Making palmistry real and personal for the masses has been like prying a glimmer of light from a 5,500 year old rusty dungeon door with only a magnifying glass and a pair of tweezers. I hope that glimmer will illuminate and transform the paradigm of palmistry as a scam into the acceptance and support of the science and art of reading hands.
It boggles my mind to realize that a gazillion authors are publishing what they hope to be the next bestseller since the Bible. A gargantuan glut of writers is cranking out writing platforms and promoting themselves. I’m one of them. Unfortunately, readers, listeners, and viewers everywhere are developing blindness, deafness, and numbness to the relentless and ruthless bombardment of their physical senses and psyches.
Content may still be king, but consider this paradox. The internet (E-ether) is an opportunity to create value out of thin air. E-communication creates E-clutter, which ultimately becomes E-contamination. We collect and cultivate, but don’t properly dispose of E-garbage. We can close overflowing landfills, but how do secure cyber-fills and clean up toxic digital spills. How can we recycle our hazardous dot-coms?
Here are seven lessons I’ve learned on my path to framing my new plan for palmistry.
- Advertising is only a hook. It’s a waste of time and $ without an expert fisherman.
- Publicity is better than advertising. A lot of it is required to make a difference.
- Social networking requires endless time, persistence, and a lot of discipline.
- Getting reviews and endorsements is much more challenging than I anticipated. I purchased hundreds of books on demand which I mailed to family, friends, colleagues, and book reviewers. I’ve heard “Bravo”, “I love it!”, and “at a boy”, many times, but I’ve received only a handful of reviews and endorsements.
- I expected to find solidarity and support in the palmistry community, but instead have found an almost deafening silence accompanied by pettiness, jealousy, and competitiveness. You’d think other palmists would be happy that someone was finally endeavoring to personalize and popularize palmistry after 5,500 years of obscurity. I would. Fortunately, I have support from the astrological community.
- People call me a great palmist. I’m actually a great counselor. Palmistry is my favorite tool for recognizing and understanding character. I also use astrology, numerology, tarot, and archetypal psychology to delve into a client’s issues.
- It’s easier to buy than sell. I always accomplish the most on my dime.
My previous plan for palmistry had been to continue to write my blog ‘Real Palmistry Stories’ and prepare for my next book. I still plan to do that, but instead of randomly writing compelling hand reading stories, I intend to include all of my metaphysical knowledge and tools in my bag of tricks. I’ve recognized that my life has been one big symbolic story. I want to share that story as seen through the lenses of metaphysical cosmology and archetypal psychology. My heroes will be my family, friends, clients, and celebrities who I admire. My anti-heroes are people who flaunt ego and greed. I believe if anyone has much more than they need, they also have a spiritual responsibility to give as much as possible back to humanity.
I’ll tie the symbolism of the time of year into my musings. This is the month of Gemini. Since I’m a Gemini, I plan to begin writing my memoir this month. I’ll share how my symbolism works in my life and in the collective. Since it’s my dime, I plan to break plenty of rules on my way, including laws of syntax, grammar, and punctuation. I may parody, rhyme, and rant. I might even awfully alliterate. Take what works and leave what doesn’t.
I still have fifty review copies of my Hand Book left. I’m going to give them away on a first come, first serve basis. If you’d like to receive one, click on my contact info and leave your name and mailing address. I’ll get one out to you.
Thanks for your interest and support.
Dear Mark, Thank you for commenting on Jennifer Hirsch’s Facebook page posts and for the article you wrote above (Seven Lessons). I would love to connect with you. I too have found it challenging to connect with some palmists but I keep trying. I’m determined to hold a space so that all rise with the tide. If you’re interested in meeting virtually over the phone or Skype, please let me know. I would love to receive a copy of your book but I’d like to purchase it. I too am writing a book called Your Life Is In Your Hands. It should be in print by end of August. Again, THANK YOU for the palmistry “love” you bring forth. Kindest regards, Kay Packard (
Thanks Kay. The more of us legitemizing palmistry the better. I look forward to reading your book, too.
Hi Mark,
I would love to read your book and hear your take on hands.
I believe you have read close on 50 000 hands. Is that correct?
I don’t really count my clients. Many weeks, mostly from September through December, I read 300-400 sets of hands for 5 minutes each at special events. If you multiply that by 25 – 30 years or so of doing that, it adds up. I’ve probably read more than 50,000 people.
Hi mark I was riveted to your website, and you sound such an interesting man
do you have any books left ? I would love to read it
thankyou ann
Thanks Ann. I gave the batch I initially purchased away, but you can still get the e-book Real Palmistry
or Hand Book on Amazon.