
Once you’ve established a basic character type, it’s important to examine the fingers in detail to discover what kind of talents and careers a person is best suited for and how they manifest their potentials in the world around them. As previously discussed, the length of fingers is very important. The shape of the fingertip increases or decreases the strength of the finger it’s on. Two joints divide three phalanxes on each finger. The first phalanx or tip of the finger symbolizes how we think and adapt our thinking to changing circumstances. The middle phalanx represents our practical qualities and ability to take care of mundane tasks and responsibilities. The third or bottom phalanx describes our material and physical needs. Finger joints may be knotty (bulging) or smooth.  Knots need order; no knots do not.  Specifics will unfold as we examine each finger and character type.

Thick-fingered folk (especially the bottom / third phalange) have more desire for food and sensual pleasures. Thin-fingered people have more interest in nutrition and diet. I’ve seen very plump people with narrow third phalanges. Given an equal amount of will power, they have a much easier time losing weight than their thick-fingered cousins because the physical temptation for rich foods is much less strong. Jack Sprat will help you remember.

Jack and Mrs. SpratJack Sprat could eat no fat                                       Jack’s wife could eat no lean

His fingers were so lean                                           Her fingers were obese

Evenwhenheldcloselytogether                                  Even when  s  p  r   e  a  d  apart

floods of light  passed in between                             lightcouldnotpassthroughacrease

About sweets a care                                                 She could not resist any treat

Jack could not give                                                    for Jack’s wife lived to eat

for Jack Sprat ate to live

If the consistency of your hands is hard and your fingers are stiff, you’ll battle change with every last molecule in your body. “Letting go” will be a major life theme for you. Making `good sense’ is essential. If the consistency of your hands is soft and your fingers are very flexible, you’ll conjure every rationalization in the book to procrastinate and not focus your energies. Needing “discipline and structure” will be a major life theme for you. Remain patient and create a framework that works for you.

NOTE:  My next four blog entries will be about each of the four fingers. Details and importance of thumbs was discussed in a series of four previous blog entries.

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About markseltman

Over the past thirty-five years, I've read tens of thousands of hands of people of every age, gender, race, color, size, shape, career, and socio-economic diversity. I've examined the hands of celebrities, billionaires, corporate executives, and the people who work for them. I've been in charge of the psychics at special events like the massive Bloomberg Company picnic on Randall’s Island and have worked at the Mayor’s country home and at Gracie Mansion. I've been a hand reader at PR events and family gatherings for the King of PR, Howard Rubenstein. I was the hand reader at Harvey Weinstein’s spectacular wedding. I've also read the hands of Martha Stewart, Katie Couric, Star Jones, Kevin Kline, Kyra Sedgwick, Barbara Corcoran, Dave Brubeck, and Maurice Sendak, along with numerous other celebrities and their families. I've also examined hundreds of criminally insane people’s hands at a forensic psychiatric hospital in New York City over a two-year period. I've appeared on ABC The View, CBS Martha Stewart Living, CBS Evening News, FOX Good Day NY, Lifetime TV, Queens, NPR and WNYC. I've been featured in the NY Times, NY Newsday, The Daily News, The Village Voice, New York Magazine, INSTYLE Magazine, Family Circle, Modern Bride, Manhattan User’s Guide, and other periodicals. Because of my credentials in design and technology as well as my extensive experience with public appearances on television, radio, and in the print media, I'm uniquely qualified to promote palmistry. I offer five-minute reflections at special events, counsel countless couples, raise funds for diverse causes such as AIDS, Cancer, Cystic Fibrosis, Schizophrenia, Arts Education, and the Environment. I taught Metaphysics 101 at the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art in NYC for five years and have also spoken, offered workshops, and taught classes at the New York Open Center, Learning Annex, Source of Life Center, Hunter College, Pace University, Fashion Institute of Technology, Marymount Manhattan College, Theosophical Society, East West Bookstore, Lower East Side Tenement Museum, and The National Design Museum in NYC. I also have a private practice with over 1,000 clients.