Palmistry and Change: Guest Post by Marion Gale

Marion Gale- at workHave you read my Palmistry and Children blog entry?  An amazing example of how a child’s hands changed because of nurture was provided by Marion Gale, friend, fellow palmist, and author of Read His Hands, Know His Heart. I asked Marion to send me a story about an older client whose hands changed and she sent me the following anecdote.


The Hands of Grace
In 1978 when Grace came to me she had been married for over 25 years. The marriage was stressful and unhappy. I could see from the number of lines in her palm that her nervous system was in over-drive. She was so tense that she could not lay her ring finger flat on the table. She was a highly sensitive woman who had married young and in haste. The children had kept her from leaving her husband but now they were all grown up.
Eight years later in 1986, having divorced and started a new career, Grace seemed like a different person. When she showed me her hands it was apparent that about 1/3 of the nervous lines had disappeared. She was so relaxed that even the ring finger easily lay flat. Grace told me that she now looked forward to the best years of her life and her hands reflected the changes she had experienced since we first met.


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About markseltman

Over the past thirty-five years, I've read tens of thousands of hands of people of every age, gender, race, color, size, shape, career, and socio-economic diversity. I've examined the hands of celebrities, billionaires, corporate executives, and the people who work for them. I've been in charge of the psychics at special events like the massive Bloomberg Company picnic on Randall’s Island and have worked at the Mayor’s country home and at Gracie Mansion. I've been a hand reader at PR events and family gatherings for the King of PR, Howard Rubenstein. I was the hand reader at Harvey Weinstein’s spectacular wedding. I've also read the hands of Martha Stewart, Katie Couric, Star Jones, Kevin Kline, Kyra Sedgwick, Barbara Corcoran, Dave Brubeck, and Maurice Sendak, along with numerous other celebrities and their families. I've also examined hundreds of criminally insane people’s hands at a forensic psychiatric hospital in New York City over a two-year period. I've appeared on ABC The View, CBS Martha Stewart Living, CBS Evening News, FOX Good Day NY, Lifetime TV, Queens, NPR and WNYC. I've been featured in the NY Times, NY Newsday, The Daily News, The Village Voice, New York Magazine, INSTYLE Magazine, Family Circle, Modern Bride, Manhattan User’s Guide, and other periodicals. Because of my credentials in design and technology as well as my extensive experience with public appearances on television, radio, and in the print media, I'm uniquely qualified to promote palmistry. I offer five-minute reflections at special events, counsel countless couples, raise funds for diverse causes such as AIDS, Cancer, Cystic Fibrosis, Schizophrenia, Arts Education, and the Environment. I taught Metaphysics 101 at the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art in NYC for five years and have also spoken, offered workshops, and taught classes at the New York Open Center, Learning Annex, Source of Life Center, Hunter College, Pace University, Fashion Institute of Technology, Marymount Manhattan College, Theosophical Society, East West Bookstore, Lower East Side Tenement Museum, and The National Design Museum in NYC. I also have a private practice with over 1,000 clients.

9 thoughts on “Palmistry and Change: Guest Post by Marion Gale

  1. Pingback: Ghrelin and Grace | Heterodoxical

    • Yes, hands are certainly interesting. When issues are addressed (the younger the person the better), they can be dealt with so that an acute situation or state of being doesn’t become chronic.

  2. This is certainly true. There are always underlying issues that a child will not or cannot discuss with his parents, especially if the child has Whorl fingerprints. Yet his hands are a guide to both his innate character and his current psychological state. Looking at the hands of siblings, a good hand reader can assess the main character traits of each. Explaining these to the parents can help them to deal with future conflicts between the children. For example, the shy child may be bullied or cowed by a self-confident brother. Hands are a never-ending guide to who we are and how we handle what life throws at us. Fascinating!

  3. What an interesting article, thanks for posting the link, it seems like Grace finally had a great life. The pictures of the children’s hands in the blog post, are amazing, you can tell the difference of the orphan. You can see the fear, poor thing. Have you read any good books on children’s palmistry?

  4. The younger the person the easier it is to change things that can become chronic later in life but everybody does not get in touch with mark seltman in his early childhood so does this mean that an adult when conscious of his shortcomings can’t change himself!!!

    • We were gifted as human beings with free will. Consciousness provides an opportunity to change at any time in a person’s life. It’s harder for some people to change than others. If a person’s hands and fingers are very stiff, it will take a major concerted effort to let go of outdated ideas, circumstances, habits, and behavior patterns. I believe anyone can change if they need and want to badly enough. Those changes will eventually be reflected in the person’s hands.

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