The following list is a modified version of a keyword list that was given to me by my palmistry teacher who tailored and shared the list passed on by her teacher. The purpose of keywords is to help students grasp basic palmistry. Keywords are simplistic, intended to be an introduction to the subject, not concrete definitions of human nature. They’re meant to evoke images, ideas, and feelings that provide insight into our selves and others. As I’ve pointed out many times, every detail should be examined and interpreted in the context of the whole person and all other details at the same time. I’ve provided links (in blue) to illustrations and more information.
DOMINANT HAND: writing hand, conscious mind, what you do with what you’ve got
PASSIVE HAND: subconscious mind, basic character, innate behavioral patterns, natural talents, abilities, and propensities
HAND SHAPES: relationship between fingers and palms
Long palm short fingers: Intuitive, large picture person, inspired, passionate, restless
Square palm short fingers: Practical, practical, responsible, reliable, dependable
Square palm long fingers: Thinking, social, communicative, versatile, needs space
Long palm long fingers: Feeling, most sensitive, vulnerable, protective, psychic
FINGER LENGTH: in relationship to palm / whole hand
Long: love of detail, suspicious, skeptical, sensitive, slow, thoughtful, careful, investigative
Short: intuitive, impatient, restless, easily bored, quick, hasty, needs to see the whole picture
FINGERS: positive traits based on physical attributes
Index finger: ambitious, proud, career minded, goal oriented, natural leader, partner well
Middle finger: dependable, organized, efficient, patient, faithful, technical, strategic
Ring finger: versatile, adaptable, creative, expressive, likeable, dramatic
Pinkie finger: communicative, curious, quick-witted, clever, childlike
FINGERS: negative traits based on physical attributes
Index finger: low self-esteem, critical, judgmental, controlling, indulgent with food
Middle finger: self-critical, frustrated, overly responsible, guilty, depressed
Ring finger: spread too thin, distracted, appearance oriented, gambler
Pinkie finger: restless, nervous, superficial, deceitful, con artist
SPACE BETWEEN FINGERS: relates to particular fingers affected
Wide space: need for freedom, sense of adventure, willingness to try new things
Moderate space: satisfaction with the status quo, not subject to extremes
Narrow space: cautious, private, takes direction well, doesn’t rock the boat
FINGER TIPS: 5 primary shapes, can be any combination of fingers
Spatulate: originality, inventive ability, unconventionality, needs activity, realism
Square: precise, orderly, practical, useful, punctual, systematic
Round: combines and balances spatulate and square qualities without extremes
Conic: idealistic, romantic, emotional, love of beauty & harmony
Pointed: dreamer, idealist, poetic, inspired, spontaneous, impractical, psychic
NAILS: takes six months to grow, timing = center of nail is 3 months, tip is 6 months
Long & broad: frank, honest, open, direct, balanced, healthy
Broad: physical strength, stamina, steadiness
Long & narrow: nervous, intuitive, lack of robustness, possible psychic ability
Small or short: curious, inquiring nature
Very short: (may be bitten) critical nature, nit picky, argumentative
Cross ridges: trauma. Illness, health problems
Vertical ridges: nervous condition, easily stressed, increases naturally with age
Bulbous / whitish: bronchial / respiratory / circulatory problems, throat, lungs, and heart
KNOTS: located at joints of fingers, size of knot indicates degree of qualities
No knots: intuitive, impulsive, spontaneous, aesthetic, inclined to be social
Top knot: mental order, analytical, systematic, methodical, deliberate, thoughtful, careful
Bottom knot: material order, neat, organized, ordered, everything in its place, OCD
THUMB: how it’s formed, size, and how it’s set on the hands
Tip: will power, determination, ability to command
Second phalanx: logic, perception, judgment, reasoning ability
Large: (higher than middle of 3rd phalange of index finger) strong character, natural leader, guided by head, desires practical results
Small: (lower than middle of 3rd phalange of index finger) weak character, follower, guided by heart, sentimental, impressionable.
High set: cautious, private, less adaptable mind
Medium set: balanced, reasonable, sensible
Low set: (check position & how thumb is held) generous, independent, loves independence for others, impulsive, open adaptable mind, quick to grasp concepts
Elementary: dense, heavy, coarse, tactless, no mental agility
Broad: determined, strong, physical energy & stamina, may be aggressive & blunt
Column: shapely thumb, strong will, tact, refinement
Paddle: broad tip with waisted 2nd phalanx, mental determination with tact & diplomacy
Nervous: flattened tip, lack of balanced energy, nervous mind & energy
Clubbed: (tip short & broad with short broad nail) often hereditary, obstinate, possible explosive reactions in difficult situations, crimes of passion, ‘murderer’s thumb’
Waisted: logic phalanx narrowing at center, refined logic, tact, mental agility, able to gently persuade, diplomacy
Stiff: practical, economical, stingy, willful, stubborn, cautious, reserved, traditional
Supple: (flexible – bends backward) extravagant, adaptable, emotional extremes, sentimental, generous, sympathetic, often have trouble saying ‘no’
THREE WORLDS: hand as whole and individual phalanges of fingers
First world: mental & intellectual qualities, higher learning, ideas, thought, spiritual
Second world: practical, business, commercial, day-to-day routine & energy
Third world: baser, instinctual, animal nature, luxury, laziness, sensuality, material values, “what’s in it for me”
BASIC LINES: beginnings, endings, meanings
Life line: begins at thumb wraps around ball of thumb – about quality, not quantity of life
Heart line: begins under pinkie, traverses towards index finger, expression of feelings
Head line: begins near thumb, crosses toward percussion, how a person thinks
Fate line: begins near base of palm, rises toward fingers, quality and direction of career
QUALITIES OF LINES: life cycles and timing can be roughly judged on lines
Islands: obstacles, being divided for that period, indecision,
Chains: one obstacle after the other, chronic struggle about choices or directions
Dots: acute problems, possible headaches, heartaches, or physical obstructions
Bars: obstacle that can prevent the person from moving forward for a time
Breaks: usually an ending that implies new beginnings will follow
Crosses: challenges that need to be met, character building experiences
Forks: usually at end of line, taking two directions, conflict with decision-making
Grilles: frequently under middle finger, perfectionism, own worst critic, depression
Tassels: usually at end of line, energy dispersed or distracted near end of life.
TEXTURE: back of hand – think of extremes (baby’s butt vs ditch digger)
Fine: very refined, sensitive, cultivated (smooth with small pores)
Medium: normal, healthy, good resistance to life’s knocks
Coarse: unrefined, earthy, may be vulgar (rough skin with large pores)
CONSISTENCY: shake hands, press under fingers, heel of hand, ball of thumb
Flabby: lazy, dreamer, procrastinator, desires ease and luxury, needs physical exercise
Soft: tends toward laziness, needs encouragement to develop energy
Elastic: considered healthiest, active, responsible, trustworthy, a doer
Hard: tends to be rigid, inadaptable, dense, best for physical labor
FLEXIBILITY: bend wrist and fingers back at joints
Very flexible: open minded, adaptable, versatile, distracted, extravagant, impressionable, tend to spread themselves too thin, possible mood swings
Straight: balanced, self-contained, in control, able to concentrate
Stiff: fingers don’t bend, may curve inwards, cautious, narrow, stingy
COLOR: examine nails, palms, and lines
White: cold, distant, selfish
Pink: healthy, normal blood flow (especially ball of thumb and under index finger), warm, generous, sympathetic, appreciative
Red: intense, ardent, lots of vitality, physical strength, angry, violent, high blood pressure
Yellow: pessimistic, cranky, irritable, may drink too much carrot juice (changes meaning)
Blue: poor circulation, weak heart, may be seen at base of ball of thumb during a woman’s menses, potentially serious health problem if seen at base of fingernails
Hello Mark, thank you for the information you share. I am wondering if I may send you pictures of my hands, as they are very unusual. The middle fingers are arthritic and painful, thinner at middle, and totally bending towards the index finger. My dominant hand has a combined head and heart line straight across the hand. Also my hands are filled with lines and grills crisscrossing everywhere. Of note, I did not have the top bending of the middle fingers until chemotherapy in FY 2000 for treatment of nonhodgkins lymphoma. Also I worked as a fee analyst for 17 years which required continual writing. However I did not write with the right hand and the two fingers are identically bent except that the left hand middle part is curved in which I attribute to holding a pencil all those years. Thank you for reading, I would love to hear from you if you would care to comment and to view a copy of my hands. Thank you!
Hi Sandra, Send Hi-res photos of both full hands perpendicular to the camera lens to my email address markseltman1@ I will comment privately. It’s interesting that you were an analyst because knotty and crooked fingers are often attributed to someone who is highly analytical. The simian line and middle finger bending toward your index finger could indicate being highly focused, determined, and ambitious. we’ll see…