly developed sense of responsibility, obligation, and guilt. There’s always a ‘should or supposed to’ in the way of that adventure she wishes she was having. Janet is a high-powered corporate consultant in the publishing industry.
Historically, during the late twentieth century, the planets Uranus and Neptune transited the sign of Capricorn. When Uranus transited Capricorn from 1989 to 1996, political institutions and structures were revolutionized. The Iron Curtain and Berlin Wall were ripped down. On October 3, 1990, Germany was reunited as the political demarcation between East and West vanished. The Soviet Union disintegrated into fifteen republics in December of 1991. The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibited discrimination against the disabled.
Uranus also brought us the Voyager space probe that successfully explored the outer limits of our solar system. Nelson Mandela was released after 27 years behind bars and successfully galvanized the Anti-Apartheid movement around the globe. Jean Bertrand Aristide, a radical priest, became Haiti’s first freely elected president. Ten months after his election, the military seized control of the government. After Asylum in the USA, Aristide returned to office in 1994, accompanied by 20,000 American troops. Operation Desert Storm liberated Kuwait from the Iraqi invaders. Bosnia declared their independence from Yugoslavia that resulted in a religious civil war pitting Serbs and Croats against Muslims. At the end of Uranus’s transit, the US and the
UN brokered a prickly cease-fire and hopefully ended ethnic cleansing. Representatives from over 100 countries met in Rio de Janeiro in June of 1992 to discuss how to better preserve the earth. Their good intentions haven’t worked. Johnny Carson retired after 30 years of hosting The Tonite Show on NBC TV.
Expect the unexpected with Uranus. PLO leader Yassar Arafat shook hands with Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in an effort to end hatred. The Irish Republican Army agreed to lay down its arms in exchange for a role in Northern Ireland’s political future. The Brady Bill concerning gun control was signed into law thirteen years after Brady was shot and paralyzed. The NRA is more powerful than ever. Smoking was banned in New York City restaurants. Women began smoking cigars.
When the planet Neptune transited the sign of Capricorn from 1984 -1998, lines between chemical industries and moral responsibilities dissolved. A gas leak at a Union Carbide plant in India killed over 3,000 people. British scientists pinpointed a hole in the earth’s ozone layer. Two years later in 1987, after seeing the hand writing on the wall, fifty-three nations signed a treaty pledging to reduce the number of CFCs in the atmosphere. This also hasn’t worked. The most serious nuclear accident in history occurred at Chernobyl. Thirty-one people died instantly and another 40,000 were diagnosed with cancer from exposure to radiation. The wreck of the Exxon Valdez was the worst oil spill in history, contaminating hundreds of miles of Alaska shoreline and killing many thousands of creatures.
Monsanto, creator of Agent Orange, PCBs, DDT, and Dioxins, launched their first “Round-up Ready” GMO soybean, which was approved by the FDA in 1994. “Frankenfood” became the focus of environmental activists and comedians on late night TV. Mad Cow disease mysteriously appeared in the UK in 1996. The slim line between science and science fiction was crossed when the first sheep was cloned in Scotland in 1997. The FDA approved a drug called AZT, designed to treat AIDS. In 1997 and 1998, El Nino was attributed to bizarre bad weather conditions.
Capricorn transformed the image of fatherhood. Bill Cosby was the most popular father figure in 1984. Saturn was in Scorpio. Bill must not have been practicing what he was preaching or Saturn would not have punished him when he returned to Scorpio in 2014. Racial bigots Archie Bunker and Homer Simpson became two of the most popular fathers of all time. ‘Married with Children’ gave us a completely different view of fatherhood. Disney produced the popular father and son story, ‘The Lion King’. Murphy Brown revealed her animus to the world. General Electric purchased media giants NBC and RCA.
In the world of big business, Ivan Boesky preached virtuosity and honesty and then got busted for insider trading. A frenzy of mergers, acquisitions, and takeovers in the ‘80s destabilized financial institutions. When the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) collapsed, regulators from 69 countries seized their assets and charged that officers had been hiding substantial losses from investors. The guys at the top got away with it. History repeats itself. Congress closed the House of Representatives Bank in the wake of scandal in 1992.
Neptune also dissolved political structures. Gorbachev reformed controls that kept the Soviet Union together. Growing concern over the federal deficit catalyzed the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act as the Reagan deficit soared to 2 trillion dollars (2X 1981). On Black Monday, the stock market suffered a mini-crash with a huge drop in stock prices. Texaco filed the largest bankruptcy in history.
Pluto entered Capricorn in 2009. Ninety-nine percent of people began to become aware of the power of the other one percent. The beginning of the end of Plutocracy, faulty financial foundations, and deceptive business practices was born and still has a very long way to go. Commerce, politics, and religion will transform as greed, corruption, and shadowy secrets are exposed on top levels of business, government, and religion.
Nostradamus was a Capricorn. We’re still interpreting his astrological predictions. Here is my generalized and fairly obvious ‘whether forecast’ for Pluto in Capricorn. The NY Stock Exchange, born May 17 1792 under the sign of Taurus will be upset as the bubble created by the illusion of social security bursts. Prepare for widely fluctuating interest rates and inflation. Broken systems will be scrutinized and reformed. Cyber-Terrorism will reach into everyone’s computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices. New and revolutionary ways of managing energy and environment will be implemented on a larger scale. Recycling and reuse will become more practical and cost effective. More women will come into positions of greater power. The Federal Reserve Bank, born in Capricorn (12/23/1913), will experience major upheaval. It was designed as a way of keeping the mega-rich from controlling all the wealth by forcing banks to keep a certain percentage of their assets in the Federal Reserve. The private money of Plutocrats currently owns the majority of votes in Congress and the Senate.
Most astrologers agree that the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4 1776. That places the U.S. Sun, Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury in the sign of Cancer. As Pluto opposes these planets and we try harder to control everyone and everything, we will have greater difficulty maintaining control of our status as an economic power and world leader. There’s dispute among astrologers as to whether the USA horoscope has Gemini or Sagittarius rising. Either way, we’ll continue to be short sighted and to behave immaturely like spoiled little children. NYC’s charter was signed on January 1 1898 at 12:01 am. As Pluto conjuncted NYC’s Sun in Capricorn in 2013, it inaugurated chaos on both physical and financial infrastructures, public transportation, and corruption. Expect more chaos, along with more hurricanes and other natural anomalies. The Constitution of the USSR (12/21/1922) has Capricorn rising. Anticipate more political and economic upheaval as Pluto transits its first house. Where does responsibility begin and accountability end? We’ll come to know and understand why the bottom line can no longer justify the means before Pluto exits Capricorn.
Here’s a blog post describing my scary hand reading session with a Saturnian client.
Always enjoy your blogs.
Thanks much. Wishing you and Rita a happy, healthy, and fulfilling 2015
Fascinating! Keep up the good work. -As it happens, my mother’s a Capricorn, soon to turn 93. I took pictures of her hands a few days ago, in hopes I might come to understand her better, if I learn to read palms….
Thanks. Make sure the photos are hi-res and parallel to the camera lens so that we can accurately view the proportions.
We’ll take a look at your mom’s palms together when you return to NYC. Our hearts are with you.